Hung Go, a Club


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My wife stubbed out the cigarette. "I didn't want to know but I had to be careful how I kept him in check because I didn't want an unpleasant atmosphere in the team. He started a persistent campaign to win me round - I suppose that is/was sexual harassment but I didn't complain because it was flattering in a way. He was constantly thinking up new ways to come on to me and it became a challenge to keep knocking him back with a bit of wit. He started by mentioning that he had two tickets for a show and other times saying that he wanted to take me to a club with some special attraction or other. When I declined he said, 'Twelve years married - hell even if you had killed someone you would be free to have a bit of fun by now.' One day when we were alone he said, 'I would crawl over barbed wire and broken glass bollock naked for one night with you'. After that he would sing the first line of 'One night with you' - he does have a rather nice voice. I told him that I wasn't interested so he asked, 'How can you possibly turn me down when you don't know what I have to offer?' So I told him, 'For a start I am very happily married and even if I did consider having a fling it would be with an older man, not a near child like you.' That was about my most cutting put-down but it didn't deter him one little bit."

Claire paused to take a first sip from her mug. "I managed to keeps things in equilibrium for a long time until we had to go away for the parallel running. Even then I kept him rigidly in check without much problem for the first three weeks even though he had turned up the heat considerably. He would say, 'Are you going to be on your lonesome tonight when you could be enjoying the experience of a lifetime' - modest he was not. Another line was, 'You won't ever have a better opportunity, you're hubby need never know a thing' or "Just have one little taste and I guarantee that you will keep coming back for more'. As I mentioned there was very little for the team to do so he had plenty of chances to whisper his little solicitations in my ear. Catching me alone he would sing the Elvis song, 'Are you lonesome tonight' and then whistle the tune when others were around - even whistling it outside my hotel room door at night. I was amused by his efforts but not tempted in the slightest."

"But then he breached your defences," I prompted.

My wife nodded. "The fourth Friday passed as usual but the next morning when the team gathered for transport to the firms premises, Ricky was missing. I must explain that instead of keys, the hotel room doors were opened by a remote control fob or by typing a pin number into a number pad on the door. Anyway, the four of us went back up to Rick's room to hurry him up. I was about to knock on the door when one of the other guys said, 'I can get us in. The security system in this hotel is crap - the door pin numbers should be randomised but they're not, they're in sequence, Rick's number is one more than mine'. With that he typed some digits and we walked into the room to find it empty. Rick must have missed his alarm call or something because he was nowhere near ready."

A smile flickered across my wife's face at the memory as she continued, "As we stood there, he walked naked out of the shower with his head enveloped in a towel, vigorously rubbing his hair. The other three guys started grinning and making signs not to let Rick know he had an audience but I could not drag my eyes away from my tormentor's penis because it seemed to hang almost down to his knee. It seemed like an eternity standing there watching it sway as he towelled his hair. When he realised we were there he covered up (taking his time about it) but then got dressed in a hurry."

Time for another cigarette, "Nothing was said at that time but later catching me alone Rick asked if I had got an eyeful. I said that I might have - if I had been at all interested. That should have stopped him but it didn't. Leaning forward he urged, 'Come on - tell me how the sight of my male flesh made you feel - get you all hot did it?' He was starting to get through to me for the first time so I had to slap him down hard. 'The only emotion that I felt was embarrassment for you,' I told him coldly. 'You needn't have bothered darling because I've got nothing to be embarrassed about,' he said - and privately I had to admit that was true."

"Did the sight of his cock affect you?"

"A lot more than I admitted to him. It wasn't stiff but was still large from the shower and it did look rather splendid. I had expected more harassment during the day after that but from then on he stayed away from me. I thought that he had won that little exchange but by the evening I was beginning to wonder if I had managed to stop his campaign. That night there was no whistling in the corridor outside my room and I took that as the final good sign but then there was a very soft knock on my door and I knew it was Rick. I was in my nightie ready for bed - usually that's all I wear in hotels but for some reason I had still got on my bra and pants. My first inclination was to tell him to go away but then I decided to make a fool of him and said 'Come in'. The door was locked and I certainly wasn't going to open it so I thought that would make him frustrated - and even if he knew the pin number trick, I planned to say icily, 'What do you want - couldn't it have waited until morning?' "

Claire paused and looked at me straight in the eyes before saying, "He did let himself in but I didn't say a damn thing. He was wearing just loose fitting pants and a waistcoat type jacket. In an instant he had dropped the pants and stepped out of them then shrugged of the jacket to stand there totally naked. Then he walked forward completely confident - I think he knew that I was going to open my legs for him before I did. I stepped back and fell backwards onto the bed. There was no talk and no foreplay. He just pushed the crotch of my panties aside and pushed it in. I was very wet and it went right in without the slightest problem as if my cunt had just expanded for him. The moment it was in I knew that it felt exactly the same as Scandinavia all those years ago."

"Wait a minute, when I asked a few weeks ago you swore that you couldn't remember anything about that - why did you lie?" I interrupted, illogically attaching more significance to a past untruth than to the present confession of adultery.

Claire was silent for a few moments and then she said, "I'm going to tell you about my previous sex life. For one thing there is no point in hiding it anymore and I think it might help to explain. I was almost nineteen before I lost my virginity, then over the next year I had sex with three different boys but I made all three wait for over a month before letting them have anything more than a good grope - I still thought of myself as a 'good girl'. By the end of the year I had left home and was sharing a flat with a girl called Amy. During the Xmas break we had the bright idea of going to Norway for two weeks holiday - mainly because it was so dirt-cheap. The holiday site was widely separated wooden cabins placed in pairs. Well the first four days were marvellous, very cold but with lots of bright sunshine, and we went somewhere every day and got back to the cabin dog tired."

At that point Claire felt the need for another nicotine boost and paused to light a new cigarette before continuing, "Then the weather closed in and stayed like that for the rest of the holiday. In the adjoining cabin were two brothers that we had hardly seen until then but they came knocking on our door in the middle of a snowstorm, carrying a bottle each. One had an unpronounceable name that sounded like 'Viluf' so we called him 'Wolf' and his brother was Sven. We quickly started messing around but after a while, Amy went to the other cabin with Sven and Wolf stayed with me and I soon discovered that his cock was enormous. He was very inexperienced and clumsy and I had only had quick shags from boy's pricks so I was still very tight and it hurt a lot. Until recently, that is all that I could remember about it but I do know that it didn't stop me doing it more than once that first time and going back for more over the next two days."

My wife too a moment to collect her thoughts and then went on, "Nobody took the other cabin the next week so there were no males around and nothing to do. Amy and I were still on a high so we started fooling with each other and over the next week we did everything that two women can do, including raiding the vegetable locker for things to stick up each other. The strange thing was that what is fine in a Norwegian cabin seems gross in an English flat. When we got home, Amy and I were awkward and embarrassed with each other and she left within the week to move in with her steady boyfriend leaving me in a flat I could not afford by myself. I was worried that I had turned into a lesbian so to prove that I wasn't, I went off from a party with three guys that I didn't know and indulged in a mini gang bang. I did it again the next weekend with two of the same guys and a new one they had brought along. Right since the cabin I had been smoking pot and taking E so it was all part of a downward spiral."

Claire made another dent in her cigarette supply before carrying on, "Then I was saved by a married man, he was fifteen years older that I was but he set me up in expensive flat. Ted said that his wife was frigid - I would have been frigid too married to him because he was very selfish in bed. On the good side he took me out to posh restaurants and bought me lots of nice things so I stayed faithful for a year even though I only saw him once or twice a week. During that time I felt very ashamed of the period immediately before and blocked it from my memory. Then I met you, and that was the flat I took you back to the first time we did it. No - I wasn't still sleeping with him. Right from first meeting you, I told Ted that he couldn't fuck me anymore and he was relieved because he said his wife was getting suspicious. He had paid six months in advance on the flat and when that ran out I moved in with you."

"Are you quite sure that you didn't sleep with him again?"

"No I damn well didn't," my Claire said fiercely," - apart from that one last time to say goodbye."

I looked at my wife coldly. "Having listened to your sordid story, it doesn't explain a damn thing except to let me know this isn't the first time in your life that you have acted the slut. I still think you lied to me and I can't understand why."

"I didn't lie to you Ian because when I said that it was the truth - I have only remembered since then," Claire said sadly. "It was that horse picture that started me off. Under the photo was the word 'Next' - I must have accidentally clicked on it because I found myself connected to the Internet site that it had come from. I started getting pop-ups from other sites and took all the free tours. At first these were still bestiality sites but then it changed to other stuff so I did a search for 'horse cocks'. It brought up lots of sites but most were not bestiality at all, featuring well hung men instead. Some were straight and some were gay but it did not matter to me because I just wanted to see what they had got. Women aren't meant to be effected by pornography but it's not true because I got all hot and bothered and on days after that it became a compunction to look some more. Gradually my memory returned until I could remember everything with crystal clarity including what another woman tasted like and how exciting it was to have sex with three men at the same time - but it was the way Wolf's big cock made me feel that dominated my thoughts. I started to wish..."

"That I had a penis that size," I interrupted.

Claire nodded. "I'm sorry yes. I couldn't imagine not being married to you and I had no intention of having an affair but I developed the desire to have something big inside me again. I was resigned to the fact that I would have to do without for the rest of my life so I did start to wish that you had what I needed. Apart from Wolf none of the guys I shagged had a prick very much larger than yours and you are a far better lover than any of them. All of our marriage I have considered myself very lucky because I didn't think any man could make me feel better than you do but I was mistaken. As I said Wolf was very inexperienced and the pleasure with him was purely from size but Rick is every bit as big and he is as talented with his cock as you are with your tongue. You do a lot more than just lick and Rick does so much more than just poke his cock in and out. Ian - he took me into a different world of experience."

In the silence that followed the end of my wife's speech, I tried to assess how I felt about her admission. The conversation digressions that followed her first admission that penetration had occurred seemed to have help me by blunting the shock and leaving me just numb instead of the expected searing pain of jealousy. In part I think that I had always anticipated that something like this would happen eventually, resigning myself to the fact years before it actually occurred. "This explains the extreme tiredness after your weekends away," I murmured, feeling that I had to say something but completely lacking a meaningful response.

"After the first time, at home with you, I pretended to myself that I would not let happen again, of course it did - but it was not until the second weekend spent fucking Rick that I realised I was addicted to his cock. After one fuck I felt so desperately empty until he put it in me again. During the week it was terrible. I was trying so hard to behave normally with you but was torn apart with guilt and at the same time my whole body ached for the weekend to come. Since then I have been with him last Friday and tonight."

Now I was shocked. The intensity of my wife's voice told me that this was a completely different matter from a simple fling with another man. "If you need an oversized organ in your cunt so badly - how do you plan to manage now your lover is no longer in even the country," I asked crudely.

"I don't know," Claire said simply.

"You would have had this problem even if I had not found you out."

"Yes and No," she said. "Last week we went to Rick's flat but tonight he took me to a private club called, 'Hung Go'.

"You mean 'Gung ho', I corrected.

"No - it is a word play on what you said but the name is specific because it only accepts exceptionally well endowed men as male members. Rick had the idea that I could get what I want at the club after he had gone."

"How well endowed?"

"Their penis is meant to be at least nine inches long but that is not exactly the case. A very thick eight incher can be bigger than a thin nine, so the entry criteria is actually based on true size or calculated volume"

"What is the club like?"

"More or less like a normal club with a dance floor and bars except that there are rooms upstairs where you can go for sex. It is expensive for female members but the studs get in for only £10 and they get that back in free drinks - they do have to pay a hefty membership fee though. As a guest I got in free and was vetted for membership because the women also have to meet a certain standard in looks and figure."

"So you would go along, pick the cock you fancy and then go upstairs."

"Yes, more or less. It is pure sex - you don't even know their names."

"Did you make use of the facilities while you were there," I had to ask.

"Rick and I used one of the rooms; in fact we spent most of the time up there. He did offer to let me try out one of the studs but I wanted to have it with only him one last time. I came home just now planning to go back there by myself in a week or so."

I looked at my wife in disbelief. "How can you possibly sit there and tell me that," I snarled. "Earlier on I talked about forgiving you and I did think it was possible. Everybody runs the risk of being overcome by physical attraction and acting completely out of character. I could have understood and possibly forgiven but what you just said is a different order of deceit. You are talking about is leaving our home and quite cold bloodedly going off to screw a totally anonymous man. I don't know how you can even contemplate doing something like that."

Claire looked at me with two big tears rolling down her cheeks, "You don't understand," she said. "I could go with strange men with far less conscience than I have suffered from cheating with Rick. For a man infidelity is all about sex, penetration and cum but for a woman it is more to do with the feelings and emotions involved. I still don't think that I had an affair with Rick because I didn't like him from the start and despite the sex I don't like him as a person now. It was only ever pure sex but despite that, working with him there were times that we exchanged secret looks that shared knowledge of the things we had done together. Now that was a relationship and it made me feel terribly guilty because the only man I am entitled to have a relationship with is you. Ian, I had convinced myself that for me to take five hours out from our marriage occasionally to satisfy my craving for giant cocks would be less of a betrayal than what I have already done. I still love you so very much and my hunger for sensations is a curse that can lose me everything I ever wanted."

Realising that Claire too was suffering in her own way let me see things from a different perspective. Understanding opened the way for forgiveness - but whether I could truly forgive or not, I knew that I did not want to lose this woman from my life. "So what do you plan to do now that I know," I asked.

"Go cold turkey, I suppose," Claire said, forcing a wan smile.

I held out my arms. "It helps that you are never going to see the bastard again because I don't know if I could say this if he was still around," I murmured and then paused before saying, "As far as I am concerned, none of what you just told me ever happened."

The next moment she was in my arms and some minutes later we went to bed. There was no sex but we lay holding each other very tightly and amazingly, I fell asleep almost straight away. The following two nights I had possibly the best sex of my life as my wife made every effort to reward me for my understanding. The rest of the week also passed pleasantly and I was beginning to congratulate myself on having escaped the blip on our marriage relatively unscathed, until Friday night arrived. I suppose that I had noticed Claire growing tenser but was still totally shocked when she pushed me away roughly in bed crying, "I can't, Ian I just can't."

We sat up and tried to talk it through calmly. "I want you so much with my mind but my body wants more," she explained. "The craving is just building up. When we are doing ordinary things I can just about handle it but sex makes the pain more than I can stand. Darling, the only answer until I have beaten this is totally celibacy. I know that it is very unfair on you and in fact you don't have to do without. We can afford for you to go with a prostitute twice a week if you want to - and I don't mean one walking the streets. You are entitled after all."

"We are in this together - if you have to do without then I will too," I told her heroically. "Maybe no sex but lots of love and we can beat this thing. I don't want to do it with anyone else but you."

It was far easier said than done. My nerves were soon tight as a bow and we were both irritable with the kids - and with each other. The love that we spoke about was little in evidence and life soon assumed a uniform drabness. It was turning into a nightmare. We didn't talk about the problem as if hoping that if it was not mentioned it would just go away - in fact it gradually got so that we hardly talked about anything at all. After a month, one Thursday as we lay not touching in bed, trying vainly for sleep, I heard myself asking, "How long do you think this will go on?"