Housewives of Valley County Ch. 03


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"Oh." Gerald glanced down at his small erection. He had felt himself stiffen just before he called up his wife, just by the sheer thought of hearing her moans.

"Well, I just called to wish you good luck on the Jabari exhibit." Though it was already 11 p.m in Cambodia, Gerald knew that Harriet had worked very hard on the exhibit and wanted to call her up and wish her good luck before he took in for the night.

"Thanks, honey, that's very thoughtful of you." Harriet loved how loving and considered her husband was.

"Well, I'll let you jump into the shower. Love you." Gerald smiled.

"Love you." Harriet made a kissing sound as she hung up the phone.

In the Tuk-Tuk, the Cambodian man, Ponleu, who drove Gerald looked back at him.

"Your wife?" Ponleu asked in his broken English accent as he pulled up to Gerald's hotel.

"Yes, Harriet." Gerald had been driven by Ponleu since he got to Phnom Penh a week ago, during that time they had gotten somewhat friendly, so Gerald flipped through his phone and showed Ponleu a picture of his wife.

"Oh, very beautiful, you a lucky man." Ponleu smiled as he flipped down the sun visor and took out a Polaroid photograph.

"My wife, Charaya." Ponleu proudly showed Gerald the polaroid of his wife. The photograph showed a Cambodian woman with a bright smile sitting on her knees, wearing a Sampot Sâng, a traditional Khmer short skirt made of silk. Other than the skirt and a flower tucked in her black hair, she didn't wear anything else. Her pointy breasts were bare and standing around her were two naked black men, with their cocks hanging down between their legs. Even in their semi-soft state, their manhoods reached their knees.

"Very beautiful." Gerald nodded at Ponleu though his eyes wandered down to the photograph once more. Gerald had seen quite a few of these kinds of photos, very similar in nature whilst in Cambodia. The photos had become quite popular in Cambodia, and were referred to as, "ប្រពន្ធរីករាយ, ស្វាមីដែលមានអំណរគុណ", which translates to something similar to, "Happy Wife, Grateful Husband". Something that Gerald could easily relate to.

"Yes." Ponleu felt his bare four-inch penis stiffen, (the day of Jabari was something that was celebrated across the world) when he looked at the photograph again. He remembered the joyous moments after he had taken the photo. Precum started oozing out from the tip of his penis when he thought back to when he crawled up between Charaya's legs and watched the semen flow from her pussy after the black man had pulled out of her. Ponleu even remembered the taste when he ran his tongue up and down Charaya's slit, licking up all the cum that flowed out. Having cleaned her for a few moments, Ponleu had noticed the other black man moving up to the side of Charaya, stroking his huge twelve-inch erection, so he politely crawled backward on all fours giving the black man room. As he watched the black man push into Charaya with his impressive black cock, Ponleu remembered glancing down at his own penis and smiling. Cum leaked out from the tip and ran down his meager shaft. He had been so excited that he hadn't even noticed that he had climaxed.

"Well, have a nice evening Ponleu, and see you tomorrow." Gerald gave Ponleu a nod and stepped out of the Tuk-Tuk.

"Have a nice evening Mr. Gerald." Ponleu nodded back.

Back in Valley County, Amarika, on her way to drop off Melea and Joseph at their high school, drove past and waved at Malin Knutson, a retired Swedish supermodel she had met at a gala celebrating the 52nd birthday of Clarence Woods, the esteemed Mayor of Valley County.

At first, when she met the now forty-one-year-old model, Amarika hadn't recognized her. However, as an avid study of African history and culture, something about her made Amarika pause and think. It then hit her where she had seen the blonde woman. It had been on the cover of the 2002 issue of People Magazine.

At the peak of her career, twenty years old, Malin had posed with Waithaka, the new King of Kenya. In what had become a very symbolic and celebrated photo across the world, Malin had been completely naked and kneeling in front of Waithaka. With her arms wide open and an expression of pure bliss, her stunningly beautiful face and perfect breasts dripped with heavy wads of cum.

The photographer had captured the very powerful, yet sensual moment when Waithaka, posing over Malin like an ebony god, climaxed. His fourteen-inch black cock spewed thick streams of cum, splashing the young model's face and chest. The photographer, the renowned François Belan, wrote in one of his books, that his underwear was soaked afterward. He had spurted just from taking the photo. In his book, he even showed a photo that he had taken afterward, where you could see his three and a half inch penis through his damp white underwear.

Outside of 103 Cedar Road, Malin Knutson, on her way from her Mercedes-Benz SL550 convertible parked in the driveway, waved and smiled back at Amarika who passed on the street.

"Älskling." Malin walked in with her shopping bags. Älskling, being the word for darling in Swedish.

"Hej, Älskling." Jan Knutson, Malin's husband walked out from the kitchen wearing an apron. At forty-two Jan still looked young for his age, with a boyish smile and dirty blonde hair. Though he considered himself somewhat thin, he had put on a few extra pounds around his waist.

Malin and Jan had first met and grown quite close in high school back in Sweden. However, when Malin's modeling career took off, they lost contact, until they reconnected a few years later and fell in love.

"How did the shopping go?" Jan walked over and kissed his wife. With their lips gently pressed against each other, and their tongues passionately entangled, Jan not only felt the softness of his wife's lips and the sweetness of her tongue but behind those sensations, he felt the subtle aroma of cum on her breath.

Mmm... Jan's love for his wife grew, as did his small penis when he felt the familiar taste. He knew for sure that Malin had had a great time when she had been out shopping.

"Well, I found several really cute outfits, but I couldn't really decide between them, so I ended up picking up all four." Malin smiled and held up her prim shopping bags from the exclusive Tiff's.

"Maybe you could help me pick out which one to wear for tonight?" Malin smiled sexily.

"Oh, yes, I would love to." Jan got even more aroused with thoughts of seeing his wife trying on sexy outfits.

"I hope I got one that Cleveland will like," Malin said in a hopeful manner.

Cleveland Barrett was a retired football player who Malin had been seeing off and on during her modeling years. Though after Malin and Jan moved across the country to Valley County, Malin hadn't seen him for almost five years. Last week, however, Malin got a call from him where he told her that he would be in town this week and that he would love to meet up.

Being more than a little excited to see the black ex-football player again, Malin said yes and accidentally hung up before she had time to tell him her address. Luckily she had been at home with her husband when it happened...

"Oh my god, oh my god, I just hung up on him. And I forgot to tell him our address." A slightly panicked Malin looked over at Jan.

"Well, just call him back." Jan had seen how excited his wife had been when Cleveland had called her, and couldn't help but giggle a little to himself at his wife's innocent mishap.

"I... I can't... I'm so embarrassed." Malin looked down a little and then up at her husband.

"Can, can you do it?" She asked in the sweetest and most hopeful way.

"Hehe." Jan smiled to himself.

"Of course I will." Jan saw how his wife lit up.

After being handed the mobile phone, Jan took a moment to compose himself before hitting redial. He wanted to make sure that he would come off in as proper and polite of a way that he possibly could, which was quite important whenever one called a black man, especially when you did so on behalf of your wife. Jan recalled the article he had read in Cuck Magazine when he was younger on how to be the most polite when calling a black man.

Nodding to himself, Jan cleared his throat and then hit redial.

"Hello?" Jan recognized Cleveland's voice when he answered the phone.

"Hi Mr. Barrett, this is Jan Knutson, Malin's husband... I don't know if you..." Jan said politely.

"Oh Jan, Hi, no, I remember you." Cleveland even tried to pronounce Jan's name like they said it in Sweden. At the same time, Cleveland shook his head at the woman standing in her underwear in front of him. Cleveland sat in a lingerie boutique where a young woman, Cleveland figured that she had to be around twenty-two, had asked him if he could help her decide which outfit to get. The girl's fiance, who was with her, hadn't been much help since he thought that she looked amazing in everything.

"What's up?" Cleveland asked Jan. At the same time, he had to rearrange the front of his pants when the girl undid her bra and stepped out of her thong to put on another lingerie outfit. Her breasts were round and perky and completely defied gravity.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you?" Jan asked politely.

"No, I can talk for a moment..." Cleveland felt the thickness in his pants grow even bigger when the girl bent over to pick up her new thong. When she did she gave her a perfect view of her tight butt and clean shaved pussy.

"Oh, good. Well, the reason why I'm calling you is that, oh..." Jan recalled what he had read in Cuck Magazine.

"First let me just apologize, I know you said that I'm not disturbing you, but it doesn't feel proper if I don't apologize." Jan glanced over at Malin who nodded that he was doing the right thing by being extra polite.

Cleveland didn't really respond since his focus was mostly on the girl who now stood in front of him in a new sexy bra that slightly pushed her breasts together and made them pour out of it, though he appreciated Jan's manners.

"Well, the reason I'm calling is that, well Malin got rather excited before when you told her that you wanted to see her, that she accidentally hung up on you, and also forgot to give you our address," Jan said whilst Malin looked at him hoping that Cleveland hadn't thought that she had been too improper.

"She's really embarrassed about it." Jan could tell that his wife was still rather flustered about it.

"O, hehe, I just figured the battery died or something, but don't worry about it." Cleveland hadn't really thought anything about it. Though when Jan brought up their address, it did hit him that knowing their address could be useful.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Barrett, would you like me to tell you the address or should I send you a message?" Jan felt much more at ease after hearing that Cleveland hadn't minded it too much. Looking over at Malin, he could tell that she felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders as well.

"You can just text me." Cleveland watched the girl pose for him and her fiance who sat next to him.

"Okay, and sorry again for the mishap," Jan said politely and sincerely.

After they had all hung up, Cleveland glanced up at the girl.

"That one looks spectacular on you." Cleveland smiled as the girl lit with joy hearing the handsome black man's praises.

"Let me just have a feel to make sure that it's the one." Cleveland put down his phone and sat up in his chair whilst the girl eagerly walked over to him. There was no hiding the lust in her eyes.

The girl lightly bit her lower lip when Cleveland reached up and ran his fingers along the side of the bra, gently nudging against her heaving breasts.

"Yeah, looks and feels really soft." With his fingers resting on the side of her bra, his thumbs found their way to the inner parts of the lace cups, cups that held her amazingly soft breasts. With a gentle push of his thumbs, he made her breasts jiggle a little.

"Mmm." The girl let out a moan.

"And very easy to undo." Cleveland smiled as the girl's perky and naked breasts came into full view just in front of his face after he had unsnapped the back of her bra.

"Wow, ungh... unghhh." A soft gasp exhaled from the chair next to Cleveland, where the girl's fiance sat. The moment he saw Cleveland cup his fiance's wonderful breasts and suck her nipples, he had spurted in his pants...

Knowing Malin, and the dresses she usually went for, revealing and snug, there was no doubt in Jan's mind that Cleveland wouldn't love them. Especially if...

"Well, as long as it shows off your..." Jan glanced down at his wife's well-shaped butt. Being a model she had never had the biggest butt, but the shape and firmness had always been there. And from hard work at the gym, she had managed to maintain the tightness, even at the age of forty-one.

"I think he'll love it." Jan smiled.

"Oh, they all do that." Malin smiled knowing how much Cleveland loved her butt, as well as her husband.

"Well, should we go up and try them on?" Malin looked over at Jan, who's bare penis stood straight up.

"Yes... let me get those." Jan's meager penis jutted up and down whilst he hurried over and got his wife's shopping bags.

"Tack, Älskling." In Swedish Malin replied with a sexy; Thank you, honey.

Excitement flourished as the joyous couple headed upstairs.

Over at Combs High School...

"Thanks for the ride mom." Melea leaned over and gave her mother a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Yes, thank you for the ride Mrs. Jakande," Joseph said politely from the backseat.

"You're welcome. And remember, that today is Jabari's Day, so make sure you give him some thoughts and remember the struggles he went through." African history wasn't just a passion for Amarika, she felt that she had a calling to promote the great African culture.

"Of course mom." Melea gave her mother another smile before she stepped out of the car.

"And that goes double for you Joseph." Amarika gave the boy who was seeing her daughter a stern look in the rear view mirror.

"Oh... yes, of course, Mrs. Jakande..." Joseph stuttered a little looking up at Amarika. He paused for a moment. He wondered if he should to let her know that he had been reading a lot of books on Jabari.

"Ehm, I've... actually been reading several books on Jabari." Joseph managed to get out through his nervousness.

"Oh, you have?" Amarika had just thought that she was going to have a little fun with the boy who was seeing her daughter, by giving him a stern look, but now she was slightly intrigued. Had he, in fact, read some of the books or was he just being polite.

"Yes, I've read "The Warrior Who United Africa", "The Man Who Rose", "He Came from Africa", and I must say that from what I've read, I think Jabari was probably one of the greatest men who's ever lived," Joseph said in a most sincere and honest manner.

"Yes, he was." Amarika felt a little surprised that Joseph had taken the time to read all those books, especially He Came from Africa, which is a very hard to find book.

Hmm... Amarika found herself smiling. Though she liked Joseph before she hadn't been sure if he was good enough for her daughter. But suddenly she could see that he truly had the qualities a young man like him should have. He was kind, polite, honest and timid.

"Are you coming, Joseph?" The back passenger door opened and Melea stood there waiting for Joseph.

"Oh, yes of course Melea." Joseph nodded as he reached over grabbed his backpack and notebook.

"Have a nice day Mrs. Jakande, and thanks again for the ride." He said politely before he got out.

As the car drove off behind him, Joseph looked over at Melea and his jaw dropped.

"Oh wow..." In the bright sunlight, Melea appeared like an absolute goddess. Joseph couldn't even describe how beautiful she looked. Her stunning smile and the way she looked at him made him feel even warmer than the sun.

What made him gasp even more was something he hadn't noticed until she was out in the sun. In the light of the sun, her tribal dress was partly see through. Standing there, he could see the shape of her breasts, the roundness, and fullness of her huge naturals. The hint of her perfectly round areolas that circled her erect nipples that poked out the thin material of her tribal dress.

Mmm... A bright smile lit up Melea when she saw the way her boyfriend looked at her. It was a look that made her feel both warm and sexy. Also, she found Joseph really cute like that.

Looking down, she could see his small erection standing straight up with small droplets of precum oozing out from the tip. She could tell that Joseph would come if she as much as blew a breath of air at him. Though now that they weren't in her mother's car, she really wanted to see him spurt.

"Ohh, it's soo warm, don't you think Joseph." Melea ran her hand from her hip up to the side of her dress until she reached the softness of her voluptuous right breast. With her hand, she slowly lifted her breast up her chest. At this point, she saw Joseph looking up at her.

"Ehm... I..." Joseph made out a little groan. He felt embarrassed that he had been staring at Melea's breasts like that, but there was another feeling that was taking over and about to burst.

Looking into her boyfriend's eyes, and with a sensuous smile on her face, Melea gently let go of her breast and let it drop.

"Ah... arhh." As Joseph saw the beauty that was Melea's large breast come to a single bouncing stop, with small waves flowing upwards along the skin of her sizable breasts, a short stream of cum spurted from the tip of his penis.

Oh yess... Melea smiled warmly when she saw and heard Joseph cum. She loved the cute and awkward facial expression he made when he climaxed. And she loved seeing his small spurt and the cum oozing out from his penis afterward.

"Uh... oh... Melea... I..." Joseph panted awkwardly, he knew that there were a lot of people around, lots of high school seniors that had seen him come, but the one he cared most about was Melea. He really hoped that he hadn't embarrassed her.

"Shh... I loved it." Melea leaned over and whispered into his ear.

Joseph gulped and felt surprised and overjoyed at the same time. As Melea leaned back, Joseph wanted to tell her that he loved her.

"Hey, girlfriend." "Hey, Melea." Taisha Williams and Paula Sanchez, two of Melea's best friends came up to her and hugged her.

"Oh hey Taisha, Paula." Melea smiled, happy to see her friends.

"Hey, Joseph." Taisha and Paula both giggled looking over at Joseph. They had seen him spurting his load on their way over to Melea.

"H... hey." Joseph awkwardly looked over at Taisha and Paula. He was still panting slightly, and he could tell that the two girls were giggling at his limping penis.

"Damn girl, that's a fine dress." Also of African descent, with dark skin and long braided hair, Taisha looked back over at Melea's dress. She also wore African colored clothing, though her outfit consisted of a snug top that only covered her ample breasts, though nowhere near as large as Melea's. Her butt, on the other hand, was another story entirely. A thicker behind would be hard to find on a girl of Taisha's size. And the snug tribal colored skirt she wore did little to hide that fact.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful," Paula said in her Hispanic accent. Paula, like many other girls and women on Jabari Day, was topless. Her bare perky breasts stood straight out ending with a pair of beautifully pointy nipples. The only thing she wore was a pair of stylishly ripped, knee-length denims that hugged her round butt.

"Thanks." Melea felt so glad that they liked it. "Mom picked it up on her last trip to Kenya, she knows a designer who lives there."