How I Found a Keyholder Ch. 05


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Then there was a click as a background hum that I hadn't really been conscious of suddenly cut out, and the magnets that had been holding shut the straps constraining me to the chair all fell loose.

I waited a couple minutes, assuming that Allan would come in and guide me out of the chair, but there was nothing forthcoming. My eyes adjusted to the near-darkness of the room, and once my heartbeat had slowed down and I was back to a regular state of horny background agitation, I figured I should extricate myself.

With a bit of twisting, my arms came free from the straps that had held them, and it wasn't too tough to then remove the straps on my head and midriff. Reaching down to free my legs was more problematic, as I was still wedged onto the metal dildo... so I could only hunch forward to reach my legs. But after some trial and error I got that done, though it turned out to be an easy task compared to figuring out how to pull myself off the dildo.. I couldn't see any handholds that would give me purchase, and there was the mess of mechanical gear in the space between my legs. So I had to slowly sort of twist my body ninety degrees on the impaling dildo and then lower my feet to the cold floor before lifting myself off the invader in my ass.

There was strange sensation when my ass was clear, a feeling of emptiness. There was also a wet rumbling fart from my ass as some slick wetness burbled out and dripped onto the floor or the chair.

Well, I'm not cleaning that up, or the dildo either. As I looked at the vague glow around the outline of the door, I actually half-turned back to look at where I had just been constrained, but I could only make out a vague shape in the darkness. Forward, then!

There was no one in the outer office beyond, and the lights were out in this room as well, though it was less dim than it had been in the experiment chamber. All of the equipment in here had been turned off.

I pressed forward into the reception area, only realizing as I was midway through the door that it might be inappropriate for a nude man to suddenly burst into a room. Fortunately there was no one there.

Wait... there's no one here! Where's Allan and... the other guy? Um... Wade.

It looks like they had wrapped up their experiment and taken off. Well, I guess I should do that as well. Hey! Where's my... stuff?

I thought back to what had happened when I had arrived here. My memories were weirdly swimmy - what had been in that drink he gave me? But I remembered getting undressed, putting my clothes in my bag, leaving my bag... on the table.

It was no longer on the table, but my first heart attack was cut off when I saw that it was just on the floor below the table. Then I had my second heart attack when I realized that the zipper and handles were locked to a metal ring with my digital time lock. I didn't do that, did I?

The clock was at fifty-four minutes. I'd have to wait in here, nude, for nearly an hour before I could dress and leave. Assessing the situation, there was no other choice at all: the bag was securely locked and there was no way I was going to leave this room. I thought I could gain a bit of security by retreating to the office area, but that door had locked behind me. No going back there - and presumably the door out to the hallway area would lock behind me as well if I tried to get out of here. I noticed my gopro had been set up on top of a filing cabinet, presumably recording the whole room.

Well, nothing to do but wait. There was a box of tissues, so I managed to wipe up most of the lube smeared along my backside. Then, I settled into one of the grimy, ancient upholstered chairs, guessing that whoever sat in this next might not want to know who had last used it. And then I wondered what sort of filthy, naked asses had settled here before me.

After a bit, I sort of zoned out for awhile, letting time pass by. At least until I heard a muffled beeping from over by the door.

It opened. A guy walked in, letting the door close behind him. He didn't seem to be surprised to see me, and for a second we just scoped each other out. In his twenties, bad complexion, overweight, unfashionable glasses and indifferently-styled hair. Nerd! The taunt rung out in my mind.

"The slack channel said there'd be a naked guy in here ready to suck cocks." He looked at me. "I mean, I'm straight... but I really need to get off so I can get my essays done."

Straight indeed! Well... who am I to judge? I slid out of the chair to my knees. "Glad to be of service," I said.

He walked over to me, and as I reached for his fly, I subtly twisted his hips around and side-stepped to follow, so that we were edge-on to the camera. Might as well get some proper footage.

His circumcised cock was a little stubby but cute, and he got nice and hard really quickly. I was pretty excited to be sucking off a stranger for the second time in just a few days, and this definitely seemed like a less-tense situation than on the subway.

But although that meant I wasn't in as much of a rush, this guy was definitely on the fast lane. I had only been sucking his cock for a minute or so when I heard him groan. "I'm gonna come," he muttered.

Most of the guys I had been sucking had been content to just spew right down my throat without warning me - not that I'm complaining! But this little novelty gave me an idea to try something different. So I quickly released his cock and took it in my hand so I could stroke him. Keeping it pointed at my face, it didn't take long before he started spewing thick, gooey ropes on me. It felt warm and sexy to have his jizz on me.

I gave his cock a couple last licks, but he seemed in a rush to leave as well, quickly backing away so he could tuck it back in his pants.

"Thanks," he muttered as he turned to the door.

"Thank you!" I said with genuine affection.

As the door closed behind him, I walked on my knees to get a little closer to the camera. Then, keeping eye contact with it, I carefully scraped his come off my forehead, nose and cheeks and into my mouth, licking my lips before swallowing it.

"Send... more... nerds..." I said to the camera with exaggerated seriousness.

After that, it was just more waiting, though now I was caught between hoping someone else would come in to get their cock sucked and worried that security or some actual authority would come in and bust me. In the end, nothing else of note happened until I heard the loud beep from the timelock.

I released the lock and grabbed my bag, setting it on the table and pulling out my shoes and clothes. I quickly got dressed, checked my phone, and grabbed the camera as I headed over to the door. I turned and looked back over the room before I flipped off the light switch and headed out.

5.d: Video #8: The Department Store

I scanned the next code when I got up on Monday.


So I waited a day, and when I scanned it again, I was texted a logo of one of the old department store chains.


Not a lot to go on, but it looked like I was being sent off to a restroom stall again. It also meant I had to leave soon, to give myself time before I had to be at work. I would have put it off until Wednesday, but I had my days switched around and I had to go to work on my usual main day off.

The mall was pretty quiet at this time, and the department store anchoring the far end of it was even more so. In fact, it looked distressingly empty. Looks like it'll be the end of the line for this chain soon, I thought as I went up a rickety, ancient escalator. The second and third floors were even less busy, and the fourth floor looked positively abandoned. As I started a quick circle around to find the restroom by the menswear department, I only saw a single salesperson.


The restroom was just past that. Unlike the one I had visited at the subway station, this was bright and clean, though it had that vague background smell of piss and disinfectant you get from toilets and tiles that had been in place and used for decades. I was not surprised to find it totally empty.

The QR code was in the second cubicle I looked in, the middle one of three. Turning the lock on the door, I sat on the toilet and scanned it, my attention distracted by the large wad of toilet paper stuffed into a hole beside the dispenser. My phone buzzed.






This time around, I felt positively eager to get undressed. But first, I had to deal with the camera. I leaned back and looked up the wall above the toilet, and indeed, there was a fairly-fresh looking X in black marker just below the top of the wall between stalls. I attached the suction cup mount to the camera and reached up to attach it to the wall, tilting the camera downwards. I checked on my phone to see that it was in the right place and started the recording.

I quickly got undressed, stuffed my clothes in the bag and locked my wrist to the metal railing above the toilet. Then I turned my attention to the gloryhole. I tentatively poked at the wad of toilet paper stuffing it up, and after a couple more jabs it fell at my feet on the other side of the metal wall. I grabbed it and dropped it in the toilet and then examined the hole in more detail. This looked like it had been a feature of this bathroom for quite some time. It had been quite carefully fabricated: the edges of the metal wall that were cut or gouged out were smoothed over and carefully wrapped with what looked like duct tape. It was probably less than three inches wide, big enough to stick your cock through, but not your balls as well.

A real gloryhole! I wondered to myself. Guys have actually stuck their cocks through this... guys have actually sucked cocks, right here! I was so excited I was almost shaking. Sucking a cock at a real gloryhole... real, anonymous cocksucking... that had always been one of my biggest fantasies, something that I had imagined doing for years. And now, here I am!

All I needed was a cock. I waited, and none were forthcoming. Twenty minutes had passed, and I realized that not only had no one come in to use the gloryhole, no one had even come in to use the bathroom. Just the same, quiet hum in the background. I felt like the last human left on earth, or at least in this department store. I looked up at the camera. This is gonna be the Omega Man of homemade porn movies!

The waiting was pretty dull. I realized how used I was to having my phone handy in situations like this, to surf the net or play one of those stupid dumb timewasting games. Damn, I wish I had one of those games now.

At least I had time to shift my right arm around to keep it from getting sore. How would I do this if I was actually sucking someone off? I wondered, so I did some research, dropping to my knees in front of the gloryhole. There wasn't much slack in the chain on the handcuffs keeping it locked to the railing above the toilet, so my right arm was now almost fully extended. My right hip was nearly resting against the cool porcelain of the toilet bowl, adding to the chill I was getting on my knees and shins from the cold floor tiles. I hunched down a bit and leaned in, positioning my mouth right in front of the gloryhole. The tissue dispenser was now right to the right of my cheek, so there wouldn't be much room to tilt my head. I'll have to take the cocks straight on, I thought. If there are any cocks.

I heaved myself up and sat back on the toilet seat. At least I won't be feeling claustrophobic. Unlike toilet stalls in new establishments, these cubicles felt rather roomy. In some of the newer restaurants your shoulders were practically rubbing the walls beside you and the stall door was almost banging your knees. This was not only fairly wide, but surprisingly long, with at least four feet from the front of the toilet to the stall door. I stretched out my legs.

I was locked for about forty-five minutes when someone finally came into the restroom. But they just walked over to the urinals, pissed and left, not even washing their hands after. Ugh, how gross! I laughed at myself after that, considering what I was hoping to do in here.

Otherwise, no one else came in, and I was a little taken aback at the loud beep of the time-lock's countdown ending.

Well, shit! I was supposed to suck a cock. Should I just wait another hour? No, I knew what time it was, and I had to be getting to work. Dammit, I'd have to come back tomorrow.

My irritation quickly faded as I went through all the practical steps of extricating myself from this situation: unlock myself from the railing, remove handcuff, get dressed, retrieve camera. Even through all of that, no one came to use the restroom.

I was about to leave when my eye caught the unused gloryhole. Always leave the campsite as nice as it was when you got here! I yanked at the end of the roll of the toilet paper and pulled out enough to make a wad to stuff the hole up again.

When that was done, it didn't look quite as smooth as it had when I arrived. Good enough, but... I grabbed my bag and exited the stall, opening the door of the adjacent one to see how my effort looked on this side.

When I had first arrived here, I had been focused on finding the QR code in the stalls, so I hadn't even noticed the gloryhole from this side. Now I looked at it. The stuffed-in toilet paper looked passable enough, but I was more intrigued by the message scraped into the paint above it. It didn't look new, so I didn't think it was one of Sir's interventions: GLORYHOLE SERVICE / OPEN ON WEDNESDAYS.

Well! Tomorrow might be more interesting after all!

* * *

I knew the timing was going to be tight for the next day, so I tried to get to Sir's as early as possible for my weekly inspection. I was feeling pretty distracted by the buzz of anticipation at the idea of sucking a cock in a gloryhole, so I was totally taken off-guard when he told me about my new tasks and how I'd have to service my friends. So that probably shocked me less and didn't really sink in as much as it might have.

In fact, by the time I got back to the mall, I was already planning ahead about how I could pull off my video with a bit more panache. Knowing the job in advance, I felt like I was ready to expose myself a little more. So before heading in to the department store, I sat down on a bench in the mall and opened up my duffel bag. I pulled out the camera and started it running. It would make for some jittery footage to hold onto it as I walked to the bathroom, but it would make for a more exciting video.

So I was filming as I went into the store. It looked about as dead the day before on the first floor, and similarly quieter as I went up further — everything seemed exactly the same as yesterday, it was like I was caught in a time warp. I felt ready to take a little risk, and on the slow old escalator between the third and fourth floor I unzipped my fly and pulled my cage out of my pants, holding out the camera to show I was doing this in public.

When I got to the fourth floor, I avoided the side of the floor that had had the sales associate yesterday and headed right towards the restroom, my cage and balls still exposed. There was no one around.

And there was no one in the bathroom, so I decided to go with the other "daring" idea I'd had. I set the camera on the counter beside the sink closest to the entrance so it had a view of the length of the bathroom. Then I retreated to beside the sink furthest away, and I started undressing there, folding and setting my clothes on the counter beside me. Once I was nude, I opened the bag and pulled out the supplies I would need, and packed my clothes and phone.

I squatted down and looked under the sink. Luckily, there was a metal brace there that was just what I needed. I took a padlock and looped it through the zipper and the metal loop beside it and also through that brace, locking it. I put the key on the shackle of the time lock. I was going to be fully committed this time.

I entered the centre stall and locked the door. then I set up the camera with the suction cup mount. I realized as I did this that with my phone already locked away in my bag there would be no way I could check to make sure I had the angle right, but I had a pretty decent feel by now about how the camera's range of vision worked. Then I poked out the wad of toilet paper blocking the gloryhole and put the wad in the toilet. Then I set the time lock and locked myself to the railing.

Something's gonna happen in this hour. I could feel it, and my belly was twitching with excitement.

I only had to wait about five minutes this time for someone to come into the restroom. But just like yesterday, it was only someone taking a leak in one of the urinals. At least this person washed their hands.

Less than five minutes after that, someone else came in, and I thought I was going to be disappointed again, as he also walked over to the urinals and pissed. But then, instead of exiting (or washing their hands!) he walked past, close to the stalls. And stopped. Walked back a couple steps, and for the first time it occurred to me how unusual it would look to see a barefoot man, no pants around his ankles, in a stall.

He went into the stall beside me. A couple seconds later, his fingers waggled through the gloryhole. Well, I read about this in an old Penthouse Forum a friend of mine had in high school, so I knew the code. His fingers withdrew. I shifted down from my perch on the toilet seat, dropping to my knees, like I had practiced yesterday. In position, I leaned forward, sticking my tongue through the hole and wiggling it around.

Message sent, message received. I heard the zzt of his fly being unzipped and my heart started racing. This is happening! I don't know who this man is. He could be anyone. And now, I'm going to suck his cock.

I almost fainted with pleasure when he stuck it through. Not because it was anything special.. it was about a dead-on average cock, in fact. Circumcised, with a flared, rounded head, and about five-and-a-half inches projecting out in front of me, once I had played with it for a few seconds.

It was beautiful, and holy fuck did I want it in my mouth.

So I sucked him off. As with all of the sex things I had thought about that had become realities, the execution was a bit more awkward than the fantasy... I had to be careful when I was going down on his cock not to mash my nose or forehead into the metal wall, and in fact, right as I started I bumped my noggin lightly a couple times. That meant that I could only take so much of his cock into my mouth, but that was probably for the best and would keep me from gagging on it.

Most importantly, I could get enough in my mouth that I would lock my lips around it and keep the suction of my cheeks as tight as possible, just like I had been practicing at home. I worked up and down, doing my best to give this guy, whoever he was, the thrill that he deserved.

It definitely worked. I liked feeling in my mouth how hard he was, and then feeling him starting to twitch a little. He moaned once — we had booth been quite silent throughout up to this point, sucking sounds notwithstanding, and I was definitely ready for him to give me a mouthful of come.