Howl at the Moon Cian's Story Ch. 03

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Wren has a happy day!
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Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/25/2022
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(This is a trigger warning. I'm not an expert on domestic violence. I don't know persay where it starts/ends. This story contains it. If you think you might suffer from it please seek help in your retrospective communities.)


The long awaited blizzard had finally hit and heavy snow was starting to fall as Cian returned to Wren's small trailer. He was an enormous silver wolf with faint strains of amber. He had powerful sinewy muscles. Cian was older and no longer looked like the dashing young man he once had but he was still a formidable wolf not an ounce of his strength had dissipated. As an Alpha he was a fierce protector. No one would harm his love. Even though he wouldn't admit it to his human side, Cian's wolf knew that Wren was his woman. He'd found his true mate at last.

Layton was still having dry heaves in the double-wides small bedroom. After a stressful day, finally Wren was "relaxing". She had time to herself and herself alone. Wren picked up one of her many paperback books and made herself a cup of peppermint tea. She grabbed some Oreos and sat down at the tiny kitchen's careworn fold-out table to enjoy.

As a wolf, Cian laid sprawled across the trailer's front porch. Unfortunately, Layton's putrid scent lingered. He smelled of liquor and loose women. But, Cian could smell Wren still awake and sipping her peppermint tea. She started laughing, something funny must have happened in her book. She looked up at the clock. "Shit, fuck... is that the time...I wanted to take a steaming hot shower but now it's so late. I have crossing guard duty tomorrow. I suppose skipping the shower is alright. The cold weather will affect the water heater anyways. It'll just be lukewarm at best." Wren said to no one in particular. She picked up her plate and cup and placed them in the dishwasher. Cian loved that about Wren, she made the best of shitty situations.

Cian felt bad for Wren.Those few minutes of reading, brushing out her long coffee-colored hair and drinking her peppermint tea was all the joy Wren had in a day. It relieved her of her anxiety and troubles or at least eased them temporarily. When he had a pack, Cian rarely had joyful moments to himself. So he knew how precious they were. It had only been since his pack left that Cian had started developing an identity outside of an Alpha. Now he was free to discover who he really was. Wren gave a deep rueful sigh and Cian heard her join the drunk Layton, in the too small of bed.

Cian lazyly sprawled across the porch warm as a wolf. He was relaxed but alert. Listening for any potential trouble between the couple. After midnight, the blizzard picked up in intensity. It was an ice hurricane now. The snow came with a ferocity and was accompanied by a fierce howling wind.

Wren's tiny trailer shook in the harsh wind. The temperature on the porch plummeted below zero. Even Cian got cold in wolf form. Cian could hear Layton start to vomit again. Wren sighed in her half sleep murmered "fuck". She woke up and took an old blanket out of the linen wardrobe. Cian listened as Wren stumbled around in the dark. She headed to the pullout bed in an attempt to sleep a little. He could tell Wren was shivering and uncomfortable on the sofa bed's thin mattress. Its iron bars poked into her delicate petal-like skin. Cian couldn't bare the thought of Wren being uncomfortable. Wren should be safe and a bird in its nest.

A strong woman like Wren deserved someone to take care of her. Obviously, that wasn't Layton. There was no way around it. Layton was an asshole with no redeeming traits. Cian knew he was no true mate to Wren. He wasn't a good husband. He was barely a man.

Cian had known rabbits who had taken better care of their spouses. His wolf had enough. He broke into the trailer, took a blanket out of the linen closet, set it across Wren. Cian watched as Wren snuggled into the blanket and drift off to an untroubled sleep. Cian knew she must be exhausted. It was hard to fall asleep on a pullout sofa. The iron bars always jabbed you. But, Wren seemed to be having good dreams. That gave him some peace. Then, in wolf form, he slept on the floor next to the sofa. Cian couldn't predict what Layton would do. He was a psychopath.

The night passed peacefully. Wren woke up at the first light of dawn, the blizzard's hurricane force winds were still battering the trailer. Cian was grateful that Layton passed out in the bedroom. Wren saw Cian on the floor. Wren had assumed he was a dog, since she thought there were no wolves nearby. She took Cian's head in her arms, kissed it and started petting him all over. "Oh my're a big boy aren't you? You must have come in late last night because of the blizzard. It's so cold out! I'm glad you came in so you didn't freeze to death. Such a big big boy! Let's see if we can get you something to eat! I'm sorry we don't have any doggie food. But I think I have some tuna in the pantry. That's okay for doggies to have. Let's get you that. I see you're not wearing a collar so I can't call anybody to pick you up. You're welcome to stay here. That way you can be all cozy, wozy, warm and full." Cian didn't mind that Wren was talking to him like he was a dog. Cian was just happy to be in her company. He wagged his tail and followed her into the pantry.

Wren plopped down a can of tuna in a bowl and gave it to Cian. Cian was used to being treated like a proud Alpha instead of a common dog but he ate it to please Wren. She beamed at him and patted him on the head. "Good doggie, that's my good boy. There's so much snow...I don't think I have to go into school for crossing guard duty. School is closed! Isn't that wonderful doggie? I finally have a day all to myself to do whatever I want!" As Wren said it she jumped up and down, clapped her hands and did a little spin like a small girl.

"Oh doggie, I think I'll read. I love to read and I'm so busy I never get a chance." Wren went into the bedroom. She came out changed into a fluffy pink robe with bunny slippers. Cian thought she looked utterly ridiculous but also very cute. "Forget coffee or tea, hot chocolate is what I need on a cold day like today."

Cian watched, in amusement, as Wren made herself a huge mug of hot chocolate. She piled the cup high with marshmallows. Cian thought she made the hot chocolate like a child who was spoiling herself. Then Wren pulled a romance novel from a bookshelf sat in an old Lay-Z Boy and began reading it. Cian watched Wren being truly happy. He was seeing Wren as her true self. Right now she had no obligations, she could just be!

Layton, still hungover, slept. Cian was sure he'd sleep for a while. That was the first thing he had been grateful to Layton for. Wren finished her hot chocolate, set down her romance novel and fell asleep herself.

Wren dreamt deeply. She dreamed of her future boss Cian. Since she first saw him, she'd known he was gorgeous; silver hair with lines of amber, beautiful blue eyes, a ruggedly handsome face. He was the kind of man, from her romance novels, the kind who would whisk her away on adventures and love her devoutly. Cian was the kind of man she'd always wanted. The kind she thought Layton would be once upon a time. But, Layton had abysmally failed in that aspect. If Wren was honest with herself, Layton had failed in every aspect of their married life. Still, Cian...on top of her, his muscular body entwined in hers...

Wren woke up and blushed. She had a wonderful dream, but a wrong dream. She was married, she had Layton. For what it was worth, he was her husband. Still, Cian and her. It just sounded so right. Wren just wanted to be embraced in his rugged arms and covered in kisses. Her future boss--her. Just the thoughts made her all quivery. Cian sensing Wren had woken up, turned and wagged his tail. He went and licked Wren on the hand.

Wren smiled and patted his head. "Good doggie." she said. It was mid-afternoon and just then still hungover Layton stumbled into the living room from the bedroom.

"Jesus Christ honey, we can't keep a fucking dog! If he's not shitting all over, he'll get fleas and ticks all over this house! You work all day and I'm on the road. He'll have to go to the pound. They'll know what to do with a mangy mutt like him."

"Please Layton, I only want to keep him till winter is over. He doesn't have a collar or anything. It's such a cold winter, I can't let him freeze outside. It would be wrong! He's such a nice dog too. So protective. He'll watch over the house when we're both at work. Let him stay for the winter." begged Wren. She had never really asked Layton for anything before. Surely, he'd let this well-behaved dog stay when she clearly wanted him too.

" flea-ridden shaggy dogs. This is MY house. He goes when the storm is done. I'll take him to the pound myself." stated Layton. If anyone was going to protect Wren it was him. He was her husband after all. Why would Wren need a dog to protect her? Who was more concerned about her safety than him? Also what if Wren started loving this dog instead of him, that would be terrible.

Wren let out a deep sigh full of frustration. She was a wife and it was her duty to obey. Layton was her husband and it was half his house. "But, Layton there are no non-kill shelters in town. He's such a good boy. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him. I'll see if my boss can take the dog when I start work on Monday. Cian lives way out in the country on a farm. The dog will like it there. How's that for a compromise?" questioned Wren.

Layton was furious with Wren's loophole. Layton didn't like Wren working at "The Wolves Den". She had been happy enough at her other least she'd never complained and ultimately that was what mattered to him. Why did she have to leave those to take one with such an attractive man? Layton mumbled something unpleasant beneath his breath.

Wren couldn't hear him; she was too happy playing with Cian. They were playing tug-of-war with the old blanket. Cian was elated that Wren was playing with him. He gave off friendly barks and licked her hands and face. He wished he could be kissing her but licks as a wolf were good enough for now. She just petted him all over. It was wonderful for Cian. He had never been embraced like that as a man or wolf. Wren and Cian spent an amazing day just being together. It was the first relaxing day Wren had in a long time. She was happy!

Layton kept glaring at Cian. Wren was Layton's wife! Wren had wifely duties on a day like this. She should be "attending" to him. He could use a massage, blow job... Layton was a "kind" guy who respected women's sexual freedom. Wren was free to get creative in any way she wanted while catering to him. Cian just growled back at Layton's glares. Layton was intimated by the growls from such a big dog. Layton thought it was just for a day and let Cian be with Wren.

Monday came. Cian had "sneaked out" during the night. He couldn't stand to be in the trailer when Layton and Wren were getting it on. (Getting it on was too strong of a word, Wren lay there and stared at the ceiling while Layton did his thing.) Cian couldn't wait till Wren was his and his alone. He could show her the life she deserved.

At 6:40 Cian was in the back room of The Wolves' Den shaving. He was trying to look nice for Wren. Cian wondered..what did men in this day and age wear to try to look nice for women? Finn always drew the ladies into him because he had that natural coolness. What made Finn look so fuckable? How could he do the same thing? Well, maybe not the same thing per say...Cian wanted to look nice for Wren. Cian wanted Wren to be his.

Suddenly, he heard a car pull up. Had his pack come back at last? If so, how could he explain to Finn and well...Maggie that he was enamored with this mortal woman. By the time Cian got halfway to the door he could tell it was Wren from her peppermint smell. Cian threw open his door and went out to greet her.

"Didn't expect you till eight little lady! Something the matter?" Cian was worried that Layton might have beat Wren up again. He knew he shouldn't have left them alone. The kindest way to complement Layton was to say that he was an asshole. Layton was always ready to toss in a punch or two at those weaker than him like his wife. Layton was a bastard who couldn't be trusted. Cian knew he should have stayed, gritted his teeth and listened to Wren and Layton getting it on. Still, Wren seemed to be intact. Cian thanked the gods both old and new for that.

"Oh, well Layton had to leave early. He's always so eager to get to Bozeman, Montana. It's like he has another life there. I want to spend some time with him, do things you know---go for a walk, dance...something. But, he doesnt' want to do anything but fuck me." said Wren laughing bitterly. She couldn't believe she was telling intimate details about her private life to a stranger..especially since Cian would be her boss. Still, Cian seemed different. He was familiar in a way she couldn't explain.

Sunrise was just starting and the two just stared at each other in the cool morning air. Cian knew the part about Layton in Bozeman was true but said nothing. He wanted Wren to like him and not put her through pain. Wren was a strong woman but finding out about her scummy husband's affairs had the potential to break her.

"Anyways, since Layton isn't home...I thought I'd come in early so you can show me the ropes and give me any training I might need. I've never worked in a bar before you know. I expect it'll be very different from Pizza Hut where you have to sing "Happy Birthday" to eight year olds hopped up on soda and birthday cake...anyways oh here you still have shaving cream on you, let me get that for you!" With that statement Wren walked straight into "The Wolves' Den". She found a paper towel, soaked it in water and wiped the shaving cream off Cian. He was startled, no one had taken care of him like that before. Cian usually attended to everyone and everything. No one had looked after him in ages.

"Thanks Wren...I really wasn't expecting you. There's not much training I suppose. Just normal waitress, things you know. Take orders and bring them to me. I'll cook up/pour whatever. Be kind to customers. I really don't know what else to say. It's alot like Pizza Hut but with drunks instead of kids." stated Cian. He was excited again. His beloved was in his bar. At long last, he was with her. Of course, his wolf wanted to jump her right then and there but these things took time.If Cian jumped Wren he'd be no better than Layton. It was hard, one of the hardest things he had to do but Cian controlled his wolf. Wren was a mortal not some wild thing. Mortal women wanted to be courted. You had to play the game.

"'s chilly and early. We shouldn't be standing here or we'll catch cold. I suppose I'll get us some coffee then? What do you take?" questioned Wren as she made her way into the kitchen.

"One sugar, two creams. There's bread, jam and butter in the fridge. Bring that out and we can have a bit of breakfast. I was shaving and didn't expect you. So I haven't had breakfast yet." yelled Cian.

"Sure thing! Finish shaving and don't mind me. I'll figure out where everything is." yelled Wren as she took the kettle off the burner. Cian finished shaving and went to sit in one of the booths. Wren brought everything out to Cian. The couple ate their meager breakfast together. There was so much Cian wanted to ask Wren. So much he wanted to tell and show her. Still he had to wait it out.

"I had a visitor this weekend, with the storm and all. A huge dog came to my house. He must have been lost. I want to keep him and all, but this morning he was just gone. I hope I gave him enough energy from all my tuna to make it home to people who love him. Do you think that will happen with the storm and all? I just want him to be alright!" stated Wren.

Cian and Wren had both finished their breakfasts now. So Wren washed the plates. Cian just watched her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her as she washed. He wanted to kiss her neck. He wanted to possess her entirely. He wanted Wren to be his.

(I love to hear from my readers, please rate and comment!)

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chifighterchifighteralmost 2 years ago

I like where this is going keep it up 😁

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