How I went from Domme to Slut Ch. 07


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As it had done before, the time spent alone sent my mind racing. Could those 8 get hard a third time? Was there a second round of users that would be showing up after the first left? While I was sore from head to toe it wouldn't really matter to anyone outside of my latex prison, I was 3 holes to fuck and a body to torment.

I felt a pair of smaller, softer hands touching the sides of my breasts. They could have been amber's or Mistress' but it was impossible to tell. The touch was light and almost tickled me as they made their way over the corset to my hips. A single hand went between my legs while the other roamed its way casually up my body to the side of my head. Two fingers slipped into my very sore, very aroused pussy, pressing against the front of my vaginal wall in the spot most women absolutely love having touched. It didn't take long for another orgasm to rapidly build inside me. The hand that had been touching me elsewhere had stopped, although I barely noticed it, until the hand began furiously rubbing my clit! I was going to cum and I was going to cum HARD!

I groaned as best I could, pushing my tongue against the cum filled condom in my mouth, as my pussy erupted with yet another orgasm. Even behind the mask my eyes whited over filling my darkened vision with static as I strained to breathe deep enough to maintain consciousness. Just like the cat o'nine tails, just as quickly as my being molested started, it ended just as abruptly. Once again I was left to the vastness of my mind and to deal with my pulsating body. Again I was lost in time and space until I was touched and moved again. My arms were freed momentarily and my legs were pushed then tied together, which caused a large aftershock as my very swollen pussy was squeezed. My wrists were bound to my ankles, which I figured out as I was lifted into the air and carried by four large arms. I could tell they were walking because my body was moving up and down as they carried me and guessed that we walked outside as I felt a step downward and the lenses covering my eyes brightened slightly and I felt the suns warmth on my body. I was set down on my side on something hard then left again. It seemed to take an eternity before someone touched me again, by this point the hard surface I was laying on had already taken a toll on my shoulder and hip and one more time my bladder reared its concerns. It was coming to the point that I was going to need to pee soon whether I was in latex or not.

The blinding light of the eye covers being taken off the mask caused me to blink and strain. It didn't help that condensation coated the inside of the lenses making the light seem even brighter after what felt like a lifetime spent in complete darkness. Eventually my eyes were able to focus, in front of me was the red headed Mistress staring into my eyes through the condensation on the mask. When she realized I was finally able to focus on her she stood up, held up her right hand and blew me a kiss before bending her fingers up and down giving me a wave goodbye.

"Good bye?" I thought to myself. "Are you kidding me?" I thought as I watched the lid to the trunk I was in close leaving me in darkness again.

Even though I was still unable to hear I could feel the motor of the car start then the vehicle lurch forward. I was riding somewhere, possibly home, in the trunk of a car while hogtied! Would this be the end to the humiliation? I had no way of knowing. Maybe the wave goodbye was her waving me off to go see one of the Goddesses? Maybe she was done with amber and I and we were heading home. Who knew? I tried to lay more on my back to take the pressure off my hip and shoulder but I was limited in how much I could turn because my wrists were bound to my ankles and my legs were folded almost completely against themselves. No matter which way I moved my bladder would not be denied the attention it wanted.

Every pothole, every bump and even every corner seemed to add to the pressure. It was maybe a 40 minute drive home, if that was where we were heading, from Goddess Julia's house and I knew it would take a good 10 to 15 minutes to get enough to of the latex off to be able to pee. It would be almost an hour, there was no way I was going to last that long! The realization hit me, on the way over there was a good 2 to 3 mile section of road they were repaving, as a result the current pavement had been stripped off and had a grooved pattern cut into it. The vibrations had tickled on the way over, on the way back they would be torturous. Add to all of this I typically needed to pee after an orgasm or two at most. While I wasn't 100 percent sure of the actual number of orgasms I had today it was upward of 10 which only compounded my current distress.

"That fucking bump!" I bellowed in the empty trunk as the car dropped the 2 inches that felt more like 2 feet to the grooved pavement.

The bump had caused me to release some but not much of my bladder. I could feel the additional warmth spreading down my leg and settling in my hip. The vibrations were not torturous though, they were far, far beyond that. They seemed to ripple through my entire being as the tires absorbed each individual striation in the road's surface. My bladder felt like it was the size of the trunk as I fought to hold back the tidal wave it wanted to let loose.

I'll save you the details but I did not win this battle much beyond the first quarter mile of the grooved road which was still a good 25 miles from home. The posture collar was still on so I was able to keep a majority of my bodily release below my neck. As it was the latex catsuit was already awash with sweat and cum from my orgasms so my latest discharge only added to my bodily fluid marinade. Then came the next battle, I was back on my side and my hip bone and shoulder were screaming in pain. I needed to roll off them at least a little to take the pressure off my hip at a minimum but I knew any type of movement would mean the fluid I was trying to keep at bay making its way up the back of my neck. It wasn't like I'd emptied my entire bladder but I released enough to not deal with it again until I was in a bathroom. After all the suit had it's limits on space and right now it was like a glass filled to the rim, the slightest move and it would spill.

"Shit!" I groused around the ring gag still holding my mouth wide open.

The bump off the grooved pavement was so harsh I came off the trunk floor and back down on it right on my hip. Naturally I rolled off it to abate the pain and as far onto my back as my legs allowed only to feel the wave of fluid crash down the back of my neck and into my hair. I could now smell it as well. I felt utterly disgusting and stayed in that position for the remainder of the ride. I would love to say that at this point my challenges were over, but then amber opened the trunk hatch and tried to move me, which I obviously resisted much to her surprise. Finally she realized I was trying to communicate an issue to her, she then reached around me and released my wrists from my ankles which freed my arms. Finally! I was able to prop myself up with my right arm as amber undid the straps holding my legs together. With a bit of shifting and shuffling I managed to get my feet out of the trunk and sit up. Taking a moment to relax amber held up in front of me a small tomato can filled with ice. Why is it always ice? I could see the padlocks on my cuffs and knew the issue.

"Why is it always ice?" I thought as amber disappeared toward the front of the car.

When she returned she had a small hammer in her hand. I'd have to ask her where that was hiding. With it she was able to chip out the keys, there were several of them, then figure out which ones unlocked which locks. Eventually she managed to unlock my wrist cuffs and remove the hard rubber balloons that had trapped my hands. she removed the ankle cuffs while I carefully removed the gas mask. The ring gag and ear plugs were still under the hood which was locked in place by the posture collar. It was an amazing relief to have the collar removed and I pulled the hood off as amber untied the ballet boots. It took a bit of work to get the ring gag out.

"Oh my God!" I finally was able to say out loud. "If I wasn't so relieved you were taking those off me," I said between working my jaw open and closed, "I'd be pissed at you right now! Did you miss any bumps on the way home?"

"What do you mean Ms.?" she asked not understanding my issue.

"Let's just say my bladder was very full at the start of our ride home." I replied watching her turn her face away as she giggled. "Bitch!"

"Sorry Ms." she responded still giggling. "I assume the rest of this will come off upstairs in the tub?" she asked as she pulled off the first boot.

"Yes," I replied as I stretched the toes on my left foot, "with the water running!"

With the second boot off I slid over the lip of the trunk and put my feet on the ground. While she may have hit every pot hole on the way home amber had been kind enough to back up to the grass at the end of the driveway. My first few steps were quite tentative as my feet got used to not being pointed anymore. As I slowly made my way to the back door amber collected our things from the car.

"Where did that hammer come from?" I asked looking back at her.

"The glove compartment Ms.," she replied with a wry smile, "I got it for our house keeping nights at Ms. Linda's."

"Did you get tired of my laughing at your throwing style?" I teased.

"It's not easy trying to throw a block of ice in 5" heels Ms." amber replied as she proudly waved the hammer before walking to the passenger side door to return it to the glove compartment.

"Any other instructions from, Ms. Alyssa?" I asked as I made my way onto the back patio.

"No Ms." amber replied unable to hide her disappointment.

"Is your cage back on?" I asked as we entered the back door.

"Yes it is Ms.," she replied, "her guests enjoyed witnessing that."

"I bet they did," I replied with a giggle of my own, "so, I know what I did for the past what? Five or no, six hours, what did you do in that sexy little pink latex number?"

"i was kept quite busy Ms.," she replied, "Mistress Alyssa had me clean the men off when they were done with you, rinse you out when needed, get a few of the men hard again with my mouth and used a strapon on my ass and mouth. They also made fun of me quite a lot Ms."

"I am sure they did," I replied feeling bad for amber but knowing she also enjoyed humiliation as well, "they seemed quite manly after all."

"Yes they were," amber replied with a combination of embarrassment and excitement, "they all looked like football players."

"While you looked like a ballerina!" I chided. "I'm heading upstairs, bring me a large glass of ice water and a larger glass of wine."

"Yes Ms. Allison." amber dutifully replied.

Making my way up the stairs I paused shortly to stretch my feet and calf muscles. I decided I could do more of that later when I wasn't being basted in my own bodily fluids. The other thing I decided was that I would be using the big bathroom with the big tub, the one the Goddesses banned us from. Yes, I have been punished for this decision but I'd have made it again because the other tub and shower was far too small for my clean up needs. Walking into the bathroom I got the first real glimpse of myself. Lifting the hanging hood I could see that the word "slut" was still prominently displayed on my chest above my breasts and the corset was still in place which only accentuated my figure. What I also noticed was the dried globs of semen on my chest, then I remembered that not only had my mouth not been rinsed out between cocks but that as I came I pushed the cum in the mouth condom out of my mouth as well.

To be honest the sight got me very aroused. With a bit of effort I was able to undo the corset letting it fall to the floor. I turned on the shower then stepped inside. In this bathroom we had a stand up shower and a separate tub with jets. That would be my next stop! I carefully worked my way out of the catsuit letting the water cascade over me as I did. What an amazing relief it was in spite of the water hitting some very sore parts of my body! The floor of the shower was river rock which gently massaged my feet as I moved them around. It was heaven! With the catsuit finally off me I was able to wash, three times to be exact and my hair four, myself while amber stood dutifully nearby. It wasn't until I no longer smelled urine that I decided I was clean enough to stop. Exiting the shower amber handed me a long terry cloth robe with a look of concern on her face about our current location.

"What are they going to do amber?" I asked as I slipped on the robe and took the glass of ice water. "Put me in latex, tie me up tight and have a bunch of random guys fuck me?" I didn't wait for a response. "Start the tub," I ordered before taking a long gulp of water, "make it good and hot too."

"Yes Ms. Allison." amber replied as she complied.

I gingerly sat on the vanity while amber filled the tub so I could brush out my hair. In between brushes I finished the glass of water. It was then that my bladder reminded me that it wasn't quite empty yet. Modesty was no longer an issue with amber, I slipped off the vanity, walked to the toilet and hiked up my robe. The look of shock on amber's face was priceless!

"You've seen worse today alone muffin." I replied as I peed.

amber knew better than to respond. With the tub full she helped me out of my robe and into it. Turning on the jets I sat back with only my right hand and arm out of the water so I could hold my glass of wine. Between the jets, the water and the wine I was relaxed and feeling back to normal in not time. In the meantime amber retrieved some anti-bacterial soap from the kitchen to clean the latex.

"Ms. your phone was making noise," she said holding it out for me, "so I brought it up."

"Thank you sweetie." I replied as I took it moving my wine to my left hand.

There was a group chat going on that I had become a part of which was setting off the messages. When I opened it the first thing I saw was a picture of the gas mask I'd had on, with the words "USE ME" above a latex pussy that had cum draining out of it! I felt my legs squeeze and my pussy flutter as I scrolled up. Pictures included various cocks fucking my pussy covered face, pictures of me standing with two men stuffing their cocks inside me. No one's faces were visible but I knew it was me in there. In between the pictures were comments from not only the Goddesses but more than a few other women about my being a slut, whore and worse.

New pictures appeared with amber on her knees with two different men using her to get them hard again and of course more than a few pictures of Mistress Alyssa fucking amber as well. The last pictures were of me in the trunk before the eye covers were removed which caused a ton of humiliating responses as well as questions about delivering me to them. One suggested she was having some landscape work done and the crew may like that payment more than cash. I scrolled back upward to the pictures of my being fucked while upright and set the wine glass down on the edge of the tub before moving my phone to my left hand. Focusing on two of the more arousing pictures I slipped my right hand under the water settling it between my legs. Sore or not I was horny again.

It's good to be the slut!

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TreaclelipzTreaclelipzalmost 5 years ago
Wow. Well written and great content

This story delivered... Twice! Thank you I'm glad I found this.

slavesindeeslavesindeeover 5 years ago
be a slut

great stpry

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