Hungry like The Wolf Ch. 07

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Maggie and Finn's story has a conclusion.
2.7k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/30/2019
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Maggie and Finn had left the bar. They headed in Maggie's car back to her apartment.

"Wow, Finn...I'm impressed, that took some balls. You left your old pack, you fought your alpha. You're my man." Maggie was proud of Finn.

"It just makes me so hot and bothered to think of you like that...all charged up and commanding. You're such a natural leader. God, Finn you're so amazing...I just...well nevermind." said Maggie blushing.

"What you so embarrassed to tell me about doll? What's got you all hot and bothered...wet too I bet?"

"Oh nevermind, it can't happen now, you're bleeding and hurt...just nevermind." said Maggie blushing an even deeper red. Finn loved to see that color on her face.

Finn smirked. "If you're this embarrassed about it, must be good. Tell me."


"Tell me." said Finn as he squeezed Maggie's breast.

Maggie giggled. "No, I'm driving." Then she giggled some more. Now her face was beet red.

"Tell, tell, tell dollie." teased Finn.

Maggie knew that once Finn got started on something, he'd never let up. He was like a dog with a bone, he was a wolf with a bone. So she sighed "Alright honey, well we're here in the car and it's such a beautiful evening...I've always had this fantasy...". Maggie kept blushing and turned away.

"Oh, now I'm definitely letting you off the hook. What's your fantasy? Let's see if we can make it come true." Finn said, smirking.

"Well...I've always wanted to make out in the backseat of a car...I know I just have a corolla not a Jag or another cool car...but it's always been this fantasy of mine." Maggie was hiding her face in her hands now.

"Pull over...let's do it." said Finn almost laughing. This was the first fantasy Maggie had shared with him and he was up for it.

"What here? In the car? Right on the side of the road where anyone could see us?" questioned Maggie in shock and disbelief. She'd never have shared this fantasy with Finn if she knew it was going to happen.

"Sure, why not? My old pack can't do anything else to me and you don't know anyone here. Let's do it baby." said Finn as he kissed Maggie pinning her against the door.

Maggie laughed. "Okay...we don't have anything else to lose and we only have each other. So she pulled over to the side of the road. The lovers climbed in the backseat.

Maggie pulled Finn's blood soaked shirt off. He winced, he was still sore. "Ya, okay darling are you in pain or anything?" Maggie questioned.

"I'm not that much in pain and I can play hurt hun, we've got to make this ultimate fantasy of yours come true. I LOVE cars and I love making out with you SO I don't know why you didn't tell me this before." laughed Finn. By now he had pinned Maggie beneath him, he had trouble getting her bra off so Maggie unsnapped it. She smiled up at Finn and kissed him.

"I love you...Alpha." she said.

"Whatcha call me?" Finn asked.

"Al...pha, you're an al...pha now aren't you?" teased Maggie. She said kissing him on the cheek.

"Say it again." ordered Finn as he worked his fingers in and out of her.

"Alpha, my only alpha" said Maggie as she took him into her arms.

Finn kept his eyes focused on Maggie as she pushed the shredded shirt from his shoulders before lifting her own t-shirt over her head so she could toss it to the floor while Finn gazed at the amazing woman below him in adoration.

Finn knew that Maggie was glorious...perfection...her breasts were a fine ivory capped with dark pink nipples that stood erect as Finn moved to cup a heavy mound in each hand, drawing a sigh from her that spurred his desire and made him even harder. Maggie's moans of pleasure made Finn want her more than he had thought possible to want anyone...she was the light of his life. His salvation. Finn drew her close and pinched each nipple between his thumb and forefinger, tugging on it gently...pulling at the tender flesh until Maggie cried out even louder than before with her head thrown back against the car seat. Allowing Finn further access to her neck that he explored with warm, wet kisses.

Maggie's eager, uninhibited reactions to Finn's touch were intoxicating, He didn't know if she was so eager because they were fulfilling her fantasy or because he was an Alpha now. But, Finn felt like he was making love for the first time ever...he was lightheaded and overwhelmed with desire as he kissed my way down her neck, licking her flesh, down over her finely sculpted collarbone. He whispered gentle, praising words to her as he relished in her taste...her scent. Finn told Maggie she was beautiful in all ways.

Maggie's head rested against the back seat, her skin was flushed to a beautiful pink...her lips were swollen from the force of the kisses they had shared as Finn eased back to look down at her. wanting to forever recall how beautiful she looked in the backseat of the car at sunset. Maggie's ivory body stretched out against black leather as she smiled, her eyes glazed with need as Finn leaned down to kiss her.

Maggie accepted Finn with ease, opening her arms...her hand flexed against his back as her breast crushed against his was an amazing feeling as she eagerly merged her mouth his again and again; her tongue outlining Finn's lips teasingly. Maggie held nothing back. She was everything to Finn. His one and only true mate.

Breaking away from her mouth, Finn trailed his lips over her face, turning her head so he could lavish kisses over his lover. Finn told Maggie that she was and forever would be the most beautiful woman he had ever known.

Slowly, still praising Maggie's body, adoring the little gasps that escaped her, he kissed his way down her neck. Finn trailed his lips to Maggie's right breast where he easily sucked her pretty pink nipple deep into my mouth so he could suckle it with vigor. Finn flicked his rough tongue over the nub with quick strokes before nipping it with his teeth to create a delightful little sting that he then licked away as Maggie continued to wither beneath him in need, her beautiful back arched, her hands tangled in his unruly hair.

Finn fell asleep on top of Maggie in the backseat of the car. The lovers awoke the next morning at dawn.

"I suppose we should get back to the apartment and see how things are going, Alpha." said Maggie smirking at Finn.

"Sure thing, Maggie." Finn put the car into gear and they headed back into Cheyenne.

When they got to the apartment, Dr. Blake was waiting for them. He spoke.

"Hey Finn, if it's alright with you I'd like to join your new pack...if you're serious about starting a new one. Cian's pack has just gotten too strict and old fashioned."

"Well, Dr. Blake...Henry, I don't know if this new pack would be right for you. I mean you're just a few years younger than Cian and you were one of the first to join HIS new pack and come here from Ireland, hundreds of years ago when the American west was first being explored. What if you're a spy...a mole, who wants to help Cian destroy my...our new pack?" questioned Finn. He had always liked Dr. Blake but now he was an Alpha and had to look out for his new pack.

"You can never know that for sure, Finn but as an Alpha you have to trust people sometime. It's part of making a new pack. Besides, I want to do something that Cian would never let me, and I think you and your modern ideas just might."

"What's that Henry?" asked Finn.

"I love a woman...a phlebotomist in town. I work with her at the clinic, her husband died several years ago. We've been having an affair for several years. My Siobhan died about ten years back and I love Emma. She's just so sweet. Emma is who I want. She doesn't know I'm a werewolf or anything. She just thinks I'm hesitant because I miss my wife. Any way I love Emma very much and I'd like her to join our new pack." asked Henry.

"Sorry to hear about, Siobhan doc. She was a great lady. Made the best chocolate cake and she was your true mate. I know we wolves, are supposed to have only one true mate in our lifetimes. But, you must really like this lady, Emma. If she's willing to have you and you as a couple are willing to come to Minnesota with us. Then you definitely can be part of our new pack. Maggie and I would love to have you at the family resort we're starting." Finn smiled at Henry. He'd always liked Henry and was glad that Henry would be part of his new pack.

"You and Maggie are starting a resort in Minnesota? That's how you're going to be making money?" asked Henry.

"Sure thing, doc. Lots of open space out in the northern Minnesota woods, swimming, hunting, fishing. We're going to go with a 1950s theme for the resort. Should bring in the tourists. We'll have dances and cars. It's all very vague right now but that's the general idea. Maggie thought of it. She's pretty brilliant that way. There's also plenty of room in those woods for the pack to move out and know be wolves."

"Sounds like fun, Finn. Well, I'll go talk to Emma about me being a werewolf and all. I imagine it'll be a huge shock to her. Wish me luck! Oh, Theo is here too. He has something to ask you...just try to remember that the world has changed alot since you've been away. Try not to judge him by the societal values that were around before. He's a good kid. Talk to you later, Alpha."

With that Dr. Blake left and sent Theo in.

"Hey Finn, how are you doing?" asked Theo. He was shuffling nervously. He had a big move to make and didn't know how it was going to turn out. It was time for him to sink or swim.

"I'd uhmm I'd like to join your new pack." Theo said it really fast. Finn almost didn't hear him.

"What and why?" questioned Finn.

"Well, you know how super traditional Cian is...and I know that he wouldn't approve of my lifestyle or the uhmm guy I think is my true mate." Theo was bright red and couldn't look Finn in the eye.

"The in man you think is your true mate?" questioned Finn. He wanted to make sure he had heard Theo right before he judged him. This was unprecedented in werewolf love. As far as Finn knew there had never been a gay werewolf that he knew about.

"That's uhmm right Finn. I'm gay...I always thought you knew. I was always hitting on you, I thought you were so cool. But, I met Jordan at a club in town and we've hit it off. I think he's my true mate. He doesn't know about me being a werewolf or anything. He just thinks I'm afraid of coming out of the closet. But, I'd like for us to join your new pack."

Theo backed away from Finn towards the door. In Cian's pack he could be instantly killed for such an admission. In Cian's pack, you married a woman/man, had kids and went about your life. Same sex marriage was not a thing and could be punishable by death it definetly meant banishment.

Finn stared at Theo for a LONG time. He personally had nothing against gays. Love was love after all. Finn was just surprised. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. Henry had been right to warn him. The world had changed a lot while he had been imprisoned.

"I'll just go..." said Theo. He was sure Finn would say no. After all, there had never been a gay werewolf in Cian's pack.

"No...wait don't go, if this Jordan will have you then you're more than welcome to be part of our pack if you want. It took alot of balls to tell me that Theo, you're very brave. I'll need a first lieutenant up in Minnesota. The job is yours if you want it. Now go tell this Jordan you're so in love with, all about you. Best of luck!" said Finn. He hoped that Theo and Henry would find his love. Things were turning out great today.

It took about two months, for Finn's meager pack to leave Cheyenne. Emma and Jordan hadn't refused their retrospective lovers and were joining the pack in Minnesota. The newly formed pack loaded up all their worldly belongings and headed out to start their new lives in Northern Minnesota.

Before they left, Maggie cornered Finn.

"Well, Finn before we head out for Minnesota you have to know I got you a present. To celebrate you becoming Alpha, or to celebrate us or whatever now... before you accept it you HAVE to promise me you'll make my ULTIMATE fantasy come true...lots and lots of times...the presents around back." said Maggie as she blindfolded Finn and led him around the apartment block.

When the couple got there, Maggie undid the blindfold. There was a brand new pink Cadalliac.

"There's lots of cool cars, Jags...Mustangs, name it. But, I thought you'd like this one. It's all yours, I hate to sound like your mother but just promise me no drag races. I love you and I worry about you." Maggie hugged Finn as she handed him the keys.

"Oh honey, it's amazing. You know Elvis drove pink caddies. This one SO awesome and tricked out. I promise you, no drag racing and I definitely promise you to make your ultimate fantasies come true in this. How about we start now?" Finn said as he winked at Maggie.

"No complaints here." Maggie pulled Finn into the new caddy and pinned him down against the plush velvet seats.

Finn flipped Maggie around. He liked being on top. Finn kissed Maggie's clavicle, sternum and belly button. Then he made his way further down and licked. Maggie moaned, Finn licked harder and deeper. He began to suck on Maggie's clit. Maggie ran her fingers through his unruly hair and moaned. She wanted to cum badly. Finn wouldn't let her...not yet.

"Just a bit longer, doll." said Finn. Maggie murmured discontendly. She was impatient. He worked his way back up kissing her inner thighs, belly button, sternum and clavicle. Then he kissed her on the mouth. Finn refliped Maggie around so she was on the top. She lay above him and looked at her lover, her Alpha...she looked at her Finn. Then she gently rode him.

Finn looked at Maggie as she gently rode him in ecstasy. She was glorious, a goddess. Maggie was his salvation. Her breasts were bouncing in the afternoon light. Finn had never seen anything as beautiful as this woman. His true mate. Maggie came with a small piercing shriek. Then fell forward onto Finn.

Maggie lay on top of Finn, her tongue snaked out and pushed into Finn's moth. Finn reprociprecated. He kissed her greedily and ran his hands through her long hair. She was so beautiful above him. She was his.

After their afternoon delight the pack left Cheyenne permanently. They found success with The Wolves' Lodge in Minnesota. People came from all around for the wildlife, scenery, activities and 1950s dancing. Everyone in Finn's pack was happy and in love with their mates.

--The End


So I'm thinking of doing a series or at least 2 independent stories for Dr. Blake and for Theo. The thing with Theo is that I'm a straight woman and Theo is a gay man/werewolf. So Idk if I'd be able to do Theo's story justice sexually. His story would be mostly romance. I'd like to hear what my fans think. Thanks! ;)

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Con6969Con69695 months ago

Great story thanks for the hard work

oldpantythiefoldpantythief10 months ago

Should have drugged Cain and stuck him in the cage. Not sure how they haven't missed Finn yet with having to feed him daily, but that's just me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Challenge yourself with the gay/gay wolf relationship even though it is not my interest . I would also like the development of the new clan in Minnesota.

sirgrunt99sirgrunt99about 3 years ago
Go for it

I cant wait to see what happens next of the pack?

bucksumgalbucksumgalover 3 years ago

I thought it would be interesting to read about what happens in Minnesota. And then you said you were thinking about writing stories for the other two pack members. I would say to write what you feel comfortable writing. If you're uncomfortable writing it, we'll probably be uncomfortable reading it because it won't be your best work. If you write the love stories, they will probably take place in Cheyenne. I'm curious about what their first thoughts of Minnesota are. If you have a story to tell, then tell it. Take the time to gain inspiration and then go where the inspiration leads.

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