Humiliated by My New Girl Boss Ch. 01

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Jack is humiliated by his new 19 year old girl boss.
4.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/27/2023
Created 07/06/2023
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I made sure my lucky tie was knotted perfectly before I walked into work. Today was the day the COO announced the new Director of Accounts. I'd been working my ass off for months to get the job and I just knew that today was the day it was going to pay off.

I'd been working for the company since I was 22. Now I was 35 and I'd barely moved up the ladder at all. I'd started as an Accounts Agent, and after toiling away for years I'd been promoted to Supervisory Accounts Agent. That had turned out to be a meaningless title since the only changes were a minor salary bump and the responsibility of training new agents.

I'd been starting to think I'd wasted my life at the company when the department director position opened up. As the longest-serving team member, I was the most suitable for the position. Nobody had anywhere near my experience. Nobody knew the department like I did. The job was as good as mine.

I stepped into the office and I dumped my bag down next to my desk. After 13 years I didn't even have my own office, I was still out in the bullpen. I looked up and saw Evie heading toward me. Evie was one of the recruits I'd trained. She was 19 years old and ridiculously attractive. She was also the type of girl who knew how hot she was. From the day she'd started, she'd given me the impression that she thought her looks would carry her through life. I'd been deliberately hard on her to knock her down a peg or two. She needed to learn how the world really worked. She needed to know that she'd be toiling away at the bottom for years before she even caught a glimpse at the foot of the ladder, let alone stepped on it. It didn't matter how pretty she was.

She stopped at my desk and handed me a stack of papers. Her long blonde hair was styled perfectly and her tight pencil skirt hugged her curves in all the right places. Her large breasts were practically spilling out of her pink blouse, and I found myself wondering if they were real or if she'd had work done. She was too young to have had surgery already. The thought of feeling their weight in my hand sent a shiver down my spine, but I quickly shook it off. She was about half my age and thoughts like that were inappropriate. Especially since I was going to be her boss by the end of the day.

"What's this?" I asked, dumping the papers on my desk and flopping down into my chair.

"The Beswick account history you asked me to prepare yesterday," she said, her tone a little short.

"Oh, yeah, maybe if you'd gotten them to me yesterday when I'd asked for them I'd still need them," I said. I picked the papers up and shoved them back into her hands. "I don't need them anymore. Take them back to the archives and grab me a coffee on your way back."

Evie tutted loudly before stomping away across the office. I didn't technically have any authority over her but she'd had to follow my orders when she'd first started and she hadn't realized she could refuse even after a year of working here. By the time she did figure it out I would be her boss and it would be too late. She'd be following my orders forever.

I watched her leave, her shapely ass swaying provocatively with each step. For a moment, I let myself indulge in the thought of what it would be like to have her bent over my desk, her skirt hiked up, and her pink blouse discarded on the floor. Maybe when I controlled her salary she would be willing to give me a ride. I knew there was no chance of that happening now, my harsh treatment of her had bred only resentment for me.

She returned a few minutes later and placed a cup of steaming coffee on my desk. She put it down so hard that some of the liquid spilled out and pooled over my paperwork.

"Oh, Evie, careful!" I said, grabbing a tissue to clean up the mess.

"You could always make your own coffee," she said, glaring at me.

"Careful, Missie. In a few hours I'll be the department director and if you ever want to see a pay rise you'd better remember to be respectful," I warned her.

"If that happens I'll just quit."

"And you'll need a reference from me to get another job. I'll blacklist you with every company in the city," I replied, offering her my saltiest smile.

That seemed to shut her up. She bowed her head and shuffled away towards the archives without another word. I watched her go, my thoughts already drifting toward my first day as department head. I was so excited that I barely did any work all morning.

After lunch, the COO, Harvey Spencer, stepped into the bullpen and demanded everybody's attention. "As you all know the Director of Accounts position has been vacant for some months now. Our longstanding supervisory accounts agent, Jack Turner, has helped handle the management responsibilities during this time which myself and the other executives are very grateful for." Harvey bowed his head and smiled at me.

I was beaming with pride and my heart was pounding with anticipation. As Harvey continued speaking, I zoned out and let my mind wander. This was the moment I'd been waiting for. A huge power shift and a massive pay bump. I could afford to move to a nicer apartment, maybe even a house. I could live somewhere I wasn't embarrassed to take a woman back to and then maybe I could end my stretch of bachelorhood.

But then, Harvey's next words snapped me back to reality. "I'm pleased to announce that after careful consideration, we've decided to promote Evie Thompson as our new Director of Accounts."

My breath caught in my throat. This couldn't be happening. I must have misheard him.

Harvey smiled, unaware of my shock, and continued. "Evie is an up-and-coming star within our company and I have no doubt she will excel in this position. I'm certain you'll all offer her your support as she transitions into this new role. Congratulations, Evie!"

Harvey clapped and then the whole office joined in, except for me. They were all congratulating Evie. I sat staring at her, trying to figure out how she'd down it. She only had a year's experience. She was too young. She must have slept with Harvey. It was the only way.

All this time I'd been talking about becoming her boss, I'd been saying it to her, almost taunting her. All this time she had been in the running against me and I hadn't even known it. But she had. She'd been silently biding her time, hoping that her efforts had paid off. And now, somehow, they had.

A lump formed in my throat as I watched Evie revel in her moment, safe in the knowledge that she had bested me. I knew that I should feel proud of her but instead, I felt a seething rage as my dreams of success and fortune were snatched away from me. Evie was far smarter than I'd realized, she was cunning. I had underestimated her and now I would have to suffer the consequences.

"Jack," Harvey said as I stopped by my desk. "I know you're disappointed and I get it, you wanted this job. I just don't think you're ready to step up just yet. But listen, you trained Evie so her success is your success. You should be proud."

"You don't think I'm ready, but you think she is?" I asked, pointing at the girl who had just been made my boss.

"She's a bright young woman, Jack. I dare say you'll be impressed by what she achieves. For now, focus on supporting her and helping her make something of this department and when you're ready, you'll be promoted too." He clapped me on the shoulder and then sauntered out of the office.

I glanced over at Evie and her eyes met mine and she smirked. It was faint, barely perceptible, but I saw it. She'd won and she knew it. She was now my boss. She could give me orders. Now everything was going to change and not for the better.

* * *

I kept my head down all afternoon and got on with my work. If I just did my job quietly and avoided Evie then maybe I could pretend that she hadn't somehow been promoted above me. I managed to pull it off for the rest of the day but the next morning I was not so lucky.

I was sitting at my desk when my phone rang. Before I even lifted the receiver I knew that it was her. I could just feel it like I could feel the growing ball of dread in the middle of my stomach.

"Jack," her voice was angelic and sweet. "Can you come to my office please?" She didn't even give me time to respond before the line went dead. I sat there for a few moments, trying to assure myself that everything was fine and I would survive whatever was about to happen. She was a professional in the workplace and she was not calling me into her office to gloat.

I stood up from my desk and made my way to her office, trying to ignore the twisting in my stomach. As soon as I walked in, she looked me up and down with a sly smile on her lips. "Close the door, Jack," she said, her voice dripping with her newly acquired authority.

I did as she asked and then took a seat in front of her desk. I couldn't deny my jealousy as I looked around at the office that should have been mine.

Evie leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms and pushing her breasts up so they were almost spilling out the top of her tight blouse. I hated the way this girl was looking down her nose at me like I was beneath her.

"So, I just wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings about me getting the promotion. I know you really wanted it and it can't be easy for you to have failed," she said.

I gritted my teeth, barely able to hold back my resentment. "I'm fine. It's just business," I said through clenched teeth.

"Exactly," she said, nodding. "And we learn our best lessons when we fail."

I didn't bother to restrain my sigh. She sounded like an inspirational Insta post. "I didn't fail, Evie. I was passed over for someone who isn't qualified for the job," I shot back, my eyes locked onto hers.

Evie simply shrugged her shoulders, her pouty lips curved into a smirk. "Well, I don't know about that. Harvey seemed to think I was the best candidate for the job. And while we're on the topic of qualifications and job roles, Jack, I wanted to talk to you about your position."

My skin prickled as I listened to her condescending tone. "I don't think there's anything to discuss about my position," I replied. "I'm perfectly content with my job and my responsibilities."

Evie's smirk only grew wider. "Oh, I'm sure you are. But that's not the issue at hand, Jack. You see, Harvey asked me to evaluate the department and identify areas where we can improve productivity and efficiency and all that. You are the only agent with the supervisory job title and as far as I can tell the only additional duty you have is to train new team members. Is that right?"

I raised an eyebrow, sensing where this conversation was heading. "Yes, that's right."

"Well, based on my own firsthand experience of your training methods, I don't think you're performing your duties very well," she said.

I leaned forward in my seat, feeling defensive. "Excuse me? Just because you were a bad student doesn't mean I'm a bad teacher."

"Well, I think it does and since I'm your boss my opinion is the only one that matters," she said, her voice filled with a menacing edge. "That's why I'm putting you on probation for the next two weeks. During that time, I'll be keeping a close eye on you to see if you can meet the standards I expect from my employees. If you can't, then we'll have to consider further action."

My anger was boiling inside me. I couldn't believe what was happening. I had always been a good employee, and now I was being reduced to a trainee. "This is ridiculous," I spat out.

"Calm down please, Jack. If you pass your probationary period then no further action will be taken. However, if you fail to meet my standards then you will lose the supervisory title and take a pay cut."

"How much of a cut?" I asked.

"Well.." She tapped a few keys on her computer and then stopped, eyes locked on the screen. A small snort of laughter escaped her lips. "Is that all you get paid?"

I felt my cheeks flush and my stomach plummet. If this meeting hadn't been bad enough already now she was mocking me for my low salary which she now had the power to cut. "It's not... I mean..." I spluttered, struggling to find a suitable response.

"Wow, to think that if you'd gotten this promotion your salary would have more than doubled. That sucks," she said, pouring more salt into the already throbbing wound.

"Doubled?" I said in a gasp. Humiliation tore through me. This 19-year-old girl who I had trained was earning more than double my salary and she was sitting there rubbing it in. "I'll just find another job," I said in a low growl.

"You'll need a reference from me," she said, repeating what I'd said to her yesterday when she'd threatened to leave if I got promoted.

I crossed my arms and clenched my jaw to stop myself from saying anything I'd regret. I could do nothing but sit in silence and fume as Evie smiled in triumph. Judging from the satisfied smirk on her face, she was quite pleased with herself.

"On the other hand, if you show me what a good employee you can be, maybe you can earn a raise. How does that sound?"

I gritted my teeth. "Fine," I said.

"Good," Evie said, her voice filled with smug satisfaction. "Then we're all set. How about you go a make me a coffee."

I winced. If I made her a coffee now then it would set a precedent. I'd forever be her coffee boy. Her errand-runner. She'd delight in giving me demeaning tasks forever. And yet I couldn't stand up to her. Not if I wanted a raise.

I got up from my chair, feeling the heat of her gaze searing into my back as I walked silently out of the room. My hands shook as I made the coffee, my mind spinning with thoughts of how I could turn things around. But as much as I hated to admit it, Evie had won.

After a couple of minutes, I brought her the steaming cup and placed it on her desk with a scowl. Evie looked up at me, her gaze steady and unwavering. "Thank you, Jack. Sit back down please."

"Shouldn't I get back to work?" I said quietly, trying to restrain my temper.

"Sit back down," she said sternly like she was a teacher talking to an unruly student.

I felt myself blush as I lowered myself into the chair. I gripped the arms of the chair tightly, my blood pumping aggressively through my veins.

"The more I think about, Jack, the more I think that your behavior toward me over the last year could be classed as bullying," she said.

"What?" I demanded in total disbelief. I might have been a bit hard on her but I'd never bullied her.

"You spoke down to me, insulted me, ordered me around, and even threatened me on occasion."

"I did not!"

"No? How about when you said you would refuse to give me a pay rise if you got promoted and then said you wouldn't provide me with a reference either?"

"Well, I was just..."

"I think I'm going to ask some of the other people you've trained if they have any complaints about your conduct. Perhaps you're not a good fit for this company after all."

My mind was racing as she spoke. Evie was going to take this to a whole new level. I had no idea what her end game was, but I knew that the tables had turned and I was no longer in control. I had no idea how conniving and manipulative she was. But I knew that arguing would achieve nothing.

"Evie, I know I was hard on you but I didn't mean anything by it," I said, swallowing as much of my anger and humiliation as possible.

She raised one perfectly styled eyebrow and regarded me with amusement. "Is that supposed to be an apology?"

I clenched my fists and looked down at the floor. I couldn't believe that I was apologizing to this girl. But I knew that it was the only way to save my job.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "Please don't fire me." Ripping off my own skin would have probably felt better than apologizing and begging for my job but I couldn't afford to get fired today. I wasn't the most financially stable man and I couldn't lose one job without having another lined up.

Evie lifted her coffee and took a big sip, smiling widely as she did so. I should have spat in it. That would have given me at least a slither of satisfaction.

"If you're going to beg, you should do it properly," she said slyly.

My heart sank. "What?"

"Beg properly. Get down on your knees and beg me not to fire you," she said.

I stared at her, flabbergasted. I had no idea she could be so vindictive. I mean, I knew she had a temper, but this was something else.

I clenched my fists so hard my knuckles turned white. I wanted to tell her off, I wanted to shout and scream, but, in the end, I didn't. Partly because I knew it wouldn't do me any good and partly because I knew deep down that she was right - I had been mean to her.

I slid off the chair and sank to my knees. It was the most humiliating moment of my life and I thought I was going to throw up.

"Please, Evie, don't fire me," I said, my voice barely audible.

Evie stood up. Her face held a cruel expression as she walked around her desk and stood directly in front of me. Kneeling on the floor, I had to look up to meet her smug gaze.

"I think this is a good lesson for you, Jack," she said. "You're learning your place. Isn't that right?"

I felt my cheeks burn as I nodded mutely. She continued to stare at me for a few seconds before crossing her arms and regarding me coolly.

"I don't believe you are sorry. I'm going to need you to perform an act of contrition," she said and I could hear the cunning in her words.

Finally understanding her plan, I looked up at her and nodded.

"Whatever you want," I said, an equal mix of hate and resignation in my voice.

Evie's lips curved into a cruel smile and I knew I'd just made a big mistake. It wasn't like I had any choice though.

"Kiss my ass," she said. She turned on the spot so her plump young ass was staring me right in the face.

My eyes grew wide and I felt my heart sink. I wanted to scream with humiliation, but I managed to keep my composure. Slowly, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against her tight buttocks. The fabric of her skirt was smooth against my lips and the thin barrier eased a small portion of my humiliation. She made a low satisfied sound as I reluctantly kissed her.

"There," I said, sinking back onto my knees, defeated.

"Hmm," she said thoughtfully. "No, that's not good enough." Evie leaned over and began to hike her skirt up. My eyes widened as I realized she wanted to make this even more humiliating. Her skirt rose, bit by bit revealing her round cheeks and the purple fabric of her thong. Her bum was without a doubt one of the best I'd seen, but being forced to kiss it was still a humiliation.

"Now you'll really kiss my ass," she said coldly, her voice dripping with disdain.

My mind was spinning, I couldn't believe this was happening. But I was too far gone to resist. With a heavy heart, I leaned forward and pressed my mouth against her warm, inviting flesh. Evie sighed smugly as I kissed her ass. I pressed my lips against her flesh hard, holding there for a while to make sure she was satisfied this time.

As my humiliation reached its peak I felt a familiar stirring in my pants. Fuck, seeing her bare ass and feeling it on my skin was turning me on. She was young and stunningly attractive so it was only natural. But she was still a raging bitch and I hated myself for enjoying this even a little.

"Both cheeks," she commanded.

I complied, kissing her other cheek, my heart pounding as my cock stiffened.

"Now, tell me you're sorry," she said.

"I'm sorry, Evie," I said, my voice low and apologetic.

"I'm still not convinced."

My jaw dropped and I remained on my knees staring at her perfect bum, wondering what else she was going to make me do. But I kept my mouth shut and waited for her next command.

She took hold of the waistband of her thong and slid it down over her rump. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My heart accelerated half in fear, half in excitement.