Humanity 2.0, Year 028, Day 284?


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The girls switched things up, changing partners and positions, and soon becoming a tangled mess of feminine sexuality that was the sort of thing I'd gotten too used to in my first six years as one of our kind. What began as tentative, somewhat awkward explorations of girls hired to do a job soon broke down into genuine passion, all of the girls seemingly abandoning their inhibitions and embracing the lesbian scene they were enfolded within.

The arousal came and went, along with my erection, as I fought for self-control. They tried different mixtures, sometimes having side effects – giving me a nasty headache for a while, then causing me to almost pass out. I tried twice to fist my own cock while watching them as they hit on some drugs that seemed to drive my desire into a frenzy. Suddenly, the cable on my right arm snapped taut, some machine on the other side of the wall whirring. My arm was yanked painfully upward and away from my dick, toward the wall. It remained there for a few moments before the cable went slack again.

The message was clear. I wasn't allowed to get myself off. I tried again a half-hour later, as if by instinct. The few times I'd been satisfied with just watching my own girls go at each other, without joining in, I'd still pumped myself off onto their faces and tits. There would be no such relief today. Or ever again, apparently.

Instead, my cock stood rigidly at attention – for a full hour, then two, then three. A small, sticky spot of pre-come formed at the base of my cock, where it had run down its length and across my balls. I continued to try to force myself into meditation.

"Come on, Ben..." I heard one of their voices. They'd been told my name. "Bring one of us over." She repeated it as though it was a rote line – likely something she'd been instructed to repeat to me from time to time. It was unlikely any of the nine girls knew what I could do – they probably were all told this was catering to some guy's exotic version of a voyeurism fetish and shown so much money that they wouldn't bother asking questions. I kept my eyes shut. I had no idea which one of them had said it.

From time to time, one or two of them would repeat it, sometimes in unison. They cried out in orgasm, bringing each other's naked and sweaty bodies to the peak of pleasure, then resting nude and waking only to join them again. Some kind of beverage was brought in, likely laced with an aphrodisiac, which they all refreshed themselves with – only to start all over again, pairing off for new and invigorated couplings and threesomes.

They began to mix up the rote line after a while, instead of just repeating it – each adding her own iteration or flavor to it. I began to form a mental list of names for them. Short Blonde, False Blonde, Tits Blonde, China and Japan, and so on. False Blonde wailed out in orgasm, then said aloud that she was getting a little tired of pussy, and wished someone would just fuck her nice and hard. The others agreed loudly – not that they stopped licking each other out for even a second.

After eight hours, my erection was beet-red and painful. In normal humans, it was considered a medical emergency for an erection to last more than four hours. Fortunately, hominus males are constructed better than that, though I was pushing the limits even then. I don't know how long they expected me to last. It had been very trying; the power had integrated so seamlessly with my mind that, after sixteen years of using it, the power had become second nature. I used it on my girls from time to time without even thinking about it.

They all knew about it, and so long as I kept it mild, they were fine with it, enjoyed it even. Unfortunately, it also meant in this case that I found the power wanting to just slip out of my body and into one of the nine girls' minds, to have her come over and give me a nice, quick blowjob. Especially one from the auburn-haired girl; she looked like she would suck a cock very well. It would have been so easy...

There was a light knock on the door. It opened, and a soldier poked his head inside. The girls looked up at him, and he nodded backward – toward the outside. The girls disengaged slowly, standing and stretching sore joints. A few of them spoke lowly. The marathon sex session was finally over, and everyone but me was utterly satisfied. The girls filed out, one by one, after putting back on whatever scant clothes they'd entered with. All except one – the dusky-skinned auburn-haired girl. She stayed, and when the soldier poked his head again, she spoke with him briefly, and he nodded. I heard him say something as she turned back toward me. "Twenty minutes."

She hadn't put anything back on. She was gorgeous; skin somewhat lighter than mine, but still darker than a tanned blonde like one of those who were just present. She had an athletic build, strong and supple, and she moved with a kind of grace that was rare – and a raw sexuality that sent my aching cock back up to full mast. My balls were boiling with need, and my wrists ached from when I'd tried over and over to just grab my cock and pump, if only to get some relief.

Her straight auburn hair fell around her head in finely kept tresses, shiny and healthy-looking. Smallish breasts hung from her chest, B-cup at most, dotted by brown nipples, and her pussy was clean-shaven. Her dark eyes met mine – they were striking, deep, almost brown, yet also a little green. She walked toward me slowly, and without any of the hesitation one often saw in someone walking about naked. She was totally comfortable with me – a stranger – looking at her form. I supposed, though, when one had a body like hers, that there was little room for one not to appreciate the sight.

I nodded toward the door. "Go. Get out of here. You don't know what you're getting into with these people."

"Shhh..." She held a thin finger to her lips. "I asked them if I could give you a private show, and that's exactly what you're going to get."

I raised an eyebrow at her knowing expression, and waited as she padded toward one wall. I admired her ass as she placed one hand on the wall directly below one of the shiny camera bulbs, and she closed her eyes, seemingly concentrating. She remained that way for a while, enough that I began to wonder what was going on.

"I don't need your show. Get out of here. Take the first ride out of this place and never come back or talk about it again. If you do, they might let you live." I tried to put some force into my voice, but my body was just too ragged from holding back so much. I wanted to just collapse and hope that I could control myself more tomorrow.

"There." She withdrew one hand from the wall. "We've got eight minutes to kill... and I've got a mission." She walked brazenly toward me, much closer than any of the other girls had. My jaw went wide as she stood in front of me, her bald pussy inches from my face, and then she knelt down before me – and suddenly, gloriously, I knew joy as she opened her mouth and descended on my prick without any preamble.

Her lips enveloped my cockhead and slipped past them, and soon I was being laved by warm, loving wetness. My cock shone with her spittle within moments. She could fit a surprisingly great amount of my length down her throat; I could feel my cockhead pressing against the back of her throat, then being forced just a little beyond. She had no gag reflex at all, apparently, or she was just incredibly well-practiced. She looked no less than thirty.

I moaned once, but she came up just for an instant – long enough to give me a 'shh!'. I had to let my own heavy breathing suffice, forcing myself to stay quiet as she sucked me. It took less than a minute, of course; my cock had been primed for over eight hours. I warned her in a low voice, and to my happy surprise, her lips locked tight over my cock. Furiously, another part of me searched my own mind; had I finally cracked, and used the power? I didn't think so... no, I knew so, but I knew I was also so delirious that I simply wasn't certain of my own memory, even. Still, her mouth on me... it felt so amazing...

My mouth stayed wide open as a massive eruption, held off far too long, blasted out from my balls. I felt my cock pumping, and it was as if I was launching fireballs from the thing; the raw sensation bordered on pain. I don't think I ever fired so much semen at once; I felt it being pumped right down her throat, and she swallowed every bit of it.

When I was done, she came back up, licking the last remnants of my come off her lips. I felt drained, but my thoughts wallowed in happiness. Finally, relief. She'd given water to a man dying of thirst. But why? And how? Hadn't the cameras seen? Would the soldiers come in and shoot me? Shoot her, too?

She leaned in toward me, hugging me in a surprising gesture. I felt her breasts and hard nipples pressing against my chest. The sudden affection seemed a little out of place, but I welcomed it. I whispered in her ear.

"Who are you?"

"I'm on your side."

"I don't know you..." I peered at her. Up this close, there was something vaguely familiar about her – she looked sort of like Emily, maybe?

"I know you, though." She smiled, then rose up. "Hang tight for however long it takes, big guy."

"What... can you get me out of these?" I tugged on a cable.

"Yes, but it wouldn't do any good right now." She whispered back. "We have to wait until everything's in place."

"What about the cameras...? They'll be onto you." I nodded toward one.

"That's the easy part. I know a little trick." She winked, then kissed me one more time. "I'll come help you whenever I can. You have to endure this." She went over and grabbed her panties off the ground, slipping into them and then snapping her bra into place. I was still recovering from the experience, but I had enough sense to croak out one more question.

"What's your name?"

"Hmm? Oh. Rain." She gave me a little wave as she knocked on the door, giving the soldier a knowing smile as he let her out. The guy glanced back at me, giving me a level, empty stare for a moment before closing the door again. Suddenly, the lights in the room went out. Bedtime, I guessed.

I had no problem with that. Finding a comfortable position to sleep in with the cables binding me was difficult, but I was just exhausted enough for it to work. I dozed off, sleeping fitfully and having more strange dreams.

I was awakened when the lights were suddenly switched on. I was given ten minutes to myself, then someone came in with breakfast. I briefly considered following through on my threat of a hunger strike, but Rain had given me hope. I ate quickly, wolfing down the oatmeal, biscuits, and scrambled eggs they brought me. I was given another ten minutes – then, of course, their little game resumed.

I was still feeling pretty satisfied from my experience with Rain the night before, at least in the first two hours. The girls were different this time – I recognized only two of the blondes as being from the previous day. They all were drinking heavily from the pitchers of stuff they brought in, likely keeping up their strength and dosing themselves with lots of aphrodisiacs to keep their little lesbian show going.

There were six this time, and by the time three hours were in, they, too were very familiar with each other. They freely licked, nibbled, and sucked each other's bodies, tongues on pussies, lips on breasts, kissing deeply, scissoring their wet folds together... then, I felt something changing. They were pumping me full of drugs again. The headache came, then went. Suddenly, my desire was a thunderous need in my mind, like a lion roaring into my face - commanding me to just grab one of the girls and fuck her until she couldn't walk.

By the fourth hour, I was in agony all over again. Surprisingly, though, after the four-hour mark – I was guessing the time, there were no clocks, it just seemed like about half as long as before – one of the soldiers ushered the girls out. They gathered up their things, and left. A few minutes later, lunch was served. They always had men serve me the food – I was guessing they figured I might rape any woman who got too close to me, without using the power. I wouldn't do such a thing, but that was how they would think.

I had another hour to rest, then it began again. This time, it was mostly the same girls as the first time, but I noticed Rain was strangely absent. I immediately worried. She'd promised we would have another secret tryst after the next 'session' – had she been caught? The worry was enough to counterbalance my arousal – for a while at least.

The sight of the girls making love did eventually win out, and my aching cock soon became painfully red as my arousal spun out of control. Nearly a dozen times, the cables had to yank my hands away from my cock. It felt like, had I been able to pump myself off, I would have blasted my come all the way to the far door, and showered all the girls with it.

At some point, some base instinct in some of the girls seemed to activate. What once was sexy taunting became a little more malicious. Some would quite intentionally place their naked backside in plain view as they ate another girl out, or simply masturbate themselves while staring me in the eyes. One joked about bringing in one of the soldiers outside to satisfy their need for cock since I clearly was unable. They danced together in front of me, clearly enjoying my grating reactions – and my groans of frustration as I was continually denied even a small touch of their nubile bodies.

Dinner time. The girls left. I was allowed an hour's peace. The lights went out. I laid down upon the bed, intending to sleep again. Suddenly, the door cracked open. I wondered if Rain was here to break me out.

My hope was dashed as I heard several girls, happily talking lowly as bare feet padded on the floor. I wondered if they'd even bothered to get dressed again while they were away. It was too dark to tell who was who; I couldn't know if any were girls from before. The door was closed again, and I was left in near-total darkness.

Then the sounds began.

The girls began to make love, some quietly, some less so. Without any visual, all I could do was guess what was going on – and it was worse than actually being able to see them. My imagination continually and forcefully assigned images to each sound, of eager tongues finding clits, of one girl kissing every inch of another's skin, of the lapping sounds as two girls each sucked on a third's nipples. Without knowing what was really going on, my mind kept assuming the scenes occurring were whatever I would find the most arousing of all.

Naturally, I didn't get a moment's sleep until they left. I heard them all padding out in the darkness, and then heard some whispering.

"I really wanna torture him. Tell your boss I'm going to give him a show of me getting myself off. No extra charge." I recognized Rain's voice, and perked up.

A man sighed. "I'll give you fifteen minutes." The door clicked shut.

My cock surged to life, having fallen into a strange wilted-yet-charged state before. I glanced over, and could just barely make out the outline of a woman pressing her hand to a wall. I wondered how she did that. She finally stopped, and walked over to me.

"How are you doing?" She whispered, sounded concerned. I could hardly see her features in the dark, but I felt her sidling up close to me. Soft skin on mine, a warm sex pressing against my leg, and there – a tough little nipple pressing into my side.

"I'm... hanging in there. For now. How long?"

"I don't know. I'm still coordinating. Could be tomorrow. Could be weeks."

"I..." I closed my eyes, searching myself. My heart sank as I realized it. I confessed. "I don't know how long I can keep this up, Rain." I barely kept myself from crying, instead only breathing heavily. "They're giving me something. It's messing with my head... I'm not even sure this is happening right now. You don't know how hard this is."

"I'm real, and I'm here for you." Her hand stroked the skin of my arm and shoulder. "And I might know a thing or two." I suddenly felt my head gripped by her hands, and our lips met. My inner animal roared again, and there was no need to deny it now. I grasped her, flipping us over. I knew the cables would tug, but I didn't care. Maybe they'd assume it was me desperately trying to get close to the woman so brazenly masturbating in front of me – or so they thought.

She was passive, but loving. Her legs spread wide below me, welcoming my cock as I hastily pushed it inside her and moaned, finally fulfilled. I tried to keep my ankles and hands in place as I thrust my hips into her frantically, pumping away like an animal mounting another. It mostly worked. I was almost in too much of a hurry to think about her pussy – a warm, velvet place, stretchy and strong, pulsing around my cock like Emily's. I knew I wouldn't last – whether or not I wanted her to come. It didn't stop me from trying. I slowed down as I approached orgasm, letting my fingers find her pussy to give her a little help.

I felt her legs lock behind me. "Oh no you don't."

I was confused for a second, then we suddenly rolled over and she was bouncing atop me. The reaction in my cock was automatic; I felt it begin, and then moaned again as I pumped ropes of come inside her, over and over.

She bent down above me, panting. "Don't do that again."

"Do what... touch you too?... but..."

"The other girls are getting me off a dozen times a day. You're the one who needs this. When I'm here with you, I want you to use my body and come as hard as you want. Don't slow down for a second, and don't think about my pleasure." Her voice, firm and commanding up to that point, suddenly softened. "There'll be plenty of time for that once we're out of here."

My cock slipped out of her pussy as I sensed, more than saw, her stand up and pad away. She somehow must have found her underwear in the dark; in the brief flash of light I saw as they let her out, she was wearing black lace panties and a similar bra.

They didn't seem to want me to be completely denied sleep – they gave me just enough that I could wake up again without passing out, but not enough for me to feel even a little rested. I was awoken by the lights. Breakfast was served. I ate. The girls came in.

I did my best to think of other things.

I know the history texts are a little unclear on this particular span of my life – that's intentional, because even we aren't one hundred percent on the specifics. It's unclear how long I was even held in this facility – and how long I was unconscious in between the first attempt to observe my powers and the second. We knew they had drugs that affected me, so they may have kept me under for weeks. We know when I was captured in St. Petersburg, but it's unclear how much of that is me being transported, how much is them examining me, and how much is the experiments.

The whole episode was just short of three months. It wasn't until Rain arrived that we have an accurate count. From the time she was recruited to serve as one of the thirty girls working to 'entertain' me – three groups, in six-hour shifts, a total of eighteen hours a day I was forced to endure – seven weeks passed until the end. My mind began to fray after the second week. I was repeating the names of my girls in my head, trying to keep my mind centered... then, I began to get their names confused. Was Nina the brunette, or the blonde?

It got worse. I was never outright tortured, but they wouldn't have done that if they wanted my mind intact enough to use the power. It was instead an orchestrated combination of drugs, sex, and never giving me more than the bare minimum of rest in order to pull myself together – repeatedly pushing my self-control up against a proverbial cheese grater.