How It Started, How It's Going Pt. 05

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How It Ended.
14.8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/30/2024
Created 01/27/2024
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Tags Interracial. Hotwife. Cheating. Gangbang. Pregnancy Risk. Separation.

How It Started How It's Going. Pt 5

How it ended.

Bill's attention was captured by a helicopter taking off from the roof of the skyscraper next door. He watched as it tentatively lifted off as if reluctant to leave the safety of a solid surface. It pivoted, the tail swinging in a graceful arc like a ballroom dancers arm during a waltz. Then the nose dipped down and it began moving away.

The distraction was welcome. Bill was in his third straight day of meetings. Unlike the previous get togethers with his partners this wasn't about software or writing code. That was settled, they had a product, now they had to sell it. So the trio had returned to New York. On Thursday they'd met with a consultant who specialised in raising capital for start up companies. That was followed by two more with large stockbrokers exploring if an IPO was possible. Each one was excited by the product but weren't willing to back it yet.

So Friday was dedicated to seeking private venture capital for further development. Four meetings with similar results. Wow, this is a great idea but, there was always a but. We don't handle high risk tech companies, or we can't see a target, the market is already saturated. So now the original two days had been stretched to a third to pitch their new era security software to two European entrepreneurs.

Bill's phone lit up. It was on silent so there was no ring tone or vibration. Glancing at the screen he saw he had an incoming call from JT. It was nine months since JT had got back with his wife and Bill hadn't had any communication from him since then. This would be the second missed call today. Bill was curious about what he wanted and bored with the meeting so he stood up.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me for a moment." One of his partners raised their eyebrow in a silent question. "It's Casey, her sister is getting the results of her cancer test today."

Everyone in the room nodded their understanding so Bill slipped through a door into an adjoining office. He didn't like lying but it was only a little one. And like all good lies it had an element of truth. Casey was indeed at her sisters and they were getting results that would tell them if the chemotherapy had beaten her sister's cancer.

She'd had an intense six month program that really laid her low. Casey took unpaid leave from work so she could help with their young family. She'd leave Monday lunchtime so she would be there for school pick up in the afternoon. Then come home Friday after she'd put the children on the school bus in the morning.

Bill thought it had actually been a welcome distraction for Casey. There was something about how it ended with JT. Bill had been perplexed by Casey's moods since they stopped playing around. At first, although she denied it, she was sad. He was sure a couple of times her red puffy eyes were from crying rather than allergies. It was weird because as far as Bill was concerned JT was always going back to his family if he got the chance. They'd talked about it the Friday when he was stuck in New York.

This sadness went on for a few weeks. Thinking it might help Bill had suggested they look for another playmate but that prospect was quickly shut down by a sharp rebuke from Casey. Then her sister's diagnosis happened. Perhaps it was the distance it put between them, or having something else to concentrate on, he wasn't sure but things began to return to normal. As long as there was no mention JT. Even seeing him on the football TV coverage would mean a change to a darker mood.

Bill hit the reply button on his phone. It rang for a while and he was about to hang up when JT answered. They went through the usual greeting process for a couple of guys who hadn't spoken in a while. Catching each other up on their movements. Then JT got to the point.

"You've heard about the renewal of the vows?"

"Yeah, you've mentioned it a few times on the podcast."

"Okay, well I thought it would be a low key thing but it's got huge. So the guys want to throw a stag night for me tonight. I've tried to talk them out of it but they won't hear of it."

"Yeah, okay," Bill replied wondering what it had to do with him.

"I've told them no strippers or girls but I just don't trust them." JT paused. "I was at my house next door to yours doing an inspection of the renovations yesterday evening. I noticed your place looked very quiet."

"Yeah, Casey's at her sisters and as I said earlier I'm in New York."

"Great, you see I'm thinking of having the stag night there. It's a long way from downtown and the trouble it brings. I think I can control the outcome better there."

"No problems this end. I don't expect Casey will be home until later tomorrow and if I get in it will be late. I'm that tired I don't think a party will disturb me."

"Hey, you're invited man, if you are around."

"No it's okay...." Bill said quickly.

"I'm serious Bill, it would be great to see you. I've told the guys I met 'the' Forsyth from the Forsyth fake."

"Um, Have you told them anything else?"

"No, no Bill. What happened between me, you and Casey stays between us."

"Oh okay, well, I'll see how I go. I'd better get back to this meeting. I might see you later tonight."

They said their goodbyes and hung up. Bill contemplated the conversation for a moment then put his game face back on and went back to the pitch. It was another hour before they finished up. The Italian and French gentlemen must have been good poker players because they gave no clue as to what they thought of our idea. The Italian guy, Sergio, came over to Bill and held out his hand.

"Thank you for you presentation," he said in heavily accented english. "I don't mean to pry but I hope you got good news earlier."

It took Bill a moment to realise he was talking the white lie about his wife's sister.

"They hadn't heard anything yet but the technicians doing the test were positive," Bill lied.

"I'm thinking you'll be going home now to be with them?"

"Yes, I will be going home but I live on the west coast so I'll have to see what flights I can organise."

"Perhaps we can help you out. Henri and I are taking our corporate jet to the west coast tonight. You could come with us and we could quiz you some more about your idea."

"I don't want to trouble you. I'm sure I can get a seat on a normal flight." Bill was taken aback by the offer.

"Nonsense, I insist." Sergio said rather pompously. "Nothing is more important than family. Which city do you live in?"

"Um, we live in San Francisco."

"We are going to Los Angeles but I'll call the pilot and get him to change the flight plan so we can drop you off on the way."

Before Bill could explain it would still be too late to do the three hours drive to Casey's sister place the man had his phone out. He walked over to his partner spoke briefly to him then made a call. In no time Bill was speeding to the airport in a limousine. When they got there the car bypassed the usual terminals. It went around to a side entrance then to a series of smaller hangars before pulling up next to a sleek private jet. Bill took the opportunity to step away when he got out of the car and ring Casey.

"Hey honey, any news?"

"No, not yet. Hopefully soon though although they did warn us it could be tomorrow. Everyone is getting a bit frazzled waiting. How are you going?"

"Okay, we haven't had any offers of solid backing yet but I am travelling back with the last guys we pitched to so maybe I'll be able to convince them on the flight."

"You're coming back tonight?"

"Yes, the offer of a seat on a private jet was to good to turn down. What's your plan?"

"I'm not sure. Probably staying, if Jen gets good news they'll want to celebrate. If it's not then I should really be here for her. Either way I don't think I'll feel like driving three hours to get home."

"That's probably just as well. The stag party next door might be a bit raucous..." It was out of his mouth before his brain could stop it.

"What party?"

Bill considered lying but didn't want to get caught out if a neighbour mentioned it.

"Er, JT rang me," Bill waited for some abuse but when it didn't come the words tumbled out of him. "He's renewing his vows and his friends want to throw a stag party for him. He doesn't trust them not to... you know, bring strippers or groupies and stuff so he's having it at the house next door to ours."

"So why did he ring you?" There was no hiding the venom in her voice.

"He, er, he was there yesterday evening and our place looked empty so he was just checking that we were out of town."

"We were out of town or I was out of town."

"No we, he didn't want the party to disturb us."

"But now you are going home. Did he invite you?" It was a question but it was put like a accusation.

"Yeah but it's going to be really late by the time I get there and, and I'm on New York time so that's like three hours later so I'll probably be to tired."

There was a grunt of disbelief from the other end so Bill decided it was time to finish the call before it escalated further.

"The other guys are on the plane waiting so I've got to go. I'll ring you when we land... bye."

There was no response from Casey as he ended the call. Bill climbed the stairs into the jet. Sergio pointed to the seat opposite him then pushed a glass of alcohol into his hand.

On the other side of the country Casey was staring at her reflection in the mirror in a hospital bathroom. She had gone in there when Bill called for some privacy. The phone was still in her hand but it had returned to the home screen. Once she'd made her decision Casey washed her face and hands and returned to the waiting room with her family. She took the seat next to her sister.

"How's Bill?" Jen asked.

"He's good. He's catching a flight home." Casey hesitated then continued. "I thought I might head home too. Clean up a bit before he gets there."

"Yes, you go." Jen said reaching across and taking hold of her sisters hand. "You've been so good to us in the past couple of months. I'm sure Bill has missed you terribly. And there's no guarantee we'll get the results this afternoon."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes, go go."

"Okay," Casey smiled and stood up. "Let me know the moment you hear."

"We will."

As Casey walked out of the hospital towards the car park she still didn't know what she was doing.

"One way or another he's going to know how much he hurt me." She said to herself.

Casey pulled into the garage and closed the door. There were a few strange vehicles parked in the street but nothing else to point to a party going on at their neighbours. She walked through the house in the semi darkness out of the back door and onto the deck. Music wafted from the other side of the fence. Men's voices and occasional bursts of laughter. There was also the sounds of water splashing suggesting some were in the new pool.

All the way home Casey had been rehearsing what she wanted to say to JT. Playing out the confrontation in her head. Now the boisterous noise from the party made her uncertain. She doubled back into the house and went to the bathroom. Barging through the gate and confronting JT would only are her look like some desperate scorned woman. Casey sat on the toilet contemplating her options. A thought struck her. Maybe she could get a rolled gold invitation to the bachelor party. She quickly scurried upstairs and began searching through the bottom drawers of her wardrobe. When she found what she was looking for Casey quickly disrobed and put it on.

"Oh yes," Casey said to herself looking at her reflection in a full length mirror. "It's perfect."

She'd won the bikini as a 'prize' at a faculty friends hens night years ago. Only ever put it on once to show Bill the next day. Despite his encouragement she hadn't worn it again. Describing it as skimpy would be a massive understatement. It would necessitate some grooming so Casey took it off and went to the shower with a razor.

Shortly after she was back downstairs at the backdoor. Doubts re-emerged as her fingers hovered over the outside light switches. Steeling herself she flicked all four on. Two spotlights lit up the deck area and two more illuminated the pool. Casey looked down for a final check of what she was wearing. A short lightweight summer dress allowed some semblance of modesty over the tiny bikini.

Stepping out onto the deck Casey felt like an actor taking to the stage for an opening night. She felt certain the lights coming on would have garnered the interest of at least a couple of the partygoers. Going to the sunbed she dropped her towel then slid a hair band off her wrist. Turning slightly to make ensure her neighbours got the best view Casey bent all the way over. Dropping her head so her hair fell forward she gathered it together. The sun dress rode up so the cool night air caressed her practically bare ass. Casey stayed an extra moment in position waiting for a wolf whistle or suggestive remark. None came.

Fighting the urge to glance over her shoulder Casey straightened. She secured her hair with the tie then contemplated her next move. Maybe the fence was too high? Or perhaps there needed to be more bait on the hook. Before she could second guess herself Casey lifted the sundress over her head. It was at that moment she got the desired reaction.


Casey whirled around clutching the sundress to her chest feigning surprise.

"Excuse me?"

"I said Goddamn!" The voice came from the smiling face of an unknown black man peering over the fence. He must have been standing on something or someone to be there. "It was a compliment. I didn't expect to find such a sexy assed woman in the burbs."

"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?"

"I'm guessing you can take it just about any way you want it." The guy continued flirting with her.

"Hey man let me have a look," another muffled voice came from behind the fence. "You could lift me up."

"No man you're too fat." The first guy said looking down.

"Is there someone else there as well?" Casey asked.

"Yeah, we're having a party. You should come over and play."

"Oh, and what game would you want to play with a mum like me?" Casey let her hands drop so the peeping Tom got a good look at her front.

"I don't rightly know but we could have a lot of fun finding what you're good at."

There was another round or complaining from who ever was holding him up but the guy ducked down and told him to shut up before popping his head back over the fence.

"So what do you say? You coming over for a drink?"

"Oh I don't know," Casey hammed it up like she was thinking hard. "I mean I'd have to go and get changed..."

"Hell no! No need for that. It's all very casual over here."

"Okay then, but just one drink."

"Great, we'll meet you round the front."

"No need, there's a gate in the fence just there."

Casey put her dress back on and stepped off the deck. When she opened the gate the two men were waiting for her. Mike introduced himself. He was the one who had been looking over the fence. Casey guessed he was around six foot five, two twenty pounds. Definitely an ex athlete. His companion looked like anything else but. He was maybe fifty pounds heavier but well under six foot.

"This is my wingman & booster, Tank."

They shook hands very formally then Mike led the way to where others were seated around two tables at the rear of the house. There was about eight of them, the majority black, all dressed casually drinking beers. The backyard had changed so much since the last time Casey had been there. The new pool was the centrepiece with landscaped gardens either side. As she got closer to the group her eyes searched for JT but she couldn't she him.

"I swear Mike if you were a fisherman you could get a marlin out of a pothole." One of the guys said as he stood up from his chair.

"Lucky for us he's just a pussyhound." Another quipped then he high fived the guy next to him.

"Now guys, settle down. This is Casey and she's just here for one drink."

When JT came back outside the first thing he heard was a distinctly feminine laugh. His fuzzy chemically dimmed brain dismissed it because there were no women at the party. Then he heard it again accompanying some splashing in the pool. He recognised it but it couldn't be. Casey was at her sisters. He could see the guys all had their attention focused on the water. As he got closer one of them turned around and saw him approaching.

"JT, come and see what Mike found." He stepped to one side so JT had a clear view of the pool.

Casey was in the water with Mike and Tank and a couple of others. They playing a game of Marco Polo where Casey was it and she was topless. She was stumbling around with her eyes shut trying to catch the guys. Only in this game it looked like the boys were quite happy to be caught. Whenever she tagged one they would pull her into an embrace and feel her up. Hence the splashing and laughing.

"Casey what the fuck?" JT called out causing everyone including Casey to look at him.

"JT, hi," Casey said brightly enjoying the look of shock on her ex lovers face. "Great party!"

"You need to go home Casey."

"Fuck off man," one of the guys in the pool called back and there was a general murmur of agreement.

"Yeah JT, finder keepers and we intend to keep this one." Tank said as he came up behind Casey and groped her breasts.

"Seems like the guys want me to stay," Casey added leaning back on Tank enjoying both JT's scowl and the fingers squeezing her nipples.

"Get out of the pool Casey."

"Alright," Casey said as she pushed away from a disappointed Tank.

She swam slowly to the shallow end then walked up the steps. JT was glad she still had her bikini bottoms on. He passed her a towel. He'd was hoping Casey would wrap it around herself to shield her body from the hungry eyes following her every move. Instead she quickly patted herself dry then dropped it on a chair.

"Go home Casey."

"Can I use your bathroom first?" JT nodded happy that she appeared willing to agree to his request.

There were some muted protests from the other guest until Casey stopped before she'd got to the back door.

"Can someone volunteer to show me where it is?"

There was a general hubbub as quite a few offered their help and started moving towards the house. Mike got to her first taking her arm and leading her inside. He was taking Casey to the main bathroom when she stopped at the stairs.

"You boys have probably been weeing all over the seat. Why don't you take me to the ensuite upstairs?"

Mike shared her lecherous grin as he put his arm around her shoulders and they went up the stairs. Casey was vaguely aware of some others following them. When they got to the master bedroom Casey did break away and go to the toilet. When she came back out there were two other guys there with Mike. They looked uncertain until they saw she'd left her bikini bottom on the floor of the ensuite. Casey went to the bed and she sat on the edge of it. Mike stepped in front of her.

"Let's me see what was poking me in the pool." Casey said as she eased down his wet shorts until his cock was exposed. "Oh my, it's so big." She cooed.

As she lifted it to her lips the other two guys approached from either side of Mike with their cocks hanging out. One of them took her free hand and placed it on his dick so she started stroking it. The other came close enough that his cock was brushing her left cheek. Mike eased her off his pole and turned her head towards it. From then on Casey alternated sucking all three. Somewhere in her head she knew this wasn't right. It's just at that moment it wasn't about right and wrong. It was about anger and revenge and getting a big helping of the dirty sex she'd been craving. When Casey had all three cocks hard Mike took charge.