How Do You Tell The Parents?


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You would think that an entire day together in a hotel room would be boring. Not so. We had lots to talk about when we weren't trying our best to energize the other's nerve endings.

With continued use of the lubricant, by the third love-making session of the day things got easier. Aiden was able to buck up when I pushed down. We could control how long we mated quite easily. As soon as I started squeezing his cock with my pussy he would almost instantly ejaculate and I would shortly follow with a massive orgasm.

Showers and a bath together were sooo sensual. We giggled as we washed each other's parts.

Aiden loved sucking on my puffy nipples. He did so gently but purposefully, often resulting in me almost having a small orgasm I was so titillated.

While we thoroughly explored our feelings for each other – we were madly in love every way imaginable – we didn't address the main issue that we eventually would have to. What to tell our parents.

Sunday we actually left our rooms for meals, to go swimming, to get a couples' massage, and to work out in the exercise room. Of course we still left plenty of time for love-making. We became so responsive to each other's sexual needs that we believed that eventually we would be able to have intercourse doggy style or missionary; and that at some point we would want to try an animal fuck to complement our love-making.

Monday morning rolled around too quickly, but we got up with our alarm, drove straight to work together since we worked in adjacent buildings both owned by ZYX, and stole one kiss in the covered parking lot before we swore "no public displays of affection."


When Aiden and I drove home from work together that Monday early evening he was bubbling over with excitement.

"Why so excited?" I chirped.

He put his big hand on my thigh, pushed up my skirt, and moved his fingers near my pussy.

"Two reasons," he chuckled. "First, I gave Jennifer her $25,000 check today and told her that we're done. I've got the best pussy in the world where I'm living and I don't need her anymore."

That absolutely thrilled me, and I broke into a big grin.

"Second," he deadpanned – as much as a guy with Asperger's can, anyway – "I'm going to get me some of the aforementioned pussy as soon as I get home."

"You are, huh," I giggled. "Don't I have anything to say about that?"

"No, your pussy is on board with it so it doesn't make any difference how you feel about it," he chuckled as he brought his fingers into contact with my already wet panties and I almost ran off the road.

As soon as we got to the threshold of my house Aiden picked me up like I weighed nothing and carried me across it. Then he removed my clothes and his pants, laid down on the living room couch, and carefully impaled me on his cock. We had a thoroughly emotionally and physically satisfying orgasm before we made dinner together – naked.

For the next two weeks I don't think that my mind was ever not awash with endorphins. You would have thought that my preoccupation with having sex with Aiden – we had intercourse twice a day and oral or hand contact almost every waking minute when we were home – would have made me worthless at work. The opposite was true. My mind was keener than ever, and I came up with two patentable ideas, one of which we could immediately commercialize, in those weeks, much to my Dad's joy.

One thing that we didn't do in those first two weeks together was to go see my Mom. While we both saw our Dad at work, I wanted to avoid seeing our mother for fear that she would figure out what was going on – and I wasn't ready for that yet. However, during the third week of our over-the-top sex Mom insisted that we come to a party at my parents' house that Saturday. There was no way that we could refuse, so I just made up my mind that I would be careful in how I acted around my Mom.

The party was relatively small, but very nice – our Mom is the ultimate hostess and everything was in perfect taste. Mom asked if Aiden and I could stay around after the other guests left to help clean up. There was no way to avoid it since we always helped out at home, and Aiden would never say "No" to Mom no matter what.

After everything was cleaned up, the four of us sat in the living room sipping cognac and giving the party a post-mortem. My Dad genuinely said "You know, Aiden and LuAnn – I've never seen you two so happy. Life must really be agreeing with you now."

Aiden smiled broadly. "It is, Dad," he replied. I tried to look pensive. Then the bombshell!

"Jacob, they're so happy because they're in love with each other and having intercourse – likely daily," Mom said matter-of-factly.

I spewed cognac through my nose – it didn't feel good. Aiden looked perplexed and glanced at me with a look that asked "Did you tell her?"

"What!" my father exclaimed.

"Actually, Jacob," Mom continued, "LuAnn has been in love with Aiden since they were teenagers. She never acted on it until – and I'm kind of speculating here but I'm sure that LuAnn will come clean shortly – she saw Aiden getting depressed over his divorce from that gold-digger. She apparently thought the way out of it was to seduce him and since Aiden undoubtedly always loved LuAnn too, even though his emotions were masked by his Asperger's, that was easy to do. What I don't understand, however, is how they see the future playing out."

After almost a minute of stunned silence, during which both Aiden and I avoided eye contact with both parents, Dad asked "Is that true LuAnn?"

I got up, walked over to my Dad, sat in his lap and started crying. While my emotions were sincere I laid it thick to pull at his heartstrings. "Daddy; I can't help it. He's everything that I want in a man. I love him so, so much. The last three weeks have been the happiest of my life. For the first time I feel fulfilled in every way. I don't want to ever disappoint you or have you judge me – but I can't deny my feelings." With that I buried my sobbing face into his shoulder and he stroked my hair.

Once my sobbing was interrupted Mom spoke again – not in an accusatory manner, but not in a conciliatory one either. "The question remains, LuAnn, what does the future hold?"

Aiden shocked the hell out of all three of us.

"I've looked into it, Mom. I want to marry LuAnn and for us to give you three or four fun grandkids, hopefully all as smart and good-looking as LuAnn is. I have all of the paperwork ready to be done if you guys agree," Aiden said matter-of-factly.

"Go on," Dad blurted out.

Aiden stood and paced as he talked. "I'll file a petition to reverse your adoption of me. I'll be perfectly honest with the Court about why – because I want to marry my adopted sister. I'll ask Jerry and Estell Conklin to be my new adopted parents."

Jerry and Estell Conklin are my parents' two oldest and best friends, about their age. They have always treated Aiden and I like their nephew and niece since they have no kids of their own (their first child died shortly after birth and their second in an accident when she was eight; Estell couldn't have any more kids and by then they were considered too old to adopt) and they love children. They are both only children themselves. They were at the party earlier that evening.

"That way we'll have more equity on our side since the judge's decision will be equitable in nature. The Conklin's will tell how much they want grandchildren. That way the kids will have two sets of grandparents. I'll keep my last name and just have my middle name changed to Conklin," Aiden continued, his talk now punctuated by hand gestures. The three of us sat in awe.

"Once the adoption is reversed and re-instated for the Conklins then I'll ask LuAnn to marry me. If she says 'yes,'" he said before I interjected "If?"

Aiden smiled and quickly continued. "If she says 'yes' then we'll get married and give you and the Conklins the best grandchildren in history. Well, what do you think?"

Our father sat stunned. My mother started crying. She got up, walked over to Aiden, put her arms around him and sobbed. "You'll always be my Mom," he assured her. "I love you more than any son could love his mother."

She interrupted her sobs, stared up at him and said "That's not why I'm crying Aiden. I'm crying because I'm as proud of you as a mother could possibly be of her son."

Still sitting in Dad's lap I looked into his eyes, then kissed him. "Did he really just say that?" Dad asked. "How can a kid with Asperger's be so sensitive?"

"Because he's in love, Daddy," I replied, then kissed him. "And also because you and Mom always taught both of us to address problems head on, and apparently it really took with him."

"No shit," my father, who never swears, laughed. "No shit!"


The four of us stayed up for hours, talking. We talked about the past, the present, and the future. Surprisingly Mom and Dad were both on board with Aiden's plan – except that Mom, Dad and I agreed that I would be the one to reverse the adoption and taken the Conklin's last name, and then change back to Altman as soon as we got married. We ignored Aiden's protests.

It was too late for Aiden and me to drive home by the time that we finished talking, so we stayed overnight. I fulfilled a teenage dream by making love to Aiden in my bed. When we fell asleep in each other's arms I felt more serene than at any other time in my life.

The four of us all got up about eleven the next morning, emotionally spent but also excited. After Mom made her famous blueberry pancakes – Aiden must have eaten twenty of them – the first order of business was to call the Conklins. We decided that I should make the call. Estell answered.

"Hi, Estell, this is LuAnn. I hope that you guys enjoyed the party last night as much as we did."

"LuAnn; so nice to hear from you. Yes, we certainly did, and it was so great to see our adopted niece and nephew so happy; you both look great," Estell said.

"Our happiness is the reason that I'm calling, Estell," I chirped. "Mom, Dad, Aiden and I have something very important to talk to you and Jerry about. I mean really important – maybe the most important thing ever for Aiden and me. Can you come over to Mom and Dad's house – we promise not to make you do any party cleanup," I laughed.

"Let me ask Jerry – he's puttering in the garage as usual," she said. She came back on line a minute later. "Jerry needs to get the grease off of his hands then we'll be over," she chuckled.

"What the hell is a trauma surgeon doing with grease on his hands?" I giggled.

"He thinks he's a mechanic," she laughed. "See you in twenty."

When the Conklins arrived we had everything set, including a Mimosa for each, their favorite early afternoon drink.

"So what's up," Jerry asked after a few minutes of small talk. "Estell is excited by the mystery surrounding LuAnn's call."

I didn't mince words. Aiden and I stood in front of them holding hands. We kissed. "Aiden and I love each other and want to get married. To do that we need your help."

They looked shocked, but I didn't give them a chance to ask questions – or to faint. I charged right ahead and told them of Aiden's plan, approved by our parents.

When I was through they were stunned and obviously not comprehending. "Do you want me to go over it again?" I asked, while squeezing Aiden to me.

"Yes, please," was all that Jerry could answer. Estell couldn't talk at all.

I told them the entire scenario again. I concluded it with "Will you help?"

Jerry jumped up and hugged Aiden and I. He couldn't get one arm completely around Aiden, but he tried. Estell fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably. Mom and Dad went over to her and hugged her.

"Is Estell OK?" I asked Jerry after a minute long bear hug.

"That's just her way of saying 'Hell Yes we'll help,'" Jerry replied, with a tear in his eye too.

The six of us ordered take-out for lunch and sat around my parents' pool for almost the entire afternoon working out details. We planned way ahead, including deciding that both Dad and Jerry would give me away at the wedding, which would be arranged as soon as the first adoption was reversed and the second granted. My Dad got on speaker phone with his attorney, who had his firm's family law expert call us back. We found out that while Aiden's plan was no slam dunk that it had a better than 50% chance – if we got the right judge.

That night when I got home I excused myself and went into the kitchen and made up a little device that I had thought up. I came into the living room with it behind my back and playfully confronted Aiden. I told him just what I thought of him. "You pretend to be this withdrawn, marginally bright, big dumb jock, and you turn out to be a fucking genius," I said, trying to sound surly and pushing my tiny index finger into his muscular chest. "And you think that I'm going to marry you? Enough of your deception, and I'm tired of you making love to me. If you want me to marry you you'll fuck me you bastard."

Because the sizes of our sex organs were so disparate all of our intercourse up until that time was love-making with me riding Aiden. In other positions if Aiden got too excited and pounded his big cock into my snug pussy it would be very painful. My "invention" was designed to avoid that problem. When I showed it to Aiden with a devilish grin on my face he asked "What's that?"

"It's my Aiden-can-now-fuck-LuAnn invention," I giggled. "Get undressed."

We both quickly disrobed – I had the foresight to close the living room drapes before we did. Aiden lifted me up upside down and ate my pussy while I sucked his cock, and once he was rock hard and I was sopping wet he flipped me right side up and put my feet back on the floor. My invention was a donut-shaped piece of soft but fairly rigid foam about two inches thick, with a lubricated opening. I slipped it over his cock then jumped up into his arms with my arms around his neck.

"Pin me against the wall and shove your cock into my pussy," I moaned into his ear. He held me up by my ass cheeks and moved my back against the nearest wall, and then I helped guide his cock into my cunt. I started undulating my pelvis while he started pounding. The donut-shaped foam limited his penetration so that he couldn't hurt me no matter how hard we pounded each other. Just before our simultaneous massive orgasms hit a painting on the wall that I was against came smashing to the ground, but it didn't stop us.

Shortly after our colossal orgasms I could tell that Aiden's knees were about to buckle. "Fall back on the couch," I moaned. He was able to do that – just barely. We hugged, kissed, and then giggled. Finally I looked him in the eye. "You fuck as well as you make love, big boy;" I said smiling. "We'll have to do that again."

"In bed next time," he chuckled. "That was my favorite painting, and I almost fell and crushed you."

"How about now?" I snickered.

Fifteen minutes later we were fucking doggy style in our bed. It was awesome!


Our Court hearing for the adoption switch was a mere thirty five days after our meeting with the Conklins since we filed the papers only two days after the meeting. We showed up in Court with an attorney for me, one for my parents, and one for the Conklins; we weren't taking any chances.

We did get the right family law judge. She belonged to Estell's tennis club and even played doubles with Estell as her partner a few times in tournaments over the years. The attorneys begged her not to recuse herself.

All six of us testified at the hearing. Estell's testimony was the most compelling. After talking about the loss of her two children she sobbed on the stand saying what a gift from the heavens it would be for her to be the mother of the bride and have grandchildren. I do believe that there was a tear in the judge's eye when she granted the adoption switch and my name change.

The wedding was a relatively small but truly festive affair. Our parents and the Conklins were all smiles and I thought that they would virtually bust with pride and joy. The only even remotely negative part was when I noticed that skank Jennifer sniffling in the back row when Aiden was carrying me back down the aisle after we were married, but she slinked out of a side door before Aiden saw her.

As soon as we were officially married I threw out my birth control pills and we got to work making a baby. Estell is a pediatrician and had all sorts of helpful hints for me. I was pregnant within a month after our honeymoon. Our entire family is overjoyed!

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PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19816 months ago

Depending on what state they was in it wouldn't have been able to happen the way it did in this story but other than that it wasn't bad

ReadyOneReadyOnealmost 6 years ago
For the sake of the story, legal shenanigans.

In some states, there is a legal problem because of the wording of the incest laws.

However, most states will allow people not related by blood to marry regardless of their legal parentage.

Summary Table:

Law Extracts:

rightbankrightbankalmost 7 years ago
Well written,

Every detail covered.


If they were adopted, and not genetic siblings, why all the machinations?

boatbummboatbummalmost 7 years ago
Sweet And Satisfying

Nice conclusion to the tale and a likely enough way of getting it done legally to pass muster for me.

I expect that as they keep on mating, and after LuAnn pops out a kid or two, that they won't need the foam donut to prevent injury.... ;-)

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 10 years ago
Great job with the finish to the story

Lu Ann should have thanked Jennifer - if she had been a decent woman it never would have worked out so well for her - hell if Jennifer was the woman she probably now wanted to be it would have never worked out so well LOL-

Thanks for a great read -

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