Howl at the Moon Cian's Story Ch. 07

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Wren and Cian naked!
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Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/25/2022
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(This is a trigger warning. This story contains domestic violence. If you think you may suffer from domestic violence please seek help in your retrospective communities. )

Spring was on its way and it had been several months since Layton had died. It was true that Cian had murdered him, but Cian never looked at it that way. He looked at Layton's murder as a pre-emptive action. Philosophy and ethics be damned, better Layton than his Wren. So he harboured no regrets for protecting his beloved.

Cian and Wren had continued working in The Wolves Den together. They both enjoyed it. Cian had convinced Wren to move into the cabin next to his. He couldn't bare to see her living in the trailer where she had formerly lived with Layton. So Wren had moved into the cabin and the two lived together, as neighbors, on the farm.

Still Cian was a gentleman, and not used to living with people or other wolves. He wanted Wren near him. She was happy in the cabin next to his. Wren had updated the cabin, which had been stuck in the 1980s, into a modern one. Cian was proud of her for the frugal way she made it her home. Wren and Cian were the perfect team, always in sync. This was one of the best times in Cian's long life. Still, there was so much he had to tell could he even start to explain?

One night a spring thunderstorm arose. The power went off in Wren's cabin. She had been in the middle of Jeopardy. She waited and waited for the power to come back on but it was in vain. She'd have to get Cian to fix it. He was a handyman. Cian did all the repairs around the bar, electric and plumbing too. Wren headed out,into the storm, to Cian's cabin. He'd know what to do to fix the TV or transformer or whatever was wrong.

The TV came back on after Cian had fixed the antena. (It had fallen off due to a high wind and Cian shimmed up to put it back on.) Cian came into Wren's house drenched to the bone. Not that the cold bothered him so much thanks to his warm werewolf blood, still it bothered Wren to see him in such a state.

"Cian, you're drenched to the bone! You must be freezing! Take that shirt off right away and I'll get you a blanket to cover yourself up. I don't want you going back outside tonight. There's tornado sirens going off and thunderstorms scare me...ever since I was a little girl. So stay here with me?" she questioned. Wren went to the linen closet to fetch Cian a blanket. It was moth-worn but it was the best that Wren had for now.

She came back in the living room just as Cian was stripping off his shirt. Gods above, he was so handsome. His chest was muscular and Wren just wanted to do unspeakable things to him. When he stood shirtless before her, Wren regretted that he was her boss, She'd make a move on him otherwise. Cian caught Wren eye-fucking him. He decided to have some fun."Watcha looking at Wren?" he questioned teasingly.

"Oh...nothing." said Wren as she blushed a tempting red at having been caught.

" still must be about some peppermint tea to warm you up?" she questioned as she made her way to the stove to put the kettle on.

"Sure." said Cian. Wren made them both peppermint tea and they drank it together. Wren realized that she knew very little about Cian other than he was her boss and owned this land. Now was the perfect time to talk to him.

"This farm is awfully big for you to live here alone. Where is everyone else? Don't you have any family?" questioned Wren. She worried about her boss. He seemed very lonely. Although he did a good job at hiding it. Wren thought Cian suppressed his true feelings.

Cian really didn't want to talk about it. Talking about his pack was hard. The Alpha part of him also felt that it was betraying secrets. "I used to have a really close extended, several generations lived together here happily for the most part. Then some younger members wanted to do things their own way. They didn't want to live as we had always lived. They called me difficult and demanding. So they left, everybody else left too, leaving me here. Alone, for now. Well, now I guess you're here too. But, they'll be back soon. I've watched over them for a long time. They'll see I'm right."

Wren took a sip of her peppermint tea and sighed. She liked Cian, alot. He was a good protector. But, he never expected anything to change. Wren knew things changed. Cian's wolf senses knew there was something amiss.

"What?" he questioned.

"Nothing." said Wren, worried that if she insulted her boss, she could be fired. Losing her job and home.

"So, it's something. Tell me." ordered Cian. He was used to getting his own way with everyone. Only Wren and Finn defied him. Cian had dealt with the rebellious Finn, now what did Wren have to say?

"'s just that I think your family might have been right. You can be difficult to get along with sometimes. The Yelp score on The Wolves Den would go up if you made some simple changes. It wouldn't have to be anything drastic at once, just little things. So I think your family might have been right. I'm only saying this to help, us." said Wren. She took another sip of her peppermint tea, expecting Cian's wrath. She subconsciously braced herself for a physical blow. Layton would have hit her over this.

Cian looked at Wren. He could tell she was protecting herself from the blow she thought was coming, eons ago as his mother had done the same. Did she really think that he would hit her? He wasn't like Layton! But, she had called him difficult and demanding. Cian was an Alpha. How could Wren speak to him that way? Only Finn did that! How could his beloved speak to him like this?

Still, unlike Finn, she had used the word "us". Finn had never thought of the pack as a group. He was an individual..a punk..a loner. Wren wanted an "us". That was entirely different than what Finn wanted. Around Cian, no one had ever talked about an "us". Cian wasn't mad at Wren. He was intrigued.

"What do you think we could do to update the bar?" he questioned. The Wolves' Den had always been fine for him. But, Cian had noticed a steady decline of customers. Families no longer frequented the restaurant part of the bar.

"Oh you know, new interiors. A new menu, we could do a Taco Tuesday or a Wing get people to come out and drink. You'll definitely have to get more TVs so people can watch sports. Customers want to be able to watch two baseball and one football game at the same time. Anyways, Cian those are just some of my ideas." said Wren. She busied herself unloading the dishwasher so she didn't have to look at him. Sure that he would be mad. The improvements would be expensive.

"Those are really great ideas, Wren but I can't cook." stated Cian. He really couldn't. Cian had never taken care of himself. Pack members had always done that for him. The past year he'd survived on frozen dinners and sandwiches.

"You've made me boxty. That alone is delicious enough to open a restaurant on, as for the wings...they come in a package. You dump them in the oven and cook. It's easy." said Wren. "Even an idiot like you can do it." she teased.

Cian just stood there with his mouth agape. Had she just called him an idiot?

No one had ever dared to speak to him that way! EVER! He was an Alpha! Wren was insulting him. But, Wren didn't seem to think anything was amiss. She had just thrown the phrase around lackadaisically. Wren never meant it to be mean.

Cian decided to ignore the "idiot" quip for now. He knew Wren meant the best. Maybe he could be a bit more light-hearted.

"So where'd your family go...did your wife walk out on you too?" Wren realized as soon as she asked the question, she'd put it badly. She was ashamed.

"You don't have to answer that Cian...forget it. I was just curious, that's all. I had Layton, I just wondered if you ever had anybody special and where are they...sorry for being so personal?" repeated Wren. Of course, she'd gone and fucked everything up now. Same old Wren, that was how it always worked.

Cian gave her a little smile. "I don't know how to say this Wren...but I'm a virgin. I've never even seen a naked woman you are and I want you more than anything but I don't know how to act or what to do. I know the general idea but I've never been with a woman." said Cian.

He was looking down at the floor. He didn't know what to expect from Wren, perhaps laughter or anger? Cian didn't know which one would be worse. Telling Wren that he was a virgin was even harder than telling her he was a werewolf.

A million thoughts came to Wren in a second. Cian was SO old and so handsome. How could he still be a virgin? Not knowing what to say she just continued staring.

"Penny for your thoughts?" questioned Cian nervously. He was sure Wren would flee at any moment. Maybe he should let her? Cian had never been this unnerved in his life, nor had he ever told anyone something so deeply personal. The ball was in Wren's court.

"'s just that you're so offense. Why haven't you seen a naked woman before? Are you gay or were you in the seminary?" questioned Wren.She knew she was putting it badly again but didn't know how to phrase it other than bluntly.Wren moved closer to Cian and took his hand in hers. Cian loved the soft feeling.

Cian just shrugged. He didn't know how to answer that question yet, as for the old part well he was far older than Wren could imagine. He was an ancient Alpha. But, Wren couldn't find out that he was a werewolf and a virgin in one night. Cian didn't want to overload her.

"I'm not gay and I wasn't in the seminary. I don't really know why I'm a virgin. I suppose I just haven't found anyone who I want to be with intimately like that...until you." said Cian. He clutched his rough hands deeper into Wren's small delicate ones. He gently rubbed Wren's knuckles. Cian was embarrassed. He wondered if he would be able to please Wren? For the first time, he wished that one of his fellow pack members were back, that way he could ask them how to finesse a woman.

"So there's all of that...whatever you want to do with it." stated Cian. Gods above, he wanted Wren. Since he had first seen her, all those months ago, His wolf just wanted to jump, her and ask no questions or take prisoners. But, that would put him on the same level as Layton. Wren had to decide what to do. She was an independent woman.

Wren looked deep into Cian's eyes. The thoughts of him being so handsome and yet so old still existed in Wren's mind. Suddenly, Wren realized it didn't matter. So what was the big deal if he was a virgin? Everyone had been at some point. Wren gently cupped Cian's face in hers. "You've never seen a naked woman before...and you're a virgin...that's all ok. I've never been with a virgin. How would you like to see a naked woman?" Wren questioned.

"What?" questioned Cian in astonishment. There was something strange in the air that he didn't understand. His wolf was cautious of things it didn't know.

"Would you like to see a naked woman?" Wren questioned again as laughter danced in her eyes. She made her way up to Cian. The storm had made his cabin cold but Cian was warm. Wren snuggled closer into his warm body. He made her feel safe.

"Who?" questioned Cian dubiously.

Wren let out peals of laughter. She traced her fingers up and down Cian. "Me, silly! Unless you have any other naked women stashed around the place."

"You'd get naked for me?" Cian questioned in disbelief. This is what he'd dreamed of but he'd never imagined Wren would come willingly to him so soon! A courtship should last two to three years before he could ask her out. That was the proper thing. Who knew when it would be right to ask a woman to undress....Wren wanted to get undressed for him now?

Wren let out a little laugh again. "Of course, but I'd like it if you were naked too. It does take two to tango." Wren knew she couldn't let Cian know she'd wanted to be with him since they'd first met. Right, now she just wanted to be with him. Virgin or not. He could keep her warm in this stormy weather.

Since Cian was a virgin, Wren decided it was up to her to get things started. She pulled her shirt over her head and let her jeans fall to the floor. Wren felt ashamed that she was standing there in a worn-out non-matching bra and granny pair of underwear. She also wasn't shaved...even her armpits were hairy. Since it was Cian's first time she should look like a Victoria Secret model. Wren watched happily as Cian also stripped. She'd only seen him shirtless, never pantsless. Cian's massive bulge left nothing for her to be disappointed in.

He was automatically undoing his clothing. Cian's eyes never left Wren. So this is what a naked woman looked like in person, not out of one of Finn's Playboy magazines. Not wanting to scare her with his wolf's desire for possession. He walked up to her very slowly and traced her body with his rough hand. Cian was going to enjoy this...

Cian started by running his hands through Wren's long free floating hair. Then he moved on to her face. Cian explored it by peppering tiny kisses all over Wren's face while tracing his fingers across her body. Her body was chilly but his body was warm with wolf blood, goosebumps arose wherever Cian touched her. Wren felt so soft beneath his hands. She was clay waiting to be sculpted. Cian knew he wanted to be the artist who molded her.

Cian wanted more. He needed more. Cian pushed Wren up against the cabin's old kitchen table. He kissed his way down her neck and arrived at her breasts. As he cupped them in his rough hands, part of him laughed. Here he was an ancient werewolf touching a boob, Cian didn't linger on that thought. His only purpose was to pleasure Wren. Both of them needed it. He traced his fingers around her nipples and nipped them gently with his teeth.

Wren let out a little gasp and Cian started circling her nipples with his tongue. Wren's little hands were balled up against his back. Right now there was nothing in the universe besides Wren and Cian.

Cian didn't want his first time to be on a kitchen table. So he lifted Wren up, she was as light as a feather in his muscular arms and carried her to the bed. Wren lay under him and Cian crawled above her. He looked down. Cian was appalled to find tears in his beloved's eyes. Had he hurt her? Cian couldn't let himself be like Layton. He couldn't stand to see Wren in pain. Cian was so hard and wanted release but he couldn't think of himself right now. He had to think of Wren, his true love, his true mate. She was in pain.

"Wren what's wrong?" Cian questioned kindly in a soft voice. He was afraid he might have hurt her with his eagerness. He'd never even seen a naked woman till a few minutes ago.

"Nothing, it's really alright. Just do your's your first time. I don't want to ruin it just fuck me." Wren bit her lip and continued to cry. Tears streamed down her face, leaving red trails. She ran her fingers through Cian's hair encouraging him on but looked at the ceiling. Cian calmed his wolf. It really wanted to take her right then and there. But, he couldn't be like Layton.

"No...Wren, you've got to tell me what's wrong. I won't do anything else until you tell me." Cian stated as he eased off her.

It was then that Wren started really sobbing.

"I'm so sorry's just that I miss Layton. He was my husband for five years, you know. Yes, he was a lousy husband. He mistreated and malagined me. But, his death is my fault. I should have been there to take care of him. I KILLED LAYTON." sobbed Wren into Cian's strong arms.

"I don't know when...OR IF I can ever get over it. So just do your thing...fuck me and I'll be fine. It's your first time I understand, Cian. I really do. Right now I'm just going to stop crying. So just fuck me." Wren bit her lip, wiped the tears from her eyes and stared up at the ceiling again. She just waited for Cian to "do his thing'.

Cian looked down at Wren. She seemed even thinner in his strong arms. She was just so forlorn. His tiny bird was suffering! He still wondered if he'd hurt her. How could she still be morning Layton? How could she blame herself for Layton's death? Yes, Cian wanted to have sex and mate with her...but so much more than that. He didn't want to just fuck Wren. He wanted to love her and show her that she was an amazing woman, deserving of everything in this world. Cian climbed off Wren.

"What's wrong?" questioned Wren in a voice thick with tears and despondency. Cian should just be fucking her, pludging in and out. Pillaging her body. Claiming her. It was what men wanted after all...or at least all the men she knew.

"Wren, I've seen my first naked woman tonight and touched my first boob. I wouldn't want to get carried away. Just let me hold you in my arms. I love you, Wren." said Cian. It was the first time he'd told Wren that he loved her. Cian kissed Wren, on the forehead, cheek and lips. Then the lovers slept naked entwined in each other's arms.

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kinkybunny123kinkybunny123over 1 year agoAuthor

well "thanks" anon for being so helpful! :P

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


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