How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 07


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He pulled a folded sheet of paper from his jacket pocket, and opened it as we all waited with bated breath.

'Third place goes to...John Schneider, and his daughter Kayla!'

We all applauded as John and Kayla stepped forward with huge smiles and waved to the audience. I didn't know them, but Jennifer knew Kayla from school. She was a short, firecracker blonde with a bubble butt and a gymnast's body, and a vibrant smile.

'Second place goes to...Tavio Milano, and Liya!'

I was so delighted to hear this-Tavio was one of my best friends, and Liya and Jennifer had been working out together for the last several months (The Festival, Ch. 04). I was so happy for him, and shook his hand as he passed in front of us to take his bow with Liya.

I had a bit of a crush on Liya-she was a spectacular 18-year-old, with dark skin inherited from her French-and-Indian mother, and the mediterranean eyes of her Sicilian father. Her large breasts, capped by the biggest, darkest nipples I had ever seen, were her glory-though the rich pink that was her secret in the folds between her legs was to die for as well. Her placing was well-deserved-it couldn't have gone to a more deserving girl.

'And finally, first place-Best in Show-the most sexually desirable girl of this year's Festival-goes to...Robert Stevenson and Jennifer!'

I was stunned. I literally froze, and the look on my face on the TV was comical-I had never expected to place even in the top three of my first Festival, and yet, after all the hard work and self-criticism and doubt, unbelievably those were our names that had been called out. For Best in Show.

As the audience roared with applause several other fathers slapped me on the back and shook my hand, pulling Jennifer and I to the front of the stage. It was like a dream. I hugged Jennifer close and whispered how proud I was of her, and we waved to the audience as Layla Schaeffer came toward us with a microphone.

'Robert, congratulations on first place-how does it feel?'

'Honestly, Layla, I'm stunned. Super grateful. Jennifer deserves a ton of the credit-she worked really hard for this, and I'm just so happy that it paid off.'

'Kyle and I both saw her potential as soon as she walked out, and she put on a tremendous show. I want to talk about her scorecard though-she took the top marks for comportment, gait, and conformation, as well as the scores for best belly, best legs, and best vulva. A dominating performance-none of the other girls could touch her, and we all saw a lot of talent up there tonight. We know much of this is subjective and that tastes change-but for the last five years the best vulva has been awarded to girls with a peach slit. We can see right here that Jennifer represents a break with that-do you see tonight as the beginning of a new era where more visually 'complex' vulvas will be in vogue?'

'I can't really say I know anything about that, Layla-Jennifer gets hers from her mother; I've always been partial to that style of pussy, but I guess I'm hoping it DOESN'T mean a big change is coming, because I have a pair of younger twins at home who have really beautiful peach slits. So, I'm super happy right now, but I guess I'm hoping things change back in a couple years, so my other girls can be properly appreciated too.'

The audience laughed, and Jennifer rolled her eyes and covered her face in her hands like any daughter embarrassed by her dad's dumb jokes.

'Alright Robert, well it's time to move on to the final event of the evening. First question: which of the girls on this stage do you choose to christen tonight?'

I already knew my answer, and I was excited at what I was about to do.

'Layla, I choose Liya Milano. And in answer to what I know your second question will be, I think it's only fair and right that my good friend, and Liya's father, Tavio, be the one to take Jennifer.'

The crowd roared its approval, and Tavio stepped forward and took my hand.

'Thank you Robert,' he said over the din, 'it is an honor for you to be my daughter's first, and it will be an honor to have Jennifer.'

Stagehands brought out low padded tables onto the stage, with various attachment points on them for additional equipment. Generally the christening went quite smoothly, but sometimes a girl wasn't quite ready to voluntarily submit her body for the purposes of completing her Festival. Various methods of securing her to the table could be utilized if needed, including leather straps and even a sort of pillory attachment in case the father responsible for opening her up preferred to do the job from behind.

Tavio led Liya over to the table and glanced at me for direction.

'I'd like her on her back, please,' I said.

Tavio helped his daughter hop up and sit on the end of the table with her knees together like a lady, the angle accentuating the breathtakingly fine sculpting of her calves and her feet. Then he gave her a sweet kiss and whispered something in her ear, and exited the stage, leaving just the two of us. The house lights went quite dark, with the spotlights illuminating us, and the audience fell into respectful silence. I could see nothing past the darkness at the edge of the stage, and it felt strangely cozy and intimate as I approached Liya where she sat in the spotlight.

Her rich black hair fell thickly about her shoulders, and she sat quietly, smiling nervously as I guided her knees apart and stepped between her rich thighs. Her tawny skin glowed in the lights, and the weighty curves of her breasts rose and fell with her breath. I could feel her body heat radiating from her nakedness, and I smiled reassuringly, my eyes trailing down her chest to her chocolate nipples as they rode the magnificent crests of her bosom.

I reached out and tenderly ran my hands along her breasts, an electric shock running through my body as I touched her hard nipples and felt my cock lunge to life. Leaning in, I brought each delectable dark button of flesh briefly to my lips, gently tugged on them with my teeth, and felt her breasts erupt into goosebumps in my hands as I wrapped my tongue around her sensitive tips.

Liya gasped and caught her breath, and I brushed my lips through her cleavage, up her throat, and then kissed the young girl softly on the lips. Breathing in her scent and tasting cinnamon as my tongue lightly traced the entrance to her willing mouth, I pressed her down onto her back on the table.

Standing again, I raised her knees and spread her legs, and took a brief, wonderful moment to savor the view of this spectacular girl laid open, naked, and waiting for me to be her first. I was reminded of what Judge Washburn had said about a girl's body being the highest good, and I understood fully. Taking in every detail of this young female form, I could only be present to waves of goodness washing over me. Everything was indeed good.

It was the beginning of a new time for me, and I was thrilled at what the future held. From this day on countless young girls were mine to enjoy as I assumed my new role in society. Practically every female body was now available to me, to enjoy, to teach, to taste, to touch.

I removed my clothing quickly, and stepped between her legs. The golden peach fuzz that covered her body shone in the stage lights, and I brought my hand between her breasts and ran it slowly down her chest, over her belly, to her vulva. She was completely bare there, her girlish skin silky smooth as I gently squeezed her gorgeous pussy and felt my fingers grow slick with the juices that pressed from between her lips.

I could have spent a hundred nights savoring this, but the Festival was more formal in its requirements, and although I had earned first place, I still needed to execute my duties with a bit more alacrity. There would be plenty of time later for a more leisurely approach; tonight was about breaking the seal-and there were twenty-two more girls that needed doing.

Liya's dark eyes were wide as I held her breast in one hand and guided my cock to her slick entrance with the other. My own heart was in my throat as I made contact with her body and pressed past her opening with the head of my cock. I was so hard I thought I might explode, and as I encountered her hymen I paused to gather myself. I locked eyes with her and nodded.

'Thank you for this, Liya. Now take a deep breath for me...'

As she exhaled I pressed myself home, the first visitor to the sacred depths inside this girl, and felt her jump as she gave a yip. She was incredibly tight. Once fully embedded in her, I held her arms down to the table to counter her struggles and began long, smooth strokes. She turned her head to the side and closed her eyes, but the cameramen did their jobs and ensured every detail of her body's response to my work was shown to the audience.

She was unbelievably creamy, and I felt her begin to squeeze me rhythmically as her body broke through to its first climax on a cock. That was all I could take, and as she let out a long, high-pitched, animalistic wail I quickened my pace for a dozen more strokes, then pulled out of her and released an insane amount of semen that sprayed across her belly, breasts, and throat. The white cream sparkled in the lights as it splashed against her dark skin and into her jet-black hair, and I almost collapsed under the power of my orgasm. I had never felt more alive.

I slowly realized that the audience was applauding wildly, cheering at the top of their lungs as I took Liya's virginity. In a daze I gave her my hand, helped her to her feet, and pronounced the traditional declaration of the Festival to the cheering crowd, 'It was good. May we all enjoy it.'

Liya stood shakily, my cum rolling down her body, and replied, 'Thank you, sir.'

She was helped from the stage and wrapped in a large blanket, and I made my way back as well, fumbling with my own clothing.

I had little time to recover, however, because Tavio was next-and Jennifer was his prize.

I managed to finish dressing, found Jennifer, and quickly took her by the hand and led her out to the stage where Tavio was waiting. He was a very well-built guy, with a magnificent Tom Selleck mustache, and he'd already undressed. Jennifer blanched slightly, an amusing and endearing combination of horror and hungry anticipation on her face as she saw that he was very well endowed, and already fully prepared for the job ahead.

He smiled as we arrived, and asked me how Liya had been.

'Brother,' I said, 'I cannot imagine anything better. You did an amazing job with her.'

'Thank you,' he laughed, 'I have to say I'm looking forward to this one myself.'

Jennifer blushed, her nipples turning a darker shade of pink, and I felt her still trembling.

'Tavio, you've definitely earned it. I wouldn't want it any other way. How would you like her?'

'On all fours, please, like you had her for her judging,' he smiled.

I chuckled and helped Jennifer onto the table, setting her up the same as before. When I slid my hand between her legs to raise her tail, it came away drenched in her juices. She'd never had sex before, and her body was acting positively starved for it.

I was about to make my exit when I heard her voice, soft and pleading.

'Daddy, can you stay?'

I paused, considering this request from my little girl who had been so strong all night, but now at the culmination wanted me near as she was made a woman. I glanced at Tavio where he stood behind her, hungrily working her small, tight, round buttocks with his large hands, the primal look in his eye of a man about to feast, and he nodded his assent.

'Of course, sweety,' I said, and took a place beside her at her head. I brushed her hair from her face, and held her hand, and then looked back at Tavio and nodded.

He needed no further encouragement. He took a few fingerfuls of her fragrant juices straight from her vagina and brought them to his mouth, then secured her hips with both hands and pressed himself into her.

Jennifer bucked and whimpered, and Tavio paused, planted to the root inside of her, to let her compose herself. I squeezed her hand and kissed her forehead as he began rhythmically reaming her out, his cock bottoming out with each thrust and pushing Jennifer forward across the table.

She moaned and shook, and after a couple dozen thrusts she erupted into a thrashing orgasm. Tavio held her tight and kept himself buried in her as she fought, until suddenly he went over the edge himself.

With a holler and whoop he unleashed burst after burst of his cum into her, and they both collapsed onto the table in front of me, completely spent.

After a few moments Tavio disentangled himself, helped Jennifer off the table, and repeated the declaration I had made with Liya. Jennifer seemed giddy and could hardly stand, and with a feral smile and a lick of her lips she thanked Tavio, her shining eyes never leaving the cock that had just transformed her forever. A stagehand appeared with a blanket, and I wrapped my daughter up and we left the stage.

The rest of the night was a bit of a blur; we came home shortly after that, and after getting some dinner, everyone had gone to bed-and here I was, watching it unfold on TV.

I was proud, I was a little nostalgic. It was a strange thing to think of Jennifer as a woman now, and I knew she had many adventures ahead of her. I wasn't sure whether we'd enroll her in St. Carmen's; that would be decided another day.

Suddenly I heard footsteps padding down the stairs, and turned to see Jennifer out of bed. She was wearing only her tank top; apparently panties weren't for sleeping in. I could actually see, even from a distance, that she seemed to be still a bit swollen and flushed between her legs, so maybe that had something to do with her wardrobe choice.

'Can I cuddle with you on the couch for a little bit, daddy?' She whispered.

'Of course, sweety,' I answered, opening my arms and letting her snuggle herself next to me.

We chatted quietly about the evening and how she was feeling, and about the wonderful future she had in store for herself. She was disappointed about one thing, it turned out.

'I really was hoping that whoever got to do me would let me...suck..on him...I mean, I know that it's a skill, and I don't want to do it for the first time and not know what it's like at all. I guess I just hoped I'd get a little taste tonight at least,' she giggled.

I assured her that she'd do just fine when she got the chance to try, and that she shouldn't worry about it-but it seemed to really be bothering her.

'Daddy, listen...I was thinking...what if-would it be ok if I just tried with...yours...just for a little bit? Please?'

I was taken aback. This was uncharted territory; obviously we had raised Jennifer to be very comfortable with her body, and now she had celebrated her Festival and was legally a fully sexually available female. But I wasn't sure how appropriate it was for her training to include my cock.

Since she had been a little girl we'd had a rule that nothing was ever out of bounds to talk about. Daddy-daughter conversations were always open, because I wanted her to feel safe bringing me anything that was on her mind. So, unprecedented though this topic was, we spent the next few minutes discussing it.

We finally agreed that what she was asking wasn't outrageous-all she wanted was to get a little practice handling a penis. It wouldn't be actual sex, of course; and as her father I was responsible to help her succeed and feel confident in any way I could. Why shouldn't she be able to use my cock for a little introduction to the male member? Certainly it was about the safest way to facilitate this-why should she have to undergo her first lessons with strangers without feeling like she at least knew her way around a penis?

A truly reasonable question at this point was what exactly comprised 'sex', anyway. If sensual pleasure was good, and if she was now required to offer herself to any eligible man who wanted her, and if she was on a contraceptive that made pregnancy impossible, and since I had already been intimately involved with her body in many ways in the years leading to today, why shouldn't she have the opportunity to play with my cock if it would benefit her?

Finally, in disbelief even at myself, I relented, and undid my pants.

Jennifer was suddenly extremely excited, and pulled down my boxers to get to my cock, which she freed, already hard, from its confines. The gleam in her eye was triumphant as she held it in the fingers of both hands, and she stretched out on the couch next to me to get a better angle.

For the next half hour I let her play, explore, and experience. I gave some instruction when she asked for it, but mostly I let her familiarize herself with the anatomy, accustom herself to the taste, experiment with how much of it she could fit in her mouth, and generally let her get comfortable with playing with a man's member. I let her know how good it felt when she licked her way around the head, or gently nibbled my shaft.

Precum was totally unknown to her, it turned out, and she was surprised, and then very pleased, as the slick, clear fluid hit her tongue for the first time. That created an opportunity for us to do several experiments together to discover how she could coax more of it for her to enjoy.

Eventually she laid her head down on my belly and settled into long, deep sucks while gently stroking the shaft and my scrotum with her fingers. She hummed softly to herself, and her knees slowly, naturally parted as her entire body relaxed into the couch. I was moved by how peaceful and special this was; it was magical to share this moment of trust and bonding with my daughter after the excitement and triumphs we had shared earlier in the evening. I could feel how happy and calm she was, and I treasured it.

I had been softly caressing her cheek, but now I slowly moved my hand down her body and in between her legs, and was pleased to find that she truly enjoyed having a cock in her mouth-she was soaked, and I felt myself relax deeper into the couch, as well, as I played gently with her pussy, slowly rubbing her clit and dipping my fingers into her new opening while she occupied herself with my penis.

It occurred to me that at least some of the liquid I was feeling was probably Tavio's semen, still leaking from the far reaches of her fresh little vagina where he had shot it with such force, and suddenly I was on the verge of my own climax. The memory of watching my little girl get handled so well by one of my best friends was simply too hot. I roughly pulled my cock from Jennifer's mouth, and breathed deeply as I calmed myself down.

'Darling, I think that is enough for tonight-I'm about to cum.'

'Oh, daddy, yes please,' she said eagerly, reaching for my cock and trying to get it back to her mouth.

'No, sweety, I'm not going to cum in your mouth-that is definitely crossing a line. It's one thing for you to practice your technique on me, but cumming on you or in you is most certainly sex, and we're just not going to do that.'

Jennifer pouted, giving me her best puppy dog eyes.

'But daddy...I really want to taste it! Please? Just a little? I never have before...'

Obviously the last half hour had gotten this girl extremely worked up, and she was becoming unreasonable as her new-found sexuality began to take her over. I realized I probably had to share some of the blame, since fondling her pussy had almost certainly exacerbated her arousal. Now she was put-out and agitated, and understandably so.

'Ok, sweetheart, listen, let's do this,' I suggested, hoping to appease her. I tossed back the rest of the bourbon.

'I'll finish in this glass, and you can watch and even help, if you like. Then you can get a closer look at it. But that way I won't actually be having sex with my daughter, ok? Come on now, we must be reasonable here.'