How We Came To Be


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She pulled back from the kiss and said, "please take me home."

We collected her bags, jumped in the car, and off we went. Me driving in what could be best described as "a shell shocked" manner trying to figure out what kind of drugs Sandra was using? Sandra sitting there in stunned silence, I'm guessing trying to figure out how to process my response to her overzealous "I love You" attack! I am sure that she expected me to become completely unglued, and leave her sitting on the side of the road. While I am sure she was ecstatic about my response, it left her with no plan of action. She was probably prepared to plead her case, trying to save our friendship. But now, she realized that wasn't the case, that I was at least somewhat interested and might even share her feelings.

As I drove along, she suddenly realized that I had driven past her apartment causing Sandra to remind me where she lived and she wanted to get home. She needed to shower and take care of her "personal" items. She felt dirty and grungy after her long bus ride. I told her not to worry, she could shower and freshen up at my house. I told her that obviously we had several things to discuss. That last statement caused her to become more than slightly nervous and apprehensive about where that conversation would lead.

We got to my house, unloaded her bags, and I sent Sandra off to get cleaned up and relaxed. While she was in the shower, I started her laundry, a pot of coffee, and tried desperately to figure out what I wanted to say during our upcoming discussion. I knew I had fallen in love with her, but really had no idea when that happened. She had, according to her, fallen in love with me. This surprised me because we had never done anything except the usual hug and kiss on the cheek. So, I decided to wait and see what she had to say, and hope I didn't screw it up by saying something stupid.

I heard the bathroom door open, and Sandra walked out wrapped in a towel, with a second towel wrapped around her head. I sat on the sofa with two cups of coffee, waiting for Sandra to join me. She came and sat very close to me, close enough that our knees were touching and sipped her coffee. Suddenly the words just flooded out of her mouth. It took ten minutes, but I finally got her to shut up. I did that by leaning over and kissing her, and not a peck on the lips. I kissed Sandra like it was the last kiss I would ever get.

Sandra was blushing as she looked at me. She was still very unsure about where I stood with her confessing her love for me. She should have gotten a clue when I was more than happy to play tonsil hockey with her. She might have gotten a hint when I held her as tightly as she held me. Hell, holding hands as we walked to the car or the entire car ride home, should have been at least a slight indication that all was well with the world. But there she sat, waiting for me to say something. She had professed her love for me, and my response was complete silence except of course for the hugging and kissing.

So Sandra opened up her heart and gave me the entire story. She told me that from almost the first meeting that she had developed feelings for me. That over time those feelings had gotten stronger and stronger. To the point that she had become afraid of her feelings for me. Yes, I had told her I was a lesbian, but that didn't mean I had the same feelings for her that she had for me. She couldn't tell me how she felt for fear of losing me as a friend. She was terrified of her parents reaction to her falling in love with a woman.

So that taken care of Sandra was back on the bus and headed back to me. Now she had to deal with the "does Patricia feel about me the way I feel about her?" "How do I tell Patricia that I am in love with her?" and all the usual confusing emotions that goes with that conversation. By the time the bus got her back home she felt there was only one way to handle it. Take the bull by the horns so to speak, and commit to one single plan of action. That plan of action was, well you know. She came flying off the bus and we landed on the ground. But then you already knew that.

I took Sandra's hand and led her to the bedroom, and pulled her up on the bed with me. I gently pushed her backwards so that she was on her back looking up at me. I could see the look of confusion in her eyes. I leaned over for another kiss as I started pulling her towel off of her body. I had seen her naked many times since we met, but this, this time I was looking at her in a completely different light. I wanted her to look in my eyes and see the love that I wanted to share with her. To see that I felt the same as her, but had been too afraid to say anything.

After more kissing, I decided to take the risk. I cupped both her breast gently massaging her nipples. I couldn't wait any longer, covering her left breast with my mouth sucking on the nipple and massaging her right nipple with my hand. I was in heaven! I don't know how many times I had fantasized about this, about pleasing her, about... Wait, I don't know what to do?? Until Sandra tackled me at the bus station, I had never even had a real kiss, and now I was going to try and please her?

Sandra, sensed that something was wrong asking me why I stopped. I had tears in my eyes, when I told her that I had idea what I was supposed to be doing. I was a virgin, until she kissed me, I had never been kissed. It all came pouring out. I'm a lesbian, I am in love with her, I have never been kissed, on and on and on I rambled.

Finally, she pushed her finger to my lips, telling me to "shut up," and put my lips to some good use.

I smiled and returned to pleasuring her nipples with hands, tongue, and lips. I lost all control, I was kissing, fondling, touching, rubbing, kissing, fondling every inch of her I could get to. I didn't know it could feel like this and she wasn't doing anything to me, I was doing all the work. I left her breasts, kissing my way down across her stomach and focused on her belly button. I kissed and licked her belly causing her to bust out laughing, which kinda hurt my feelings! She hurriedly explained that her stomach was extremely ticklish and that I had done nothing wrong. In fact to this point I had done everything right, and she encouraged me to continue with my exploration of her body.

I spent some more times nibbling on her stomach and belly button, while I slid my hand down to her pussy. She was SOAKED! I couldn't wait any longer. I buried my face and tongue in Sandra's pussy. I was addicted and there was no way I was ever going to give this up. I licked her pussy, shoving my tongue as deep into her as I could reach. I sucked her clit into my mouth and pushed two fingers into her pussy. I lapped at her juices as if they were what gave me life. I knew that I would spend as much time as I could with my mouth and tongue lapping up her tangy juice. With my tongue buried in her pussy, my thumb stroking her clit, I looked up across her torso to her face. I was startled because her face looked like she was in pain. Her faced was scrunched up, eyes clinched tight, a look of real pain!

Suddenly her eyes flew open, as she yelled, "don't you dare stop!" "Keep going, lick my pussy, EAT ME!" I happily obliged her, and dove back into her pussy as if my life depended on it. Licking her clit, two fingers in her pussy, and one finger just brushing over her asshole. She reached down with both hands and literally tried to pull my head inside her pussy. Sandra started convulsing, screaming and cussing. Using words I have never heard her use before. Sandra finally tensed up to the point that she was a rigid as a statue for what seemed like forever, but in fact was only a couple of minutes. The breath that she was holding rushed out of body followed by a long groan as she collapsed on the bed. I slid up to hold her and gently kissed her lips and nose. Her eyes opened for a split second, closed and she drifted off to sleep.

I finally got around to taking my clothes off, pulled the covers up over us and drifted off to sleep with her wrapped in my arms. That night I dreamed of things that I would have never thought possible. I dreamed of marriage, I dreamed of kids, I dreamed of Sandra as my wife.

Then I woke up in a cold sweat, what was she dreaming of? Did she think of me like that? Now I was worried, but god, she was so beautiful laying there asleep. She said she loved me, she is naked in my bed after a night that I spent trying desperately to please her, but god she is beautiful laying there asleep.

It has been a wonderful two weeks since Sandra came back from her Thanksgiving visit home. We spent almost every minute together. Without saying it out loud, we were officially a couple, but living in two separate houses. Christmas is only two weeks away, and I had some decisions to make.

Actually the decision had been made, the question is, "Do I have the courage to do it?" My stomach has been in knots wrestling with the life changing decisions that I have made.

I went to the hardware store and had a key made for Sandra. I went to my favorite jewelry store and bought Sandra a beautiful gold necklace with a gold heart with three diamonds. It was beautiful. I put the key on the chain with my heart, yes, I know it sounds corny, but I was going to give Sandra my heart. I just hoped she wouldn't rip it from my chest. I got it gift wrapped and put it in my night stand along with her Christmas card. She was the only one in my life for me to get a Christmas gift, so my shopping was officially finished. The only question was when to give it to her. This Sunday, she was scheduled to go back home for Christmas with her family. She would be gone another week, meaning for me, another holiday alone.

That afternoon Sandra came in the living room and said she had a question for me. She was obviously trying to figure out what to say or how to say it. I hugged her, and told her to just say it. Sandra smiled, and said she wanted me to go to her parents' house with her and meet her family. She wanted me to go, but she would understand if I was not ready or might be over whelmed with all her family around. I thought about it and decided "what the hell" and said sure I would be glad to go. What she did not tell me was that she was setting me up for the surprise of a lifetime.

So Sunday afternoon rolled around and we were off to Christmas with the parents. We drove down, sharing the driving responsibilities, it wasn't really a long drive, we were just enjoying our time on the road together. It wasn't necessary, but we stopped at a small hotel for the night, but sleep was not on the immediate agenda. We really weren't due to get to her parent's house until lunch time on Monday anyway. We checked in and Sandra pulled me into bed, kissing my lips, neck and nibbling on my ears. I love her kissing me like that, yes, I was putty in her hands. I just laid there and let her have her way with me. Her mouth and hands were everywhere. Kissing my lips, kissing my nose, sucking my nipples, massaging my breasts, tugging on my nipples and just hugging me. Sandra kissed her way across my stomach and pelvis, but completely avoided my dripping pussy. I squirmed gyrated, and tried everything I could think of the get her mouth on my pussy. She denied me that pleasure, kissing and licking my legs as she worked towards my feet.

Sandra took my right foot and lovingly rubbed her foot on her face. She made a show out of kissing my feet and sucking on my toes, even kissing the bottom of my feet. Having finished the right leg, she started on my left foot and treated it with the same loving attention working her way up my left leg. She finally arrived at what I believe to be the wettest pussy on the planet.

I grabbed her head and shoved her face first into my pussy. The time for teasing was over, I was horny, I was frustrated and I was in love. Sandra went to work, her tongue worked my clit while her fingers worked my pussy. She was not to be denied, sucking on my clit like it was a small cock. Finger fucking me, and gently rubbing my asshole with her pinky. She had said one of these days she was going to fuck my ass, and I was beginning to think that might not be a bad idea. That thought was shoved to the background as she shoved her tongue as far into my pussy as it could go. I had a big handful of her hair, pulling her into my pussy so that her mouth created a seal and sucking my juices up. I lost it. I screamed, I came, I SQUIRTED! I have never done that before. I passed out and slept the night away.

It was Christmas Day, and Sandra decided to drop her surprise on me. But I wouldn't cooperate, as I had my surprise for her and it was killing me waiting to give her Christmas present. With exchanging gifts well underway, I gave Sandra her present and card. I was sitting in a chair across from her sitting at the end of the sofa.

She opened the box, seeing the key, burst into tears without really seeing the heart. I explained that the key and heart, which she eventually saw, were symbolic. I told her that I was giving my heart to her for as long as she wanted it and the key was both the key to my heart and to my house in hopes that she would move in with me permanently. I looked over at her parents, her dad was smiling and her mom was crying. I looked at Sandra and ask her if she would accept my heart and take good care of it. It was very romantic and very scary.

I also suddenly became terrified because she looked at me and said "maybe!"

MAYBE????? How the hell is maybe an answer to "will you accept my heart and take care of it?"

She smiled at me, her mom smiled at me, her dad smiled at me, everybody was smiling, while I was in a near panic attack. I had given her something precious to me and she said MAYBE!! She looked at me, smiled, slid off the sofa to face me kneeling between my knees. She picked up a small box and gave me my present. It looked like a jewelry box, almost like mine just slightly smaller. Inside the box was another box. Opening it I saw a ring. My mouth dropped open, tears flowed from my eyes, and I was dumb struck. I tried to say something, but nothing came out. Sandra reached up with a finger and touched my lips, silencing me.

Sandra looked at me and said, "I will accept and protect your heart, if you will accept my ring and become my wife!" I was at a loss for words, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't, well, I just couldn't...

Not until I burst out crying and somewhere in all the gibberish coming out of my mouth, I managed to get, "Yes, I will marry you" out. Everybody screamed, her mother was a blubbering mess, even her dad had tears in his eyes. I put my heart necklace around Sandra's neck and she put her ring on my finger.

After we all quieted down, Sandra explained that she had wanted to ask me to come home with her at Thanksgiving, but decided to make the trip alone so she could talk to her parents. Sandra had told her mom and dad that she realized she was gay and that she had met someone falling madly in love. She knew it was a shock to her parents, but she wanted their approval and support. She went on to say that she had asked her mom and dad if they would support her when she asked me to marry her.

Her mom and dad said not only would they support and love her, but they would support and love me as their own daughter, which if I said yes, I would be. The only request they had was that she made her marriage proposal at Christmas when we spent our first Christmas together as a family. It was then that they put the plan in motion, making sure the ring was ordered and all the family would be there for Christmas.

Happy with how things went at Thanksgiving and the plans put in motion, Sandra boarded the bus back to me. Now her problem was keeping a secret that she was dying to share with me, and most important, exactly what were my feelings towards her. She was a live wire with nerves, afraid of how badly things could go wrong with her plans, with the possibility of getting her heart broken. By the time the bus got back, she was so worked up she was afraid to even get off the bus. But then she saw me lean into my car and was afraid that I was about to leave. She made up her mind, running off the bus, and tackling me (yeah I know we covered this part already, but it is important to me), professing her love for me and kissing me like a long lost lover, which I guess at that point I was.

Back at the house, we settled in for a life together. Sandra's dad actually decided to let her sublet her apartment for some extra income and move in with me. We got her settled in and started our life together. Part of that included planning for and setting a date for the wedding. Of course Sandra's mom was completely invested in the planning stages and couldn't be happier. The date was set and the wedding was a complete success. Sandra's father walked us both down the aisle. One of us on each arm. The ceremony, reception and then off for a two week honeymoon in the Caribbean.

While on our honeymoon, during brunch, we had a nice long conversation. We had never really talked about children, but as it turns out, we both wanted to be moms. So a plan was hatched. We would both become pregnant at the same time with the same donor. Insuring our children both had the same Dad. Even if we did not know who he was, the kids would have that genetic link.

We came home from the honeymoon a day early so we could stop by and let Sandra's mom and dad know that they would in fact be grandparents. Again, more celebrations and congratulations. Sandra's mom was ecstatic. Even though she had been with us 100% in our wedding, she was still somewhat disappointed with the prospect of no grandchildren.

Ten months almost to the day after our wedding, we both delivered our babies. Amy and Abby, are 2 beautiful daughters and a joy to behold. Two days later, I was at home with my wife and our two babies. Yes, I called it "home". Unlike the beginning of my journey, my house that didn't feel like a home, was in fact our home. The pain and loneliness that I had endured at the start, now was completely replaced by love and family.

Thank you guys for following my story, and if you get nothing out of this remember "Love Conquers All".

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germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4ualmost 7 years ago

What a lovely story and I love a happy ending. Great job Mymantoy999

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenalmost 7 years ago
Very good update to a really lovely story!

Thanks for putting this update out, I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing these with us!

Mymantoy999Mymantoy999almost 7 years agoAuthor

True, but the first version I intentionally did not have much of a back story. In the original version Patricia did not go to Florida during Halloween.

The backstory (this version) was mainly to show the internal struggles each girl was going thru. Sandra, being afraid of her feelings for Patricia, did in the backstory accept a date with a guy that she knew. They were not "dating", as in being a couple.

Sorry if that was confusing


redlion75redlion75almost 7 years ago

The first run through you neither of them dated now Sandra dated a guy at halloween

KaereniSisterKaereniSisteralmost 7 years ago

It is really nice to read the backstory of the pair. I well know the hoops to play with the mods while trying to get something published. I have found that when you resubmit just add re-submission to the title and a note down at the bottom that you fixed what they had issue with.

Back to the story, its humbling to find someone who writes as well as you do without having to find a friendly editor to fix his mistakes. Well written, good story, and damn can you write!

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