How it all Began


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Nikolaus smiled his first genuine smile that morning at that. He turned to Lauren to acknowledge her presence.

"Doctor?" he whispered nodding briefly at her, a shy smile on his lips.

Good grief! She made him feel like such a child! An image of himself suckling her breast intruded and he was forced to look at her bookshelves in order to give himself time to calm down again. He did not wish to insult Ari Simonian or his wife.

"We shouldn't waste any time Nikolaus. Lauren has to be at her next class in a little under two hours. she has graciously asked me to make a presentation. Of course you're welcome to join us if you have nothing better to do."

Ari Simonian's words were not an invitation. The three of them knew that they would be spending all of their free time together for the rest of Ari's life. Nikolaus felt strangely comforted and excited by this prospect. There was something very compelling about the man. Nikolaus struggled not to feel dominated by him. He could understand why Lauren fell under his spell in the way that she did. He hoped that someday she would come to feel the same way about him.

"I mentioned a proposition to you Nikolaus. As you may suspect by now, Lauren and I have a unique relationship. It is a very special thing that I want to have preserved carefully after I'm gone."

He paused to squeeze Lauren's hand reassuringly because he had heard her breathing hitch at his words.

"My beautiful girl will need someone special to take care of her and to love her in the way that she needs in order for her to thrive. Have you ever heard of the BDSM lifestyle, Nikolaus?"

Ari paused, gauging the way in which his words were received. If he knew anything about people, and he believed that he did, he knew that Nikolaus had never thought about sexually dominating a woman consciously but that it probably came naturally; a by-product of his wealth and influence, his exoticism in dealing with foreigners, his natural good looks and resulting sense of arrogant entitlement.

Ari Simonian had not wasted his time since meeting Nikolaus; the week before. He had looked into his background and seen the morass of his recent life. He knew about Nikolaus' brief affair with Erik Lindstrom, his father's CFO, his subsequent flight from Sweden, obviously in confused guilt about that relationship since there was absolutely nothing else in his life to suggest that he was gay or even bisexual. Ari Simonian knew about Nikolaus' women, - all 87 of them in the past four years; he knew that he was currently sleeping with one of Lauren's students. He would insist that Nikolaus take an HIV test before he allowed him to touch Lauren again. He knew about the drinking, he knew about the drug use, he knew about the attempted suicide in Curacao, he knew everything.

On the face of it, the man was not promising as a future husband for his precious Lauren, but Ari also saw the way in which Nikolaus looked at her. It was more than sexual hunger. He was longing to touch her soul. Ari knew that Nikolaus believed that Lauren was his saviour. She was the only person who could still reach him so far out on the ledge of complete destruction. It was this willingness to be saved that caused Ari to even entertain the thought of encouraging the relationship between his wife and this man.

That there was sexual chemistry was obvious, but Ari wanted something more from Nikolaus. He wanted commitment. He was determined that Lauren would be this man's last conquest unless she decided to gift him with others as she had done for Ari in their own marriage. Lauren may have been sexually submissive, to him, choosing to service him as his slave when they were together; but if Ari were honest with himself, he would admit that the true power in their relationship rested with her. He needed Nikolaus to understand and accept that fact long term. It would be he, Nikolaus, who would work hard to provide pleasure for Lauren; not the other way around, Nikolaus would experience the joys of sex beyond his wildest imaginings with her but the really important thing was for Lauren to be satisfied. If Nikolaus could or would not be relied to do that then he was not the man for whom Ari looked.

"I've heard about BDSM but I have never tried it. I just know that there is torture and ropes and whips involved."

Nikolaus paused to look hard at Ari.

"Do you hit her?" he demanded, a surge of anger washing over him.

The man could call it whatever he liked but Nikolaus wasn't going to allow him to hit Lauren again. He was unprepared for the harsh bark of laughter that greeted his words.

Ari Simonian's words were low, almost a growl in the back of his throat.

"No, Nikolaus, I don't hit her, I spank her before and during our love-making. I make her stand naked facing the corner her sore bottom on display for me as she does this. I make her strip completely naked for me whenever she's at home because I like to look at her body and I become impatient when I have to wait to see what's mine. I give her enemas and watch her expel them for me - she doesn't like that but you should see how wet her pussy gets when I do that to her! I fuck her in her ass to punish her when she's bad. When she's very bad I don't use lube before going in. I play games with her, she's my slave, she's my student, she's my patient, she's my daughter, she is my prisoner! I force her to have orgasms on demand for me. I made her lactate for me because I liked suckling her. Yes, look at me Nikolaus," Nikolaus felt his face being turned roughly to stare into Ari Simonian's cold eyes, "I enjoyed sucking my wife's breasts. I know that you do too, your breathing changed when I said that, you are rock hard, Mr. Lundborg, ROCK HARD, thinking about MY wife..."

Nikolaus hadn't even felt the man palm the bulge in his jeans but now that he did, now that this strange man was squeezing him there he found himself having one of the most explosive orgasms that he had ever had in his life.

Nikolaus groaned, sank to his knees and hid his face. He couldn't deny it, the thought of doing these things to Lauren had excited him beyond anything that he could have believed possible. Ari wasn't finished with him though.

"I make her wait to have her orgasms, she has them only when I give her permission. You have spoiled that! She confessed to me that she's cum many times within the last two weeks thinking about you. How dare you touch what is mine? How dare she give you what is mine? You will both be punished for this Nikolaus..."

"No," Nikolaus groaned still unable to collect his thoughts properly. "It wasn't her fault. I wanted her and I took her, I didn't ask.., I'm sorry..."

"You admit sexually assaulting my wife?"

"Yes," Nikolaus groaned, ashamed of himself.

He knew that he was giving this man enough to have him arrested and thrown into a hell hole of a jail in a foreign country but his life just couldn't be worse than it was at the moment. He understood it at last, he was FREAKING in love with this woman and she was married to a man who was never going to let her go so long as he had breath in his body.

Nikolaus understood also that if Ari Simonian told Lauren never to see him again even after his death that she would obey her husband. Nikolaus knew that that was exactly what the man was contemplating doing to them as punishment for the risque flirtation in which he had engaged her.

"Please! Please forgive me Ari. She is breath-taking and I lost my head. I am very sorry; very, very sorry!"

"Apologise to Lauren."

Nikolaus hesitated. Ari pulled his hair roughly and snarled into his face, "Do it now or you will never see her again," he ordered.

"I am sorry Lauren," Nikolaus said quietly. "I behaved abominably; I took advantage of you and I do not deserve your forgiveness but I am begging for it anyway. I have nothing but the highest respect for you. I-I love you..." he whispered, barely audibly. "I would do anything to make you happy..." he couldn't say anything else.

He staggered to his feet and prepared to leave the room but remembered suddenly that Ari Simonian had said that he had to prove himself man enough for Lauren; so Nikolaus took one steadying breath and faced her boldly, stating his apology again: "Forgive me, Dr. Simonian, I am truly sorry if I have offended you and your husband. I will never disrespect you again."

Ari glanced at his wife and Nikolaus saw out of the corner of his eye, the almost imperceptible nod that Lauren gave her husband. Nikolaus had passed the first test.

Nikolaus wasn't surprised to find that Ari was brilliant at his job. Indeed, he saw where Lauren had gained her inspiration. Professor Ari Simonian had the students eating from his palm within five minutes of beginning his presentation. He handled his own introduction to the class and having swept everyone in the room off his or her feet he proceeded to deliver a masterful lecture about repositioning Jamaican companies in the current global economic climate. Nikolaus, like every student in the room, was mesmerised by Ari's wit and knowledge, his delivery and his rapport with the audience.

It seemed to Nikolaus that the man actually became sexually charged as he did his work. He flirted with everyone in the room in general and Nikolaus knew that there was scarcely a woman, and by the looks of it, several of the young men, in the room who wouldn't give it up to him if asked. It was a sad reflection for him to realise that this brilliant man was being cut down in his prime. Life was unfair!

He didn't want this to happen - even if it meant that he couldn't have Lauren. He wondered briefly if they could find some doctor or research facility that could help. He dismissed this idea almost immediately because re remembered that Ari was himself wealthy and so throwing money after finding a cure would not have been the problem.

He glanced at Lauren at one point and noticed silent tears running down her cheeks and it sobered him. He understood what it must have been for her as a young graduate student to find herself the object of the attentions of this man and even more poignantly, what it must be like for her to think that she was losing him now. Nikolaus vowed to do what he could to make this man's last months the happiest ever, not only for Ari but also for his wife as well. It wasn't going to be easy, there were going to be difficult days when the illness asserted itself and even without that there was Ari himself, a chameleon-like personality who could be as cold and domineering as Nikolaus had seen him in Lauren's office earlier but who could present as he was doing at the moment.

Nikolaus glanced back toward the front of the room from his reverie and found himself staring straight into Ari Simonian's eyes. He broke the gaze. No, being with Ari Simonian would not be an easy thing, but he was going to do it.

"That went very well, Professor Simo... Ari," Nikolaus began.

"Did you doubt that it would, young man? Ari seemed amused by Nikolaus's blushes.

"No! No, of course not..."

"In any event, I'm happy that you found it useful, Nikolaus."

Nikolaus noticed, but did not comment on the origin of Lauren's favourite expression. She even copied the man's speech patterns! He would be almost impossible to replace for her. Why he still wanted to try he couldn't really tell.

"So are we going to eat now?" Lauren asked. She turned and smiled graciously at Nikolaus, "We are vegans. Do you have any preference?"

"No," Nikolaus said, noting the collective pronoun. "I don't have any problem with vegan food."

"You almost sound Jamaican," Lauren exclaimed. She sounded pleased; and Nikolaus felt ridiculously proud of himself.

Nikolaus found himself thoroughly entertained by the couple that afternoon. There was yet another side to Ari Simonian: the playful, teddy bear that he showed to Lauren when they weren't in their D/s sex mode. They became almost childlike and inhabited a world of their own Nikolaus saw that he wasn't the only person who enjoyed the sight of Ari and Lauren flirting openly with each other. Other patrons at the trendy restaurant cast askance glances at their table.

Nikolaus felt alternatively charmed and embarrassed to be with the couple. He broke into an open laugh when Lauren turned to a whispering couple at a table across from them, winked and said "Don't worry, we're married!"

He wanted to be swallowed up by the ground when at one point, she disappeared under the table for much longer than the time that it would have taken her to retrieve the fork that she had dropped. The expression on Ari's face told the world that she was otherwise engaged under the table.

Again, Nikolaus found himself staring into Ari's cold blue eyes. He tried not to jump when he felt someone palm and tickle the bulge in his pants. He managed to cover the smile that threatened by sipping his drink and squirming away. Again, Ari looked at him amusedly and shook his head, chuckling disbelievingly when Lauren resurfaced.

"You have changed my little one," Ari said to his wife, reflectively.

"You have grown bolder. I can see that it will be difficult to have you all to myself so long as your Nikolaus is here with us..."

He lifted a quieting hand to forestall Lauren's protest, "it is alright with me. I had hoped to monopolise your attention but now that I think about it, yours may be a better idea, if your Nikolaus agrees."

Nikolaus, Lauren and Ari spent all of their free time together. The only awkward moment being when Ari decided that it was time for Nikolaus to understand what it meant to be Lauren's Dom. Nikolaus was shocked on many levels: at how matter-of-fact that Ari seemed to be about including him in their sex life; at how willing Lauren seemed to be shown to him in this light but most of all at how desperately he wanted the job of being her Dom especially after Ari explained to him the philosophy that governed his relations with his wife. Nikolaus had never been a Dom before but he wanted to accept the challenge of spending the rest of his life making this amazing woman happy and if this was what she needed then so be it.

Thus Nikolaus entered a world of ropes and whips and pain and discipline that appalled him more than turned him on. It was the start of a very testing time for him. It was not at all what he had thought it would be but he was struck by how devoted to Ari Lauren was after their sessions together. He could not believe that she wished to be treated as he had seen but he couldn't deny how much happier and confident she seemed when they interacted with the world outside their threesome after spending time with her husband.

He did not think that he would be able to treat her as he had seen done but it seemed to him that both Ari and Lauren knew when he flinched away from the thought of assuming mastery of her and he felt that he lost their respect. He realised that much of his assumptions about the lifestyle were untrue. In reality, it was the sub who held real power and he had to learn to master himself as well as Lauren.

Lauren had just given Nikolaus the best blowjob that he had ever had in his life! He lay sprawled bonelessly on the couch trying to recover sufficiently to get up and go to Ari's side, but he couldn't. The memory of how she had made his toes curl and the involuntary groans that her mouth dragged from his throat were too fresh. He had wanted to faint, but life wasn't that kind to him, and he had retained consciousness throughout the entire event; he could not say whether that was a good thing or not. All he knew was that life without her sucking him off from time to time would never be enough for him.

"Come on Nikolaus! We don't have a lot of time," Ari chided.

Nikolaus struggled to pull his trousers up over his thighs and limped over to the man seated on the couch across from him. He and Ari were now fully dressed and Lauren completely naked except for the collar around her neck and the chained and weighted clamps that she wore on the long nipples that protruded from her big round breasts. Nikolaus chatted with Ari and did not look at Lauren because he knew from experience that if he did, he would develop another erection.

He had always been an ass man himself, but watching Ari's fascination with his wife's magnificent breasts was beginning to challenge Nikolaus's preferences. He felt that he was spending far too much time with the Simonians because all Nikolaus wanted to do was to worry Lauren's breasts with his mouth and hear her scream his name as she had her orgasm. He couldn't forget that he had had a massive erection while he had put the clamps on her at Ari's instruction. His cock made harder by the fact that he had not wanted Ari to see it. That had turned out to be a vain hope since Ari had him pull it out and feed it to a kneeling Lauren.

The older man then watched silently as Nikolaus began to warm to his opportunity and rape his wife's throat, filling her mouth after several minutes of animalistic fucking and groaning with his cum and rubbing the last beads that she was unable to swallow onto her face with his own cock. Ari Simonian watched Nikolaus kiss his wife deeply, demanding her mouth hungrily and tasting himself on her lips. He watched Nikolaus' hands stray to her breasts to squeeze them hard and elicit ragged breaths of pain from her. He watched Nikolaus eye his wife's ass speculatively even as he struggled to get up from the couch.

"Come on Nikolaus, You've had your fun. I want a turn with my wife now and I want you to watch me, just as I have watched you take your pleasure from her."

Nikolaus watched jealously as Ari Simonian calmly mounted his wife, lube himself from her dripping pussy and push his hard on into her ass before beginning to ride her to within an centimetre of her life. Nikolaus knew then that Ari had known that that was what he had really wanted to do and so he was tormenting him yet again. Nikolaus knew that as much as they were all trying to make his life as pleasant as possible for him Ari Simonian was one of the angriest men alive to be leaving his full life and his beautiful wife behind. Nikolaus admired the man immensely but he did not trust him in the least.

Not taking his eyes off Lauren was no hardship for Nikolaus. He fell more in love with her with each passing day. His only difficulty was masking the fact that he feelings had shifted from lust to genuine love. Somehow he didn't want the Simonians to know this; he just wasn't sure how Ari Simonian would take it and he wasn't sure what Lauren would do if her husband objected. Again, trying to hide anything from the genius professor proved a futile effort.

"You're in love with my wife, aren't you Mr. Lundborg?"

Shit, the man hadn't called him Mr. Lundborg in weeks! This could not be a good sign. Nikolaus tried to prevaricate.


"It doesn't matter. I am not long for this world and she will have the opportunity to be with you if you can convince her that you are the right man to be her new husband. Be sure that you treat her well... or I will come back for you..." Ari's joke was spoiled by the hooded coldness of his eyes.

Nikolaus wasn't aware that insanity was one of the symptoms of Ari's illness but he wasn't prepared to take any chances. He knew that he'd stick like glue to Lauren's side even if it cost him her love when it was all over.

"With all due respect Sir, I would treat her like a queen, not like my slave."

"But she wants to be treated that way!"

"I would pay attention to the fact that she liked it rough..."

"Have you learned nothing in the time that you've been with us?" Ari interrupted angrily. "Lauren does not like it rough. She likes to be disciplined, she NEEDS to be disciplined. She is stubborn and lazy. She is proud and doesn't admit to mistakes readily. She will not grow to fulfil her potential if she does not have a firm hand. She likes to be my little girl and have me guide her. I share in her successes by watching her shine; by being her audience. She has no other family here except her mother to whom she has not spoken in three years. I have tried to do something about that but she would rather be punished than go to see her. That will have to be one of my failures. I helped to make my Lauren the beautiful woman that she is today. She is a world-class citizen! Because of me she completed her PhD, plays five instruments, competes at a professional level in six sports and speaks nine languages fluently... although Swedish is not one of them..."