How I Found a Keyholder Ch. 07


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There was a quiet pause in the room, then one of the men started laughing as he stood up. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. This... this is the exposure, then.

My mind was racing in several directions. First, I was thinking of all the people in my contacts list on my phone: not just my friends, which would be bad enough, but lots of work contacts... and my family as well. My brain was also trying to do math, which was almost impossible in the current circumstances. Oh fuck... so sixty minutes is sixty pictures. On average, a die will roll a six, what... sixteen per cent of the time. Let's call that fifteen per cent, so fifteen percent of sixty is... ummm... nine, I guess?

I was distracted by the fact that two men were now stepping up onto the risers beside me. Now I understood why that higher second level had been added -- as the guys stepped up onto those, their crotches were right at my mouth level.

My mind was still trying to understand all this as I heard them undoing their zippers. So that's probably at least nine pictures that will get sent to people... maybe more, depending on the dice. I tried to guess what percentage of my contacts were actual people that knew me, as opposed to all the random delivery numbers, stores, medical offices and so on that were in there.

Then I was distracted, as there was a pair of cocks dangling in front of my face. Without really getting a good look at it, I turned to my right and opened my mouth and it was quickly filled, and all at once I was sucking on it, sliding my tongue around a circumcised head.

"Oh, and there's one more thing," Dave said, as I saw him move closer to me from the corner of my eye. He handed something to the guy I was sucking. "There are also these Bluetooth shutter buttons. Please press the button when you come on this fag's face, and the camera will take an extra picture."

Fuck, that means there will be even more pictures, so the chances that some of them will be sent to someone are even greater... As the guy to my left pulled my head back and turned it so I was facing his cock, part of my brain was still trying to calculate odds, figure out how many people might see me. This was complicated by the fact that it stood to reason that the more guys I sucked, the more pictures would be taken, and despite everything, I wanted to suck off as many guys as possible in the next hour.

As I made that realization, one part of my brain turned off and I stopped thinking about who might see me, and I concentrated on serving the cocks that were being offered to me.

Sucking those first two guys was incredibly satisfying, and I could feel my cock twitching in my cage -- I could guess I'd have a thread of pre-come oozing out from the opening by now. Both the guys that I was sucking were pretty average cocks... but face it, average cocks are hot. Held in place as I was, I had a pretty limited range of motion, so I couldn't go deep on either of them, so I was mostly limited to bobbing my head up and down on the front half of their shafts.

After switching from one guy to the other several times, I could tell they were getting close, and after I released the cock of the guy to my left, he started jerking it. I was going to switch to the guy on my right, but he took the cue to start stroking himself as well. Blast-off! I thought to myself. I couldn't do anything more to help here, so I simply tilted my head back the little I could, opened my mouth, and stuck my tongue out.

The guys came in close proximity to each other, first the one on my right, who got most of it in my mouth, then the guy on the left, who largely spattered his semen on my cheek and chin. Forgetting where they might be going for a second, I thought to myself that it would be hot to see the pictures taken as they were coming.

They stepped down, and right away another guy climbed up to my right. His uncut cock was nestled in thick pubic hair, and as he thrust it toward my face, I caught its musky, almost spicy aroma. I was extremely grateful to be able to suck this cock, and I did my best to get him off.

About halfway through, he was joined by another guy, an older gentleman in his sixties who pulled out a pair of giant, low-dangling balls behind his small nub of an uncut cock that, while flaccid, was mostly droopy foreskin. I managed to get him hard, though, and his cock had its own exciting taste. He took quite awhile to finish, so I was still working on him when I got the hairy guy off and got to taste his jism.

No one else came up until the older guy was done. He needed to jerk frenetically at his cock for a minute or so to coax his load out. He was replaced by a middle-aged guy who looked every inch the suburban dad... and when I followed his gaze into the audience, I could see he was being watched by a beaming suburban mom, who had her phone out to record the whole thing. Looks like they're having a good night out in the city, I thought as I was licking away at the guy's dick. He probably had about five inches, so I wondered if they were here to secure her some more substantial cock.

The next cock I got to take was definitely more substantial. It was from a young guy who looked like every homeless punk with a squeegee on a street corner -- spiked leather jacket, mohawk and all. As he climbed onto the risers from my right, I could sense he probably hadn't showered for a week, and that impression grew stronger when he unbuttoned his fly, releasing a strong waft of piss and sweat. I flashed back to the guy I had sucked on the subway, as I experienced the same mix of repulsion, hunger and arousal.

And then just pure, drooling arousal as he fished his tool out. It was pretty substantial in its half-hard state, but once I had it in my mouth I was guessing that he must have had about eight thick inches of cock. That meant he could push his dick further into my mouth than any of the guys I'd sucked here so far, and I did my best to wrap my lips around it.

That didn't satisfy him, though, as he suddenly pivoted into me, lifting his right leg to rest it just below my left wrist on the raised X-bar of the bondage cross. That meant he was essentially straddling my face, and he started fucking my mouth.

There was nothing I could do in this situation, except try and relax my jaw and try not to gag as he slid his cock along my tongue and into my throat. I was totally powerless as he started thrusting his cock in and out of me. I tried to breathe in through my nose when he was at his most withdrawn, and I felt a vague sense of accomplishment as I realized I no longer felt like this sort of intrustion against my tonsils was going to make me instantly puke.

That doesn't mean it was easy going, but it was somehow tolerable, and as my panic instincts retreated when I realized this guy wasn't going to choke me, my arousal returned and then redoubled. I had that stink of him on my nose, and a whole lotta cock in my throat. This punk was utterly dominating and using me. It felt fantastic.

I wasn't sure if my mouth had managed to raise his arousal quickly or if he was simply in danger of losing his balance and toppling from his perch, but he didn't keep it up for more than a minute or so, then he swung back so once more he was standing on the platform beside me. Though I needed a break to catch my breath, I pushed as hard as I could to suck on his powerful prick, taking him as deep as I could from the angle I was at, and after a couple minutes of that he rewarded me with a giant load of gooey spunk that covered my face.

He spun around and left the stage without a comment. If I weren't being held up by the manacles, I definitely would have collapsed to the ground, my chest heaving as I gasped for air.

I didn't have long to recover though, as two more guys climbed up immediately. I got the sense they were a couple, or at least had come here together, and they laughed and bantered back and forth as I sucked their cocks. They also were the most playful, stopping me from just sucking wildly while they lightly slapped my cheeks with their cocks, and then giving me a break as they leaned in to jerk each other off and rub their cocks together. As such, they were up there for a longer time, but it all a huge turn-on for me.

Eventually they timed it so they shot their loads on my face nearly together, and then the spent more time using their wilting cocks to scrape all the semen from my face and feed it to me, laughing as I made a show of licking my lips and smiling all the while. When they were done, they both took a turn at leaning in to kiss me on the lips and say thanks, telling me they had a great time and that I was an excellent slut.

That gave me a happy glow and I actually had a couple minutes to bask in it before another guy from the crowd took a turn. He was dark-skinned with short, tight curly hair and a handsome, narrow face. Ethiopian, probably, I thought to myself, and maybe a cabbie needing some relief. His cut cock had a pronounced curve to his left, and he was maybe bigger than average, but not a monster like that punk's. He reached down and rested his hand on my head, stroking my hair as I sucked him off.

There were two or three more guys after that -- I was getting a little hazy by this point -- the last of whom came up when Dave re-appeared to announce there were five minutes left. I was definitely sucking a blond college-student type for longer than that, so I don't know if the camera was still taking pictures when he delivered a nice load of sperm on my outstretched tongue. But once he stepped down, I was done.

* * *

There were only a couple guys still hanging around as Dave spent a couple minutes doing something with the tablet before coming over to release me from the restraints. He was kindly enough to help me over to a chair, and I sank into it, resting my shoulders and legs for a couple minutes. While I did, I watched him fidgeting with my phone, and he re-inserted my SIM card and handed it back to me.

"I'm supposed to take care of the tablet and these," he said, as he gathered up the leather cuffs. "You'll probably have your own instructions."

Not wanting to stand up and go get my clothes yet, I re-booted my phone and found I had a couple text messages waiting for me, including some further instructions. But first I opened one from a guy that was part of a D&D group I played with a couple years back. "This is actually Chris," his first message read. "I think you meant to send that to someone else!" I wondered what sort of picture he had received -- because the pictures didn't actually come from my phone, there was nothing in my sent messages.

He had also sent me a second text a couple minutes later. "I hope that didn't come off as preachy. I'm cool with you however you are... anyway, it sure looks like you're enjoying yourself!"

I smiled to myself at that before turning to the next string of messages. "CONTRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR SELF-BONDAGE ASSIGNMENTS


That hit me in a way I wasn't expecting. I was so used to just receiving instructions and carrying them out. Praise was not to be asked for or expected. So even this bare-bones affirmation gave me a weird adrenaline rush.


That was followed by an address, which I was guessing was just a couple blocks from here. Now, despite the tiredness in my limbs, I felt a burst of renewed energy as I stood up to grab my clothes and start pulling them on -- my underwear, my pants, my shirt... no, wait: it was actually that other guy's shirt...

Once I was dressed, I paused to say thanks to Dave, who was moving the stage risers back how they were. Then I made my way out through the rest of the establishment, which was busier now than when I had arrived. There were several couples and trios fucking in the other screening room now, and there was more excited energy of people buzzing around the hallways with the video rooms. I nodded to the guy in the ticket booth as I went out through the exit door.

I went and grabbed my bike and it was only a minute's ride to find the address I'd been given. A small neon sign identified it as a tattoo shop; its appearance was somewhere between the tattered tawdriness of this strip and the gentrified hipster enclave it would probably be in a few years.

Going inside, the interior was austere but friendly, and the place looked clean and professional. Loud rock music was playing through a stereo as I approached the front desk, where a woman and man, both heavily pierced and tattooed, were chatting.

"I, uh, think I have an appointment?"

The woman, somewhat bored, looked over to a computer screen, but the man gave me a nod. "He's here for the QR code," he said to the woman, who abandoned her efforts.

That was news to me, but barely a surprise, so I nodded back.

"The design work is all done, of course, and it's all paid for. We just need you to sign these forms and we can get started."

The forms appeared to be consents and waivers, but I didn't look through them closely. I just signed and pushed them back across the counter, and the guy nodded at me. "C'mon through... my booth is already set up. I'm Chuck, by the way."

As I followed him, he got a bit more loquacious. "I've done a bunch of these now, including several for your... friend. We're getting high readability from them, so your tattoo should scan cleanly for at least five years, and after that you can come back and I can touch it up if necessary. They resolve better when the reader is a bit further back, so if anyone's having trouble with it, tell 'em to pull their phone back about a foot from the code. You have any ink already?"

I was a bit behind, trying to absorb all that information, and I realized after a couple seconds he was asking me if I already had any tattoos. "No, nothing yet."

We were in Chuck's booth now, with his needling gear surrounding a metal bench. "Well, it will hurt a little. I say to people getting their first one to imagine it like having a cat scratching you, but you can't shoo it away. Yours requires precision, but it's not so big, so we can get it done in one session. You might as well take your pants off and get comfortable on your left side. I guess for this you'll need your underwear pulled down, but I assume you'll be okay with just taking them off and making my life a little easier."

I kicked off my shoes and socks and pulled off my pants as Chuck was puttering with his gear. By this point, I didn't think twice about taking off my underwear in a situation like this. As I lay down on the bench, he gave me a couple cushions to help me hold a comfortable position without moving. When he noticed my chastity cage, he started asking a few questions, in an interested, matter-of-fact way.

The next couple hours were less interesting, and my brain has merged them into a kind of haze: the application of the transfer with the pattern and then the start of that constant buzzing tingle on my skin. It did indeed hurt... not so much that I was flinching, but enough that I was unable to ignore it as I started to feel wired up.

The end result was a nice, crisp QR code on my right hip, placed just like the one I had seen on Dave earlier tonight, the square maybe a little less than three inches on a side. After finishing, Chuck grabbed his phone and tested the code, giving an affirmative grunt when it read cleanly. Then he took some regular photos of my hip, documenting his work before bandaging it.

"You actually only need to keep this on for two or three hours, he told me as he began a spiel about recovery and aftercare. Fortunately he handed me a printout as well, so I'd be able to remember all this when I got home. Showing that someone had been planning ahead, he had a pair of sweatpants ready for me, telling me to take them off when I got home and otherwise stay off that side overnight. I was also advised not to strain the area too much, so I ended up taking a cab home, putting my bike in the trunk.

When I was sitting in the back of the cab, the permanence of this change started to sink in. I would be wearing Sir's mark for good now.

Once I was at home, I shucked the sweats and puttered around for the next couple hours naked from the waist down. To my surprise, there weren't any further confused responses from people who had been "accidentally" texted from my number earlier in the evening.

And then, after watching a movie, I took the bandage off my new tattoo and went to the bathroom to look at it in the mirror. I was curious to know what the code was linked to, so I opened my phone and scanned it -- with my regular camera app, not the special one I'd been using for Sir's codes. It opened my web browser and took me to a familiar, minimalist page with four file folders. Three of them had lock icons on them, of course, but when I clicked the first one, it went to a page with pictures and a couple videos of me.

So from now on, anyone who could see the tattoo could find out that much more about me. A couple months ago, it felt like a heart-attack-inducing big deal to me nude in an apartment building stairwell. Now, I could be deeply exposed to anyone who saw this... and odds were I'd be naked around a lot of strange people for the forseeable future. I was so turned on by the idea of being exposed like this... of the very idea of who I was being shifted for anyone who saw these pictures of me.

My cock was aching in its cage as I flipped through the pictures of me that were posted online. I knew my name and much more was in the next folder that was still locked, and I wondered how it would feel if that was exposed for everyone to see, as well.

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offeringservice26offeringservice26over 2 years ago

I love how wild these have become! And they still somehow feel like they could be realistic. Well done once again!

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