How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 11c


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Kneeling down beside the couch, he smiled reassuringly to Jennifer as he took hold of her left leg and arm and brought them together, instructing her to hold still, and used a steel clip to connect the rings of the cuff around her ankle to the rings of the cuff on her wrist. Her skin was so soft and smooth under his hands, and he loved the feeling of her delicate ankle in his grip as he secured the perfect naked girl in preparation for her next punishment, and his ultimate enjoyment of her little body.

With smooth, sure movements that spoke of years of practice, he looped one of the short black straps he'd brought from the cabinet around the upper part of her sculpted calf, just below the knee, and around her forearm at the elbow, and buckled it enough that she couldn't escape and it wouldn't slip, but loosely enough she still had plenty of circulation and could move relatively freely if she needed to adjust her position.

Her lower leg and arm were now bound together along their entire length, and while she could still bend her knee and elbow relatively freely, they had to work together.

While she experimented with her available movement on her left side, Captain Davis duplicated his efforts on her right side. Finished, he kissed her gently, brushing her hair out her eyes, and surveyed his work.

He liked this way of tying a trainee down; she had enough freedom of movement to be fairly comfortable for some time, and could easily be moved into a variety of enticing and stimulating positions in which for him to enjoy her body. One of the best parts was that no matter how she might try, she had no way to effectively block access to her genitals and anus when bound in this manner, so regardless of any efforts on the girl's part, he would be able to easily train her at whatever pace or style he felt suited the purposes of the lesson.

'Alright, girls,' Martin said from where he was crouched behind Elizabeth, who still hung from the tree branch by her wrists, as he spread her butt cheeks and examined her between her legs and inspected the shameless mess she had made while he'd spanked her, 'Jack and I are going to spend a little time doing some anal training with you both, and getting your bodies nice and relaxed and ready for him and I to penetrate you at the same time, and enjoy each your bodies together.'

He pulled his granddaughter's engorged labia open with his fingers, savoring exposing the rich, slick pinkness of her interior which the frilly little skirts of her girl bits were meant—completely ineffectually, it turned out—to demurely hide from the hungry gaze of dominant, full-testicled males like himself, and ran his finger up and down the glistening secret crevice that led into her voluptuous young body.

She didn't have a very prominent clitoris, but her labia hung with a tangible weight, especially after the five spanks with the paddle the Martin had given them, and her little body had already had so much stimulus this afternoon in any case that they hung raggedly, flushed and engorged and tender, from the sides of her bedraggled opening, which her young internal muscles were desperately trying to gape for him without her knowledge or control.

He hadn't struck her that hard, especially on her breasts and cunny; a big part of being a master trainer was using precisely the amount of force or pain or embarrassment that would help a girl learn her lesson and remember how important it was to be a good girl, and not an ounce more, and he and his brother were both known for their expertise in the sphere of disciplining young ladies.

Much of proper training concerned helping girls build stronger connections between their bodies and their minds, and so punishment—especially informal and in private, as the men had just administered to Elizabeth and Jennifer—had to consist of more than simple, brute physical pain.

It really was about how pain signals of the right intensity, when combined with the emotional and mental context that supported a girl and her relationship of trust with her trainers, could reinforce and motivate the behaviors of a good girl, and it should never result in any actual injury or damage—in fact, when done well, even punishments for relatively serious misbehavior should result ultimately in the girl becoming highly aroused as her body and mind submitted themselves fully to the guidance and correction of the men who cared so deeply for her wellbeing and success as a trainee.

A girl's mental and emotional characteristics had to be taken into account as well; some girls were naturally built to thrive on a sterner training style and even quite significant pain in their discipline; other girls might be more sensitive or delicate, and would only require a fraction of the severity in their correction to achieve the same beneficial results as another girl, and it was essential for an eligible man to be skilled at reading and understanding a girl's temperament, and shaping her discipline accordingly.

Just last week, for example, Martin had discovered a delightful, dark-haired little creature named Emily Fawks at the gym he went to, and had reserved her for a lesson at her house. She was quite tiny, with adorable eyes behind giant glasses, a gentle laugh, and a fit, strong body in a diminutive and delicious package that included an adorable little butt and a pair of delicious, prominent nipples on her well-proportioned breasts that seemed to be constantly hard and inviting.

She had happily undressed for him, and was excited for him to train her, but she seemed generally a little shy of temperament, and to struggle with some comfort in fully sharing her body; she didn't seem to trust that he loved kissing and nuzzling and tasting her pussy, and had been reluctant to offer the treat between her legs to his enthusiastic palate, and she'd had difficulty giving him a full, arch-backed presentation of her backside and her naughty bits, despite several clear instructions to do so, and so he'd unfortunately been forced to discipline her.

She'd nearly broken down as he'd explained that she was being uncooperative and he'd need to spank her, and after carefully ensuring she understood that after her discipline she would get to be a good girl once more, he'd only had to administer two healthy but really quite lenient cuffs of his hand to her backside.

After hugging and kissing her and wiping the stray tears from her penitent eyes and reassuring her that she was indeed becoming such a good girl, the delightful creature's mind was instantly cleared and refocused, and she turned right around with a sniffly giggle and showed him every good thing she had going on back there, and was far more responsive and orgasmic for the remainder of the lesson, and Martin had cum extremely hard, deep inside her.

It required great skill and care on the part of a trainer, and many eligible men didn't even engage in the discipline of trainee girls for the first few years of their careers.

Martin and Jack had paid close attention to the Jennifer's and Elizabeth's physiological signs and emotional responses, watching their respiration, vocal tones, checking their heart rates after every few spanks, and regularly confirming their signs of sexual arousal as they disciplined them, making sure to use their strokes of the paddle on the girls' soft bodies in a way that deftly guided the pair of inexperienced females to a higher and ever more amenable state of sexual arousal, despite their desire to not be spanked, and their fear of the pain.

Martin was gratified to see his granddaughter was clearly highly aroused and in heat, and he was looking forward to continuing torturing and teasing her for some time before he gave her the satisfaction she would soon be begging for.

Rising to his feet behind Elizabeth, he felt a throb of pleasure in his cock as he left his hand between her soft warm butt cheeks and lightly tapped a couple fingers against her aching, dilated entrance, hearing the delectable 'schnick, schnick, schnick' of her wet hunger as it coated his hand.

'I will be starting by simply fucking Elizabeth vaginally for a while and getting her into a receptive, relaxed state before I begin working on her anus. Once she's comfortably able to take me inside her butt—which I don't expect to take too long, since she already had some practice this weekend—she'll be ready for Captain Davis and I to enjoy her together, and complete her punishment. I'd guess your plan with Jennifer is similar, Jack?'

Jack nodded, laying Jennifer on her back and spreading her legs—and, because they were bound together, her ams as well—so she was laid fully open and spread for him, her beautiful naked body on display, any remaining embarrassment or fear that might otherwise make her struggle or resist rendered powerless by the slim cord of soft black leather buckled around her throat.

She knew he was going to take all she had. He was going to take all of her. He was going to take her for his pleasure, and she didn't know how she would survive or what would be left of her when he was finished with her. But she had never felt so turned-on, so curious, or so...ready.

'Sounds good to me,' Captain Davis said in a low chuckle, running his hands hungrily up and down the spread backs of her thighs with a smile that split his giant beard with a flash of white, 'only thing I would add is that I want a turn training Elizabeth for a bit before we do her double penetration—I need some special time with my little pirate princess!'

Martin chortled and agreed heartily, removing his shirt and unbuckling his trousers as he assured Jack that he wanted to fuck Jennifer for a while himself, since he already knew how delicious she was and how much he liked sucking on the pert nipples she sported on her perfect little breasts, and that he would happily switch whenever Jack wanted to use his grand-niece for a while.

Jennifer was a little scared, to be honest, of the second punishment. She hadn't been trained anally at all yet, and the thought of somehow having both Mr. Davis and the Captain inside her at the same time seemed physically daunting; she couldn't deny another little part of her was thrilled, however. She'd imagined this for a while, and it seemed so complete a way to give herself to the pleasure of two eligible men to let them have her in this way.

She just hoped it wouldn't hurt too badly, but she was such a sopping mess between her legs by now that she wasn't sure she would say no to any attention the men wanted to pay to her body. She wanted Captain Davis to never take his eyes off of her, to consume her and fuck her to bits.

She was distracted momentarily, however, by watching Martin disrobe as he stood behind Elizabeth's naked, glistening form hanging in the afternoon sunlight, her blonde curls tumbled about her face.

He reached under his big, jolly belly covered in white, bristly hair and gave his penis a few friendly tugs to bring it to full sail, then stepped close behind her and slapped the top of his hard cock a few times up against her slit, coating his shaft in the thick drip of her juices as she moaned and arched, her body acting on its own now in the heat of her need.

Martin positioned himself carefully, aiming his cock directly into the center of the dark, dilated opening ensconced in her golden curls, took firm hold of his granddaughter's thick hips in his big hands, and pulled her fully onto him in a single, powerful movement.

She gasped and bucked for a moment at the suddenness of the invasion, but Martin was prepared, and pulled her curvy little body firmly against his bulky form, seating himself quickly and irresistibly to the hilt within her precious vagina.

He spoke softly to her, but didn't loosen his grip or yield a centimeter inside the tight confines of her cunny; she needed to learn to relax and welcome hard penises inside her at a moment's notice, and she just needed to do her breathing exercises and mentally give herself to him once she realized her instinctive struggles were futile.

Sure enough, she got hold of herself and began to relax onto Martin's cock, and she trembled gently now as he held both of them perfectly still, and softly ran his hands over her body and whispered sweet things in her ear.

He told her how proud he was of her, and how blessed he felt to be able to enjoy her today after all their adventures together over the years, and Elizabeth cooed as her grandfather played gently with her big breasts and nibbled her earlobe, his big white beard tickling her shoulders and back as she held his length, still and hard, deep inside her and let him love on her.

There was literally nothing he'd ever experienced that was better than being inside of his granddaughters; training his daughters had been an extraordinary experience and the peak, at the time, of his sexual pleasure, but even filling his own girls with semen was no match for doing so to his granddaughters.

Elizabeth was in fact his second of three. Her older sister had celebrated her Festival two years ago, and training her had been just as exhilarating; her younger cousin was still a few years away from celebrating hers, but she and her parents lived close by, and he was grateful to have the opportunity to spend lots of time with her and teach her many smaller lessons as she grew up, and he couldn't wait to enjoy her as well.

He was pleased with how successful his parenting strategy had been, first with his own daughters and now with theirs; Elizabeth was proving its worth once again with her free, generous spirit and responsive, playful body, as well as her pure-hearted love of having her grandfather and great-uncle enjoy her.

There was something profoundly heartening and reassuring about coupling with her; there were elements of legacy and heritage intermingled with a sense of having done one's job as a man by having successfully raised the next generations and getting to see them thrive; surely that was the greatest reward an aging fellow could ask.

Elizabeth was responding in kind, mewling and purring as she tried to press herself closer to his hairy body and offer herself to him as fully as she could, so deeply in love with her grandfather was she after how she'd been raised.

It reminded him of the old church verse about how God promised to bless the righteous man by granting him to taste the fruit of his fruit, and to enjoy the young females of his herd, down to the fourth and fifth generations.

Elizabeth was only his second generation, and if he was lucky he would get to enjoy her daughters when in his late seventies. He had little doubt he'd be up to the task, though it seemed less likely that he'd be around to train their girls nearly twenty years after that, and he chuckled to himself as he mentally saluted the men of the ancient times for recognizing how fertile and pleasurable their daughters were considerably earlier in their young lives than we had chosen for our girls to celebrate their Festivals, which made the fourth and fifth generations of the verse possible for those lucky patriarchs.

Now, as he began to get older, he truly realized what a blessing it was to be able to reap the sacred pleasure of his hard work over the last several decades, and he quietly thanked the man upstairs as he luxuriated in his granddaughter's tight, wet vagina, and felt her little body respond and react to his touches and his penetration by begging him to take her and fill her with his sperm.

The somewhat fringe doctrine which Martin espoused and promoted taught that ever higher levels of personal awareness and inner knowledge were possible with each successive generation of his own offspring a man coupled with, and Elizabeth and her sisters and female cousins had been raised to believe that, while allowing themselves to be trained and used sexually by eligible men in general was indeed a significant fulfillment of their purpose, the ultimate function of their bodies lay in the pleasure and release they would provide their father, grandfather, and so on, as far up the family tree as were still alive and virile.

It only made sense; evolutionarily speaking, a young female was irresistibly driven to mate with males who possessed strong sperm. While many secondary indicators could provide instinctual clues as to a man's virility, such as his strength or fitness or penis size, there could be no more indisputable proof of man's ability to throw strong, healthy offspring than to actually BE one of those offspring, and to take the cock of the man who created her and to receive into her body the same powerful seminal fluid in which she had once been shot into her mother, and which had been deposited in her grandmother or great-grandmother before her in order to create her.

While there was still an energetic public debate about the degree to which girls should be raised to service the eligible men in their own families. Martin could only say he was completely delighted with the results over the first forty years or so of his experiment; Elizabeth had been taught her whole life that her crowning achievement after her Festival would be the lessons she received from him and her father, and the vigor and need with which she ground her incredible butt against his groin as she attempted to get as much of her grandfather inside her little body as possible was all the proof Martin needed that his training methodology had worked splendidly, and he was only too happy to oblige her.

For her part, Elizabeth was in heaven. She loved her grandfather immensely, and her whole life he had only ever told her she was beautiful and desirable, and had patiently taught her important skills like blowjobs, and kissing, and how he could help ease the strange, overwhelming ache she often got in her cunny by rubbing it gently with his hand, and how to shop for the cutest and most insubstantial swimsuits and underwear for when she stayed at his house.

She loved her life, she loved her training, and now, in this special moment, as her throbbing pussy hugged his gnarled old penis tightly and leaked happily all over it, her juices beginning to run into the dense thicket of his coarse, white pubic hair, all she wanted was to make him feel good, to make him proud, and to thank him, in the most intimate, authentic way she knew how, for creating her.

Jennifer watched, spellbound, as Martin wrapped his giant hairy arms around his granddaughter's stretched-out, helpless naked little body and began slowly, powerfully driving his cock in and out of her vagina.

Since she was already on her tiptoes and had no way to raise herself further to evade his delicious designs, he used her body weight as she hung from her wrists as leverage to press further into her, and her distant, meditative murmurs of 'oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck...' were silenced as he took her by the jaw and pulled her head around so he could kiss her as he fucked her.

Elizabeth had no resistance in her at all anymore; all she wanted was for her grandfather to take her completely and satisfy himself with her body, and Jennifer's cunny ached with a fresh jealousy as she watched Martin explore his granddaughter's mouth with his own and attempt to see how deeply he could penetrate both ends of her body at once, his tongue foraying as far down her throat as it could as he imagined with a horny amusement that if he tried hard enough, the powerful hip thrust he supplied to accompany it would allow the tips of his tongue and penis to meet somewhere deep in the sweet girl's creamy midsection.

Jennifer's envy for the familial warmth and affection she was watching had almost made her forget that she was spread out on the couch naked and bound in front of Captain Davis, but she was quickly brought back to reality as she realized he had crouched down between her legs while she'd be distracted by Martin's enjoyment of Elizabeth, and an unexpected ripple of extraordinary pleasure gripped her suddenly as he brought his fiercely bearded lips to her unguarded little clitoris with a firm, gentle, worshipful kiss.