How to Expand Your Wife's Horizons

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How I took my wife from conservative mum to hot wife.
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How to Expand your Wife's Horizons.

This submission was initially released under the category of Loving Wives. Unfortunately, this and another offering earned me so much abuse that I seriously considered removing all my stories and closing my account.

I will leave comments open, but please, if all you're going to do is write an anonymous derogatory insult, don't bother. Please don't bother because I'll delete the comment and turn off all comments.

Chapter 1: Explanations and Motivations.

After I wrote the manual "How to Make a Sissy", I received numerous emails asking if I could write a similar workbook on how to open a woman's sexuality up. It seemed that many men wanted their wives to play and experiment, but they had no idea of how to go about helping and encouraging their wives' promiscuity.

I have always responded, "I don't know if I can write that manual because I have no real idea how to do it."

It has finally occurred to me that I kind of do.

The following is how I moved my wife from a 'suppressed Christian girl' to a sexually confident BDSM switch.

Warning: As with almost any change you make, that change comes with a price. If you introduce your wife to lesbian sex, don't be surprised when you discover you could do it so easily because she is a lesbian.

Also, don't be surprised if she quickly surpasses you and becomes a 'hot wife', or perhaps more accurately, a 'slut wife'.

And don't be surprised if your marriage breaks down.

Lastly, remember that the fantasy of watching your wife being fucked by another man is awesome, but the reality can be starkly confronting. Especially when you realise the guy doing your wife is doing her way better than you and that she has cum harder with him than at any time with you.

With these warnings in mind, let's begin the story...

My wife and I moved in together when I was twenty-two and she was twenty-three. We had decided to live together to 'give it a go' for the sake of our unborn child that Vicky was carrying. Thirty-seven years later, this week, we've agreed to 'give it a go' for another year.

When I came to know her, Vicky was a good Christian girl living at home with her parents, Majors Edmond and Cheryl Booker of The Salvation Army. Ed and Cheryl were Vicky's foster parents. Vicky was a victim of abuse and had been taken from her biological parent's home and placed with the Bookers when she was quite young.

We were both inpatients at a mental health facility when we met. Vicky was there because she was self-harming. I was there because I had a rage episode where I blanked out and hospitalised a man I'd found in bed with my wife.

The court gave me a choice between committing myself and getting help for my anger issues or going to jail--an easy decision to make.

Vicky and I hit it off immediately and were lovers less than a week later.

At that time, Vicky and I were both married to others, as neither of us had gotten our divorce yet. I had been briefly married to the woman, Mistress Eliza, described in my series 'My Introduction to BDSM'. Vicky had married some complete tosser in the false belief he loved her.

This bastard both beat her and cheated on her.

As part of her self-harm regime, Vicky was anorexic and slowly starving herself to death. Even so, to my eyes, she was gorgeous. She still is. In those glorious days of our young love, my wife stood a tiny 5-ft. 4-in. (163 cm) tall and weighed a meagre 88 lbs. (40 kg).

Vicky was a social jogger who ran around 20 miles (32 km) weekly. My soon-to-be wife had auburn hair, flashing green eyes, and a bright white smile. Nobody would describe Vicky as beautiful, not even me, but she is beyond pretty, especially when she smiles.

Even anorexic, Vicky's legs and ass were lithe and toned. Vicky has (still) a tight, gorgeously round butt. In those days, her breasts were firm ripe apples on her thin chest. They have the biggest, most dying for someone to nibble on, nipples.

With childbirth, my wife's breasts grew from a B cup to a glorious Double D.

I was still training, hoping that a spinal injury I had suffered playing rugby would repair itself sufficiently and I could begin track athletics again. Every week, I ran between 40 and 60 miles (64 and 97 km), depending on what my spine would let me do.

I stood 6-ft. 4 in. tall (193 cm) and weighed a lean 174 lbs (79 kg). I was doing aerobics, circuit training, and lifting weights to make up for the lack of distance I could run. I was so toned that you could draw virtually all of the various muscle groups over my body because they were that well-defined.

Friendship was the first thing that bloomed between Vicky and me. We found each other to be almost kindred spirits and could talk for hours about just about anything.

Vicky loved that I was tall, athletic and very self-confident.

I tend to be a 'helper' or, maybe, 'rescuer' is a more apt description. I like to be needed. I like people relying on me and needing me. At that time, no one was more needful than Vicky, and I became her protector, her Knight in Shining Armour. I liked it, but I already knew that I would need to help Vicky become self-dependent and be her own woman for our relationship to last a lifetime.

To achieve this, I had to build Vicky's self-confidence.

Weirdly, although she was anorexic, Vicky believed she was fat, dowdy and unattractive. So once Vicky knew me well enough to know it was a joke, I nicknamed her 'Chubby'. Thirty-seven years later, Vicky is still tiny, toned and delicious, and I still call her by that name.

Chapter 2: In the Beginning.

I was allowed to leave the hospital after completing my anger management course. Another month passed before Vicky was considered 'no longer a danger to herself' and was also released.

In those pre-mobile phone days, staying in contact was much more difficult than today. Close to three months passed before Vicky found a phone number for me. She phoned my workplace and left the receptionist a number on which she could be reached.

Unfortunately, that receptionist forgot to give me the message. Hence, another month passed before I learned a number to return Vicky's call. As you can imagine, Vicky was royally pissed at me when I called her. She thought I had ditched her now that we were both out of the hospital.

Sidebar: Our First Night.

I've missed something here. So let me back up a second and tell you about the first time Vicky and I made love.

To impress Mistress Eliza, I completed a remedial massage course. Until a few years ago, when arthritis in my thumbs cruelled my abilities, I gave the best massages. One of my specialties is giving face massages.

One evening, in the hospital's shared common room, I offered one to Vicky. I sat on the sofa, and Vicky sat on the floor between my legs. Vicky had dressed for bed as it was close to lights out. With a baggy top covered by a loosely tied robe on and her being below me, I could see down her top and across the mounds of her breasts to just short of her lusciously big nipples.

With her head tipped back, Vicky had to have been aware of how big my erection was, given the back of her head was resting on my thighs very close to it.

This night was the first time my body had a physical reaction to the woman I'd marry. It was then that I knew I wanted more than friendship from this remarkable person.

During daylight hours, and with permission, the patients were allowed to wander the hospital's grounds. The morning after the massage, I invited Vicky for a walk around outside. Once we were out of sight of the office, I placed an arm around her shoulders, turned her towards me, and kissed her with every ounce of skill I had.

I've been an excellent kisser since being taught by a woman old enough to be my mother when I was barely old enough to be legally taught. I guess this is why I find women several years older than me so desirable.

I think Vicky had been waiting for this moment because she melted into my arms and returned the kiss as passionately as I was kissing her.

Breaking the kiss, we made a pact to meet in one of the empty rooms after lights out.

Not wanting to have a bed squeak on us, Vicky helped me pull the mattress off the bed and onto the floor. Then, taking her in my arms, I picked her up and lay her on the mattress. Lying beside her, I stroked her hair, whispered her name, and told her how beautiful I thought she was.

Vicky was way more nervous than I expected someone who had been married to be. I briefly wondered if she was a virgin before dismissing that notion as rubbish.

I stroked Vicky's hair, neck and shoulders until I felt her relax. When she did, I softly kissed the corner of her mouth.

"You okay, honey?" I asked. "Do you want me to continue?"

Vicky didn't answer, but she did turn her lips to mine and kiss me.

Keeping my hands away from anywhere sexual, I stroked Vicky's shoulders and neck as I used every skill I had to turn her on with my kissing.

I knew I was on the right track when Vicky pushed my robe off my shoulders, exposing my broad and hairy chest.

Undoing the sash around Vicky's waist, I peeled her robe back. Vicky still had pyjama bottoms on as well as the loose top described earlier.

Kissing her passionately, I lightly touched Vicky's belly button before splaying my hands wider and stroking up towards her breasts.

Vicky flinched when my fingers touched her belly. Her legs, which had slightly spread, jammed tightly back together.

"Shhh, baby," I whispered. "I promise not to do anything you don't want me to, okay? You will guide and allow everything. And if you want me to stop, I will, okay?"

Me saying that allowed Vicky to relax, and her legs fell back apart.

I kissed her more, stroking lightly back and forth beneath Vicky's breasts. When my fingertips touched the bottom of her breasts, Vicky broke the kiss, grabbed my fingers, turned her head away, and then gasped.

"You okay, baby doll?" I asked.

Nodding, Vicky turned back to me and kissed me with real passion for the first time that night. As she kissed me, Vicky lifted my hand onto her left breast. Still as softly as I could, I ran my fingers in small circles around her nipple before enlarging the circles I was drawing and circling her whole globe.

After a few seconds of doing this, Vicky moaned, and her hips lifted off the mattress.

Taking this cue, I pushed her top above her breasts, then lowered my mouth onto her right nipple. Continuously stroking up, over and around her left breast and nipple with my hand, I licked, lightly nibbled and suckled on her right pleasure node.

Vicky moaned again, took hold of my head in both hands, and then held me to her breasts. Switching back and forth, I made love to my later-to-be wife's breasts until I heard her panting and moaning in desire.

Hearing this, I began kissing down her stomach. When I reached her pyjama bottom's top, I hooked my thumbs into the elastic and started to slide them down over Vicky's hips.

Vicky's hands were still on my head, but as I lowered her pyjama bottom, Vicky gasped, "No,"

I stopped where I was and kissed Vicky's abdomen just above her pubis.

Another sensual moan escaped Vicky's lips before she said, "Yes, slowly, please."

Following this request, I carefully pushed the pyjama bottom down Vicky's thighs and shins and then off onto the floor.

As I sat up to remove my pyjama bottoms, Vicky lifted up, stripped off her top, and shrugged out of her robe.

We were naked in front of each other for the first time. I could see the ravaging effects of Vicky's anorexia in her bony ribs and chest, her sunken waist and how her pubic bone was so prominent.

I didn't care. She looked deliciously sexy to me.

Vicky was equally admiring of me, "You're so lean and yet, so muscly," she mused. "You're almost like that Michelangelo statue, David."

Showing off, I stretched by putting my hands behind my head and my elbows pushed back as far as possible.

Lips slightly parted, Vicky ran her eyes over my lean form hungrily. Then she lay on her back and spread her thighs, "Make love to me, John, please."

I was so aroused that if I had complied and entered her, I would probably have blown immediately. I wanted this first time to be something so special that she would remember it for the rest of her life, so I ignored her request and moved between her thighs before kissing where I had stopped earlier.

With my fingers on Vicky's nipples and kissing her smooth, soft skin, I moved in small increments downward. Kissing and licking across her pubic bone, I encountered Vicky's bush.

In these latter days, Vicky's pubic area is a 'well-manicured lawn', but back then, she was as hairy down there as any woman I've had the good fortune of making love to.

Just short of her clitoris, Vicky's thighs closed on my ears, "Oh, Gawd," she moaned. "Yes, please, but I'm scared, be gentle, okay?"

'Could it be that no one has gone down on her before?' I wondered.

I found out later that I was the first one she had allowed to perform oral sex on her.

Gasping and moaning as she held my head tightly to her pussy, Vicky allowed me to tongue her clit. Twice, she pulled up, then released and let me lower.

My tongue found her labia and the entrance to her vulva. Curling my tongue as tight as possible, I forced it inside as far as I could before letting it flatten out and lapping at her labia.

Moving back to her clitoris, I repeated this motion four more times before Vicky arched her body back, lifted her bum off the mattress, and then held my mouth hard against her clit.

"That is so good," she groaned.

Then, almost surprised (I thought), she said, "Oh. Oh, my. Oh, I'm going to cum!"

Sighing and shuddering, the woman I had already decided to spend the rest of my life with orgasmed on my tongue for the first of many times.

Pulling me up so she could kiss me, Vicky exclaimed, "I've never cum from someone else doing it before!"

'Really?' I thought. 'That's weird.'

I smiled and kissed her back, "The first of many times, Chubby, I promise."

"Will you make love to me now, John, please?" She asked.

'What have I just been doing?' I wondered but then understood what she meant. She wanted me to penetrate her and make her cum through penis in vagina sex.

Covering her tiny body with my long and lean one, I moved my hips until the head of my thick 7-inch penis was at the entrance to Vicky's pussy.

Looking deeply into her eyes, I smiled, then said, "You ready for me, baby?"

"Yes," Vicky breathily answered.

OMFG! She was so tight and so, so wet! Her vulva gripped my thick cock's head so deliciously firmly that I worried I wouldn't finish penetrating her before losing my lollies inside her. Her pussy was as hot as any I've been in before or since.

She, at 60, is still grippingly tight and just as wet and warm when we make love as she was back then.

Remembering my lessons from Liz and Becca, I started by pushing my pubic bone firmly against Vicky's clitoris and moving it in small circles over this area.

When I did that, Vicky's eyes flew open, and she groaned, "Oh, my lawd! I don't believe it. I'm going to... uh, uh, oh lawd, uh."

My wife isn't a squirter, but she does cream beautifully. She came so hard that her juices washed over my balls. All of this, and I hadn't even thrust inside her yet.

It was then that I learned my future wife was deliciously multi-orgasmic and that, if I was patient, I could drive her through seven or eight orgasmic events at a time. Even more, sometimes.

Lying forward onto her body, I shifted my forearms under her shoulders so I could rest on my elbows. Holding the tops of Vicky's shoulders, I began thrusting my cock inside her. Every third or fourth stroke, I'd pause to grind my pubis against Vicky's clit again.

A problem began to appear after I'd been inside Vicky for around five minutes. Her pubis was so bony from her anorexia that it was bruising mine. From what I could hear and feel, Vicky was quickly climbing Mount Orgasmic, so I decided that pain was a problem for later.

As I stroked into her, Vicky came.

With her eyes wide and wondering, my future wife said, "Thrice! You've made me cum three times!

"Oh goodness," She suddenly exclaimed. "Make that four, oh my," she groaned again. "What have you done to me?"

I'm not sure, but I believe having been denied sexual pleasure for so long before I had so suddenly released it, Vicky's body was revelling in being able to orgasm. Vicky had four more orgasms before she pleaded for me to cum inside her because her pussy was sore.

Vicky surprised me by cumming again as I orgasmed inside her.

Men like to either get up and go as soon as they've cum, or roll over and sleep. I learned from my time with Liz and Becca that women need time to come down and recover from their lovemaking. Their lover needs to kiss and stroke them and talk inanities to them until they're ready to sleep or get up.

Vicky and I lay there kissing and cuddling for some time before Vicky reluctantly said, "We'd better go back to our wards before they do the nightly head count."

Nodding my agreement, I joined her in getting dressed.

Kissing one last time before we left the room, I sent Vicky out before waiting a couple of minutes and slipping off to my room.

Vicky and I made surreptitious love in that hospital many times before I was released. There was one memorable night when Vicky had been allowed an evening pass to attend the theatre with friends. When she left for the theatre, the bed opposite me in my part of the ward had been empty.

Vicky came back around 10.00 pm, right after lights out. She slipped into my bed, pulled me on top of her and demanded, "Fuck me, stud, I'm really horny."

I didn't care that the other bed had been filled and that we had an audience. It was exciting to put on a show for some random guy, so I fucked Vicky through five or six back-to-back orgasms before grunting vociferously as I filled her pussy full of cum.

Climbing out of bed, Vicky kissed my cheek before saying, "Thanks, baby."

It was only then, when the guy in the other bed said, "Well, fuck me," that Vicky realised someone else was in the room.

Laughing, she ran out.

Back to the story...

...Vicky was royally pissed at me...

After I'd explained what happened and pointed out that I, too, thought I'd been dumped because it had been four months before I'd heard from her, she calmed down and agreed to meet.

I'm early to everything. I don't think my wife has been on time for anything. I was at the restaurant thirty minutes before our booking. Vicky waltzed in thirty minutes after the booking time.

By then, I had decided she wasn't coming forty-five times and had decided to leave forty-four times. But when I saw her at the Maître D's desk, I knew this woman was my one. The woman destined for me.

It was like we'd never spent a moment apart. We chatted, laughed and joked about everything and anything during dinner.

When we'd finished, I invited her back to the house I was about to lose to Mistress Elizabeth in a court case, and we fucked through the night.

Vicky was an enrolled nurse, but she had taken a break from nursing and was working for a travelling sales company. Depending on sales, she would be in a different town or city every second week.

I was selling electronic point-of-sale equipment for a company in Hamilton, New Zealand. My job required me to travel all over New Zealand's North Island.

Vicky and I became 'bonk buddies'. If we happened to be in the same city on the same night, we'd have dinner, then spend the night fucking. In the morning, we'd go our separate ways.