How I Lost My Mother Ch. 03

Story Info
Mom's date night leads to something more with bully.
5.7k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/29/2024
Created 02/17/2024
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That word kept repeating in my head as the week progressed. Date. My mom was going on a date with Henri. The boy next door. The guy who not just last week stated that he wanted to fuck her and make her his woman.


I still couldn't get that word out of my head. There has to be a way to convince her not to go out with him. That's when it hit me. I remember mom saying that the "evidence was stacked against me." What if....what if I found some way to show her that Henri isn't all that he seems. Then she'll have to believe me.


I waited until mom left for work. It was still a few days before I started public school again, so I had plenty of time. Once I heard her car pull out of the driveway, I went to her room and began searching for her laptop. I found it a few minutes later... inside a drawer of her "toys."

I looked at them as I grabbed her laptop. Fantasizing and thinking to myself that mom used these... things at one point. I shook my head when I started to get aroused by the thought of mom using her sex toys during foreplay with someone. Maybe she used that buttplug thing a day before they had anal sex?

Again, I shook my head and exited her bedroom.

It didn't take me long to find the video Henri was watching. The one of mom fully naked on her bed and fingering herself rapidly. That's when I noticed it. Yes! there was a new video dated the day Henry snuck into her bedroom. With him jerking his 10inch cock with her thong wrapped around it. My voice could be heard telling him to get the fuck out. Followed by mom's voice a short while later announcing that she was home and had lunch with her. Then the quick motion of him hitting me in my stomach and pushing me out her open doorway. Then climbing out her open bedroom window, before shutting it behind him.

I hastily closed the video afterward, when the sound of mom screaming at me followed suit.

I hated how easily she believed him. How *easy* she took his side over mine!

I grinned to myself afterward.

Now I have proof. Proof that he was the one in her bedroom that day. She'll have to believe me!

She has to right?


Mom came home later that day. I sat on the loveseat waiting for her.

"I'm home!" she called out from the entryway, "What do you think sounds good for dinner? Spaghetti? Lasagna? Tacos?"

She walked into the living room with her phone in hand. Smirking at what was on the screen. It's probably something that Henry sent her. Mom jumped when she saw me on the loveseat.

"Paul! You startled me, sweetie!" she exclaimed, "Why didn't you answer back?"

She saw her laptop in front of me, and a video paused on it. She then shook her head and sighed.

"Again, Paul!" mom asked, "Look I understand that watching porn is a... normal thing most teenage boys do in their private time."

She walked closer to me and tried to grab it from my lap.

"But doing this in the living room?" she state, "That's disgusting! What if we had guests?"

"No!" I said, "Watch mom! Watch, and you'll see that I was telling the truth!"

She was taken aback by how forceful my statement was and stood there watching as I played the video. Showing her that Henri was the one in her bedroom. While I tried to tell him to get out.

She only watched two seconds before gasping in shock and crumbled onto the floor.

"I... I don't want to watch this anymore!" she said, "Please!"

I stopped playing the video.

"To think I invited him into our house!" mom said, "The nerve oh him!"

"See? I told you!" I said, "Henri is just acting this way just so he can get into your pants. He even told me that!"

"But he was so nice to us!" mom said, "He helped."

"All of it was an attempt to get you to like him!" I stated, "Henri is just like Adam mom. He just wants to sleep with you!"

"Oh god... how can I be so fucking stupid!" mom said, "To think... I trusted him over my own son! How can I make it up to you?"

"Don't go on the date with him." I said, "Also, it'll be wise to end things before he really has you under his thumb."

"I will!" mom said, "I will stop all contact with him."

She sends a text to Henri saying that there was a change of plans. She doesn't want to go on a date with him nor see him anymore.

She then hugged me.


But you... don't really think this was how it played out, did you?

No, it didn't.

It went this way instead.


Mom came into the living room and saw me sitting on the loveseat. Then noticed her laptop in front of me. Before I could even say anything, mom snatched it from me and looked really annoyed.

"Again Paul? Really?" mom said, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you watching... disgusting videos again?"

She looked at me with disgust written on her face.

"I had to show you proof!" I said, "Look at the last video on your laptop."

She sighed in frustration and examined her laptop.

"What video?" mom asked.

"The video of him using your underwear to jack off with while watching that video of... some woman masturbating on her bed!" I stated.

I saw her browse the *videos* and then sighed in frustration, before looking at me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" mom asked, "There's no such video like that on here."

I got up from the loveseat and stood next to her. The video was not there. What the hell is happening? Mom sighed and walked back toward her bedroom. I followed behind her.

"It was there!" I said, "I swear it was!"

"Enough Paul!" mom shouted, "I had enough! I don't want to hear anymore about this!"

She then places the laptop in her nightstand drawer.

"I'm tired of this Paul," mom said, "I really am. Tired of you lying! Of you being perverted! Why can't you just be normal?!"

"But it was there mom!" I said, "Why don't you believe me!"

"Because you're lying to me!" mom stated, "That's why!"

I felt tears running down my face.

"I hate you!" I said.

I then stormed off to my room as mom sat on her bed in shock. I think I heard mom crying a bit later. I HATED myself for saying that sentence to her. I really did.

But... in that moment, I rationalized that mom was under Henri's thumb already.


The next day, we barely said a word to each other. Both of us still raw from our fight yesterday.

Henri came over later. I heard mom talking to him about yesterday and about what I said to her.

It disgusted me that she confided in him about our fight. Another reason why I hate Henri. He's playing the dutiful friend to her. While obviously letting mom know about his desire to date her and she's buying it.

He's not like Adam. No, he's much worse than he was. Because Henri is slowly building mom's interest in him. Saying all the right things to her, complimenting her on every little thing. In other words, being the type of guy she would depend on. Someone she'll fall for.

And falling for him, she is.

My heart sank when I heard mom kiss his cheek and tell him how much she appreciated him listening to her. How... she's feeling comfortable and safe around him.

He then talked about their date and asked if she'd like to have dinner at his place. Saying how he had the whole house to himself right now. She sounded reluctant to say anything. But he kept pressing the right buttons, and she finally accepted. Saying that maybe a night away from home would do her some good. Giving us both some space to "work things out."

I then heard her tell him that she'll be over in a few hours.


I heard mom knock on my door two hours later. She then opened my door without me saying anything and stood in the doorway.

Mom was wearing a light blue blouse and grey capri pants. The fabric shows off the swelling of her hips and the puffiness of her calves.

"I'm going to be at Henri's place having dinner with him. So I'll be out most of the evening." mom stated, "There's some leftover food in the fridge in case you get hungry."

I said nothing as I sulked in silence.

"I'm just trying to be nice about this," mom said.

"Nice about what?" I snapped, "That you're going over to his house to have dinner with him? Trying to make me understand that you're starting to fall for that nice guy shit he's doing?"

"Paul Johnes!" mom hissed, "I will not tolerate that attitude from you, young man!"

There was a knock on our front door.

"That must be him," I stated sarcastically, "do enjoy yourself, mom! Enjoy leaving your son alone at home. While you are at a teenage boy's house alone with him. Oh, I'm sure nothing will happen. Yeah, he won't try to get into your pants at all!"

She storms into my room and slaps my face hard. Anger and pure disgust in her eyes as she then walked out of my room afterward and toward the front door. I then heard the front door open.

"You look upset," I heard Henri tell her.

"I'll tell you later," mom said as the front door slammed shut behind them.

I looked through my bedroom window and saw mom walking with Henri towards his house. His arm wrapped around her waist.

They then disappeared behind the fence line, and I assumed stepped into his house. Where Henri supposedly made mom dinner.


It was getting pretty late, and mom still hadn't returned home yet. I tried texting her, but the text was left unread. I tried calling her, only for it to go directly to her voicemail. Was she ignoring me now?

The guilt was eating at me. I shouldn't have said what I said to her. I should've tried harder to persuade her. I should've tried harder to pull her from his grasp. But no, I was just too weak. Just as I was when Adam started fucking my mom.

I then decided to sneak over to Henri's property and see what was taking mom so long. My heart sank and perverted fantasies crossed my head as I started thinking about what he was doing to her or what she was doing with him.

I opened my bedroom window and stepped out into the evening air. The grass felt cool against my bare feet as I crossed the front yard to walk over to his house. My heart was racing in my chest as I got near to the property line. Would I be noticed?

Just as I was about to cross into his property, I heard his front door open, and I hid close to the fence.

"Thanks for dinner and dessert, Henri. I really enjoyed your cooking."

"Anytime, Ms. Johnes. If you ever want to... do this again sometime, I'm always around to help you."

"I... I appreciate that, Henri, I really do. Especially since you were such a gentleman tonight."

"So does that mean I can invite you over again sometime?

"I'll think about it. I did enjoy having not to think about my family for a few hours. I... enjoyed your company too."

I heard her say goodbye to him and immediately climbed back into my room, just as mom walked over into our driveway. I hid under my covers when I heard her walking down the hallway. My heart was racing as she stopped in front of my door before continuing towards her bedroom and closing her door behind her.

A few minutes later, I heard the very soft sounds of her moaning and realized that mom must be pleasuring herself. I crawled under my bed and pressed my ear against the vent that connected our two rooms. It was very faint, but I heard it. Mom was using one of her vibrators.

But I had to see, right? I had to watch her. So I crept out of my room and walked softly to hers. Mom's door was not fully latched, so I quietly pushed it open and saw mom on her bed fully naked. A large tan dildo sliding in and out of her swollen pussy. Her legs pulled up into the air as she pleasured herself. Saying Henri's name as the dildo shlicked in and out of her pussy.

I felt my heart sink as I heard her moaning his name, but yet... I felt also aroused.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of mom making breakfast and humming to herself. She sounded like she was in a chipper mood. Obviously, from the attention she got from Henri last night.

My stomach growled as I thought of the breakfast she was making. It smelled delicious. Would now be a good time to apologize to her. My conscience was getting the better of me. I did feel terrible after that exchange between us last night. Especially after the failed attempt to make her realize that Henri is a douche and her not believing a word of it.

I exit my room and follow the fresh smell of toast, bacon, and eggs being cooked. Mom had her back to me. She was wearing her work attire. Which told me that she was going to work after breakfast. Her scrubs loosely fitting to her curves and backside. Her dark brown hair tied into a ponytail.

"Mom?" I said, trying to get her attention.

She turned her head sideways to look at me.

"Yes, Paul?" she said afterward.

"Look... I'm sorry for what I said last night." I said, running my hand on the back of my neck, "I didn't mean for it to sound that way."

"Are you now?" mom said scoffed, "Well I don't believe you. "

I stared at the floor.

"Do you know why I don't believe you?" she then asked.

I said nothing.

"It's because you're badmouthing him." mom stated, "Henri is a sweet guy Paul. Last night, he made us dinner and dessert. He *TALKED* to me during dinner and never *ONCE* did he lay a finger on me!"

I continued to stare at the floor.

"Yet you were adamant about him trying to get into my pants." mom continued.

She then checks her phone and sighs.

"I'm going to work," mom then said, "Breakfast is on the skillet."

She walked past me and slammed the front door shut behind her. I heard her car start a few seconds later and pull out of the driveway.

I crumpled on the floor and curled into a ball. Crying. No not again. Not again.


Mom came home a few hours later. She walked past me as I tried talking to her again. Then she went straight into her room and shut the door behind her. I sighed as I retreated back to my room.

Mom exited her bedroom a few minutes later. She knocked on my bedroom door and stepped inside as I looked at her. She then sat on my bed next to me. I sniffled.

"I... I'm s... sorry m... mom!" I said.

"I'm glad you are," mom said as she pulled me close to her.

She pats my head as she continued to hold me.

"Now you understand how I felt when you said you hated me," she continued.

"I'm sorry," I repeated, "I really am."

"I know you are," she said tenderly.

She gently lifted my face up to meet hers. Our eyes locked onto each other.

"But... can you please just try to get along with him?" mom asked, "It'll mean so much to me if you two became friends again."

"So will you?" she continued, "Will you try to become friends again?"

Mom continued to hold my face in her hands and looked at me earnestly. Waiting for my response. I can see that she really believes that he is a good guy.

"Fine." I said, "I'll try."

Mom beams at me happily.

"I knew you'd give him a chance," mom said, "Trust me hun, you'll be okay."

I certainly hope so. Because I had a feeling that he was close to claiming her.


Henri came over late afternoon on Sunday. Which sucked because his face was the last thing I wanted to see before starting school come Monday morning. Mom had apparently invited him over for dinner and was busy preparing for it.

Don't get me wrong, mom is a terrific cook, and I enjoyed all her cooking. But seeing someone else eating or enjoying it...just made me feel disgusted.

I had just exited the bathroom when the doorbell rang.

"Just a second!" mom called out.

I saw her open the front door and greet whoever was on our porch. She then ushered them inside.

Henri was wearing a pair of brown khaki slacks and a dress shirt. In his left hand was a bouquet of yellow daffodils and a single red rose placed in the middle. I noticed that mom was wearing a dress I hadn't seen before and had on light makeup. She looked breathtaking.

"For you beautiful," Henri said.

"Oh Henri, that's so sweet of you!" mom gushed, "Daffodils are my favorite flower!"

I saw her peck his cheek affectionately and took them from him.

"How'd you even know?" mom asked afterward, "I don't think I remember ever telling you that."

"Oh... I have my ways, Lilian," Henri said, smirking at her.

Why is mom not reprimanding him for using her first name?

"Oh, I bet you do you little flirt!" mom replied right back, "I like your outfit by the way. It's very handsome."

"Well, this is the first time you invited me over for dinner," Henri said, "I wanted to impress you. Plus, you look gorgeous yourself. I don't think I've ever seen you wear a dress before."

"Oh honey, you don't need to impress me. I like you just the way you are." mom giggled again, "And thank you. Was something I bought recently. I'm glad you like it."

They both then went into the kitchen. I crept forward until I could hear their continued conversation.

"So what are we having?" Henri asked, "Smells delicious."

"Oh, just something I wanted to recreate." mom said, "It's the dinner you made for me a few days ago. But I decided to remake it my way."

"Well then, I can't wait to try it," Henri said.

The smell was kinda strong and disgusting to me. What was mom recreating for dinner? What did Henri make her when he invited her over for dinner at his place?

"Why don't you go get Paul?" mom suggested to Henri, "dinner is almost done."

"Sure thing, beautiful," Henri said.

I hated that he was actively flirting with her, and mom wasn't doing anything about it. I retreated back to my room before he even attempted to leave the kitchen. He was probably taking his time staring at her heart-shaped ass. I heard him walking down the hallway a few minutes later and stuck his head into my open doorway.

"Your mom wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready now," Henri said, "so move your ass."

He then walked back toward the kitchen.

"Paul! Dinners ready!" mom shouted a few minutes later.

"I'll be there in a few seconds!" I said loudly.

I exited my room just as mom started carrying the food to the table. Sitting down at the table just as she began serving. It smelled disgusting. The only editable thing was the chuck of sausage

"What is this?" I asked, pointing to the small lump of light green mash on my plate.

"That's sauerkraut," mom said, "you know fermented cabbage? Henri made this when he invited me over for dinner. It's good."

I watched as mom took a bite from her food and chewed it.

"So how is it Henri?" mom asked afterward, "Is it good?"

She watched him anxiously. Hoping he liked her cooking.

"I think you out did yourself Lilian," Henri said, "It's better than when I made it."

"That's good to hear," mom said, smiling at him.

"But do you know what would go good with this?" Henri asked suddenly.

"Let me guess something alcoholic?" mom jested.

Henri chuckled.

"Beer if preferable," he then said, "if not. Maybe some white or red wine."

Mom raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ain't you a little bit too young to be drinking alcohol?" mom asked.

"My dad allows me a glass or two every now and then." Henri stated, "So it's no biggie for me."

"Oh well... I don't think we have something like that." mom said, "but I think that I can check."

She got up from the table and entered the kitchen. Then, he opens a cabinet above the stove. Rummaging inside

"Mom doesn't really drink anymore," I blurted out.

"Since when are you in charge of her?" Henri asked, "She's a grown woman, who can make her own decisions."