Household Sluts Ch. 02


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And, Mom was right; the dildo did assume close to body temperature the more I sucked on it, but, even though they could be jostled around in their New-Skin sac, the realistic balls my bottom lip eventually rested against were a little too hard to be the real things.

I proceeded to give my mother a white-hoe blowjob. I suppose closing my eyes and imagining that I was once again sucking off Daddy helped inspire me to give it my best effort. I had read about kinkiness and now I was experiencing real kinkiness for myself; sucking on a strapon that jutted out from my own mother's pelvis. And, I was really getting into it when my mother pushed me away and barked, "Turn around, you black cock sucking little whore, and spread 'em wide."

In my mother's higher-pitched, feminine voice, it didn't quite come out as a command I needed to obey—not like Daddy's booming command, but I spun around and spread my knees wide apart just the same. "Give it to me," I pleaded. "Give me that big black cock of yours… all of it."

Mom was quickly behind me and, with no preamble at all, her big black dildo was storming up inside me. "Yeeeeessssssssss! Just like that!" "Pound it into me." I rammed my ass back at Mom. "Harder! I want my little white cunt savaged by that great, big black cock… until… until I can't take it anymore."

Mom took me at my word and let me have it; fucking me with her dildo harder and with far more skill than any guy had ever thrown it to me, at least as hard as I knew Daddy would eventually lay the hard black wood to his begging, pleading, whimpering stepdaughter.

Suddenly, my cunt muscles clamped down around the dildo and my eyes went wide in disbelief. "Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Ohhhhh, shiiiit!" I actually felt the watery cunt cream shoot out of me around the dildo. "Impossible!" I blubbered. The sheet was balled up in both of my fists and I buried my face in the mattress as a second, even more powerful gushing of scalding hot cunt cream spewed out from between the dildo and my highly sensitive pussy flesh. "Fucking… Im…poss…ible!"

I couldn't help it; I pitched forward, out of breath, my spasming cunt completely out of control. For all intents and purposes, I was pretty much out of it entirely… all over.

* * *

When I finally came to, the room was dark and I didn't have to feel around to know that I was alone atop the bed. Someone—Mom, maybe Daddy—had covered me with a sheet and thoughtfully placed a pillow beneath my head. But, the scent of their presence was still in the bed… still permeated the air around me; the scent of their coupling now mingled with my own spending.

What the hell had happened? I had never passed out from being fucked. Of course, I had never before been fucked the way Mom had fucked me. If Mom and her strapon were merely pretenders to the blackcock throne, Daddy, with his very real black cock, just might kill me. I rolled over and smiled. I was willing to chance it.

I got up and turned on one of the bedside lamps. The bed was in total disarray, but the rest of the room was picked up and orderly. My clothes lay neatly folded on a chair beside the dresser. I shook my head; in my absence, she had become a black cock addicted white hoe, but Mom was still my Mom.

With nothing else to put on—my bags were still out in the living room where I had dropped them—I stepped into my skirt and buttoned up my blouse… all except for the top button, which was now missing. Apparently, in my heated rush to get naked with Mom and Victor, it had popped off. Not bothering with my sandals, I set off barefooted in search of my reconstituted family.

I found them in the kitchen, Mom in a damned near transparent, smokey-black nightgown—that I had never seen her in before—and Victor in nothing but a pair of pinstriped boxer shorts, eating a breakfasty sort of dinner. It took me a moment or two, but I finally figured out what looked so different about my stepfather—besides sitting damn near naked at the dinner table. The Elvis hairdo was gone, replaced by short-cropped mat of black nap. I was so glad it turned out to be a wig; because the whole picture he had presented earlier was just too damned comical to be taken seriously.

Mom noticed me standing in the kitchen doorway. "So nice of you to finally rejoin us, Jenny," she chuckled and got up to fix me a plate.

Victor looked up from his plate of bacon and eggs and winked. "You really ought to leave that top button undone all the time, Jenny," he commented. "The way that open-throat look shows off the tops of your unfettered breasts is very becoming, especially on someone as pretty as you."

I felt myself blush. "You mean it's sexy."

Victor winked again. "That, too."

"It's somewhere in the bedroom," I said, fingering the broken thread that had once held the button in place. "In my hurry to get uh… undressed, it…"

"In your hurry to get naked and get in on the black sexing would be a more accurate way of putting it," Mom laughed as she turned from the stove. "Don't worry, we'll find it in the morning and I'll get it sewn back on for you." She slid a heaping plate in front of me. "Now, eat up; the night's still young and there's a lot more we'd like to teach you about being black sexed." Her brow furrowed. "Providing you still want to find out, that is?"

"Oh, I still want to, Mom… all I can learn, all the two of you can teach me." And in the worst way ever. I scooped up a forkful of scrambled eggs, then set the fork back in my plate. "And you can forget all about that silly missing button." Impulsively, I ripped open the blouse, the five remaining buttons flying off in five different directions. I took the now useless blouse off and tossed it in the direction of the waste can. "In the morning I'm going to go buy a really sexy one… see-thru, just like your naughty nightie. That way Daddy will be able to see my hard pink nipples every time he looks my way."

Victor rocked back in his chair and laughed. "I told you we had a winner for a daughter, Emmy."

"I always knew that, Baby," Mom replied in all seriousness. "But I never imagined she would want to follow in the footsteps of an addicted blackcock-hoe mother."

"Oh, I'd say I've already done a bit more than just follow in your footsteps, Mom." I licked my lips—a brazen show that I could still taste her pussy in my mouth. "But, you lead and I'll follow along like a good little girl." I smiled wantonly, at both of them. "Until I get a real good hang of how things are supposed to be done, that is."

I shoveled the forkful of eggs into my mouth and winked. "Well, quit your damned dawdlin', you two; there's a long night ahead… for all three of us."

It was really a very pleasant meal. I liked the idea of having breakfast for dinner. It was a novel change from my mother's customary way of doing things in the correct order. I wondered what we would have when the sun came up; Mom's award-winning meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy?

And eating at the table topless. This was unheard of, or always had been before. One simply did not sit down to the table even partially au-natural' around Mom's house. Maybe not ten months ago, but it was obviously A-okay now. If Mom was going to be this free thinking about a little nudity, I might even consider taking my meals bare-ass naked. Victor… Daddy would probably like that… a lot.

What I especially enjoyed was the conversation that flowed back and forth and around the table. And flowed a helluva lot easier than I, or anyone else, would have expected… given the circumstances. The educated tongue I thought I had detected in Victor's mouth proved to be dead on the mark. Views and opinions on several topics got tossed around, the vast majority dealing with current and world events, and more than just a high school education was evident in the opinions he set forth and in the way he put them; at least some, if not four full of years of college. And not at some rinky-dink junior college; at a real institution of higher learning.

And Mom's conversation was not what I remembered, either. There was still the same distinguishable Midwestern twang in her voice and the 'g' still got lopped off some ing-ending words, but some serious studying had taken place since I had been gone. She would have to done more than just a little study to keep up with her new husband's well educated mouth.

Victor had been, and was, a good influence on Mom.. in more ways than the obvious; the perfect replacement for despicable, deadbeat dad. While Mom cleared the dishes away, I quietly thanked Victor.

"For what, Jenny?" he asked. "For what happened in the bedroom?"

"No, for what you've done for Mom. She's a whole new person now." Mom was still Mom, but inside of that motherly exterior a totally different woman was blossoming. She had broken out of her dreary cocoon and was now a blooming butterfly, radiant in vibrant color… and full of life.

Victor shook his head. "I didn't do anything for your mother that wasn't already there, locked up inside, just waiting for someone to come along and set her free."

"Not just someone, Victor; the right someone."

"Why don't you two go find something on the TV while I'm doing the dishes," Mom offered. When I, and to my astonishment, Victor protested, she shooed us both out, admonishing, "I won't have either of you helping out, not on Jenny first day back home."

"You help with the dishes?" I asked as Victor and I went into the living room.

"Fair is fair," he answered on his way to the big screen TV—which hadn't been there ten months ago. "Emmy cooks, I wash, dry and put away. If I cook, then she cleans up."

"You also cook?"

"Not anywhere near as good as your mother's fine cooking, but it's edible." He scowled at the TV. "You really want to watch something, Jenny?"

"No, I would rather just sit and talk." I sat down on a hassock in front of a big easy chair, which also hadn't been in the room when I went off to college. "If you don't mind?"

"Beats the hell out what's normally on at this hour." He plunked down in a big comfy Lazy-Boy. His chair, undoubtedly, and also another new piece of furniture in the house. The home I had returned to was simply overflowing with unexpected surprises. "I am your stepfather now, Jenny, so we really should get to know each other better. All I know about you is what your mother's told me and, from what little I've discovered about you so far…

"Beats the ever-lovin' hell out of what I knew about you… up until a couple of hours ago."

"Got me there, Jenny." Victor grinned his big, friendly grin. "Ask me anything you like, you'll ether get a straight up answer, or, if I consider it too personal, no answer at all. Fair enough?"

"Fair's fair," I replied with an easy smile. He would get the exact same responses from me; a straight answer, or none at all. I thought about all the things I could ask of my new stepfather, all the things that probably should be asked, but there was one question that really intrigued me. "Okay, how did you get into the porn business? I mean, you're an intelligent man, you're well educated, why go into something so sleazy?"

Victor's eyebrows arched. "That's one hell of a lot of question there, young lady; and an impertinent one at that. But, luckily, it's not one I consider too personal." He sat up and propped his elbows on his knees. "It's not something anyone actually sets out to do, you just sort of…fall into it." He pursed his thick, dark lips. "Maybe that should be phrased, 'You get sucked into it'."

Victor went on to explain how he had gotten out of college with a BA in Business Administration, but had been unable to settle into a job he felt comfortable in, so… "I had done some nude modeling in college… tasteful Art Class stuff, not nudie pics for some sleazy rag mag. Anyway, I was a good looking black guy, well packaged, with a big ol' cock that seemed to always be hard around good looking women, and I could keep myself from busting a nut, if I wanted to bad enough, so I decided, 'Why the hell not?' At least until something came along that I truly wanted to spend the rest of life doing."

Victor sat back and popped the footrest up. "And the rest, as they say, is history. Seven, no, almost eight years in front of the camera's all-seeing eye, under the sweltering lights, sticking my 'never-fail' black cock into bimbo after mindless bimbo, while pretending I enjoy every minute of it."

"And you're going to sit there and tell me you don't enjoy the hell out of what you do… and you really expect me to believe it?"

Victor cocked his head and snapped me one of his conspiratorial winks. "Some times I do. I'd be lyin' if I said I didn't. Other times? Other times it's just a physically demanding job and the second the director calls 'Cut" I can't get out of the studio fast enough." He laid his chair back and looked into the kitchen. "And get back home to my sweet Emmy."

It had been a good story. Most likely not all of it, but told straight foreword, with revealing dashes of self-deprecating humor. "All right, one more from me, and then you can ask me something."


"How did you meet, and get involved with Mom?"

Victor smiled. "Actually, it was Emmy who tracked me down. But, that's a story I think you should try wheedling out of her."

And that, as they say, was that. I knew I would nothing else about it from my stepfather. "Your turn."

"Humm… let's see now…" Victor thoughtfully stroked his chin—more stage acting then actually considering something, I figured. "All right, how are you doing in school?"

Lame. Real lame. But, it was as good a place to start from as any. "So-so," I answered. "I thought I might have a real gift for words, but now I'm not so sure. I can think something up, but it never seems to come out quite the way I want it to. I mean, it doesn't sound convincing in my own ears, so how can it possibly make any sense to someone else?"

To his credit, Victor didn't laugh, or even smile. "Writing isn't something that can be learned in just a year, Jenny. Or in two years, or three, or even four. Putting thoughts into cohesive, conjunctive sentences, paragraphs and pages requires time, and experiences along the way. And then it takes a an unquenchable desire to open up and share your inner self with others." He sat up and cupped my chin. "It'll come, Jenny girl. You're a smart young woman; but you tend to reach beyond your present limits. Let patience and perseverance take you wherever it is you want to go in life."

I wasn't exactly flabbergasted, but I was in that "Wow" state of mind. I was already hooked…solidly…on this handsome, big-cocked black man; at least sexually. I'd be lyin' if I claimed otherwise. Now I was coming to understand my stepfather a little better. And also to like him… a lot. Not as much as my mother did, but enough that I felt entirely comfortable sitting there in front of him with my tits on open display.

Mom came into the room and stood alongside Daddy's chair. "So, what are you two jaw-jackin' about?"

"Just getting to know each other better, Mom."

Victor slid his arm around Mom's waist and pulled her down into his lap. "Why, you got somethin' more interestin' in mind, woman?"

Talking time was clearly over. Now it was playtime. I fell back in the easy chair and flipped my skirt up over my tits. "This interestin' enough?"

"Jenny," Mom gasped, "you're not wearing any panties."

"Neither are you, Mom. I can see your bush like that filmy cloth isn't even there." I wantonly spread my legs wide apart, giving both of them a wide open look at my uncovered pussy. "Now, one, or the both of you wanna do somethin' about your daughter's deplorable pantiless situation? Anything? Anything at all?"

"Emmy," Daddy said, "we clearly got us one insatiably horny daughter."

"And, an impetuous one." The light of raw lust in her eyes, Mom squirmed off Victor's lap and grabbed my hand. "Come on, recharged black stud, let's drag this slutty white-hoe daughter back in the bedroom and teach her a thing or two about running around the house without any panties on."

Victor got up, grabbed my other hand, and back to the bedroom they dragged me. Well, it wasn't really dragging; it was more like an all-out race to see who clamored onto the bed first.

The slutty white-hoe daughter won. Boy, did I ever win. I won BIG TIME!

A lot happen between the three of us that first night in the same big bed… and I do mean a LOT! Most of it was shrouded in a sexual haze of entwined white, black, and white bodies; hard, aching nipples, an even harder black cock; powerfully delivered loads of hot, slimy jizz; gooey, cum-seeping pussies and sweet-cream-gushing cunts.

But, there is one thing that stands out clearly in my mind to this day. I hadn't been even vaguely aware of it happening that very first time I had had gone down on my mother and stepfather, simultaneously—I had been a little too busy satisfying my escalating curiosities to be aware of anything except for cunt and cock right then; it was only later that night, lying sandwiched between Mom and Daddy, that the delirious thought came to me: Had I, unknowingly, unwittingly, and unintentionally, found my place in life, the one particular nitch I seemed to fit into like a round peg in a round hole; that of being a slutty, bisexual white-hoe for my mother, and even more for my mother's black husband?

Possibly for a big, strong, black cocksman of my very own one day?

To be continued…

Well now, this chapter once again started off on a fairly high note and wound down on a more introspective one… with just a splash of far more to "cum" tacked on at the end. Wicked bitch, ain't I?

Seeing as how you've stuck with me so far, I hope you'll hang on and ride this double taboo, interracial whirlwind to its inevitable conclusion, which, I promise, will eventually come full circle… right back to where I left poor Denny, and you, so to speak, "Hanging out to dry" at the beginning of Chapter 1.

Love, Luck, and continued Lust;


Oh, one more thing:

I receive a lot of feedback, some of it positive, some negative, some derogatory, and some down right hateful. I received one the day Chapter 1 of this story was posted from that will-o-the-wisp—the hit and run for cover critic, Anonymous, that tickled the shit out of me and I simply must share it with all of you.

Anonymous Comments: die kranke fantasie eines dreckigen, dummen, faulen Niggers Schwachsinn

For those of you who don't read German, the liberal translation is: the ill fantasy of a dirty, stupid, putrid Niggers Imbecility

Apparently, this dreckigen, dummen, faulen Neo-Nazi didn't approve of the previous chapter all that much. And, since there is no way of responding to someone who doesn't have the guts to crawl out of the woodwork and use his own name via email, I'll just do it here, for all of you to read.

{Sie genehmigen nicht interracial erotica, lesen es nicht!} {U keurt niet interracial erotica goed, leest het niet!} {Vous n'approuvez pas l'erotica interracial, ne le lisez pas!} {¡Usted no aprueba de erotica interracial, no lo lee!} {Non approvate il erotica interracial, non lo leggete!} {Δεν εγκρίνετε του διαφυλετικού erotica, δεν το διαβάζετε!}

German/ Dutch/ French/ Spanish/ Italian/ and Greek translations: You don't approve of interracial erotica, don't read it! JL

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I wish I could talk my black husband into this

I know my daughter wants to but I think my husband would think it was sick. I have caught my daughter watching us and caught her touching herself with his underwear in the bed with her.

I hope you continue the story I really enjoyed fingering my clit as read it. IF others don't like your story then don't read it but I want more

bgblacknylonslvrbgblacknylonslvrover 10 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree with that assessment and please finish chapter 3 SOOON

roscoehdroscoehdover 15 years ago

You write very well (in several voices!) and you've created a terrifically interesting cast of characters who, to me, got a bit less interesting by the end of Chapter II--I think perhaps because I was told too much rather than learning it through their actions and interactions (this is beginning to sound too much like a fiction workshop critique, but it's what I think). I'd like to see a chapter three but it appears (as of 1/13/09) that you are no longer posting. Too bad because I think I could give a better assessment, and I hope a higher rating, if I could see it all. I will try a private feedback message to find out if a chapter three is still forthcoming. Meanwhile I will download all the rest of your oeuvre (did I spell that right?); I want to read everything you've written. This was my "first time."

ChicanoPapiChuloChicanoPapiChuloalmost 17 years ago
Very well done...

I liked the story very much, I instantly got turned on as soon as I read on about it being two white women - mother and daughter at that- and one black guy( white women can be so freaky and impeccably slutty but I have alot of respect for them).Anyways, you should write or type whatever is on your mind and however far your imagination will take you and you did just that.I also like the fact that Victor was well educated and not just a sex slave/fiend like most other stories make the black guy out to be.Much love to you mami and I can't wait for part 3.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Can't wait

Can't waiT for chapter 3, I don't care what they say!

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