How I Met My Master Ch. 05


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David searched my eyes for a violent reaction, but instead, I felt warm and flushed with desire.

"A fuck. I want fuck me." My declaration was soft, but with a hint of strength both of us were surprised by.

In all my time with Mark, I'd never had to ask for anything. He'd always assumed -- always taken and used. But David, as vile as he was, was pushing. He wanted me to be honest, and it was surprising how painful that was for me.

I expected David to smirk at me again; to start pulling my panties down, but instead, when I closed my eyes, his weight on me completely disappeared.

"Get up," David's voice was farther away, and when I opened my eyes I saw him standing, lithe body bent awkwardly over mine. He had one hand in his pant pocket, fishing for something, but all the while looking quite bemused.

After my little "confession," I was too scared and embarrassed to look him straight in the eyes. Instead, I focused on the ground as I rose to my feet, trying desperately to smooth wrinkles -- both existent and non - from my dress.

The sound of a soft clicking brought me back to reality, and I realized what David had been rooting around for. He took a long drag on his cigarette before meeting my eyes again. I waited for a snarky comment, but instead, David simply exhaled and tilted his head toward a hallway. Not another word was said before he started walking. And like a little puppy, I paused only briefly before following him.

When David finally halted, I quickly realized he'd led me to his bedroom. It was just as sterile and expensive looking as the rest of the apartment, donned in cold, crisp, black and white. Without urging me in or saying anything at all, he moved to the window and dragged the curtains shut. It felt strange to be on the other side of that window.

"You look pretty adorable when you're scared shitless," David teased. He crossed the room with the same long strides I remembered and suddenly, I felt smaller than ever.

I ignored his comment and backed into the door. It was only half-closed, but when I made a move to prop it open a bit further, David shot out a hand to stop me. He was quick, and pushed me back so that the door slammed shut under my weight. I tried to keep the fear and nerves out of my eyes, because it was obvious David was feeding on it.

"So this is what the payment was always meant to be, wasn't it? Sex?" I hung my head, but David just laughed.

"Don't do that," he grabbed my chin with one hand and forced me to look at him. "Don't stand there and try to act like a damn martyr. You and I can spend our whole month together picking flowers, for all I care. It's no skin off my nose. But we both know what you just asked me to do to you, you little bi..."

My eyes lit up and David stopped himself.

'Finish it,' I wanted to tell him. 'Finish your sentence!'

A smirk twitched on my tormentor's lips.

"I'm not going to say it," he wagged a finger in front of my face. "Not unless you beg for it, kid."

Heat flushed my face, but it didn't stop me from taking another few steps off the door.

"I'm not a kid; I'm a woman," I tried not to sound as desperate as I felt. I was sure my voice betrayed me, but I made sure to approach David for emphasis. Though he busied himself with his cigarette, I was sure I was doing the right thing. For once, I was going to get a guy on my own, and Blaine wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

She was always forceful with the men she dated, so why couldn't I be?

"I want you to treat me like any other woman you've fucked. Like...that blonde! I want you to do to me what you did to her," I pushed off from the wall and rounded on David. He had a smirk on his lips, but he let me approach.

When I caught his eyes following the awkward sway of my hips and my apprehensive steps, I stopped walking. We were only centimeters apart, and I could feel his body heat radiating against me.

"Teach me," I pulled the cigarette from his slim fingertips and crushed the burning end against the side of his chest of drawers. "Use me."

"That's what you want?" David suddenly reached behind him for something I couldn't see, and began to back me toward the bed. "That's what you want?"

"Y-yeah," I stammered. "You know you want me t—"

David's sudden movement took me back. He crossed over to me again, and before I could let out a yelp, pushed me facedown on the mattress.

"Wait, please wait—

I began to turn my head, but then felt his weight on my back, keeping me in place. His hands went up near my ears, and I felt silk bind itself around my face.

So much for confidence.

I opened my mouth to plead, but no sound came out. I was scared -- terribly scared and I wanted nothing more than to wake up alone in bed and do the whole morning over. There would be no fight with Mark, no waking up in David's apartment, no tandem, no smart-ass remarks, and certainly not squirming and struggling, facedown on a stranger's bed.

But then, David laughed. As soon as I heard it, I couldn't fight the tickle of nerves that moved in my stomach. With it came a familiar quiver between my thighs, and a throbbing I found hard to ignore. I couldn't believe it -- he was still turning me on.

'I'm a pervert. I'm officially a full blown pervert.'

"What are you scared of?" David's weight settled on my back and I stiffened up like a board. He straightened the silk over my eyes and I felt it tie tight behind my head. We both knew that if I really wanted to, I could have easily reached up to and tried to stop him, but instead, I remained perfectly still.

"I'm not scared, I just..." I lied. I grasped at the sheets and David's hands clamped over mine with urgency.

"Please..." I struggled for words again.

"—please what?" David adjusted himself on top of me, and as he slid up my body, so did my dress. I could only imagine how I looked -- all that skin exposed, my ass arched up toward his waist.

And then I felt it. The stiff, hard bulge against my back, and creeping down towards the heat between my thighs. David began to grind against me, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Nothing makes me hotter than to hear a sorry, disillusioned little girl admit she wants me to fuck her senseless," he nipped at my ear and I had to swallow a mewl of approval.

"You really thought you could tell me what to do?" David pushed my face into the mattress and I struggled to angle my nose and mouth away for breath.

I couldn't tell if he was trying to seduce or kill me.

"No," I regained my senses and began to struggle. "Of course not."

"But you do want to be used, don't you?" David grabbed my panties again, but this time I couldn't fight him off. With his full weight on my back, I was stuck. With one quick pull, he yanked down the scrap of pink silk and chuckled.

I was mortified.

"You slut. You're really getting off on this, aren't you, kid?" he smacked my pussy with an open palm, and then I could sense him hovering it in front of my face. I couldn't see David's fingers, but I could smell my own familiar scent. I could just imagine what it looked like - sticky and glistening with my arousal. Embarrassed, I had to turn my face away.

"Just let me go," I moaned. "I'll...I promise I'll—

David smacked me again, harder, and I heard his breath hitch when I yelped. At first, I thought he was concerned, but his soft moan told me otherwise. He wasn't worried about hurting me; he was enjoying it.

"It's funny..." David walked his fingers down my spine. "You sure talk a lot when Blaine's not around."

"Don't talk about Blaine," I panted. "Just because you screwed her—

David gave me two more slaps, much harder than the last. I opened my mouth to scream, but what came out instead was a desperate moan.

"—you know what I enjoy doing?" David leaned off me suddenly, but even with the crushing weight gone, I didn't dare move. Instead, I remained with my face down, ass in the air, breathing heavily.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was dangerously close to an orgasm, and eager for release.

"N-no," I whispered. "I-I don't."

"Breaking things," David said firmly. "Pretty...fragile things." his voice came close to my ear, but at the same time, I felt his hand again. My body tensed up expecting another slap, but instead, two fingers parted the swollen lips of my pussy.

"David..." I begged, but wasn't quite sure what I was begging for.

"When I was kid, I used to break my older sister's porcelain dolls..." David forced one digit inside me and I bit the sheets to stifle another moan.

"My mother's fine china..." he shoved in another finger, and my tight walls clenched around him in reflex.

"My girlfriend's glassware." David brushed his thumb over my asshole. When I whimpered in displeasure, he only pushed harder.

"Smash them to fucking pieces," his breathing became heavier and his mouth molded over a sensitive spot behind my ear. It was odd the way he'd found those sweet zones so easily. Even Mark had been clueless about what had really made me tick.

"David I-I can't

"—they were always so mad." David held me still with his free hand while I squirmed. His thick thumb sank into my ass with the firm pressure and that was all it took to send me over the edge.

"Fuck!" I dug my nails into the soft sheets as he wriggled all three fingers in unison. The unlubricated stretching was painful, but the pleasure of his fingers in my pussy drove me wild.

"Oh David...David..." I began to murmur.

"I loved to see them mad," he jerked my head up using the silk tie, and though I couldn't see his face, I knew David was grinning.

I should have been angry; I was certainly humiliated, but the haze of my orgasm clouded my thoughts. All I could think about was experiencing it again -- the fear and the chills and the heart-racing thrill of it all.

"You mad?" he tugged the makeshift blindfold off and I stared up into his eyes. David held his hand out and I could see his index and middle finger shimmering with my juices. Without thinking, I leaned in and let him slide them into my mouth.

"Guess not," he let out a deep breath.

My eyes fluttered closed and David's other hand walked up my cheek in a strange, gentle fashion. He stroked a bit of hair from my face, but when I'd licked him clean, pulled away as quickly as he'd approached. David turned his back on me and began digging in one of his drawers for something. In the awkward silence, I flushed and took note off the damp stain I'd left in the middle of his sheets.

"I'm..." I cupped both hands over my mouth. "I'm so embarrassed-I-I've never...I'm not like this I—

"—not like what?" David turned around holding a fresh pack of cigarettes. I couldn't help but let my gaze wander, and noticed that the bulge in the front of his slacks was still painfully obvious.

'So big...'

"N-not a..." I wrapped my arms around myself.

"A pervert?" David finished with a chuckle. "A slut? A...masochist?"

I cringed at the last one. Masochist...that was something dirty. David was surely a sadist, but I didn't want to have anything to do with that, especially if it meant, "being the M to his S". Masochists were people with strange, filthy desires, and I certainly wasn't that person. I just couldn't be that person.

David lit up in front of me and when he exhaled, reached down to adjust himself in his slacks. If I was a braver person, I would have gotten down on my knees and helped him out, but instead, I stayed glued to my spot on the bed, sweaty and panting.

"It...felt good," I hung my head. "Is-is it bad that it felt good?"

"Don't be an idiot," David crouched in front of me and flicked warm ash at my cheek. "It's only bad when you get yourself worked up over it."

I thought of Mark, and something inside me twisted.

"You and me..." David interrupted my sulking. "This is what it's going to be. One hour every day...I'll teach you, I'll use you, I'll crack you until you break."

I swallowed audibly. "So like...a friends with benefits kinda thing?"

"Yeah, but minus the 'friends ' bit." David chuckled. "Just benefits."

I didn't laugh.

No strings attached sex. After my fallout with Mark, it seemed perfect. I could get an itch scratched and wouldn't have to worry about being cheated on or dumped. Sex and love, I always thought you couldn't have one without the other, but as much as it pained me to find out, it was becoming obvious that wasn't true. I could barely tolerate David, but the idea of more fooling around thrilled me.

If Blaine could pull off sex with no attachments, why couldn't I?

David checked his watch and led me to the front door. The hour was up and it was time for me to go home and face Blaine. There was no doubt I'd be getting the third degree and I had a ten minute walk to come up with a proper excuse for my disheveled look.

"Can I have my underwear back?" I deadpanned at the sight of my silky panties peeking out of David's pocket.

I tried to swipe at him for them, but he just stepped out of my way.

"Just another souvenir," he twirled the thong around his index finger.

Note to self: invest in cheaper panties.

Fuming, I growled but managed to keep my composure. As long as no strong gusts of wind had it out for me, I could deal with the walk home.

"So," David finally unlocked the front door for me, but then leaned against the frame to block my exit. "What's it gonna be? I have no problem with letting you fetch my tandem tomorrow. Oh and I have some dry cleaning I need—"

"—Okay!" I snapped, but when he simply stared at me, I wasn't sure he heard. "I said, it's—

"—Hey," David cupped my face in his hands without warning, and then squinted. "Didn't you have curls the last time I saw you?"

"W-what?" I was caught off guard.

"Your hair,'s different."

For some reason, I felt my skin heat up, and was only glad David wasn't able to pick up on it.

"I straightened it," my voice was soft and shy. David moved his hand from my cheek, deep into my dark, frizzy locks, and smiled.

"Don't do it anymore. I like curls on you."

"Yeah?" I tried not to beam too much at the compliment, but it was hard to restrain my smile. David wasn't an easy guy to like, and it tickled me to think his jackassery might only be a surface thing.


"Yeah," he chuckled. "Straight hair makes your face look even fatter."

David pinched my cheek for emphasis before slamming the door in my face.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
More please

Please continue writing, this is a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

please write more. This is the best I've read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Loved it!!

Please write more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
more more more

please more

lillizlillizover 13 years ago
Im impatient...

I wanna see the next chapter! Are you still writting this? Or is it just on hold for a bit? I keep checking for another chapter and just hate the disappointment.

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