Husband's Awakening


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I got there in time to have breakfast before having a good sleep until a pleasant lunch with my host. After that, I felt much better so it was time to have a long walk and do some thinking about the future.

I was disappointed in myself for being a naive wimp who hadn't seen any pattern in Johanna's excuses for no sex and never suspected her for doing what she did. But then I defended that with the realiztion that except for the lack of sex, there had never been any other clues.

However, I had to praise myself for accusing her as soon as I saw the first sign, the late homecoming from an obviously faked shopping trip, in sexy underwear. I had been right, and to my total surprise, Johanna had confessed her cheating less than 24 hours after my first accusation. Although I never had any real evidence of her cheating, I was able to get her confession without resorting to any violence.

If her cheating had been limited only to that "shopping Friday", we had a fair chance to go

forward together, even if it would take a long time. But since it was an ongoing affair and instead of immediately ending it, she had been silly enough to spew her mumbo-jumbo about ending her "innocent romantic fling" soon. That was pure crap to my ears.

My cell phone had been switched off the whole time, so after a while, I sat down on a big stone to check it. Five missed calls from Johanna and three text messages, all equal, saying, "Darling, I love you and we have to talk. Please call me as soon as possible. Johanna."

I sent her a reply, "I'll be back late so we'll talk tomorrow. G." No nonsensical closing, such as "darling or love". Then the phone was switched off again.

Though a divorce would be a bad matter for our children, I decided that it was the only possible solution after Johanna's cheating and letting her lover dictate the sex in our marriage. Though Johanna had not confessed to the latter aspect and would probably never admit that I was right in that matter, I was a hundred percent sure about the humiliation.

When checking the phone later in the evening, there were several new missed calls and a voice message from a sobbing Johanna, "Darling, please call me as soon as possible because I regret and want to confess that I have been a shameless stupid bitch the last few months. I'm sorry for all the harm that I have caused for you and our children. Of course, my fling is over, so now you, my beloved husband are, and you will always be, my only love. Please call me, please, my darling."

I regarded it as a two months, too late "gallows confession" and didn't care. If she had

stopped the cheating immediately after the conference, it would have remained her secret. Or had her faked shopping trip been the only time, we could have had a chance. But not after two months. Though she obviously had ended it now, that didn't mean shit any longer.

I was relieved to find Johanna sleeping when I arrived back home. I slept in the spare room and left early for my job before she was awake. I left a short message on the kitchen table, "Johanna, I'll speak to you during the day."

As soon as the courthouse office opened on Monday morning, I was there for the divorce forms. I filled them out at my job and went to Johanna's workplace to get her to sign them. She refused to do that and began to cry loudly. I left her office, went back to the courthouse and filed them without her signature. It wouldn't matter very much, probably only a slight delay of a couple of weeks.

Johanna didn't come home after work, but her older sister, Annie, rang me and said she needed talk with me about Johanna as soon as possible. I invited her come to my home at once, and she accepted.

Annie came and said that a totally wrecked Johanna was at her parent's place. Annie wanted to hear the truth of what had happened between Johanna and me. So I told her, "Johanna confessed to cheating on me with a lover and obviously intended to go on with her affair. She didn't even stop it when talking with him after I found the evidence about her cheating. There's no way I can accept a slut wife who intended to continue fucking a lover. That's why a divorce is the only possible solution. I wonder if he is married and if he is, does his wife accept their affair?"

"Don't ask me, you better ask his wife. Her name is Marie-Helene Broman and I think you might know her or at least have met her," Annie said.

Now it was clear that Johanna was cheating on me with a Kenneth Broman, who was responsible for the accounting department at her job. I had met him a few times and had the impression of a slightly feminine man who cared very much about his clothes. Having a serious talk with Kenneth and Marie-Helene Broman was a good idea so I asked Annie to babysit while I paid a short visit to the Bromans. To my great pleasure she accepted with the expected advice, "Please understand that your children need you now so don't do anything you will regret later."

I took a drive to Kenneth's house, located in an area with a good reputation. A few seconds after ringing the bell, the front door was opened by a seven year old girl who said "Yes, mom is" to my question of whether her mom and dad were at home.

When Marie-Helene came to the door, I introduced myself and told her that we were sharing a problem I wanted to discuss with her. She surprised me in that she was a very good looking woman who invited me into her kitchen and to sit down in a chair at the table. I did and said, "I regret to say that I'm coming with some bad information for you. My wife Johanna, who works for the same company as your husband, has confessed that they are involved in an affair and have cheated on you and me during the last two months."

She turned pale and asked, "Are you sure, really sure?"

"Yes I am because your husband persuaded my wife to limit me by having sex only during Saturdays to make sure she was a horny slut during their obviously kinky Friday sessions. Which is what made me suspicious and she didn't deny the affair when I accused her of cheating. Later that evening after she spoke with Kenneth, she confessed to everything. There was no remorse and no doubt at all. By the way, where is Kenneth, I would like a word with that damn slimy faggot?" I said.

Marie-Helene paled and replied with a frightened voice, "Monday is his bowling night. What are you going to do in this sad matter?"

"I'll divorce my slut wife and Kenneth already knows that, because I gave my wife the divorce forms at her job today. That caused a real hullabaloo there so I think that all her co-workers in the whole office know by now. Did Kenneth tell you about what happened at the job, and how much do you know?"

"Nothing, not a slightest clue. I know some people at Kenneth's job but none of them cared to tell me anything and Kenneth didn't mention that a coworker received divorce papers on the job."

Marie-Helene and I agreed to share all further information and I left her with a strange feeling. How could that stupid creep Kenneth cheat on such a lovely wife and do that with Johanna, who probably wasn't better than his own wife in any way?

Back home I told Annie about my talk with Kenneth's wife. It was up to her if she wanted tell Johanna about what I had done. And it was up to Johanna to contact me to discuss our divorce.

The next morning on the job brought a real surprise when a Camilla Lindberg rang me and suggested meeting at lunch to talk about some important matter regarding Johanna and me. I knew she was a divorced, handsome woman and I got curious about what she wanted, so it was easy to accept her invitation.

We met at a small restaurant and after some polite small talk she went straight to her point, "I've heard that you and your wife Johanna have filed for divorce. I am going in the opposite direction. I intend to rent out my furnished apartment for some time until I feel sure that I've done the right thing by moving in with my boyfriend, Alf. That apartment would be perfect place for you or Johanna."

It surprised me that the rumors of my divorce had spread so fast. Of course I was interested, very much interested, indeed. Camilla continued discussing the fair rent and other advantages that were included. The reason she made her offer to me was that she trusted both Johanna and me to take care of her apartment.

Back at work, I rang Annie at her job and told her that I had obtained a furnished apartment for Johanna to use until she moved in together with Kenneth Broman somewhere. But Annie said that would never happen because Kenneth had gone totally crazy when he came home from his bowling and found his packed suitcases in his driveway and his front door protected by a man in a Securitas uniform. During a frantic call to Johanna he had cursed and accused her of being a whore that had destroyed his marriage.

Annie was interrupted by some urgent matter and promised to see me at my house later that evening.

She came as expected and told me the latest news about Johanna. She had almost collapsed after Kenneth's frantic call and took additional days off from her job. Annie, who was married and living only a few hundred meters from her parents, had spent a lot of time with her parents supporting Johanna. That was when Johanna told her everything about the affair with Kenneth.

The interesting news for me was that Johanna and Kenneth used a discrete small apartment near a furniture store as their love nest when they took extra long lunches on Fridays and had even done it on two Wednesdays. According to Kenneth, the rent was shared by a secret gang of businessmen, who had a booking system on the web. Kenneth had bragged that it was both much cheaper and a much more discrete solution than hotel rooms.

Johanna had even confessed to Annie about the faked "Shopping Friday" when Kenneth and she had celebrated his upcoming birthday, the following Sunday with a trip out of town to a very famous old inn. It was some distance away where they had a long lunch and an intensive sex session in a room that one of the previous kings had spent the night. Johanna understood that her sexy underwear was the mistake that made me suspicious enough to put an end to our marriage.

Before Annie left, she packed a suitcase with clothes and some other things for Johanna that she wanted . I told her that I was ready to talk with Johanna about our ongoing divorce and our children as soon as she wanted.

It was also obvious that Kenneth really did have powerful friends. I needed to find something that would turn them against him instead of helping him against me. After much thinking later that evening I got , in my opinion, a great idea. I phoned my old friend, Anders, to get his opinion. Anders is a computer freak who can do much more than an average user like me. He gave an immediate thumbs up to my idea and promised to begin working on it immediately.

The next day, after a very quick lunch, it was time to take a look at Kenneth's love nest. It was easy to find after what Annie had told me. It was on street level and had originally been an office but was now restored to a small apartment. Indeed, it was a very discrete place for secret sex-meetings. The door was heavy wood and had both a mailbox and a small brass-sign "Patent Service" which gave the impression of it still being an office. No doubt that Kenneth's gang had created a perfect place for their secret extramarital sexual pleasures.

After going back to the job, I made a call to Annie to procure her babysitter services while I went shopping after work. She had begged me to do something to "Kenneth's sex-gang". She also promised not to mention to anybody, not even to Johanna, that she had told me about the sex nest. Or that she babysat for me when my actions were needed at that service.

Dressed in a gray overalls and a baseball cap, everybody regarded me as an average customer at the big building equipment and hardware store where I found everything I needed.

Thursday evening Anders called me and said the he was ready for action and my reply was, "Let's go."

He replied after a few minutes, "Action completed."

I thanked him and promised to keep him informed of the results once I knew them. But that would probably not be very much.

Early the next morning it was time for my part of the action which took place at the door to Kenneth Broman's fucknest. Dressed again in the overalls and baseball cap and using a battery powered drill/screwdriver, I sealed the door with 12 one-way screws made of hardened steel. The next matter was a sheet of stainless steel, 50 x 30 centimeters, with bright red text. "Nicely furnished room for rent in 2 hour periods. Call Kenneth Broman at phone 089 -7744299 for further information". The sign was also screwed on with the one-way hardened steel screws.

One-way screws are used for unremovable safety installations. It is the specially designed head that makes the screwing-in possible, but not unscrewing. The phone number was to the office where Johanna and Kenneth worked.

Anders and me expected some hullabaloo at Kenneth's job because he had mailed 250 emails to their staff and to other top people in our town. The email contained a picture of the "love-nest door" with a PhotoShop version of the new sign and the text portion of the note read:

"Dear married friend with a taste for extra benefits. I know how difficult it has been to find a 100% discrete local place for private erotic pleasures. This is especially true if your lucky lady or stallion happens to be married. Indiscretions at local hotels have caused many expensive divorces that you can avoid by using our very discrete nicely furnished love chamber in our town center. Rent it for 2 hour periods and get the door entry code on your smart phone. Call me during office hours for further information and additional pictures of the discrete apartment. Kenneth Broman, 889 -7744299."

Why should people care when a janitor or building worker is working on a door? Nobody walked past me during the few minutes it had taken for me fix the door.

Of course, Kenneth Broman and his cohorts would soon be boiling with wrath, but I didn't care a shit about those fucking bastards.

I knew nothing of what happened until Anders called me at half past eleven. He laughed and said, "You really made a big hit because you sealed in Tommy Schnaider with some woman in that 'sex chamber' and they are not out yet. Nobody knows who she is, but there is a betting pool about her identity going around my job. Should I put some money in for you too? It's said that a small crowd of curious people and a militant feminist reporter from the local newspaper are waiting outside for the answer."

After thinking about my best guess, Anders was asked to put in my money into the pool.

The apartment had double doors, some distance from each other, so the now trapped lovers had not heard anything while I was drilling and screwing and I couldn't feel any guilt about that.

Tommy Schnaider was a 53 year old single, chairman of the local Green Party and a real troublemaker on our city council where he has objections to most of the matters. The rumors have said he was a successful womanizer and "what he was missing between his ears, he had between his legs."

Neither Anders nor me wanted to be seen in the curious crowd outside the "love chamber" when it was opened. But it would be a lie to deny some curiosity about the woman since the infamous Schnaider had a reputation as a marriage crusher.

Instead of winning any betting money, Anders and me got a real surprise when the name was made public just after one o'clock.

She was a very gorgeous 43 year old blond lady named Alice Andersson who happened to be both chairman for the local Conservative Party and married to a successful businessman. An old saying says, "Love is blind" and after hearing with whom she spent a night with, in the "love chamber" most people agreed with that saying.

Later, the story came out about why the door opening had taken such a long time. And it turned into a public spectacle. Everything was blamed on Schnaider because he had panicked and called the wrong people. They were the ones who spread the gossip about the door problems, before the right people were found to fix it.

Alice's Conservative party members fired her from the chairman job and her husband immediately dumped her once he he heard about her spending a night with Schnaider.

Though very few people cared about Schnaider's political doings, he had become some kind of local hero for his womanizing skills. So he usually got free drinks from some admirers when he entered a bar. Even an increasing number of females wanted to know for sure if the rumors of his skills and size were real. So that kept him busy sharing his info with his female admirers.

Johanna calmed down after a while and signed the divorce papers. Then we had a serious talk about the shared custody of our children who remained living in our house. Johanna and I agreed to spend every second week in the house and in Camilla's apartment. As Christmas happened to be during my week in the house, I offered Johanna to stay in the house that week with our children and me. She slept in the guest room, but otherwise it was family life as in the "good old days". I couldn't help it, but it was impossible not to miss her when we parted again.

One evening that week after the kids were sleeping, and we were sitting in the living room with some wine and cheese, she began talking about Kenneth Broman. He had never expected his wife to discover his cheating. But since I let his wife know, she forced him out from their house. This caused him to have some kind of mental breakdown. He accused Johanna of being a haunted evil witch who had caused all his problems. Of course, this immediately turned their once in a lifetime romantic love story into one of regrets and hate.

Johanna told me about the gossip at her job. "Kenneth's Love Chamber", the Andersson - Schnaider affair and all the phone calls that were part of the e-mail campaign, had resulted in Kenneth receiving his new nickname, "the Pimp". These had all turned him into a laughing stock among their co-workers. It had caused his friends in the apartment gang to become ex-friends. They held him responsible for the scandal with poor Alice Andersson. And they even held Kenneth responsible for their economic losses and billed Kenneth for the repairs to the expensive apartment door. When he refused to pay, and his former cohorts began talking about nastier games, he quit his job and left our town for "greener pastures" elsewhere.

The next time Johanna and I met was at a New Year's party among friends. Everything was correct and polite, and we surprised everybody by spending the evening together sharing a table with Melissa and Eric.

When Johanna and I were living together, every February our family used to spend a week in the Canary Islands and the kids wanted to do that again this year, which I had promised to them. It caused me an unexpected problem when they began begging, "Please dad, can't we let mom come with us?" After some arguing I gave up, asked Johanna and she accepted with great pleasure.

As we had booked rather late we could only get a "family room" at a hotel instead of an apartment, which is common there. That simply meant that Johanna and me shared a bed, but that went okay. This year all of us really did our best to have a good time during that week.

Everything went fine until the last night at the hotel when I woke up and heard Johanna's silent crying. Of course I got worried and asked her, "Are you ill? What is it? Shall I call a doctor or shall we go to the hospital?"

She sobbed, "No, no, no, it's nothing like that. I'm crying because I'm so grateful and happy for this week. It has been one of the happiest times in my whole life and I'll be missing it so much. Please forgive me if I woke you up."