Husband with Testing Device Ch. 02


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"I did, didn't I?"

"You did. Were you serious? Because I was kind of hoping that you would want to sooner rather than later."

"Really," I asked in the form of a statement.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Yes. Really. I just want to know, honey." I was treated to another kiss, this one far more sensual. "I've been thinking about it off and on all day," she clarified, looking deep into my eyes.

Well, that certainly meant something. As busy as she had been, for her to devote any time to think about any form of getting it on with me? That's one hell of a compliment.

"I didn't realize you liked it that much," I told her as I took her hand and led her into the living room. I was not in any way surprised, of course. Before I had swapped our plumbing, I enjoyed receiving fellatio at least as much as I enjoyed either anal or vaginal sex. So of course, it made sense that a blowjob, the first one that I had given her in this new reality, was pretty high on her priority list.

I kissed her with passion once we stood in front of the couch. It was pretty strange still having the masculine role while still being six inches taller than she was, but at the same time wearing a sexy pair of panties with a matching bra, and her pussy while having feminine, smooth, hairless skin. Which only made it hotter. I was getting wet as she turned me on, grinding her hard cock against me. She was short, only about five feet, four inches tall, but her legs were very long for her height, and so our hips were at about the same height when we stood face to face.

"Mmmmhh..." she moaned into our kiss as my hand made its way to her pants and undid the button then slowly lowered the zipper. I reached inside and palmed her length and she moaned again.

I broke the kiss off and moved my kisses to her neck. "Maybe," I murmured, my hands reluctant to leave her hardness but beginning to tug down at her waistband, "we," *kiss* "should," *kiss* "get these off of you," *kiss* "and get you sitting down," I concluded. Her jeans slid down her thighs to pool around her knees. I gave her a gentle nudge and she grinned at me, going along and plopping down on the couch with her legs spread and what used to be my cock standing proud between them.

I grinned and knelt in front of her, working her jeans down so they were down around her ankles. Jess kicked her sandals off and quickly shed the pants entirely. Her eyes were half-lidded and her throbbing dick showed me just how much I was turning her on. That was a two-way street: what little fabric made up my panties was damp between my now hairless thighs.

I gave her a grin and kissed my way up the inside of her thigh, then stopped just short of her shaft, slowly pulling back so that I could do the same on her other leg. She groaned and I could see a drop of precum pooled in her foreskin. I got up and gave my wife a quick but passionate kiss on the lips, then got back on my knees.

I kept my eyes locked on hers as I told her, "I love you so much," before plunging her cock into my mouth. She gasped. At the same time, I wrapped a hand around her shaft and used it to pull her foreskin down so that it followed my lips on their journey.

"Ohhhh, Mitch...I love you, too," she moaned. "God, that's so good!"

I re-established eye contact and gave her a slow wink as I went down on my sexy t-girl wife, fondling her scrotum with my other hand just as I had the night before. Within a few minutes, I was really worked up and I had a very clear taste of precum on my tongue, meaning that she was, too. The muscles in my box were starting to clench on their own and I couldn't help but squeeze my thighs together. There felt like that familiar building in my core at the same time that Jessica's breathing was starting to get irregular.

"Mmm-hmm..." I moaned around her length while she uttered wordless signals of how good she felt.

"Ohhhh,'re gonna make me come so hard," she breathed.

"MMMM!" was my reply around her thickness. My pace had picked up a lot and I was slurping a little. My cunt was fluttering with arousal as hot as this was for me. I had a pussy, I was wearing a bra and panties under my male clothes, I had soft, feminine skin, and I was plunging my wife's hard cock in and out of my mouth.

Her hips jerked and it was all over for both of us. "Fuck!" she grunted. I made a deep voice squeal when her first spurt hit my tongue. I felt a surge of wetness in my panties as my muscles started convulsing. Not just in my pussy, but my thighs, hips, and abdominal muscles were all going crazy. I swallowed her delicious load as though I was dying of thirst and her load was the only thing that could satisfy my need.

I was trembling as she was firm but gentle in stopping me. I gasped once she was out of my mouth. "I can only take so much, baby," she panted. "But that was...WOW!"

I grinned. "I love you. And you made me come again."

It was her turn to smile. "That's really sexy. I'm glad you enjoy it as much as I do."

"I think I like it more," I countered.

"Impossible. That's probably the best orgasm I've ever had. Maybe tied with last night."

"Agree to disagree, I guess. But I'm confident that your opinion is wrong," I told her as I stuck my tongue out.

Mustering the energy to get her jeans on, she stuck hers out at me in response.

I stood up. "I need to go brush my teeth. I don't want anyone smelling your cum on my breath."

My lovely wife cracked up. "Yeah, we can't have that, can we?"

"It's just not proper, my dear," I told her in my haughtiest British accent. That sent her into another round of laughter.

I was serious, though. It was sexy enough to get me off when she came in my mouth, something that had never happened to me when she'd gone down on me before we had swapped, but it left a funny aftertaste. Besides, I really didn't want to have semen breath. Even though I knew that the world didn't think anything strange about the consequences of our unique genitalia, it was still a pretty slutty or sleazy thing to do to advertise that you had just had oral sex with your significant other before going out in public.

Once I had finished and had used the bathroom, I joined her near the front door. It had been crazy sexy seeing a black lacy thong instead of my usual boxers around my ankles as I had relieved myself. While it wasn't exactly comfortable, it felt perfectly natural to have a bra on under my t-shirt, even though it pushed the fabric out slightly where breasts would be if I had any. That was on the to-do list.

We went to the pub and it was packed, being the beginning of the tourist season. There were plenty of attractive people amongst the patrons, both male and female. I kept the device handy, ready for a swapping opportunity.

Another beautiful customer walked in. She wasn't classically pretty, but she had kind of a MILF vibe going on. Her hips weren't as great as Jessica's, she wasn't short enough for my taste, and her legs were more slender than I liked it, but she had the face of an angel. Then my gaze landed on her chest. Just when I had thought that Holly's tits at work were great, maybe even almost as great as my wife's, I saw this pair.

They moved in such a sexy when she moved. That was the first thing that I noticed. Just the right amount of bounce. They weren't titanic boobs like those that Jess had; they were probably D-cups. But they looked so supple. She sat down with a friend and something occurred to me, so I stopped staring and looked around the room for someone else to try another thing I had thought of. There was another patron with a nice rack.


I now had a decent pair or breasts to fill my bra. I managed check how sensitive the nipples were in a surreptitious way and a shiver ran through my body, sending a jolt directly to my clit. I quickly adjusted the controls to swap my nips with Jess and hit the button.


A few years before we had met, Jess had needed surgery on her breasts, and an unfortunate side effect was that her nipples had been surgically removed and then reattached. So she had lost a lot of sensation. I loved sucking on her nipples even before having this device, but it never really did much to excite or titillate her. Another check of how sensitive her nipples were on my swapped cans revealed that they didn't do much of anything for me, either. Perfect.


There, now the owner had her breasts back but Jess still had those sensitive nipples. I looked back and the beauty who had walked in a few minutes before was engaged in an animated conversation with her friend. I felt a pang of guilt but the throbbing between my hairless legs overruled that and then


her tits were under my lacy bra, now attached to my body. I looked around in a near panic to see what the consequences were besides how hot the device was getting. I stuffed it into a pocket to cool off as I scanned the room.

Jess was still talking with our friend about her dog. My buddy was still being a wise-ass and cracking jokes here and there. No change in any of their demeanors. A further check of the room revealed that despite me having what I figured were probably a pair of healthy C-cups, no one seemed to care that the pretty woman now had an utterly flat chest while my t-shirt was curved out nicely. Calling it cross-dressing was getting less and less accurate and I was pretty OK with that.

I still wanted to try swapping out some of the female customers' sexual interests while Jess was there so if I found one that matched up with my desires it would be trivial to swap it with hers.


This one just liked it rough. Not into bondage, she just liked being fucked hard and deep. That was cool, but not what I was looking for.



This one wasn't adventurous at all. Nope.



Promising. I thought about anal and was ambivalent. Bondage was fine, too, just nothing special. Apparently, she was fine with doing things as long as it made her partner happy. That was good, but still not what I was looking for.


I found another one.


Jackpot! The moment I thought about someone tying me down, I started getting damp. I got fully wet when I thought about being penetrated anally. Being controlled in general, and submitting? More wetness. Being dominant? Not as strong a response when I thought about it, but it did still turn me on. Hmmm...what about stuff I think is gross? I thought about peeing on someone or someone urinating on me and was just as grossed out now as I had been. No judgement if that is what you're into, but that's not something I wanted my wife to desire. Straight up nasty for me.

What about fisting? A minor twitch. Interesting but not a kink. Then I thought about not just being tied up, but having clamps on my nipples. The response my cunt gave was impressive in both wetness and involuntary flexing of muscles. What about that combined with a butt plug? Oh shit...I bit my lip because I was getting pretty turned on, now. That plus another clamp on my clit? Fuck...I had to stop myself from heading to the bathroom and jilling off right away. This woman was a freak in all the ways that I wanted Jessica to be.


I swapped her sexuality with mine again so I had mine back, then adjusted the dials and pointed it at my wife. I sure hope I have this set right, I thought, and pushed the button.


There was nothing that changed immediately. At least nothing that I noticed. Jess had been in a conversation with some of our friends, but she looked over at me with lust-lidded eyes and bit her lip as she gave me a smoldering look deep in my eyes. I was still wet but that look added to it. I wondered if she was hard.

It took a lot of effort, but I managed to not simply run into the bathroom to finger myself to what would certainly be another powerful orgasm and refocused on the experience of enjoying trivia with our friends.

Trivia wrapped up, we said our goodbyes to our friends until the next week, and we headed to the car. On the way home, I gulped and asked Jess a question.

"Um...have you ever thought about...what it might be like to switch a part of your body with someone else? Like if you thought some girl had better...toes or something, you could swap yours with hers? Has that ever crossed your mind?" my husband asked from the passenger seat. He'd had just enough beers at the pub to probably be over the legal limit and I hadn't had quite that many, so I was driving us home.

It was not easy, since the looks he had been giving me were sexy as all getout, and so my dick was making a somewhat uncomfortable bulge in my jeans, but I thought about what he had asked.

"I guess maybe at some point, but not really, at least not recently," was the best I could do. "Why? Is there something like my toes you don't like?" I have never liked my body as much as he says he does.

"What?! No! Of course not! It's a hypothetical, baby! I'm just trying to give you an example. I'm not into sucking on someone's toes, but there's nothing wrong with yours. Or any part of you," he clenched his thighs together, something that never failed to make my cock twitch and my nipples crinkle.

"Are you sure?" Talking about my body has never been something that I have enjoyed much.

He kissed me as deeply as he could without risking harm to the car, the public, or us while I was driving. "I couldn't mean that more. I was just thinking out loud and picked a bad example, I guess."

He was so sweet. I am not a small girl but he looks at me as if I'm a supermodel. I weigh a lot more than I would like. I'm not tall so I can't spread that weight out over a long frame, either. But he looks at me like most men would look at Heidi Klum. I don't see it, but judging by how wet that tight little pussy of his gets and how hard he comes when he's riding my dick, I do believe that it's based in reality. At least somewhat. I'm not convinced that being his "curvy sexpot wife" or whatever term he's using is accurate, but I'm very happy he's happy with my body. At least one of us is.

Don't get me wrong: I take very good care of my skin. And he loves big tits, and mine definitely are that. His much more manly breasts are a considerably smaller C-cup, definitely a more masculine size. But there are things about my body that I don't like or that I'm not comfortable with. Like my weight. I feel like I'm too heavy for where I should be. I mean, yes, from behind, I do have an hourglass figure, but there are...let's just say that there's more of me than I want there to be.

Anyway. "Then what did you mean?"

He blushed a deep red and appeared to be trying hard to figure out how to put what he wanted to say. He's so cute when he's nervous, especially when he clenches his thighs together the way that he was doing. My junk twitched in response. I had to adjust where my penis was in my jeans to accommodate its harder state.

"What if, hypothetically, you could take any part of you that you wanted, a body part or piece of your personality, whatever, and just switch it with someone else's? Like if I wanted your chest on my body and I could switch it, you'd get mine. Ever thought about something like that?"

I tried hard but had to answer, "I can't think of a time that I've thought about that. Really, Mitch. Why are you asking about this?"

He took a deep breath. I loved the way that moved the material of his shirt over his masculine boobs. "I can do that."

"Do what?" What the hell was he going on about?

"I have something that can swap anything on anyone's body on to someone else's."

Now that was funny. After I had a good laugh, one that I could feel make my H-cup boobs shake a little, I said, "Sure. And I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd love to sell you."

He rolled his eyes and stared out the window. "Dammit," he muttered. To me: "Fine. I'll show you." I thought that I heard a faint kind of


sound, but it may have been a figment of my imagination.


"See what?" I asked, totally confused. He looked so cute when he was exasperated, his long blonde tresses looking so manlike the way they framed his face and fell on to his virile breasts.

"Shit. You don't see anything different about me?"

I laughed. Maybe it was some kind of prank. "No, of course not. I thought that I told you how much I like your new haircut. The old one was getting, well, not stale, but it was a look you'd had for a while."

"Arrgh!" he groaned, rolling his eyes. "So you don't notice anything different?"

"Of course not," I told him. "Nothing has changed." And it hadn't. He was still the picture of masculinity, from his soft, wavy blonde locks to his macho C-cup boobies in his mannish black lace bra, to his smooth skin, to the manly lacy thong he was wearing. What wasn't to like? In fact, after taking inventory like that, despite his epic blowjob earlier, I was starting to get even harder.

"Dammit!" he nearly hollered. "Maybe you have to touch it or something," I heard him mutter as he grabbed my hand.

"Mitchell, I'm driving!" I cried, but it happened a split second later.


Suddenly I was the one with the blonde hair. He had my difficult to control light brown hair. It was even in the style that I had left the house in.

What the hell was that?!

"Mitch, what the fuck was that?" I cried.

He had this weird look of vindication on his face. "Oh, good. What's different?"

"Your...your hair..." I stammered. How could this even be possible?!

He now looked relieved. His significant chest deflated. "Thank deity...I'm not the only one who can see it this time."

Now I was confused. "Huh?"

He grinned and took my hand. "Honey, yesterday I was given a device that swaps things. Between people. So I can do what I just did with our hair between my skin and some random person's, or what kind of underwear you wear—or don't—and switch it with someone else...I haven't even thought of all the possibilities," he concluded. He was squeezing his thighs together and his nipples were poking out through his shirt. God, I just wanted to get home so he could tie me up and take me however he wanted! At the same time, my cock and my own nipples were getting harder and harder.

Focus, Jessica. "What do you mean, 'swaps things'?" I asked as I backed into the driveway.

He paused and headed inside so I followed. Once we were inside, he turned to me. "You know I'm not a big fan of own my toes, actually, right?"

"I guess, sure."

"So if I saw someone who had toes that I would be happier with, I would take this thing," he said, gesturing to a cobbled-together looking box with knobs, buttons, and switches on it haphazardly that he pulled from his cargo pocket. It seriously looked like something you would build with leftovers from another project or whatever you could find in the bargain bin at Fry's Electronics. "And I would set it just right, and then push this button. I don't know how it does it, but it does."

I licked my lips watching the way that his chest jiggled as he opened the fridge and grabbed each of us a beer. As he poured mine into the glass I liked that one in, I asked, "And then what? You just have that body part?"

"Ten in this case, but yes. I have no idea how it works. Apparently, another thing about it is that unless you're touching this thing," he indicated the device, "everyone else's perception of reality changes to make that swap make sense. That's why you didn't notice when I swapped my own hair with that blonde girl's on the way home."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. This was absurd. "You've always had long, soft blonde hair, honey. It's one of those manly things I like about you," I replied.