How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 12a


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'Alright, then—student's vulva is already well engorged, exhibiting significant swelling and a dark pink hue of her inner labia, which are naturally spreading open under the effects of her arousal...please note, Desilva, the remarkable amount of vaginal fluid she is producing...'

Ryan leaned closer, enraptured by Abigail's cunny, as Dr. Andrew continued, placing a firm hand on her lower back as she whimpered and shifted uneasily, attempting to stand up in order to escape the men's invasive inspection.

'No, Miss Abigail, please continue to hold your position and keep your bottom spread for us—yes, both hands, please—there you go—thank you, that's a good girl...'

He carefully reached between her legs and spread her lips a little wider, running his finger around her pouting entrance.

'...ah, and this is fantastic—Desilva, look closely here—you can clearly see two different types of lubrication, as is often the case as a girl advances through her various stages of arousal.'

Abigail shuddered as his hands roved familiarly about her genitals and handled her private parts as if they belonged to a creature in a laboratory; her absolute worst-case scenario was now an unspeakably humiliating reality—never did she even dare fear that the men would discover, let alone revel in, the obscene mess she'd made in her panties this way.

'First, she's produced a truly remarkable volume of clear, sweetly-scented primary vaginal lubrication—so much, in fact, that just her small movements of the last half hour have managed to smear it practically all over her thick fur between her legs, and even down the insides of her thighs here, making her long dark pubic hair a slick mess designed to ease the passage of a male's erect penis.'

He combed his fingers hungrily through the slickly soaked, glistening mess of her thick scruff where it bordered her swollen slit; even the wet, sloppy sound itself was a tantalizing turn-on for both him and Ryan.

'When a girl is in this state, even a cock poorly aimed in the heat of the mating passion will be made to slip inexorably toward her entrance, helping to ensure a successful copulation.'

He gently placed his fingertip directly on her drooling opening, which gently contracted and then relaxed in response to his experienced touch, releasing yet another small rush of her clear honey.

'But here you can also see quite a lot of a thick, white cream—I would expect that when we examine her on the table and actually open her up we'll find quite a bit more inside—which generally indicates a girl is approaching her orgasmic state. So, good news, Miss Abigail, I think we can safely say that you have quite a healthy and natural response to being naked in front of men.'

Abigail was beyond embarrassment now; as shameful as it felt to be in this situation, her mortification was becoming quickly outweighed by her arousal.

Everything Dr. Andrew said was true, and hearing him describe her lubricious state to Mr. Desilva only caused her body to double down in its efforts to convince the men to have intercouse with her; she was becoming increasingly inflamed with the ancient need for someone to take her, and the persistent alarm of girlish humiliation she felt as she fell inexorably deeper into her natural physical condition only made for a more intoxicating cocktail of hormones and emotions.

She startled as Dr. Andrew repeated several times his instruction to stand up and let Mr. Desilva weigh her and measure her, and she walked unsteadily across the room to stand naked on the scale.

Ryan made a note of her weight, then carefully took her measurements, including the length of her slit and the width of her mons at the top of its delta, the erect length of her nipples and the distance between them, the diameter of her areolas, and the circumference of her butt cheeks.

Dr. Andrew had emphasized how important attention to detail was in taking these metrics, and Ryan wet his thumb and forefinger with his saliva and tugged gently on her nipples, smiling reassuringly at her pleading gaze before ensuring the cold plastic measuring tape was positioned properly across her achingly sensitive nubs while he measured her bust.

He was becoming more enraptured with the girl as he handled her. Kneeling in front of her to measure the distance from her virginal navel to the top of her slit, he painstakingly combed his fingers through her thick fur in order to locate precisely where the base of her clitoral hood surfaced from between her outer labia before diving back into her sacred furrow to join her inner lips.

The rich scent of her arousal and the warmth of her flushed body heat as she stood stock still, her breathing shallow and nervous, and allowed him to lay the measuring tape across her tummy only made him want to couple with her more; he was struck by a vision of taking her from behind, his hand reaching beneath her to caress her soft underbelly just above her mons as he pressed himself deeply between her healthy buttocks.

Once he'd finished, Dr. Andrew instructed Abigail to climb up on the massage table, lie back, and open her knees so he and Mr. Desilva could examine her vagina fully.

To her surprise, this was the least uncomfortable moment of the day so far for Abigail; she'd had her first gynecological checkup not long ago, so she at least had a precedent of normalcy to guide her for this step of her intake process at Stonewall. She climbed willingly atop the table and opened her legs wide, doing her best to ensure the men had a clear view and plenty of room to work on her private parts.

Dr. Andrew was pleased to see the young girl seemed to be growing more comfortable with her nakedness, and he could tell she would be just fine in her new life with a bit more practice and some quality lessons from a few skilled girl trainers.

He moved to her side and slowly ran his hand up and down her tummy in a calming manner several times, his fingers brushing the underside of her breast at the top of his stroke, and foraying a little further each time into her lush bush at the bottom, allowing her time to relax under his touch as he eased closer to the most personal area of her naked body.

'Miss Abigail, according to your admissions file, you are not a virgin. Is that correct?'

Abigail shook her head, her eyes wide, and glanced from him to Mr. Desilva, who was taking studious notes on his clipboard as he watched Dr. Andrew touch her.

'Yes, sir, Dr. Andrew,' she nodded. 'I have...had sex.'

Dr. Andrew brought both hands to her vulva, and gently pressed it open, leaning closer to carefully inspect her, and sweeping his fingers up and down her soaking slit, sending deep ripples of pleasure into her tummy.

'Excellent, Miss Abigail,' he said as she began to utter a series of low moans in the back of her throat, her hips rocking subtly in time with his caresses. 'In that case, I'll need to check inside you. Hold still, please, and don't move...'

She complied, and he gently but firmly pressed his finger into her.

'Student is quite tight,' he observed to Ryan, and he spent a few moments letting her breathe and relax, pressing deeper bit by bit, until he'd buried his finger inside her. Slowly he withdrew it, and repeated the process with two fingers.

Abigail had to work a little harder this time, but he spoke to her soothingly and smiled patiently into her lovely, hungry eyes, and she succeeded in taking both his large fingers all the way into her pussy.

Once he was in, he carefully explored the walls of her vagina, turning his fingers this way and that, and asking her to show him how hard she could squeeze down.

Her earnest effort drew a look of pleasant surprise from Dr. Andrew, and he said the strength of her young vaginal muscles was quite impressive for a girl her age, which made Abigail feel relieved and a little proud.

It also brought her perilously close to an orgasm, which she desperately needed but which she knew she mustn't have; she couldn't bear the thought of such an embarrassing loss of control in front of the men—especially Mr. Desilva—and she was pretty sure it wouldn't be considered appropriate in a school setting like this.

Dr. Andrew was simply giving her an examination to make sure she was healthy, not trying to have sex with her, she reminded herself, fighting the wild urges growing unbearably insistent in her cunny. All she wanted now was to rub herself all over his hand, to grind her slickness against him until she cried out in pleasure. She couldn't believe what was happening to her, what was happening in her brain and her body.

Fortunately she managed to keep herself somewhat decent, and though she couldn't help the copious amount of her juices that continued to coat Dr. Andrew's fingers, she at least succeeded in acting like a civilized young lady while his fingers were inside her, and allowed him to examine her without cumming all over the table like some sort of wild girl.

Dr. Andrew looked at Ryan.

'Would you like to try?' He asked, tilting his head to indicate Abigail's vagina, in which his fingers were still buried.

Ryan nodded eagerly, and watched as Dr. Andrew slowly pulled his fingers out of the girl's slit. Just as Dr. Andrew had surmised earlier, flecks of thick white cream clung to his fingers, and a little rush of clear syrupy fluid leaked happily from Abigail's newly-stretched opening and dripped onto the table; the naked young schoolgirl did indeed appear to be close to orgasm.

Dr. Andrew watched closely as Ryan gathered up some of the slick fluid in order to ease the passage of his fingers into her small opening, then pressed them slowly home.

She was indeed tremendously tight, with an uncommonly welcoming softness to her insides that felt extremely intimate to Ryan, and he felt her reflexively shift her hips with tiny movements to try and coax him deeper into her as her mating instinct took ever more inexorable a hold on her young body; it was always fun to penetrate a new girl for the first time, but this was a special little vagina indeed.

Abigail was beside herself; Mr. Desilva had his fingers in her vagina, and they felt so, so good. She must not cum, she must not cum, she must not cumshemustnotcumshemustnotcum...

All she wanted was to stare into his eyes and explode on his hand, the pressure inside her was growing so unbearable; but she battled mightily to behave, and to pay attention through a dense fog of sensation and emotion to Dr. Andrew, who had retrieved the clipboard and was continuing with her examination while Mr. Desilva carefully explored her swollen pussy.

'I know you just moved very recently, Miss Abigail,' he said, looking her in the eye to hold her attention on him, and caressing her breasts to ensure her nipples stayed erect, 'but you do understand what it means to be an eligible girl, do you not?'

Abigail whimpered under her breath and nodded, biting her lip as she forced herself to only look at Dr. Andrew, and to try not to think about what Mr. Desilva was doing.

'You didn't get to celebrate your Festival like a girl who grew up here, of course, but you are of age, and so you'll still be subject to sexual training from eligible men now that you live here. Part of that responsibility includes being available for such lessons from the teaching staff here at Stonewall during the school day, so for your own safety it's essential that we check the health of your vagina and your insides, as we're doing now, before I release you to your lessons here at the school, which can at times be quite vigorous and challenging.'

Abigail took several deep, long breaths in an attempt to maintain her self-possession and squeaked out a quiet 'yes, sir'.

'How many men have had sex with you, Miss Abigail?'

Another deep shudder ran through Abigail as she prepared to answer; why was she made so wet and tingly by Dr. Andrew's questions?

' had a boyfriend back home, sir...oh...we had sex twice before I moved...'

'Very good. And is that all?' Dr. Andrew made a note on his clipboard.

Abigail groaned and shook her head, the ache in her cunny growing more acute as she surrendered herself to her ignominy and spilled forth the rest of her answer.

'No sir, two days dad and I went to at his friend's house, and there were some other dads there...with their...daughters, sir...'

Dr. Andrew and Ryan were perfectly familiar with what she was talking about, of course, but they could tell it had been an eye-opening experience for the young girl.

She had clearly been raised in the old ways, with extravagant and oppressive notions of 'saving herself' for someone special and taking great care to keep her repressed sexual life—and her desirable young body—hidden from as many men as possible; she'd doubtless never dreamed in her short life that her body would now be considered community property, and that she'd carry the responsibility of receiving sexual training from any experienced and eligible males who took an interest in her.

'Ah, yes, a father-daughter party?' Dr. Andrew prompted encouragingly.

'Yes sir, that's what they called it...oh, oh, my...I'm sorry sir...yes, and the men...all...all the men had...'

'Go on, dear girl.'

'...the men...all had sex with me...ooohhh...and my dad...he had sex with all the...all the other girls...'

Dr. Andrew's pen scribbled across his clipboard.

'Excellent, Miss Abigail, that's very good to know, actually. Once a girl has had a man's penis inside her, she requires regular penetration and insemination in order to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. I'm glad to hear that even in your short time here you've already been able to get some good training, and have had some sperm deposited inside you; that's all for the best. How many fathers had sex with you at the party?'

Abigail flashed back to the weekend, remembering how she'd had an orgasm so intense she cried a little when Mr. Stevenson had to discipline her by holding her down on the ottoman and fucking her sore cunny extremely hard in front of the other men and girls, while her father closely supervised, and it was all she could do to hold back a similar climax now on Mr. Desilva's fingers.

'Four, men had sex with me...and three of them shot my pussy—I mean my vagina—and the other one me...'

'Good, good, good,' Dr. Andrew said, noting her answers carefully in her school file, along with a recommendation that she be enrolled in some remedial etiquette classes to catch her up on her manners; she could clearly use some practice using the proper words for sexual things when discussing them with men, rather than indulging her girlish propensity for demure euphemism.

'To help you catch up with the rest of the girls your age, who have typically had quite a bit more training than you by now, I'm going to prescribe that you receive at least two loads of semen per day for the next month; they can be here at school or anywhere else, and I'd strongly suggest that at least one of those goes inside your vagina, understood?'

Abigail nodded, and wondered how she would actually manage to get two men to have sex with her every day, but she figured there must be a way, and she'd learn how when it was time.

Dr. Andrew looked at Ryan, who was patiently watching the conversation and learning as much as he could about working with girls in Abigail's situation; not wanting to risk distracting from the important work, he'd simply left his fingers comfortably lodged deep in the schoolgirl's soaking vagina while he waited for Dr. Andrew's next instructions, and had been enjoying the matchlessly intimate feeling of her rapid heartbeat through the delicate walls of her young inner muscles as they clasped him snugly.

'Desilva, would you go ahead and test her clitoral circulation and responsiveness, please, and then I can sign off on her paperwork and get back to the office. Because she has been deflowered, it's best to do it while she's being penetrated; your fingers seem to be doing a great job at that for the moment.'

Abigail's eyes grew wide and she felt a rising tide of arousal threaten to break through her best defenses as Dr. Andrew explained the final inspection of her intake process.

'Mr. Desilva will perform a series of careful manipulations on your clitoris now, Miss Abigail, and we'll be closely observing to see that it responds healthily by growing a darker shade of pink, swelling and growing firmer, possibly extending its head from under its hood, and becoming more sensitive, along with causing your vagina to secrete more of your special fluids. You will please let us know immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort.'

There was no pain—only pure, feral exultation as Mr. Desilva located her shapely clitoris nestled in her thick, dark fur, already achingly erect and several shades richer pink than when she walked into the office this morning, and began pinching and rolling it gently, and rubbing its little head with the tip of his thumb while reminding her to hold still and keep squeezing his fingers while they were fully ensconced inside her.

She made the fatal mistake of opening her eyes and seeing the attentive, meticulous look on his face as he worked on her clitoris, and when he glanced up momentarily and smiled at her, an adoring twinkle deep in his gray eyes and one dashing dimple peeking out from behind his mustache, she nearly blacked out, a tidal wave of electricity and light and song obliterating the world as she melted into nothingness on his hand, pulse after unwilling pulse of raw, ancient pleasure beating endlessly like breakers on the shore of her innocent cunny and washing over her until she felt she would drown forever in it; and then—silence.


To be continued...

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luv2custripluv2custrip11 months ago

Miss Abigail’s reactions are wonderful. I’d like to see more stories like this. Perhaps the Immigration Department could step in with a formal program to put these non-virgins through their sexual paces.

Akirababe87Akirababe87almost 3 years ago

It's been a while since I've been on this site, but I'm glad I decided to look up your stories first!

This is almost exactly a perfect fantasy of mine. The buildup in sexual tension as the story progresses is perfect, and it doesn't hurt that I'm also a Canadian prairie girl! ;) (Though, I will note that Ontario isn't actually part of the prairies)

The meticulous and professional-styled inspection, the attractive teacher, the innocent but willing girl. Throw in some object insertion and I'd have exploded much harder than I already did.

Looking forward to reading the next one, as usual.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Love this x

I have had an inspection fantasy for years x this nails it x

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


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