Husband Figures It Out


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Robert was worked up, he was nearly shouting and let Andrea know in clear terms what he thought. Andrea started to cry.

"Oh Jesus, now the water-works! I know pregnant women are emotional, but really Andrea, did you expect me to sit here and not be hurt by what you did. You cannot for a minute expect that I would forget about Markus. You made me witness him fucking you after you declared yourself his wife. You took off the engagement ring I gave you and your wedding ring and gave them back to me. Seemed pretty final to me at the time."

Andrea was now sobbing uncontrollably. Robert got a tissue box and slid it to her so that she could blow her nose and soak up the tears that were flowing.

Robert sat back in the chair and folded his arms waiting for her to get control and stop crying. He had the most serious look on his face that had been there since he left Atlanta. He got her a glass of water from the water cooler in the room and put it down in front of her.

"Drink this, then I think you need to leave and go back home."

"But Robert, I need to tell you something very important...". He cut her off by holding up his hand.

"Stop now Andrea, I'm not interested in hearing why you felt a need to come all this way to remind me that you are living with another man and having his kid. . Go back to Atlanta and sign the god-damn divorce papers or I will have Roy file a petition with the court telling them that you are pregnant by another man. That's one of the things in Georgia that gets the courts attention real fast."

Robert got up and opened the door for her to leave. Andrea was still crying.

"I will have someone escort you to the front desk and get you a cab."

Robert went to his team and asked the Administrative Assistant, a beautiful young woman named Lisa, if she would mind escorting Andrea to the front door and make sure she gets safely in a taxi to the airport.

She noticed that Robert, looked very unhappy as she went to Andrea and said, "Hello, I'm Lisa and I will help you get to our front desk and call you a cab. I saw that you and Robert were in the conference room together, how do you know him, he is a real wonderful man. I've been trying to get his attention for weeks now but he is so focussed on his work he really hasn't noticed me or anyone else."

Lisa talked a lot and fast; she did that when she was a bit nervous. But she was curious as hell about this very pregnant woman, who she was and her connection to Robert. Andrea was still blowing her nose and just looked straight ahead. "My flight home to Atlanta is not until tomorrow and I don't have a hotel room reserved. Can you tell me a decent hotel to stay at?"

Lisa looked wide eyed, "Just a moment Ma'am." She went to a phone and called Robert to tell him what Andrea had told her.

Robert was not any happier with that gem of news. "Jesus, Ok, I will be right down. Get her a chair until I get there." He exhaled a deep breath and stood up to go to the elevator. His thoughts were all over the place but he focused on the problem at hand - get her a room in the hotel by the airport. She would be on a plane tomorrow and out of his life in short order.

When he got to the lobby, he asked Lisa to call the Marriott at the airport and get her a room, he would pay for it. He looked around for the cab. Lisa was on the phone but nodded and pointed to the cab that was pulling up in front. Robert looked at Andrea, "The cab will take you to the Marriott. A room will be reserved for you by the time you get there. Go home. And sign that paperwork. Get on with your life and let me get on with mine!"

Andrea burst into tears again but with some assistance from Lisa got in the cab. Robert turned away and strode quickly to the elevator. His day was ruined. He wanted to put the last 30 minutes out of his memory. He called his psychologist and set up a time at the end of the day to talk to her. He needed to talk about this. He was afraid something like this might happen and now it had, and he needed to resolve it.

Lisa was curious as hell who the pregnant woman was who was crying in the conference room with Robert. She would eventually find out. For now, it was another item for her to tuck away and bring up over drinks with him sometime. If she got lucky.

Andrea went to the Marriott and checked in. The desk clerk told her that the room was already paid for. Andrea nodded her thanks, took her key and went up. She needed to pee badly; the babies were sitting on her bladder and she had to go almost every hour. After she unpacked her change of clothes and her toothbrush, she called Dr. Leeann. She needed to talk to her soon.

"Things didn't go quite as I had wanted."

Dr. Leeann asked, "did you tell him that he is the father of the babies?"

"No, he is still really angry with me and I couldn't get a word in anywhere to tell him. He has really changed since he left Atlanta."

"How has he changed Andrea?"

Andrea started to tell her what he looks like now and how amazing a transformation he has gone through. She couldn't believe how attractive and sexy he looks. And he is so much more forceful, he has changed so much. She couldn't believe that he was the same man that had started with that ridiculous fetish about having his wife have sex with another man. Why did she listen to him? She should have done something. But in the back of her mind she had to admit that she did love the sex with Markus. His big cock gave her hours of pleasure and the idea of him getting her pregnant struck a chord in her brain that made her cling to him. Early on she had thought that maybe getting pregnant by Markus would serve Robert right for starting that ridiculous cuckold fetish. He started this nonsense and it would serve him right if she were to get pregnant by another man, especially a black man. All that Cuckold Club stuff did add to the game and it clearly had scared the shit out of Robert. It was part of his decision to leave.

Dr. Leeann added, "So, women there are going to find him desirable?"

"Oh yes, I had rehearsed in my mind what I wanted to tell him but when I saw him, I was so amazed I was speechless and screwed up getting the words out."

"What are you going to do?"

Andrea thought for a moment, "He firmly believes that Markus is the father, and why wouldn't he, we did everything possible to convince him of that. I'm not sure what to do next. I'm just going to come home and have my babies and try to figure out what to do."

"Yeah but your children are going to need their father. The hard part will be convincing him that he is the father. Let me think on this a while and I will come see you when you get home."

"OK". She switched off her cell phone and went for another pee. Her main thought was 'what the hell am I going to do now, and why he hell did I let this go so far.' She was regretting not acting to stop everything sooner. Now she was heavily pregnant with twins and the father, her husband, wanted nothing to do with her.

A Week Later

Andrea flew home and tried to go back to getting ready to have babies.

Dr. Leeann was able to use her contacts in the medical community to find out who Robert's psychologist was. She figured that if she were able to talk to Robert, she might be able to tell him the truth about the whole Cuckold Club business and let him know that it was his sperm that got his wife pregnant, not Markus'.

Leeann had to do some careful convincing to Robert's therapist explaining her radical treatment method to cure sexual fetishes. The therapist was listening but since she had not read anything about this in the professional journals and literature, she was doubtful about giving out any confidential information on one of her patients. Eventually she did but cautioned Dr. Leeann that Robert would be very sceptical of anything she would have to say. DNA testing would be the only way that this would be fully resolved.

At the same time Robert's lawyer called to talk to him about the divorce proceedings and the sale of the house. "Robert, we hit a snag with the sale of the house. Seems that Andrea is living there again. I'm not sure when she moved back in, but I drove by your house and her car is in the driveway and the lights are on. What do you want me to do?"

Robert inhaled and exhaled, "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what the fuck is going on with her? Is she still fucking that guy Markus?"

"Jeez Robert, how the fuck would I know"

Robert snorted "come on Roy, you know everything that goes on around our part of the city. I'm sure you can find out."

Roy replied, "Hmmm...I will see what I can find out buddy."

"Thanks Roy, in the meantime get ready to file new paperwork with the court to push this along. I want to move on with life and there are really cute women close by who are flirting with me and I have been ignoring them until I'm free of Andrea."

They thanked each other and ended the call.

Before Robert could think about much else his cellphone rang again. He didn't recognize the number so let it go to his voicemail. When he did check his voicemail later that day it was a call from that woman Leeann. She had been the one from the Cuckold Club that oversaw the 'marriage' of Andrea and Markus. And he stood there like an idiot and watched it all happen.

When they did that marriage ceremony it was as if Robert had been kicked in the gut. He could not breathe, and his heart was beating furiously. He could not fathom that his wife was willingly giving him up in favour of another man and that they were keen for her to get pregnant with his black baby. Jesus! He couldn't believe that he did nothing. He was so ashamed of himself for not being more of man. He was so ashamed that he willingly gave up his wife.

Hindsight is always much clearer than the view of the present.

The message from Leeann was rather cryptic. "Hello Robert, my name is Leeann, or rather Dr. Leeann, you and I met at what you thought was the Cuckold Club meeting at Markus's house about eight months ago. I was the one that oversaw the marriage between Andrea and Markus. You need to understand that was not a real marriage. I need to talk to you to tell you what is really going on with Andrea. Please, please call me." She left her phone number to be reached at.

Robert was already fed up with people trying to make him believe that what he saw was not real. Having your wife tell you and others that she was giving up her marriage to you and declaring herself married to another man is one thing, but then to proudly announce she was pregnant with his baby was another.

Robert thought about all the things that he was working hard to forget, including his whole marriage and especially p the last 18 months. He agonized about calling her. To help him think he got on his new motorcycle and rode the back hills east of the city. It helped to clear his mind and decide what to do.

Robert took two days and thought carefully about what the right thing was to do. In the end he decided to call that so-called Dr. Leeann and hear what she had to say. If he thought she was trying to sell him on a bullshit story to get him to do something that he did not want to do he could easily say 'no'.

Robert called, she answered on the third ring of the phone. "Hello, Dr. Leeann speaking."

Robert hesitated for a couple of seconds and then spoke, "My name is Robert, you called me yesterday saying you had information about Andrea. Before you speak let me tell you right off that this whole mess involving Andrea and I started out at my insistence, but I sense that you already know that."

He continued, "I am responsible for what became the end of our marriage. However, she is also responsible in this as she did nothing to try and save our marriage. She had lots of opportunity to help stop but she chose to go on. She left our marriage for Markus, she moved in with him, handed me the engagement ring and wedding ring I gave her, and declared herself, with your help, married to Markus. She expressed that she wanted a black baby; well now she is pregnant. Clearly, she got her wish. I'm not sure what you could possibly tell me that would change anything." He paused to take a breath and his heart was beating hard in his chest.

"Robert, I have a lot to tell you about Andrea. Yes, she wanted a baby and tried to get pregnant by Markus. She told me that she thought it was wrong, but her infidelity was exciting and thrilled her and it was what you wanted. That sounds pretty screwed up I will admit but I'm a psychiatrist who deals with sexual fetishes and I deal a lot with couples like you and Andrea who eventually are trying to return to a normal life. You have, or had, a mental illness that destroyed your ability to know what was normal for a married couple. I'm sure you and your therapist have talked a lot about that and I know you are working very hard to be a different man. But you have to know what Andrea has been doing."

She stopped to catch her breath. Robert broke in, "Doctor, what she has been doing for the last year is not my concern, or my business. We are not a couple anymore. She is living with her boyfriend Markus and is pregnant with his child. End of story!" Robert was almost shouting into the phone.

Leeann shouted back to Robert, "No she's not!"

Robert was silent for few seconds and then spoke, "What are you talking about? She came here 10 days ago and is very pregnant, it's hard to fake that sort of thing."

"I'm telling you that Andrea is not living with Markus, and her babies, yes she is having twins, are not his. They are yours. Jesus, would you shut up and let me explain!"

Robert took a deep breath, "I'm all ears Doctor."

Leeann went into detail and told Robert everything. Andrea had contacted Leeann after she started having sex with Markus. She knew in her heart that it was wrong, but her own fetish and desire was controlling her. She didn't know what to do. Markus was having fun having sex with her and while he was aware of Andrea's desire to end it, he did take advantage of her. He kept a secret from her that he was sterile, he does not produce sperm. Something to do with an injury from his time in the Army. When they staged the marriage after the Cuckold Club thing, they thought you might fight for her and take her home, but you didn't, and she didn't know how to react. She tried to push you to action by moving in with Markus, but you retreated and then left."

Robert had a question, "if Markus is sterile, who is the father of her babies?"

"You, you big dope!"

"What the hell are you talking about; I haven't had intercourse with her in over a year!"

Robert had to remember to breathe and there was a ringing in his ears. His hands were shaking. He was having trouble taking all this in and organizing his thoughts. Everything that he believed about Andrea was being challenged.

"Do you remember the night when I staged the marriage ceremony between Andrea and Markus? Well, also remember that I got you to ejaculate into a glass container. Right after I sealed it and froze your sperm. Two weeks later your sperm was put in Andrea by in-vitro fertilization. She got pregnant right away. She is having twins. Not long after she found out she was pregnant she knew that she has to tell you, so she went home, but you had left. She moved her things back home that day and she has not had sex with Markus or anyone else since. She realized that the game to get you to come to your senses had gone on far too long."

Robert was dumbstruck by the news.

"It took a while to find you. Your lawyer friend sent divorce papers to her a week after you left. Robert, Andrea still loves you and she wants you. You have two children who are going to be born in a few weeks. Get your ass back here!"

Finally, he said, "Oh My God, I was so fucked up. Look at the mess I created. What the fuck have I done." He didn't intend his words to be a question but more a statement of fact.

"If I come back there now what am I supposed to do?"

"Jesus, Robert, that's simple. Be a husband and a father. It's as simple as that. Millions of men do it every day. Why can't you? Get on an airplane and get back here. Oh, Markus has moved; you won't have to see or deal with him."

"I will be there tomorrow."

"I won't tell her that you are coming."

Robert called an airline and booked a flight for the next morning. He talked to his boss who was very supportive, especially since Robert was one of his best engineers and would work from his laptop while he was away. He also called Roy and told him to hold off on the divorce and house sale.

Robert wasn't quite sure what he was going to do when he got back to Atlanta, but he figured that the best place to start was to go see Andrea and apologize for screwing up their marriage. Then go from there.

The Next Day

During the flight he rehearsed what he was going to say to her. It was all got forgotten when he got to the front door of his house. He pushed the button for the doorbell and held his breath. Her car was in the driveway, so she probably was home. He could hear footsteps and then the door opened.

Andrea was surprised to see him. Her eyes were wide, and her hand covered her mouth.

"Robert, what...what are you doing here?"

"Yesterday I got a call from a woman named Leeann, who claimed to be a real psychiatrist, to tell me that my wife is having twin babies and that I am going to be a father. She told me a bunch of other stuff, but the result is that I needed to come back and see if there is a chance that we can be a family. Andrea, I have screwed up our marriage in a very big way and for that I am so sorry. I came back to find out if you will take me back. Andrea, will you be my wife?"

Andrea was weak at the knees and had to sit down. Robert took her arm and helped her to a chair. Her face was flushed, and she looked like she was going to pass out. Robert went to the kitchen and got her a glass of ice water.

Five weeks later two healthy girls were born. A month after that Robert, Andrea and their babies moved from Atlanta to a new house in San Jose.

They made a vow of monogamy to each other and to get expert help if they need it. They see a counsellor to make sure there is no chance of any other fetishes interfering in their lives. They act like newlyweds and fuck each other's brains out several times a week. More babies are on the way.

The End

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redboat7redboat76 days ago

I like this Comment.(Anonymous4 days ago

Anyone else have some problems with the fact that the doctor harvested his sperm under false pretences and she & his wife had her artificially inseminated without any kind of discussion?

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Anyone else have some problems with the fact that the doctor harvested his sperm under false pretences and she & his wife had her artificially inseminated without any kind of discussion?

MountainMan1336MountainMan133613 days ago

I gave this story three stars only because of the whole cuckold thing. Well, that and Robert was a very weak person. I can't imagine how any man would want to see his wife having sex with another man. I also think since Andrea also wanted to have sex with Marcus, Robert should have kicked her to the curb and said "sue me for child support bitch."

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Americans and their fetishes. Would have made a better story if Marcus hadn't known and the pregnancy was from a pity/reclaiming session. So Marcus and Andrea get married and out pop white twins. Making Marcus the 'traditional' and only true cuckold in the whole sordid affair.

As the icing on the top of the shit sandwich would be poor Andrea suffering from incontinence, uti's and general discomfort due to not only having twins, but mainly from destroying herself through being a size queen.

Anyhoo, the medicalisation of behaviours is a weirdly 'communist' thing for the people in the free world to be getting up to.

Either you have a freewill and are responsible for you actions or you don't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

No F'ing way. babies inseminated under false pretenses. Divorce and let her take care off them.

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