How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 24


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They both shivered. Wow, I didn't even think of that. That was pretty twisted. Of course, I was a deviant motherfucker, and I'd never try to deny it.


We got to Quentin's and Paula's a few minutes before eight, and had to wait for Johnny and Vincent to get there before going up to the house. Karen looked at Johnny as he existed his truck, and immediately realized her mother had fucked him earlier that day. How many men looking like a Wookie could live in Seattle? He dwarfed everyone he stood beside.

I grabbed my bag of goodies and we went up to the house and knocked softly on the door, Johnny in front, filling the doorway.

Quentin opened it and his eyes were about level with Johnny's chest, then kept moving up until he reached the top.

He gulped, hoping he wasn't here to rob him. Johnny was, but not in the way Quentin might think.

"Let us in cuckold," I said. "It's chilly out here."

Quentin finally realized there were more people outside and let us enter. Paula was indeed naked, waiting in the living room. She did the same double take that her husband did. She looked at Emma and Emma nodded her head. Paula smiled.

I made brief introductions so everyone knew who was who. "I'm sorry, Johnny. I didn't learn your last name."

"Walker." His gravelly basso profundo filled the room.

"Johnny Walker?"

"Don't laugh."

"It's amusing, but not funny enough to deserve a laugh," I said. "It does show that one or both of your parents had a sense of humor though. I'm a Jack Daniels man myself."

He grinned.

"Ariel, show Paula how she's supposed to kneel for her Master." Ariel immediately obeyed.

"Master?" Paula said still standing.

"Did you or did you not give me your pussy for four months? Did you not agree to obey all the rules I set for you? This is a rule, if that pussy is my pussy, I own it and the person walking around with it. I don't want you doing anything with my pussy but what I let you do, so get on your fucking knees like Ariel or we can forget this whole thing."

She got on her knees and I told her to spread her knees even farther apart, and put her hands behind her neck so her breasts stuck out. Quentin had a hard on. Johnny was getting one and his was a whole lot more impressive.

"I want to be able to see your pussy juice drip on the floor, slut." When she was in position, I asked Johnny to check her cunt. "How wet is my slut's cunt right now?"

Johnny's middle finger might be as big as Quentin's cock. He shoved it up her cunt and she orgasmed.

"Pretty wet," he laughed, a deep rumble.

"You haven't fucked my cunt without a condom, have you Quentin?"


"'No, sir,' Cuck. I'm your wife's bull now, and I expect a little respect. You will address me as sir. Failure to address me as sir will result in you not getting access to my cunt. You, slut, will address me as Master, or sir. Failure to address me as such will result in you being punished. Such punishments might be bare assed spankings to having your tits and pussy whipped. As such, you'll quickly learn the proper forms of address. Acknowledge me."

"Yes, Master." She shivered. Her pussy was starting to drip.

I put a collar around her neck. It locked shut. There was a tag on it that said, 'Brick's Slut'.

"Emma, show the new slave slut and her husband the piercings you got today. I want them to know how I intend to mark her pussy."

Emma lifted her skirt and showed both Paula and Quentin her pierced pussy.

"Under her bandage is a tattoo that says, 'Brick Trained Slut' Yours will say or be something different," I said. "Emma, tell them what happened when you went for your tattoo and piercing."

"At the tattoo parlor, Johnny fucked me first, before they gave me the tattoo. When it was done, the artist got fucked by Brick and I had to lick his cum from her cunt. At the piercing parlor, the man who did the piercing fucked me before I was pierced."

"The same thing will happen to you, Paula, when I mark you. Expect to be used often.

"I already told you much of my expectations for you, Quentin. I, and anyone else I designate, will have first priority to your wife's pussy. You come second at all times. If I send someone over to fuck her, you'll abandon your bed and allow them to fuck. Your other job is to see that my pussy is kept clean. If she fucks someone, you clean up my pussy afterward, immediately so if you're at home, or immediately upon arriving home if you're at work. Failure to keep my pussy clean will result in you losing privileges to it, or any other pussy I control. If you don't like the taste of cum, I may make you suck cocks until you appreciate the taste. I know of a glory hole where I can put you to work until male cum tastes like a vanilla milk shake. Get used to the taste quickly, or it will be months before you experience your wife's pussy again.

"You want to know something funny, Quentin?"


"'What, sir'. You don't fuck my cunt again until tomorrow night, Cuck. Try again."

"What, sir?"

"That you and James took Vincent out to get laid. Knowing what you know right now, you should have told Vincent to fuck your wife. It would have kept her from getting pissed at you, and she wouldn't be my pussy now. Except you like me owning her pussy, don't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Because you're a cuckold, isn't that right?"

"Yes, sir."

"We're going to fix that little mistake from now on. Vincent has asked for my permission to date Ariel. I'm going to give it to him. I'm sure she'll keep Vincent satisfied when she sees him, because she's already my three hole slut, and will give Vincent whatever he wants in the way of sex. Unfortunately, I keep Ariel pretty busy, so Vincent may get hard up every so often. The problem to his dilemma will be my new slave slut. If Vincent needs a release because Ariel hasn't been around to give him one, he'll give you a note at work. You'll tell Paula that Vince will be over after Cindy's bed time, and she'll fuck him, including her ass after I've claimed it. Problem solved.

"Vince, any time you need a blow job or a good fucking, your good friend's wife will provide it for you. After you're all medically cleared, you won't need to use a condom, and who knows, Quentin might end up raising your kid, because they just flushed all of her birth control pills down the toilet, isn't that right, Cuckold?"

"Yes, sir."

"Your pussy is dripping all over the floor, isn't it, slut?"

"Yes, Master."

"You're real excited now, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master."

"Johnny, pull out your cock and show Paula what a nice cock she gets to fuck tonight."

Johnny released his prodigious prick, and two more drops of pussy juice fell to the floor.

"Unfortunately, Johnny can't fuck you bareback today, because you're not cleared, but he is. As soon as you get your clearance, Johnny will be able to sow his seeds in your sweet pussy. He can fuck you with a condom, however, so he's going to fuck you in a few minutes while you suck Vincent's cock. I assume it will be your first spit roasting. Quentin, I'm giving you a choice tonight. You can either watch Johnny and Vincent spit roast your wife, or you can fuck Ariel. You can't do both. Which one do you choose?"

"I want to see Paula get spit roasted." How did I know that.

"You didn't address me as sir, again. That's now three nights without fucking your wife. You'll be doing a lot of wanking, Quentin. I might be fucking your wife bareback before you get another crack at her.

"Paula, stand up facing away from me and bend over. I want access to your ass."

"Yes, Master." She obeyed.

I pushed two fingers in her and Paula orgasmed. "That's the last orgasm you get without asking for permission. The sole exception to that is Quentin. When he can finally fuck you again, or any time he's licking my pussy, you have permission to cum. With anyone else, you ask permission first. You won't always get it, for which you'll be punished when you do. If Vincent is coming over, you'll text me asking for permission to cum. If I give it, you may cum as many times as you want. If I don't, keep track of the number of times you orgasm. We'll address your failings the next time I see you. With me, or any other Dominant there with you, you'll ask for permission each and every time you need to cum. Do you understand me, slut?"

"Yes, Master."

Since she was still bent over, I immediately started finger fucking her again and she orgasmed before she had a chance to ask for permission.

"That's ten swats. Over my lap now."

She tearfully got over my lap and got ten quick swats.

"I went easy on you this time, because I don't want to wake up your daughter, but now you know how easy it is to cum without permission. You're going to be aroused all the time and it will be very easy to orgasm. Be ready."

Since Paula was already over my lap, I removed the smallest anal plug from my bag, applied lube to it and her pucker, then shoved it in to a small yip.

"I'm preparing your ass for anal sex. Each night when Cindy is in bed, Quentin needs to remove the plug from your ass, wash the dirty one, and put the next largest size plug in it. You can remove it only to use the bathroom. The only one who can take it out otherwise is Quentin to put the next largest size in it. I'm the only one who can remove it completely, and that will be when I fuck your ass for the first time. That can happen anytime after you've worn the largest plug for one day, although you may end up wearing the largest plug longer, to keep you stretched out for me.

I sat Paula in my lap, and pulled out an envelope containing $2000 in cash, giving it to her. I played with her as I explained.

"This money is for you and Quentin to buy lingerie fit for your new lovers. You will dress in this new lingerie, only for your new lovers, not for Quentin. If you choose to buy panties, they'll be crotchless, so you can be fucked without removing them. Your breasts are big enough you should have some support for them, so buy some bras, anything that leaves your nipples bare, quarter or demi cup, I leave the choice to you and Quentin, but whatever you choose, will show your big, plump nipples under whatever clothes you're allowed. You'll be allowed maternity bras after you're pregnant, but I'll give you more money when that's necessary. At home, you remain naked whenever Cindy is in bed. If I send other people here for sex, it will be after she's in bed, so you can greet them naked at the door. You will provide a receipt showing where all the money was spent."

"Yes, Master. Thank you."

I handed them a sheet of paper with three names on it. "These are bonded nannies and baby sitters. They are not currently working for anyone else as a nanny for whatever reason, so they're available at a moments notice. If you need to use one for some reason, call them. Their bill will come to me. You can also use them for weekends away, although you'll need permission to be gone, so I know when you're not available to me. Usually, it will be something I've previously arranged myself. They know of your circumstances and that you are submissive to me. Any time either of you calls one of them, whoever called will be required to lick their pussy as part of their payment, one orgasm for every two hours of their time.

"I will be providing an education trust fund for Cindy and any other child arising during my ownership of your pussy, regardless of who fathered the child. I've got some jewelry for you both to wear, since Quentin is a cuckold, and you'll be fucking other people I pick out for you. This necklace proclaims you are a hotwife, with a cuckold husband. People may recognize it and approach you for sex. You don't have sex with anyone I haven't approved. Refer them to me. This anklet indicates the same thing. Quentin, I want you to put both the necklace and anklet on your wife."

I handed the jewelry boxes to him and he put both items on. I then handed him his necklace and ring. Since he wasn't being locked up in chastity, the necklace and ring he got showed a set of horns. He put them on himself, just as he'd put real horns on himself.

"Paula, you need to learn to lick pussy. I want you to lick all the females to an orgasm, except Emma, who is currently off limits to protect from possible infections to her piercing and tattoo sites. Begin with Ariel, then lick Karen. When you've completed that task, you may take Johnny and Vincent to your bedroom and get spit roasted, while your husband watches."

I let her get off my lap and Ariel lay on the carpet, spreading her legs. Paula had already licked Charmaine so she had no problem doing it again. Watching them got all four of the men hard, although Johnny was the only one, with his cock out.

"Would you like to suck his cock, Emma?" I asked, "since you can't be fucked."

"Please, Master."

"Go ahead, but as you know, Johnny cums a lot, Don't let any of his cum drip on the carpet, so be prepared if he starts to flood your mouth."

"Yes, Master."

"Karen, you can start riding my cock, Paula can lick it while you're riding my shaft."

"That sounds like fun."

Karen released my prick and sat on it, facing the others. I played with her and when Paula finished with Ariel, she started licking Karen, skewered on my prick. She managed to get a few licks and sucks to my nut sack while she was down there. It didn't take long for Karen to orgasm given the circumstances.

Paula stood up, taking Johnny's hand and interrupting Emma's blow job.

"I need him now, Emma. Thank you for keeping him hard for me."

"Aren't you forgetting something, slave?"

Paula thought for a moment, then realized her problem. "May I have permission to cum, Master?"

"Yes you may."

She started to leave. I said, "Johnny, if she starts making enough noise to wake their child, stuff a pair of dirty panties in her mouth."

"You got it, Brick," he rumbled.

"Ariel, you can take over licking this fine pussy."

"Yes, Master."

There was some noise coming out of the bedroom, but they somehow kept Paula from making too much noise, because Cindy never woke up. Johnny took about a half hour to do his job. Vincent hadn't lasted ten minutes I would later hear. Quentin lasted less. As soon as Johnny reached bottom in his wife's pussy (still with two inches to go), he climaxed in his pants.

When they returned, I told Vincent, "You may bring Ariel home with you tonight. Have her back at the hotel by 9 AM. Quentin, I'm going to need my pussy on Monday morning. I'll text the address to her, but get one of the sitters for Cindy. She's going to start training."

"What for, sir?"

"To be a stripper. I'm going to enter her in an amateur stripping contest. I'm entering several women in the contest, and I want them trained. At some point, since she'll have acquired some skills as a stripper, she'll be working at bachelor parties and frat parties. You know what goes on at those, don't you, cuckold?"

"Yes, sir."

"Maybe you could suggest her services if any of your coworkers decides to get married."

"Yes, sir." He didn't sound too enthusiastic. It's funny how people could separate different parts of their lives. If Paula had a black baby, did he think his co-workers wouldn't hear about it at some point? Company picnics, pictures in the office, other wives. He was living in a dream world.

"I'm sure Vincent will keep me informed of any marriage announcements."

From the look on his face, I knew he hoped that wouldn't happen.

"Master," Paula said, "your donuts are in the kitchen."

"Freeze a dozen to thaw out for your lovers for an energy boost. I'll leave the rest for Cindy, Quentin and you, slut."

We left, I thanked Johnny for his help and gave him $500 dollars for his time, hoping he'd be agreeable for more fun in the future.

"You're a fun guy, Brick. I think I'm going to enjoy our association," he said.

"I'm going to need you again tomorrow night. Meet me at this address at 9:00 PM." I handed him Jeri's address.

"I'll be there."

Ariel went with Vincent, but before she left, she said Linda had texted her and said her boyfriend wanted a threesome. I told Ariel to inform Linda that it would be a week from Sunday at the earliest, and Linda's day off would be preferable, and to let us know when that was.

I went back to the hotel and drilled Karen for an hour while her mother watched.


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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Because I respect your writing, this is 5 stars. However, DEAR AUTHOR, I have lost interest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An excellent saga. I regularly check for updates. Cuckold and BDSM does not appeal to me, but it is a good story told well and continues to keep my interest. I look forward to the continuing saga.

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