How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 15


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'Oh my god, you guys...I don't think I've ever been this hard,' Levi groaned, fighting to relax and refocus on the conversation as Kham Chai did some of her best work, her obsidian ponytail bobbing up and down in a rhythm perfectly attuned through long practice to keep Levi at an agonizingly high pitch of arousal without letting him go over the edge, in order to draw as much blood into his penis as possible as part of clearing his circulatory system.

'Um...yeah...Abigail's doing really good, actually...oh my god...uh, yes, the party was actually the best thing for her, really--just like you said when you invited us, Martin, about ripping off the bandaid--getting her under a few men right away helped her understand her new role here quickly, and I think it was a great way to break her in.'

He took a deep breath, slowly getting the hang of riding along with the extraordinary waves of pleasure Kham Chai was giving him without getting tossed overboard, and he traced the lines of her tawny flanks in the warm sun as he continued.

'She's mentioned you a couple times, Robert; I think she really responded positively to your training style, and I know she'd love to have another lesson with you if you ever wished to handle her again. She was quite embarrassed by her faux pas at the party, and she took your discipline to heart--I think she wants to show you how much she's learned and improved, and try to make amends for misbehaving for you at the party.'

I assured Levi that I would like nothing more, and would be sure to reserve Abigail soon and pay her a visit, and I said I was touched to know she wanted to spend more time on my cock.

'That's what I'm talking about,' Levi laughed. 'Everyone here is just so kind and understanding. Abigail started at school last Monday, and I knew she was apprehensive; when I picked her up at the end of the day I was surprised and happy to find Principal Darger himself and one of her teachers had taken her under their wing and helped her get her footing on her first day, and made her feel very welcomed and comfortable--they even taught her some private lessons in the principal's office, which is far more support than we ever got at her old school.

'So she's feeling a lot better about everything; I actually took your advice, Martin, and I have her go without clothing around the house now, to help her get used to simply carrying on with her day in the nude; it's been wonderful for me to see her walking around the place naked, of course, and I really feel like it's brought us closer--there was just such a wall between us in our old home, and so much of her life and her body were simply not open to me.

'Now there's nothing hidden, and every morning when she comes down the stairs to the kitchen, I get to tell her I love her and that her whole body is beautiful--it's quite special, even though I usually have an erection when I say it, which seems a little weird since she's my daughter, but...I don't really know what to do about that,' he said with a laugh, shrugging his shoulders.

Martin had pulled Maddy's hips around to face him as she continued skillfully suckling on his gnarled penis, and he was casually drifting his fingertips up and down her soaking slit as he chuckled for a moment, peacefully contemplating the minor natural wonder that was Maddy's round backside and perfect vagina.

'Well,' he said thoughtfully, 'have you considered asking Abigail to take care of it for you?'

Levi raised his head, startled, the pressure in his cock rising to dangerous levels in Kham Chai's mouth as he processed what he thought he'd heard Martin say.

Martin repeated himself with a smile, and Levi took a few long, deep breaths to calm himself before replying.

'So...that sort of acceptable here?'

Martin chuckled and explained that while by no means universal, training one's own daughters and enjoying their bodies was a not-uncommon practice; the logical benefits were fairly obvious, and the downsides minimal.

Daughters longed for the love and acceptance of their fathers, and after being taught that their life's purpose consisted of providing pleasure to men, and that their value derived from their skill at fulfilling this purpose, a girl might understandably wonder why her father was the only man to not express his affection and admiration for her in this simple, natural way--and to begin to desire that he would.

Likewise, many men felt similarly toward their girls, and if Levi was experiencing physical urges toward Abigail, he was fortunate to be the kind of father that cared so deeply for his daughter's emotional well-being, and he should consider heeding those urges.

'Wow.' Levi said in a hushed tone. 'Like I said, all the things I never thought I could ever tell anyone I wanted, and it's all perfectly normal and good here. How should it...with her?'

Martin assured him that, like most girl training, it was a simple process of accustoming her to greater and greater levels of intimacy and trust with him until she herself asked to consummate her own secret desires for him, and he recommended starting with morning inspections.

'Tomorrow when she comes down to breakfast, tell her she's beautiful like you always do, but then have her come stand in front of you for her morning inspection. Have her stretch out, and just run your hands over her naked body, waking her up with your touches and commenting favorably on each of her body parts--you do think she's beautiful, don't you?'

'Oh my god, of course--I think she's the most perfect girl I've ever seen.'

'Precisely--that's the best sign you're a good candidate for incest training. Believe it or not, not all fathers feel the same way about their daughters, and if they don't, I don't normally recommend that they try to have sex with their own girls.

'Make sure you always do a little vagina inspection, if only with your fingers, to get her used to your touch there and so she can begin anticipating it over time by lubricating herself before you even make contact with her body, and make sure she sees that you're hard--just as our daughters need hide none of their beautiful bodies from us, neither do we need to hide ours from them.

'Once you get her to the point of having an orgasm on your fingers when you inspect her, you'll start to see a change in Abigail; each morning she'll begin to unconsciously stare harder and harder at your cock as she cums, and she'll eventually ask if she can say thank you for her morning orgasms by trying to give you one; before you know it, my dear man, you'll be enjoying the matchless, sacred pleasures of daughterly coitus--surely one of the finest ways to start any day,' he said matter-of-factly, with a jolly laugh.

I had met Martin a couple years earlier at a charity gala, and my wife and I had quickly become good friends with him and Marie, and they had invited us and our girls to join them for a sunny afternoon on their boat shortly after.

My daughters had loved his old teak-and-brass motor yacht, but had been a little taken aback when Martin had announced in a serious tone that the ship's rules required all girls to go skinny dipping, and to remain in the nude for the duration of voyage; I had a good feeling about Martin, however, and trusted him, and I had instructed the girls to respect our host's rules and strip out of their swimsuits.

Despite their initial reservations, they were quickly at home in their naked state, and clearly brought much pleasure to Martin as he watched them cavort about the boat.

He'd thoughtfully pointed out that they should be protected from sunburn as they lay out on the deck, and he volunteered to assist me in applying sunscreen to their nude bodies.

Properly coating three naked girls in lotion was actually more work than one might imagine, so I took him up on his offer and gave him Serena, and I was happy to see that he never touched her inappropriately or even hinted at any improper impulses toward her, but instead maintained the most respectful and caring attitude as he carefully applied the soothing cream to her big breasts and her perfect nipples, and explained patiently that it wouldn't do for her delicate bits to burn as he gently worked the sunscreen between her juicy pussy lips with his experienced, wrinkled hands; and aside from an occasional appreciative squeeze of their bare behinds, and a friendly pinch of their nipples as he kissed them goodbye at the end of the day, he'd been a perfect gentleman.

The girls had loved it, and summer boat trips with Mr. Davis became a tradition, my daughters rushing to strip out of their bikinis as soon as they boarded, and excitedly presenting their naked bodies to Martin so he could cover them in sunscreen.

I knew he'd greatly enjoyed watching them grow and develop summer after summer; he'd confided in me that getting to finally enjoy Jennifer's exquisite body at the father-daughter party had been the fulfillment of a long-held dream (the look of pure glee he'd shot me at the party as his cock pumped the last drops of his semen into Jennifer's vagina had warmed my heart, as it was clear that coupling with her had exceeded even his wildest hopes for the pleasure of consummating his long, patient hunger to inseminate her), and I knew he was looking forward with just as much anticipation to the day he'd get to couple with Selena and Serena, as well.

As one of the leading proponents in our town of the doctrine of daughterly love, and a long-time practitioner of its tenets (having raised his own daughters and granddaughters to view their sexual service to him and their fathers as their highest calling as young girls), Martin said he was hosting a small talk at his house in a few weeks for fathers interested in learning more about how to raise their own girls according to these principles, and he cordially invited both Levi and I to attend, and to bring Abigail and Jennifer.

It would be an informal conversation and hands-on workshop that would include the daughters and help them understand the great honor it was for them to allow their fathers to have intercourse with them, and any questions or concerns we had about building such relationships with our own girls would be answered in a safe, participatory environment, and Levi and I both said we'd be excited to attending our daughters.

I affectionately tousled Parker's curls and smiled at her beautiful face in pleasure as she bathed my cock in her kisses like the good girl she clearly was.

'Is Abigail your only child?' I asked Levi.

He shook his head.

'No, we have an older son who lives in Vancouver with his family, and Abigail has a younger sister, Hannah, at home with us as well.'

'Wow--how's Hannah doing with all the big changes?'

'Oh, she seems to be doing well--I really appreciate the fact that younger girls are pretty much raised normally here, so it's not as big an adjustment for her as for Abigail. We've explained that her older sister is learning some important lessons about being a big girl, which is why she doesn't wear clothes at home anymore, but to be honest I don't really know how best to explain to her about the Festival and her life as she gets older. I'm embarrassed to admit that I never even had the...birds-and-the-bees talk...with her, so I'm actually not sure what she knows about sex already.'

Martin nodded, tapping his fingertip wetly against Maddy's soaking entrance with a delicious sloppy sound before inserting his finger into her and gently thrusting it in and out of her tight vagina.

'That's another strange relic from a less enlightened past,' he mused, smiling at the pleasant, soppy, 'schnick, schnick, schnick' sound her cunny made every time he pressed his hairy knuckle between her warm folds. 'We no longer have those uncomfortable talks here. Typically when the time is right, a father will invite a trusted friend to come over and have what we call the 'Conversation' with his daughter. The friend will sit the girl down and carefully explain her purpose, undress her and teach her how her female anatomy works and is meant to be enjoyed by men, and introduce her to some basic touching to help her be excited for her Festival and her training. It's a very special moment, and a great honor to be asked to serve in such a capacity.'

Levi looked at each of us hopefully.

'That's so amazing and beautiful. I don't have many close friends here yet, but I trust both of you completely--would either of you consider...having the Conversation with Hannah?'

Martin said he was touched to be asked, but said that he had had the conversation with many girls in his time, and that he was impressed with what he'd seen of my way with girls; he graciously suggested that I would be an excellent choice, and that my skill as a relatively new trainer would benefit from taking on the responsibility and privilege, and of course I assured Levi that I would be greatly honored to introduce Hannah to her purpose.

She would be the first girl I would teach in this way, and my cock flexed and swelled in Parker's mouth in anticipation as I imagined how sweet and beautiful Abigail's sister must be, and of how special I felt to be the one to open her eyes to the use and pleasure that her body would offer men after her Festival.

The heavy door to the lobby opened again, and this time a distinguished older gentleman entered the pool deck in a polo shirt and white slacks, his silver hair combed back and a pair of aviator sunglasses complimenting his confident profile, a giant smile of hospitality lighting his face as he saw us and waved, making his way to greet us.

Martin and I introduced Frank Castellano to Levi, and Levi began to assure him he had no complaints concerning his visit so far at the same moment that Kham Chai bent low and began gently licking below his testicles and along his perineum, causing him to suddenly groan and swear in pleasure, his cock issuing forth a long, glistening bead of precum right in the middle of his compliments to the proprietor of the establishment.

Frank laughed in satisfaction at Levi's hard cock drooling shamelessly and uncontrollably in Kham Chai's fingers, and he ran his big hand down the splendid little female's silky flanks as she worked, telling her she was a good girl and appreciatively squeezing her perfect bottom before welcoming Levi and thanking him for coming.

Levi raised his hand weakly.

'Um, do we tip the girls, or anything?'

In a rare break from protocol, Kham Chai raised her head from Levi's penis and smiled at him.

'Your cum is the best tip, Mr. Miller,' she said with a little laugh before returning to working his respectable length down her throat and using her esophagus to massage him.

'Well, it's true,' Frank laughed. 'There can be no better reward for a girl's hard work, or more true a sign of a satisfied customer, than semen; but don't worry, my good fellow; the girls receive bonuses for each ejaculation they successfully stimulate each day.'

He glanced over at me and laughed again.

'Ah, Robert, I see you've made the acquaintance of my granddaughter!'

My finger was happily tracing the tight seal where Parker's lovely lips wrapped around the base of my cock, and I looked up in delight.

'This sweet thing is your granddaughter, Frank? Oh my gosh, she is magnificent--such a treasure--you must be so proud!'

Parker blushed with pride as I praised her, and she waggled her spectacular behind happily at her grandfather as he spoke of her with a glow in his voice.

'I certainly am. She just celebrated her Festival a few weeks ago--actually, the same time as Jennifer, Robert--and she came in sixth, so yes, we're all proud of her.'

I was struck with a sudden rush of recognition; while the night of Jennifer's Festival had been a blur, I remembered Parker distinctly, and had remarked to Jennifer how beautiful I thought she was as we watched her father put her through her paces from backstage.

I hadn't noted her name, and had failed to make the connection when she had walked out to the pool deck today, though I had been haunted by a sense that I'd seen her before.

'Oh my goodness, dear girl,' I gushed, cradling her sweet face in my hands, my penis leaving her mouth with a pop so she could flash me her most brilliant smile, 'I remember you--I thought you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen when I watched you lose your virginity that night, and I couldn't stop imagining, and wishing, that it was me opening you up for the first time. I'm so delighted to meet you this way.'

'Parker's interning here for a couple months before she leaves for college; she said the only Festival present she wanted from me was to be a pool girl at her grandpa's cock spa for a while, and of course, I was happy to oblige. She started in the showers yesterday, but I went ahead and moved her to the pool today. She's doing pretty good so far, but my apologies if she isn't quite up to the same standards as you're used to here, Robert--she is pretty young, after all.'

I was astonished.

'I never would have guessed that she only started yesterday,' I exclaimed, as Parker fairly glowed at my enthusiastic praise for her efforts in front of her grandfather. 'She's such a gem, and so delicious, and I've loved every minute of her working on me.'

'Well, it is a family business,' Frank chuckled. 'Growing up in an environment like this, it would be strange if she hadn't picked some things up already. I don't know if you saw the picture in the lobby,' he said, turning to Levi, 'but that's me and my four beautiful daughters the day we opened this place. I trained them for months, and they worked so hard to perfect their skills before we opened, and we owe a lot of our success to their amazing talents in the early days.'

Parker raised her head from my cock in her excitement, her eyes shining with memory.

'When my mom still worked here, I used to rush over after school to hang out until she got off,' she giggled. 'I always wanted to be just like the pool girls, and I couldn't wait to take off all my clothes and run around the place naked with a flower crown in my hair.'

She returned to caring for my cock with her mouth, eager to show off her skills for her grandfather, and Frank laughed and affectionately ruffled her thick dark mane before resting his hand comfortably on her full rump as she worked on me, her happy, sloppy noises a delightful background to our conversation.

'Yep. Everybody always loved her; she was like a mascot around here. She'd follow the pool girls around and observe them as they worked, always asking questions and learning everything she could about caring for penises. Our clients used to love it when she'd come stand close by while they received their treatments, and they said they had much better orgasms when Parker was watching--I think they enjoyed putting on a little show for her benefit, and they naturally made a lot more cum when she was around. She wanted nothing more for her Festival gift than to live her dream for a little while of being a pool girl, and to be treated exactly like all the other pool girls, rather than as my granddaughter.'

His hand drifted down between the two fantastic mounds of Parker's bottom, and he whistled at what he found there.

'Oh my goodness, good job, sweetheart,' he remarked. 'You're so wet back here.'

He raised his hand to show me, gathering up some of her evidently copious vaginal lubrication and bringing it to me so I could inspect and appreciate the girl's fine, slick, crystalline fluids as they webbed his fingers and shone in the sun, turning his hand about and presenting her juices to me like a sommelier offering the finest champagne for my consideration.

'Oh my, precious girl,' I said, delighted. 'You're so spectacular--did you make all that mess just from sucking on my penis?'
