How to Greet an Unwelcome Visitor


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Unbeknownst to her, to varying degrees, her four lesbian predators were growing a bit turned on.

"Mmm," smiled Fiona, cupping Elie's left breast. "I can't fucking wait till she gets wet."

Beside her, Tiffy caressed Fiona's cheek. "I'm already a little wet."

"You too?" asked Raquel. Eleanor gasped as she felt the hand belonging to this third voice barely brushing over her bush. Well, on one hand, at least they were easing her into it with a little foreplay. On the other, she kind of wished they'd just do it and get it the hell over with. This wish, alas, was much later to be granted than sooner. The girls were enjoying themselves far too much to stop, including Sandy, the vellicatrix. She went on tickling Eleanor's toes and soles at random spots, one by one, and both together whenever she felt like it. Ah, freedom of choice, she thought. Best thing ever, if only used wisely and not taken for granted.

Trying to recover from her ticklish hysteria, Elie gulped and heaved breath. She felt her body being felt up, more and more intimately each moment. It was torturous. Her body betrayed her mind, as her nipples perked up. She couldn't believe this was happening. Not just the whole spectacle of the event, but that it was actually starting to arouse her. What she didn't know was that her own libido was a little gayer than she thought. And it was purring to life. Illogical, and yet unmistakable pleasure began swirling over her like feathers.

"Ohhhh, I think she is getting wet!" Eleanor heard. She shut her eyes in terrible humiliation. They were right.

"She likes it!" another marveled. "Bad little 'straight' girl likes it!"

Sandra chuckled. "Well, don't let her like it too much," she warned. "By the time we're done with her, she won't know which way's up. Oh, by the way," she called to the audience. "Some of you've already come over for a closer look. Anyone else want to, feel free."

Wow. There was not one part of anything Sandy'd just said that Elie liked. That also reminded her that there were sixty other people around, and that her entire nightmare was being immortalized on camera(s) for the world to possibly see when all this was over. She started weeping. Raquel, possibly the nicest—or, rather, most merciful—of the four, noticed first.

"Aw, look, she's crying."

Jade, the least merciful, on Raquel's left, chuckle-scoffed. "Good. Serves her right."

Fiona leaned down. "I know how to handle a girl crying."

She proceeded to take Eleanor's face in her hands, and slick her tongue up each cheek and temple, collecting away the tears. When she felt and registered this newest sensation, Elie panicked, once again, and stopped crying.

"AAAAAHH!! OMIGOD! DON'T DO THAT!" she pleaded, prompting laughter and "aw"s from the audience. Fiona grinned lustily.

"Works every time."

With that, she kissed Eleanor. Long, hard, and good. Elie's teary eyes sprang open and she gave a first muffled screech. She tried to pry her face away. But Fiona had already adhered their lips, and was now forcing that tongue on her one more time. Her tummy started doing backflips as Fiona's tongue broke her lips and swished inside her mouth. It was unreal. She didn't know whether to fall in love, or toss her aforementioned proverbial cookies. She thought she heard one of the cohorts shout out, "Hey, go for it, girl!" but yielded no heed. Her full attention was captured another few seconds someone else grabbed her pussy.

Out came stifled scream number two. Feet still tied, Tiffy had pushed her knees apart, for better access. And it was Raquel who took Eleanor's moistening cunt in her paw, rubbing and fondling the folds between her fingers, tracing the slit from taint to clit, bringing about an even greater, more intense libidinous override. And a nice wave of applause from the crowd.

Again, Elie was locked in disbelief. It felt good. She didn't even mind the kissing as much now. These girls obviously knew what they were doing. She couldn't imagine in a billion years to have sexual passion brought on by a gaggle of lasses she didn't even know. And yet, here it was. Once this one had her cunt in hand, the one who'd started the spider game on her passed her hands upwards, massaging her left hip and ass cheek, pressing in, leaving pink nail marks on her flesh. The one who was kissing her carried on for more of the same. And the other one, leaving Elie in oblivion by asking the audience for silence, was removing her own clothing.

Unaware just how much more the ante was to be upped, Eleanor struggled and heaved to get breath through her nose. The woman kissing her must've been a machine who needed no breath herself. And then again, Elie was also having her pussy fingered. She tried to whap the carpet with her hands and heels, just for a little break, but if anyone noticed, they denied her request. The three girls still sitting around her stretched and laid down, on their sides and bellies, to settle in and enjoy. Sandra, happy to stick to the feet while the girls took care of the rest, nibbled Eleanor's toes. Tiffy collected Elie's tits together and began to snack on them.

All this oral and manual love was driving Eleanor beyond insane, and turning her into a wild animal. She felt sweat generate and give her forehead a glisten. She felt surges and sparks of lust attack from all directions. She felt her heart slamming in her chest, just beneath the chin of the girl sucking her boobs. She felt her pussy produce one sheen of moisture after another, until her pre-cum was coerced out. She felt the soft carpet under her transform into a cloud. She felt her toes tingle as Mrs. Sandy (presumably) slipped her tongue between them. She felt her stomach somersault with innumerable butterflies.

Golly, I sure as hell am feeling a lotta stuff. Maybe...maybe I'm not quite so straight after all.

Then she heard something. Sandra's voice.

"All righty, Miss Jacobs? If you please?"

The girl who was kissing her suddenly detached their lips. Eleanor's eyes fluttered open under the blindfold.

"...Huh?..." she weakly asked. She was actually just starting to really enjoy that. But it was time to move on to the next phase of the punishment. Sort of the pinnacle, as it were. Fiona Jacobs was beckoned down beside Sandy so that Elie's face was unoccupied for the moment. The quite rough participant, Jade Cosgrove, had taken off most of her clothes, including her panties, leaving only her open button-up shirt and bra. The important part was that she was bottomless.

"Now then, my dear Elie..." she heard Sandy intone. "...As you know, for having committed this crime of yours, you are in fact still being, shall we say...grounded. And along the lines of my earlier concern, I think you were starting to like it, just a bit too much."

Eleanor didn't believe she liked the sound of this.

"And we shan't have that," scolded Sandra. "It isn't often we must reprimand a slave for enjoying her reprimand. But so be it."

She gestured to Jade. The half-naked Jade opened her pussy, knelt down a knee on either side of Elie's head, and perched on her face.

Smothered under Jade's cunt and ass, Eleanor flipped. She shrieked, kicking and writhing. Sandy and the other three held her down, sharing a delightful laugh at her expense. At first, Elie couldn't say what was happening, but after a sec, her olfactory sense alerted her.

"Ha ha ha ha!!" Sandy laughed like Maleficent. "Whaddaya think, Elie dear?" she gleefully sneered. "Are there worse places than jail??"

Oh my FUCKING GOD!! Well, if the purpose of this was to get her to stop liking it, it worked. Eleanor almost instantly began bellowing out sobs of degradation and disdain. With Jade's lips perpendicularly kissing hers, Elie's mouth was again muzzled. She hollered some choice words into Jade's pussy.

"What was that?" Jade wickedly leered, looking down. "Speak up, pipsqueak! I can't hear you!"

More laughter. Whether it was the humbling circumstance or the less than wonderful scent, Elie felt queasy. Okay, so maybe she was only sort of half-gay—that being, on the receiving end. Having a girl's ass and puss in her face was a real clit-shrinker. But she couldn't even imagine a lesbian being crazy about this. She bawled beneath Jade's not-currently-very-privates.

"Aw, I think she's being a crybaby under there," she thought she heard someone say.

"Again??" her literal sitter asked impatiently. "I'm a little fucking insulted by that."

"Yeah..." Sandra concurred with a sigh. "Y'know, I think we've had enough whining and crying tonight..."

Letting her voice trail off, she waved the other girls into a quick huddle.

"On the count of three..." she whispered, sadistically waggling her fingers—

"Tickle the hell outta her."

Tiffy, Fiona and Raquel tried to stifle their giggles at this new phase of play. Well, that would get her to stop crying all least until she laughed so hard another flood of tears came on. Sandy placed her left index finger to her lips and counted with her right.

"One..." she soundlessly mouthed, "...Two...three!"

And in for the kill they went. Poor Eleanor abruptly felt dozens of fingers dig into her soles, her thighs, her cunt, her tummy, her ribs, her pits, her tits. She went crazy, her throat and lungs getting sore from all the screaming. The torture was compounded by her inability to take a breath, muffled under Jade. Her body quivered, lurched, and flopped like a fish on the hook. The audience loved it. She went so insane, Jade almost tumbled off. Jade liked the way this felt, Eleanor laughing and screeching in her own damp cunt. She liked it so much, in fact, she smeared and ground her coochie in Elie's face, leaned down and joined in the tickling. And Elie'd thought this was a nightmare before. She now longed for the innocent moments the girls sat around her, poking and prodding, teasing and taunting.

"It would appear a swarm of ants've gotten into your pants, my dear," Sandra hollered. "If you still had them on, that is!"


Fiona cupped a hand around her ear and leaned down towards her.

"I...think she's asking us to 'please stop,'" she told the others, feigning uncertainty.

"You sure about that?" asked Jade. "It might help to, uh...kinda, lick her chin a little, just to be positive."

Another spell of laughter ensued. "Later, hon," promised Fiona. They went on another few moments, till Sandy spoke up again.

"All right...all right," she told them. "Let's give her a little breather...just so she doesn't suffocate."

They let up, almost instantly hearing Eleanor heaving desperate, squealing breaths underneath Jade. Her body continued squirming and wriggling, even though it wasn't being touched anymore. Sandra held up a finger, rose to her feet and retreated to where Lou stood with the camera. Lou handed her a small gift bag. Sandy took it with a smile, thanked him, and resumed her spot on the floor.

"I have one more thing to share with you, my dear, dear friends," she smirked at them. "Back in my sorority days, in the, erm..."

She covered her mouth momentarily and cleared her throat.

"...Late ahem!ties...among lots of other things, we used these to haze pledges during Extreme Hell Week. Now, under normal circumstances, I'd advise you that we at Sigma Delta Psi're trained hazing professionals, and not to try this at home. However, being that we are in my home, and under my direct supervision..."

She removed the single object, a Sonicare, and activated it. The girls approved. Under Jade, hearing the buzzing, Elie tensed up.

"Hwuhhff dahhff?!"

"...I say let's have at it," Sandy finished. She called over to Eleanor, "Don't worry, you'll find out!

"Now, I apologize, girls, but we only have one of these to play with. I realize I could just run upstairs and grab some more of my toys, but frankly, I'm starting to think we've put this girl through enough for tonight...almost. I think she's learned her lesson."

Eleanor tried frantically to nod her head.

"So, who's gonna do the honors? No fighting."

Tiffy, Fiona and Raquel looked to each other. Out of politeness, they didn't want to assume privilege. Finally, Raquel raised her hand.

"May I?"

"Very well." Sandra handed over the Sonicare and began to unbind Eleanor's feet.

"Now, don't you get excited because I'm untying your ankles, young lady; you're still not going anywhere. Until we force ya through an electric orgasm or three...then, you're done."

Several audience members "aw"'d. Elie indistinguishably yelled something.

"Oh, save your breath, Elie; you're gonna need it." Sandy spread her feet. "Besides, you've made it through the really rough stuff. This is the part that feels good. And, tell ya what: we'll make it even better. We'll rub your feet and legs while Raquel brushes your clit."

Well, that didn't sound so bad...except for the clit part. But then again, Mrs. Sandy had a point. Elie'd survived so far. Even with this one particularly mean girl still sitting on her face, she thought she could make it through the rest of this craziness.

Besides, even crazier as it seemed, she was...almost getting used to Jade's puss and tush.

And so the games were let to begin. Sandra and Tiffy sat on Elie's legs and massaged her tootsies. Fiona sat in between and spread her labia ajar, as Raquel activated the Sonicare and started brushing. Eleanor all but completely lost it. She bayed like a wolf into Jade's cunt. Hot chills abruptly ripped through her. Goosebumps again ravaged her flesh, and all twenty digits twitched and curled. Even with Jade on top of her, she started to get back the feelings of intense pleasure.

"Ooooh, she likes it!" Jade laughed. "I can feel her moaning!...And...ooooh, I like it!"

Jade became turned on right along with her, and Elie felt her wetness.

"'Atta girl!" Sandy shouted to Eleanor. "Stick your nose in her ass, Elie! Lick her pussy! Get into it!"

Elie tried to do as told. This wasn't easy, but the Sonicare's powerful vibrations on her re-swelling clit fueled her. As the sexual energy in the entire room ramped a few notches, Fiona added her own initiative. She eased two fingers into Eleanor's cunt and began pumping.


"We are!" she heard one of them retort. Cackles swirled around her. But she couldn't give two figs if the girls, the crowd, and the entire world as she knew it were laughing at her. As they'd revved her tachometer once already, it didn't take much to sizzle her right back up into the stratosphere. Unbelievable as she found it, it actually became easy to raise her head until her nose and tongue reached Jade's respective orifices. She heard Jade react.

"OOOH-hoo-hoo! She's licking me!" Jade uncharacteristically giggled, opening her pussy wider.

Behind the tripod, Lou could only grin. Damn! Who'da thunk? he thought. This is becoming one of the best sessions we've ever done!

Jade was catching up with her a little, but Eleanor was sprinting to the finish line. After being out in the hot summer night, and then the excitement of actually breaking into the house, getting caught, and being forced to submit, suffer and subject herself to all this torment and "gay-rape" didn't even feel like rape anymore. She didn't want it to end.

Well, I'll be a daughter of a bitch. I'm bisexual, and I never even knew it.

How she never knew it before, she couldn't imagine. Especially as Jade reached down over her and grabbed her tits.

"God, look how fucking red she is!" Fiona chuckled, finger-banging Elie like mad.

"Look how fucking soaked she is!" Raquel giddily added, tracing her clit clockwise with the bristles.

It was true; the moisture from Eleanor's drenched, blood-swollen cunt coated the brush bristles, ran over Fiona's wrist and puddled into the floor. She was about to explode like St. Helens. She shook and shivered as much as possible under all five ladies. The toothbrush had her going so crazy, Jade almost started feeling secondhand vibrations through her. Jade smushed and rubbed her also soaking wet pussy in Eleanor's face. Elie tilted her head back, and bit her.

Jade gasped. "Oh my FUCKing God!" she groaned. "Why, you little cannibal!"

The bite surprised everyone, including Elie. But she kept gnawing for flesh, tugging Jade behind her toward the fast-approaching finish line. Sandy and Tiffy turned to watch. Tiffy kept rubbing, as Sandra sucked on Elie's piggies. Raquel made two more clitoral revolutions with the Sonicare, as Fiona delivered about five more swift finger penetrations...until it was all Eleanor could take.

She came. She erupted, howling to Jade's moon, spraying all over her thighs, Fiona's hand and the carpet. The audience whooped, applauded and celebrated. She thought she heard Mrs. Sandy announce, "There it is, ladies and gentlemen! Our guest of honor has officially CUM! We've 'converted' another one!"

Eleanor indeed couldn't remember the last time she'd ever experienced such a climax. She just hoped they didn't make her do it again. She didn't know if she could take another one. What she hardly even felt till a moment later was Jade Cosgrove above her, all but doubled over, racing to the very edge herself. In the throes of her orgasm, Elie held Jade's clit and one labium in her teeth, sucking and grinding, until hers ran its course. In classic chain reaction style, she pulled Jade right over with her. Jade came shortly after, gushing Elie in a faceful of her own hot, musty froth. When she felt Elie release her dental grip, Jade reached down to finish herself off with her hand. The crowd, other three girls and both hosts were blown away.

"WHOA-ho!" Sandy stopped devouring Eleanor's toes to exclaim. "Bonus!! My gals and pals, two orgasms for the price of one!"

The audience applauded once more. Jade, wobbly though her legs were, rose from Elie's pussy-creamed face and turned to the crowd for a bow. Elie couldn't exactly bow, but accepted the applause as the compliment it was. Sandy, Tiffy, Raquel and Fiona too got to their feet and linked hands to take a curtain call. Sandra guided them to bow to each camera, and acknowledged them one by one.

"And lest we forget, of course, our newly discovered and quite unexpected starlet of the evening: Miss! Eleanor! Mayhew!"

The rapidly arranged "robbery spectacular" had become an amazing success, and the audience loved the concept. The Burtons decided to finally wrap up about twenty minutes past midnight. As always, they bid good night and sweet dreams to their beloved friends, and told them they were welcome back anytime. Hopefully while no robbers decided to visit, they joked.

Lou stopped recording. He and Sandy helped the dizzy Eleanor to her feet and toweled off her face. She was wiped out, mind-blown, and very, very contrite. Many of the guests gave Eleanor a unique good night. A few of them asked to shake her hand, simply to tease her because they were still tied behind her back. Once everyone had left, the Burtons showed Elie to the bathroom and offered her a nice shower. When she finished, they took her back to the living room for a little talk.