How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 13b


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I gave Jennifer's bottom a firm squeeze.

'When I inspected her earlier, I noticed this girl has a beautiful backside, so I've decided I'm going to start her lessons by penetrating her from behind like this, so I can enjoy the sight and feel of her bottom while I train her.'

Serena raised her hand.

'Do I have a nice bottom, daddy? Would you want to train me from behind?' She asked, spinning around on her hands and knees on the bed and presenting her exquisite nethers to me, her plump, swollen vagina glistening with the girl-juices she'd smeared all over herself as she'd masturbated while listening to the lesson.

I reached out and traced her full haunches, dipping my finger gently between her fat cunny lips as she waggled her butt playfully at me.

'Serena, sweetheart, you have an amazing bottom, and men are going to love having sex with you from behind, I promise.'

She giggled happily, and I turned back to Jennifer.

'When a man puts you in a position like this, girls, it's good manners to ask if he would like you to spread yourself for him, so he can get the best view of your private parts.'

She caught my meaning, and looked back at me with her best good-girl eyes; I could tell she was hamming it up just a bit for her sisters' educational benefit, but the earnest shine I caught beneath her little play-act told me she was extremely ready for me use her body to take this lesson to its logical conclusion.

'Would you like me to spread my butt for you, daddy—I mean, sir—would you like me to spread my butt cheeks for you, sir?'

'I would, Miss Jennifer, thank you,' I answered, pleased with her for catching her mistake and staying in character.

She reached back and complied, treating me to a delectable sight as she generously exposed herself fully to me, freely offering her most sensitive, beautiful, secret parts for her father's enjoyment. Her inner labia split apart, their frilled edges dripping with her juices, exposing the rich, dark pink of her interior. My mouth literally watered as I contemplated what I was going to do next.

'Now girls, I'm going to penetrate Jennifer with my penis, exactly as if I were training her, and I want you to see that she can safely take all of my length inside her without being hurt, and that it feels good for her, okay?'

The twins moved closer as I took hold of my cock and slowly rubbed it along Jennifer's slit, spreading her moisture around before gently pressing the head past her opening. She raised her head and looked back at me, her eyes full of consummated, long-held desire, and nodded her head understandingly, letting me know she was ready and willing for me to enjoy her.

'Yes, please, daddy,' she whispered in a low, desperate moan, 'Yes, yes, yes, please, daddyyyyy...'

I was nearly shaking with the intensity of my hunger for her, and the incredible experience of finally coupling with my daughter, as her vagina closed tightly around my cock as I pushed deeper into her.

She laid her head on the bed, sighing deeply and continuing her soft, quiet song of need as she implored me to take her.

She was of course highly primed, and I was able, without too much difficulty and despite her delirious tightness, to fit most of my length and thickness into her on the first foray; a couple gentle thrusts later, and I was buried to the root in my daughter's exquisite vagina.

I took a deep, shuddering breath to calm myself as the incredible sensations of Jennifer's world-class cunny washed over me; Martin Davis had been right; this was unlike anything I'd ever experienced.

Her insides seemed ideally formed to hold my cock, as he'd predicted, and her young vaginal muscles responded and tightened in perfect harmony with the waves of pleasure I felt as I slowly ran my penis in and out of her; it was as if her lithe body knew instinctively, reflexively, how to best bring me pleasure I'd only glimpsed in my most passionate fuckings of other girls, and it was hard to argue with Martin's belief that my daughter's DNA itself was coded by my own to perfectly satisfy my deepest-seated and most ancient copulatiry desires.

The twins let out a simultaneous exhalation after holding their breaths as they watched their sister take my entire hard penis inside her, and they marveled at her ability to fit me in her vagina.

'Whoa, daddy,' Serena whispered, impressed. 'That's so cool.'

Selena leaned over to see Jennifer's face, a creeping concern in her voice.

'Does that hurt?'

Jennifer raised her head slowly from the bed, her eyes half-closed blissfully as she rode my slow, gentle thrusts, and did her duty as my helper.

'No, feels soooo good...oh my gosh, daddy...'

Forcing myself to not get lost in the magical sounds of her pleasure, I reminded her to stay focused if she wanted to be my helper, and to keep her bottom spread wide for me so I could show the twins how well she was holding me inside her; motioning Selena and Serena to come closer and look at how the soft skin of Jennifer's vagina had stretched beautifully and tightly around my shaft, I showed them how, when I ran my finger gently along the seam where her slick labia sweetly embraced my cock, their sister moaned and hummed in deep pleasure.

'I'm not hurting her,' I said. 'Her body—and yours—is perfectly made to fit me, and even bigger men than me, inside her safely. It's what you were created for, girls. And as you practice and get better in your training, you'll find it feels really good for you, too.'

I pulled slowly out—much to Jennifer's dismay—and showed the twins how wet and creamy my shaft was, explaining that when a girl made this sort of a mess in her vagina during a lesson it meant she was well trained, and her body was responding perfectly to her penetration.

'Now, remember what I said about the head of the penis?' I said, inserting myself back into my daughter's vagina. 'If we were in old times, and Jennifer had just been mated with by several other males, and her vagina was full of their semen, then I would use my cock to pull as much of their cum out of her with long, deep strokes like this.'

I picked up my pace a little, driving harder into my daughter's incredible haunches and feeling myself bottom out in her young cunny as she gasped and laughed and cried out, calling for her daddy over and over again.

'But I would also want to make sure her cervix was as far out of reach of the other males' penises as possible, so I might also thrust into her harder, like this, in order to stretch her vaginal canal out and push her cervix as deeply into her belly as I can. And because deep, hard thrusts from a long penis indicate she's being mated by a male with strong seed, even hard strokes like this actually feel really good for a girl, as well.'

Jennifer caught my meaning, and tried desperately to speak coherently under the deeply penetrating ministrations of my cock as she assured her sisters between gasps and cries that this felt amazing and she never wanted it to stop.

She was so delicious, and I began to lose myself in the glorious sensations of her little body opening up for me as I held her down to the bed with a firm hand between her shoulder blades and drove her hips into the mattress with my own, grinding my length into her and reveling in the the soft warmth of the backs of her legs and her shapely bottom as I pressed my thighs and groin against her.

I was forced to slow quickly; I nearly went over the top and came in her, and I still had more to teach the twins. It was immensely challenging to maintain any sort of presence of mind right now, but I did my best to cool down so I could train my daughters properly.

I caught my breath and pulled most of the way out of her, explaining to Selena and Serena that Jennifer was very, very good at helping men to orgasm, and that it just wasn't time quite yet for that part of the lesson.

Jennifer, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, began slowly waggling her bottom against me, grinding herself on my cock despite my remonstrations, and almost got me to lose control again; I half-playfully cuffed her on the butt and reprimanded her.

The twins both burst into laughter at the unprecedented sight of their older sister, typically the angel of the family, bent over their parents' bed with their father's penis inside her, getting spanked.

'Yeah, but daddy, um, I don't think you're supposed to spank the girls you train,' Selena sassed.

It was my turn to chuckle.

'Well, actually, sweetheart, sometimes girls do need to be spanked during their lessons, for a number of reasons. If you're not obedient when a man is training you, he might need to spank you, too.'

'Yeah, but, daddy,' she replied, disbelievingly, 'you don't spank other girls, do you?'

I sensed the tone of dismay and betrayal in her voice, and I was forced to shrug at her entreating expression as I admitted a truth about growing up that was clearly uncomfortable for my daughters.

'Well, yes, Selena, I do sometimes have to spank the girls I train,' I nodded seriously.

Both twins seemed stunned by this revelation, and I was a little amused to see that they evidently felt that me disciplining other girls was more shockingly intimate than any other facet of their future training they were learning about.

I realized why, upon reflection. Discipline was a serious matter in our house, and spankings were reserved for the worst offenses.

I had always believed discipline should be done in love and with an aim of correction and instruction, not just pain, and I had taught the girls to understand the need for consequences, and to willingly accept their punishment when they misbehaved; they all wanted nothing more than to be good girls, and so rectifying their misdeeds was usually a constructive and redemptive affair.

When one of the girls disobeyed, like Serena the other day when I'd caught her masturbating, we talked about what she had done, and why punishment was now necessary; then I would march her to the master bedroom, where I'd have her undress to symbolize she was hiding nothing, was putting up no protest, and was prepared to take responsibility for her behavior; and I'd have her stand at the foot of the bed in front of the tall mirrored closet doors.

The guilty daughter would then clearly describe what she had done wrong while contemplating the meaning of her naked state, express her sorrow and regret, and tell me she was ready to receive her spanking.

I would order her to bend over and put her elbows on the bed, keeping her legs straight, and then I would reach under her belly and between her legs and gently cup her vulva in my hand, showing that as her father, I was responsible for protecting her innocence and guiding her impulses; we used a wooden spoon for spankings, and I would deliver between five and ten strokes, depending on the severity of her offense, to her bare bottom as she counted the number clearly and with self-possession despite the stinging blows, while I maintained a firm, fatherly grip on her genitals to steady her as she flinched and jumped at each swat.

Her punishment complete and her misdeed cleansed by her tears of penitence and pain, I would hug and kiss her, assuring her she was once again a good girl and that I loved her very much.

It wasn't that surprising, then, that the twins were taken aback a bit by the idea that such a trusting, special form of instruction they received from me was also shared, in whatever manner, by a bunch of other less deserving girls; nor that they were naturally a little shocked at the idea that they would be subject to spankings in the future by any number of men they had only just met; but once again, it was just something they would have to adjust to as they grew older and realized that many of the special things they shared with me would be shared now with other young trainees, and that after their Festival they would have to look more and more for the special moments they craved in the arms and at the hands of other men.

'The second position for training girls is from the front, of course,' I continued on, leaving the twins little time to ponder the discipline that waited for them in their future.

I pressed myself one last time to the hilt in Jennifer's sopping vagina and bent down to kiss her shoulders as she uttered a long, low moan; then I withdrew, my dripping cock springing up under the pressure of my erection as I pulled it out of her panting body.

She was deeply overcome by her first minutes on my penis and could barely scrabble onto the high bed, so I scooped my strong hand between her legs and hoisted her light frame effortlessly up into place, rolling her unresisting body onto her back and spreading her shapely thighs as another tidal wave of hunger for her swept over me.

She was incredibly beautiful. Her dark hair cascaded across my bed like molten bronze, and her toned tummy rose and fell desperately with her breathing as she fell into a deeper state of heat; she had wanted this for so long, and she could barely handle it now that one of her wildest, deepest wishes was coming true.

Her nipples were achingly hard at the tips of her small breasts, and I slowly ran my fingertips down her throat, traced the sculpted promontories of her clavicles, ascended the tidy hillocks of her tawny chest, brushed her sensitive little brown nubs with my knuckles, and swept my hands slowly down the undersides of her breasts and over her belly, tracing the faint, sacred trail of dark fuzz that led from her exquisite navel down, down between her thighs, to the treasure between them.

She shivered and sighed, parting her legs further as she offered herself to me with an openness and totality that could only come from a daughter to the father she loved and trusted completely.

Jennifer knew better than to interrupt me as I taught her sisters, or to speak up with suggestions while being trained without permission, but her eyes shone, and her two endless agate pools sang with her happiness as she nodded and begged me with her gaze to take everything she had to give me.

I was deeply moved by her beauty and grace, and I felt hypnotized, lost in a trance as I contemplated the culmination of tonight's father-daughter lesson.

I felt rooted to the ground, unable to move or even think as I beheld my sweet daughter delighting so naturally and comfortably in her body and her nakedness, and her ability to please me and make me feel good.

She wasn't my little girl any more; she was a full-fledged trainee, and a very good one—perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime girl—and she was everything a man could hope his daughter would become. I was so proud of her, and I was so grateful now to be able to taste the fruits of our hard work.

I shook my head to clear it, fighting through a fog of emotion and arousal as I tried to continue with my lesson for Selena and Serena. My hands gently caressed every inch of Jennifer's body of their own accord, and my words came slowly, haltingly, as if from far away. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

'...A man might choose to train you...from the front this...because he thinks you have a particularly beautiful face...or he really likes your breasts, and wants to look at them and play with them while he enjoys your vagina,' I said, bringing my cock to Jennifer's drooling entrance.

I lodged the tip just at her opening, and brought my hand to the back of her neck, cradling her head and losing myself in her eyes as she silently whispered, '...Please, daddy...'

'...A man might also choose to enjoy you in this position, girls, because...he build a stronger emotional connection with you while he trains you...' I said, a catch in the back of my throat and my eyes welling a little with the intensity of the feeling for my daughter that gripped me—and I pressed myself into her once again.

She arched back, tossing her head; her breasts thrusting to the sky as she absorbed my cock into her young loins and a wild, exultant cry tore from her throat as I held her down firmly and slowly, gently fucked her to full depth.

I kept my pace deliberate and my force relatively light; I wanted the twins to be able to clearly see that their sister was truly experiencing pleasure from her penetration, and there would be plenty of time in our future father-daughter lessons in which to deal with rougher and more vigorous training methods; besides, I needed to somehow maintain my own composure, and I was on the brink of climaxing at every second now.

Despite how badly I wanted to rut her as hard as I could, I knew it was more important now to demonstrate the pleasurable basics of sexual training for Serena and Selena, and I reined in my natural impulses with all my might as I continued with the lesson.

Jennifer was losing herself, and she struggled now to describe to her sisters, in fumbling, semi-coherent mumbles, how good she felt with my penis inside her. The twins were agog as they watched their older sister melt into a girl-shaped puddle of sexual pleasure as I worked her cunny, and I was relieved and pleased to see growing signs of excitement and envy in their eyes as they began to grasp how extraordinary and pleasurable their own training would one day be.

I was also so proud of Jennifer for being such a good helper, and I pressed myself deeply into her and bent down, kissing her deeply and telling her she was being such a very good girl for me.

She cradled my head in her hands as she gave me her mouth, sucking delicately on my tongue and thirstily allowing me to explore her lips with my own as she whispered how much she loved me and wanted me to be proud of her, and how happy she was that I was pleased with her body; she ground her pussy against me, desperately trying to fit more of my cock into her hungry cunny.

I rose up again for air, and to compose myself, and moved on to the final lesson I'd planned.

'Girls, remember how good it felt when you masturbated earlier and had an orgasm?'

The twins nodded eagerly.

'I want to show you how good it feels to be trained by an experienced man, so you can see that it's something to look forward to, okay?'

I spoke to Jennifer.

'Sweetheart, can you focus for me one more time? That's a good girl...I want you to rub your clitoris for me exactly like you did when you masturbated earlier—can you do that for me? That's right, just gentle little rubs with your fingers until you cum on my're doing such a good job, sweet thing...there you go, keep going...there it is...oh my goodness, you're such a good girl, honey...oh, that feels so good on my cock, Jennifer...'

Jennifer's orgasm practically swept her away, and I held her shaking body down on the bed and continued my slow, gentle thrusts as she cried and sang the haunting, ancient song of her foremothers from a hundred generations gone, and became the beautiful, wild, priceless little naked female human in heat she truly was in the final summation.

It was an impossibly beautiful experience, and I was rocked by the reality of my first-born daughter riding the very cock that made her—the cock that she was shot out of into her mother, and that she was now old enough to take deep in her own vagina.

The heady thought brought me to the end of my self-control, and I knew it was time to wrap up tonight's lesson. I took a deep breath to compose myself, and laid a gentle hand on Jennifer's tummy to calm her after her bone-shaking climax.

'Serena, Selena,' I panted, 'I want you to understand how a man ejaculates, and to see what happens when a penis orgasms inside you, so I'm going to have you help me with this last part.'

I pulled my cock from Jennifer's vagina, which still pulsed and contracted as powerful waves of pleasure rippled through her naked body. The bedspread was soaked beneath her entrance from the wet vehemence of her orgasm, and my cock glistened and dripped with her sweet girl-cum, rivulets running down my shaft and into my dark pubic hair and rolling delectably down my scrotum.