Husband Has a Limit


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The fact that Jacob had just had the best sex of his entire life was not lost on him. He began to think that maybe being in this sort of marriage would be fine. It might take some adjustment, but he was not totally against making compromises for the woman that he loved. And besides, what man doesn't make concessions for the woman that he loves.

Her talk made Jacob reassess his expectations for marriage. He loved Olivia, or at least thought he did. Could he live in that kind of relationship? Could he essentially give up control, not just over the relationship but over himself? Wasn't marriage supposed to be an equal partnership with a foundation built on love and caring for the other person? This was a difficult problem. He was not sure how he felt about that kind of commitment.

Jacob often had to travel with his work so when he left the next Monday, Olivia told him to think very carefully about what it was that he wanted and if he loved her enough to give her control of their marriage.

As he was leaving, she kissed him deeply with a lot of tongue, holding him and whispering in his ear that she loved him. She held him tight to her body so that he could feel her heat and said that she was sure he would make the right decision.

Jacob was gone for four days and had a hard time concentrating on his work. The entire time he was distracted with the notion of a marriage to Olivia based on a FemDom Marriage Contract. Olivia was very sure that Jacob would bend to her wishes and sign the Marriage Contract. She was so sure she started making plans for the wedding.

When Jacob got home from his work trip he went to Olivia. He took her to dinner at one of their favorite restaurants, and after some small talk about their week apart and what they did, he got to the subject that they both wanted to discuss.

"Olivia, I've thought a lot about you this week and the idea of signing a marriage contract and what it would mean for us. Are you certain that you need this for us to be married?"

"Oh Sweetie, you know me well enough to know that, first and foremost, I love you so much. I also know that this will be good for us and let us flourish as a couple and eventually as a family."

"Okay." Jacob told her that he was willing to sign the FemDom marriage contract. He got down on one knee and for a second time asked her to marry him. That was the start of the end for Jacob.

Olivia was ecstatic that she had won. That night she took Jacob to bed and had him use his mouth and tongue on her clit and pussy for over an hour before he was able to put his cock in her. He was so worked up that he came within a few minutes. Olivia was smiling both inwardly and outwardly as she knew that she was truly the Dominant and her new husband was the submissive.


The Marriage Contract:

This is an agreement between a wife and husband: Olivia and Jacob. This agreement lays out the terms, responsibilities and commitments of their loving female dominated marriage.

Husband agreement:

I, Jacob, believe and realize the female gender to be the superior gender and thus I agree to take on the role of the submissive in my marriage to Olivia.

I will always love, cherish, honor and obey Olivia, in all things, now and forever.

I will obey Olivia in all things and submit to her full authority. Her word will be my law in our marriage, and I will obey her every word.

I agree to submit to the following conditions:

a) I will surrender over to her all my earthly possessions. From this day forward I own nothing, and Olivia owns everything,

b) I agree that all that I earn financially belongs to Olivia. She may use my earnings in any way that she feels is necessary for our benefit,

c) I agree to do all domestic duties, chores and tasks that she assigns to me,

d) I surrender all my free time to Olivia. She will dictate the schedule that I will follow. She will decide for me how I may use my time,

e) I agree that sex is for the Olivia's pleasure, thus I will sexually satisfy my wife whenever and however she
requires it. I will remain monogamous in our marriage, but my wife has the right to have sexual relations with anyone that she so desires.

f) I surrender my body to Olivia. She owns my body and thus she owns my sex life. I agree to waive all my rights to sexual gratification. I accept her judgment and her authority over if, when, and how I may receive sexual release.

g) I realize that in order to fulfill my potential as Olivia's husband, I must live a disciplined life. Therefore, I consent to regular discipline sessions that my wife will utilize to train, teach and guide me. The particulars of the discipline sessions will be totally up to my wife's discretion and that her discipline will be done to solidify our relationship and will always be carried out with love, concern and to make me a better husband.

h) I may, from time to time, be punished for serious breaches of this agreement or should I disobey my wife in any matter, order or direction. My wife will determine the nature and severity of the punishment. I understand that any punishment that she may give me will be with love and will be applied to help me develop as a husband and to strengthen our marriage.

I, Jacob, being of sound mind, freely and completely agree to all the terms listed above. I enter into this agreement willingly.

Wife agreement:

I, Olivia, as a superior female, will always take the role of the Dominant partner in my marriage to Jacob.

I will hold Jacob to all the terms and conditions of this contract.

I will love, nurture and cherish him.

In addition to ensuring that Jacob lives up to his agreement in this contract, I agree to the following:

a) Because sex is for my pleasure in our marriage, I will not allow my husband sexual release until I determine that it is both merited and deserving. I believe that this is necessary for him to be an obedient husband. I may allow him sexual relief on those occasions I deem appropriate or to meet my sexual needs. I will determine if, when, and how his sexual release will occur.

b) I will not tolerate masturbation by Jacob, so if I ever see any evidence that Jacob cannot control himself, I will require that he wear a chastity device. I will control and monitor his orgasms.

c) I will discipline Jacob to show my love of him, guide him, teach him and guarantee his obedience, but I will balance the discipline with love and nurturing. I believe that love and discipline go hand and hand.

d) As a liberated wife, I believe that I have the right to have other lovers if I should so choose. I may or may not ever exercise this right but if I do decide to exercise this right, I will only do so to strengthen our marriage.

e) I believe that how I conduct my role in our marriage reflects my belief and attitude about society and the roles of females and males. Therefore, I will require that Jacob perform most of the household and domestic chores as an outward sign to society that the husband is in submission to the wife.

f) I will always demand obedience from my husband in all things and I will require his submission to me and my word.

g) I will rule my husband with love and care for his health, well-being and development.

I, Olivia, being of sound mind agree to all the terms in this contract.


So, that was the FemDom Marriage Contract that Olivia and Jacob signed. It was witnessed by a friend of Olivia's who also followed the same Female Supremacist lifestyle with her husband.

They were married soon after in a small ceremony attended by family, several of Olivia's friends, who were also Female Supremacists, and a couple of Jacobs friends.

Olivia was stunning in a beautiful white dress and Jacob was incredibly handsome in his black tuxedo. They had a great celebration with their guests to mark the start of their marriage.

Publicly they were a happy couple and honeymooned in Spain and Portugal for three weeks to celebrate their marriage. Jacob knew that he had made a commitment to Olivia that was very much beyond the normal vows that couples make to each other when they marry.

The FemDom Marriage Contract endowed Olivia with incredible authority over Jacob in the relationship. It stressed the concept of 'loving' female domination. At least that was what was talked about in the books about female domination.

But really, was that just a cover to allow Olivia the ability to be unfaithful to her husband while insisting that he be the opposite. An open marriage allows both wife and husband to take other lovers. This arrangement gave all the benefit to the wife. Is that 'loving' female domination? That was a good question for anyone that believed that Female Supremacy brought with it the ability to ignore basic human-nature considerations that have been the foundation of marriage for centuries.

For most of us marriage brings with it the expectation of monogamy. We all believe that we start out with the intent to be faithful to one another. All too often people are distracted or bored or easily tempted and stray. But this was giving permission before the marriage. No, this was the taking of the right to be adulterous ahead of time. Only it was for the benefit of the wife and not the husband. What sort of marriage can withstand that condition? The possibility of there being problems was enormous. What about sexually transmitted diseases? Unwanted pregnancy? Hooking up with someone who was violent? All sorts of problems were possible.

A week after they were married and while they were on their honeymoon in Spain Olivia announced to Jacob that it was time for his first weekly discipline session. He was to strip naked and position himself on his knees on the armchair in the center of the room facing the back of the chair.

They were in a very nice hotel room on the coast of Spain and the walls were thick, so Olivia felt that this was the proper time to introduce her husband to his new routine. She told him to hug the back of the chair and make sure his behind was up high enough so that she could land the paddle in the proper place.

Olivia had packed a wooden paddle that she bought specifically for the purpose of disciplining her husband.

She caressed his ass with her hand all the while explaining to him that this regular discipline was to train him to be an obedient husband and to be mindful of all things that his wife says to him. Olivia explained that she was doing this out of love and respect for him and she wanted him to accept her discipline and learn from it. He would see the benefit and be thankful for the opportunity to serve her in this way.

Jacob swallowed hard and remembered that part of the FemDom Marriage Contract that he signed two weeks ago, just before they were married. The contract was specific that his wife could discipline and punish him in whatever manner she deemed fit to build on their D/s marriage and reinforce her role as the boss.

Well, this was going to be the first real time where he is truly submissive to his new wife as she claims her right to dominate him. A right that he has recognized and agreed to.

His heart was beating fast and he was nervous about getting disciplined and worried about the pain. Could he handle it? Would he be a man and take it without any noticeable effect or would he crumble to the paddling that he was about to experience. He sure hoped that she remembered the 'loving' part when she was disciplining him.

With that she landed the first stroke to his ass. He felt the paddle impact his butt, but it didn't hurt much so he didn't make any noise or move his bum. Olivia told him that she wanted him to count the strokes and thank her after each one.

Whack, "Two, thank you Ma'am."

He was to call her 'Ma'am' when he was being disciplined.

This was the first time that Olivia had ever paddled a man's ass, so, as she got used to swinging the paddle, she also did it with more force. She wanted Jacob to know full-well at the end of the discipline session that he had been trained by his wife. She wanted his ass to hurt for a while as a reminder that she was in charge.

Whack! "Three, thank you Ma'am"

Whack! "Four, thank you Ma'am"

Whack! "Five, thank you Ma'am"

And on it went. His face was showing the pain that he was feeling with each new blow. His face was scrunched up and it took some effort for him to remember the number that she was at.

When she got about fifteen, he was starting to really hurt and groaning more with each successive blow. Jacob was breathing hard.

When she was done Olivia rubbed her hand over his ass to feel the heat of his skin created by the paddle and told him that he could get up from the chair.

Jacob stood, his face was flushed, he was sweating just a bit and breathing hard. Olivia took him in her arms, kissed him passionately on the mouth and told him how proud she was of him for taking his first discipline so well. She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his back to his ass. Jacob was hers at that moment to do with as she wanted.

Paddling Jacob's ass made Olivia extremely wet between her legs and she needed Jacob to satisfy her. She led him to the bed and told him to undress her. He took her clothes off and then she laid on the bed, spread her legs and pulled his head in to her pussy. Jacob put his mouth and tongue to work on her pussy lips and clitoris.

Olivia was so excited from disciplining Jacob that it only took a few minutes for her to have a thundering orgasm. Her second orgasm took only a few more minutes. She ran her hands through his hair and pulled her husband in as tight as she could. Jacob had to pull back occasionally to get a breath and then keep going. Thirty minutes later she had had several more orgasms, she lost count, she pulled Jacob up and told him to enter her. Jacob was as hard as a rock and ready to spurt his load of sperm into her. He had to concentrate so that he would last for as long song as possible.

Olivia was very pleased with her husband's sexual performance that day. When they finished, they were both exhausted but energized at the same time. Olivia had been transported to a sexual high by the feeling of power and control that she had over her husband. He was hers to command and hers to use for her pleasure.

She had enjoyed the feeling of her husband's cock in her vagina but that was overtaken by the ecstasy of seeing his head between her legs and his mouth hard at work to give her orgasm after delicious orgasm. Olivia knew that oral sex was going to be her favorite method of sexual release for the foreseeable future.

The other sexual high that Olivia experienced was the feeling of power that came with the ability to dictate to her husband when and how she would discipline him and how hard. She went to a place that could only be described as euphoric as she wielded the paddle and listened to Jacob's groans as he counted the number of strokes of the paddle and thanked her for each one. The D/s folks call it subspace. The outside world was blocked out and she lived in the moment. The feeling of power and control made her wet with the expectation that Jacob was hers to do with as she wished.

Jacob was unsure how he was going to adapt to being disciplined by his wife. He had agreed to it so for now he would accept her authority and remember that he signed away his ability to decide what happens in the marriage. She was the boss and he had to do whatever she ordered. He told himself that her love for him, and the wonderful sex that they shared, was worth the price of giving her control of their marriage.

They travelled around Spain and Portugal like any other newly married couple who were obviously much in love. Jacob paid complete and total attention to Olivia and it was clear that she reveled in his love and adoration. He held doors, pulled out chairs for her in restaurants and anywhere else they went. They held hands constantly and he made sure that her needs were taken care of all the time. Mind you, what he did for his wife was really no different than what any other new husband would do for a woman that he was in love with. His love for her was cemented with the idea that if he failed to meet her expectations, he was certain to feel the result of that disappointment in a vary tangible and painful way.

Jacob was disciplined by Olivia twice more while on their honeymoon. At the second discipline session Olivia stepped up the effort that she put in each of the strokes of the paddle that she used on Jacob's ass. He was noticeably hurting at the end of the session. Olivia, again, hugged him to her body and kissed him and whispered in his ear that she loved him and was proud that he was willing to bend to her and her leadership of their marriage. She took him to the bed, and they made love for several hours.

The Female Supremacist teachings stressed the importance of imprinting in Jacobs brain the link between discipline, love and wonderful, euphoric sex. The more they were linked together; the more willing Jacob was to accept discipline and Olivia's authority and rule of their marriage.

The third discipline session was just before they had to return home. The long flight home was a bit tedious since his bum was still sensitive from being paddled. Olivia noticed that Jacob got up frequently to stretch his legs and squirmed quite a bit in his seat. She smiled to herself that she had succeeded in her effort to assert her dominance.

When they got home, their lives, by necessity, returned to a degree of normalcy in that both returned to their professions by day. Olivia and Jacob went back to the routine of work and daily living. Jacob had several major projects on his schedule and Olivia was beginning another teaching term at the university.

Olivia was interested in contacting a FemDom group in Phoenix so that she could find other women that were also Female Supremacists and who dominate their husbands or boyfriends. She wanted to share her new experiences and to find out just how other couples managed female led marriages.

Olivia had several cycling events that she planned to participate in and wanted Jacob to step up his game and train harder to become more competitive. He was quite receptive to the idea and was soon training daily to improve his endurance and speed. He was also getting used to the new load of chores that Olivia expected him to do around their house.

Olivia decided to load Jacob up with household duties in a gradual phased approach. To expect him to do everything all at once would be unproductive to her plan to dominate him, so she decided to work slowly by having him do all the cooking, laundry, cleaning and food shopping one item at a time.

She did her part early on but would ask him in a very nice way if he could do this thing or that thing. She wasn't unreasonable in her requests. She didn't ask anything that other married men have not been asked to do. The devil in the detail was that after about six months Jacob was doing it all. Olivia's share of their domestic responsibly had reduced so she was enjoying herself and her chosen recreation activities.

Jacob usually got up at 5 AM and got to his daily routine. First was to provide oral sex to his wife - and really, what man doesn't like to start his day eating wonderful pussy, especially when your wife is slim, fit, gorgeous and her pussy is as smooth as her shapely bottom and has a delicious taste.

Next, he showered, made breakfast for his wife and got a bite to eat himself, got ready to go to his office, made sure that the dishwasher and washer were loaded and turned on, the house was tidy, and he had a plan for dinner. Then it was off to work, and he normally put in a full day there, and then off to the gym for a quick workout or out cycling with Olivia.