Husband's Revenge


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He took her clit into his mouth and sucked on it while exploring her pussy with his fingers. She pushed her pussy to his mouth and she came all over his face. He kept on eating her until she pushed him away. Ray let her rest for a while, before he stood up from his chair and rammed his cock into her. This is the first time he has recharged in a short time. It usually takes him as least an hour to be ready again, but his wife turned him on more than she has done in many years. Today he pumped into her feminine swamp for all he was worth. He shot his load into her as she had a massive orgasm.

He fell back onto his chair looking at the open pussy of his wife which leaked their combined cloital fluids. Ray was amazed how lovely his wife's pussy looked just fucked. She was opened for a visual inspection of her flower of life.

Getting up in the morning Caroline remembered the great night of lovemaking they had. Ray was up before Caroline he was in his study whistling. Caroline went into the study and said good morning giving her husband a kiss. He smiled at her and handed her a Manila envelope. She opened it and found more pictures of her infidelity with an application form to be a study subject at IHR on Long Island about 10 miles from their home.

"What do you want me to do with this?" She asked fearing what the answer was going to be.

"I want you to apply for one of the positions." He told her.

She looked over the form it asked very personal questions about their sex life and what they taught their kids about sex. If she likes to masturbate, and have oral sex, does her partner ejaculate in her mouth? She was very embarrassed to answer all the questions let alone go and apply. Ray did not want to hear any of her complaints he wanted her to fill out the application. He told her she would go to the institute on Monday morning and apply for a position.

No more was said about it all weekend as their sons came home for the summer and the family hung around the pool. They went out to dinner at night to celebrate the boys' achievement, they made the honor roll.

Monday morning on the way out the door Ray kissed Caroline good-bye and told her he expected her to go to the institute with her application.

"What if they don't accept me?" Caroline asked.

"As long as you apply is all I am asking you to do if they don't need you it is OK." Said Ray, closing the door behind him.

Their two sons were going to their job interview today. They came down stairs all dressed up. Boy, do they look handsome, she thought, just like their father accept taller over six feet. Both had breakfast and were out the door for their 9 am meeting it was one of her husband's clients hiring them; she paid little attention about the organization.

It was a little after 10 in the morning she looked at the application. She could put if off no longer, she would have to call. She dialed the number shaking.

It rang and a male voice answered, "This is IHR, how can I help you."

"Yes." She barely choked out. "I would like to put in an application. I have the paperwork already."

Fine, come in this afternoon at 2:15 with your application Ms., giving her directions." Said the voice on the other end of the line and then it went dead.

Caroline could do nothing right during the morning. She was so nervous she was shaking. What would she have to do? To calm down she convinced herself, they wouldn't need her. She spent the morning dressing and re dressing for her appointment. She finally decides on a skirt, top, bra and panties, with sandals.

At 2:10 Caroline parked her car in the lot of the institute. She walked up the stairs, with the thought, she would to be sick and had to find a rest room, she found the front office, she felt a little better, as she knew they wouldn't need her.

A young man at the desk about the age of her younger son asked. "May I help you?"

Caroline said, "I called this morning, here is my application."

He looked over the application and had her fill out a few things she missed. Rudy, the name on his nametag, told her to have a seat and they would be with her in a few minutes.

Trying to read a book to get her mind off where she was. Caroline was startled when she heard her name called. Another young man had her follow him into large room with little cubicles. Her mind was reeling, what type of testing are they doing she thought. She followed him to an area, set up as a photo studio. The young man explained they needed pictures of her to add to her application. He had her stand on a mark and he took 10 pictures of her from different angles.

"Thank you; we will call you if we think we can use you." He said and led her out to the waiting room.

She became all worked up for nothing; she scolded herself, as she drove back home. Ray came home and asked Caroline, if she applied at IHR. She said she did and they will call her if they have an opening for her. This placated her husband.

Her sons are excited with their job, they told their parents when asked, but said they could not talk about their exact duties.

Caroline did not think about the institute again, until the phone rang 4 weeks later and she was told to report to the institute, for another interview. She figured it would to be just like last time, so she dressed the same way skirt, top, bra and panties. They wanted to see her in two hours she had plenty of time to get there. As it was only 10 miles away.

Driving to the institute she was not as nervous as she was the last time. She parked her car, ran up the stairs and went to the front desk as before. The same young man was there and he remembered her. He crossed off her name and thanked her for coming so, quickly, as they had a cancellation from one of the ladies. Caroline sat down and read a magazine, while she waited for her name to be called.

"Caroline" a male voice called.

He brought a packet to her telling her, "Please look over the document and sign on the line provided before we continue."

It was a document to give IHR permission to use Caroline as a study subject. She read the document and signed it, noting her husband was the lawyer who composed the document. She knew her husband would be angry with her if she refused.

The young man took the signed documents saying, "Right this way, please."

She rose from the chair and followed him. This time when she went through the door into the large room she looked from side to side and saw many naked women in the cubicles. Most looked embarrassed and tried to cover their nudity. She was getting scared, would they ask her to strip nude like the other women?

The young man brought her to a different area. It had cameras, but had an added feature an exam table. The young man introduced himself as Sam. He will be taking pictures of her for the doctors, to see if they could use her in the study.

In the corner of the room was a small area with lockers. Sam was adjusting the cameras and the lighting.

"I will be ready for you in about 5 minutes. You can remove all your clothes and put them in the locker in the corner." He told Caroline in a bored tone of voice.

She was stunned. "Why do I have to remove all my clothes for the tests? You didn't do that last time." She asked.

"We will be doing measurements of you for the study to see if you fit our parameters." Said the young photographer.

Caroline had no choice, she would have to go through with this or face her husband's wrath. She walked to the lockers, slowly unbuttoned her blouse, removed it, and hung the garment in the locker. Her skirt came next it was hung in the locker. She was left with her bra and panties.

What will happen to her? What type of testing or parameters will they look for? All these questions are going through her mind. Caroline took a deep breath, reached behind her, unhooking her bra and neatly folding it putting it in the locker. She turned around and faced the young photographer with her arms crossed over her breasts trying to keep her modesty the best she can under the circumstances, leaving her panties on, waiting until he was ready for her.

The young man looking in her direction, and motioning for her to toe the line on the floor, choking back tears and with her eyes watering she removed her last vestige of modesty, her panties. With Herculaneum effort she hooked her thumbs in each side of her panties and starting to pull them down. The young man is watching her intently as she is performing her reluctant striptease for him. Caroline put her head down as the panties reached the floor, picking the intimate garment up and putting them with the rest of her clothes. Her face was the reddest it has ever been in her lifetime. What else could possibly happen to her, which will make her more humiliated than she is presently? A young man barely old enough to be her older son is steering at her, as she is standing in front of him completely nude.

Walking over to the line he pointed to, Caroline kept an arm across her breasts and the other hand in front of her pubic area. She took a deep breath trying to relax and then put her hands to her sides. Closing her eyes and not being able to look directly at the young photographer taking her pictures. The pictures were the same as she had taken the first time in her clothes. Completing the photo shoot telling her to sit on the exam table to wait for the next part of the assessment.

Caroline was sitting on the exam table in deep thought, with her head down, her hands between her legs, to conceal her flower of life, from the young men walking by the room. She did not see or hear the two young men who came into the cubicle from behind. The young men looking at the paperwork they had on the lady they were there to assess. The young men did not see who she was, as study subjects are known only by first name with a number. Caroline and the two young men made eye contact almost at the same time and were stunned to recognize each other.

"Mom what are you doing here?" Her two sons said at once.

Caroline was too humiliated to do anything, she looked at her two sons and turned white. She did not even give it a thought they were working here. Caroline presently is very angry with her husband. She jumped off the exam table, not mindful she is completely naked in front of her two sons; she retrieved her cell phone in her purse. Her two sons just watched her all the while in wonderment for her beauty.

Dialing Ray's Cell and when he answers, she cries. "What are you doing to me Ray having me be a study subject for our boys?"

"They need to know about women Caroline, so I thought you would be the perfect instructor, seeing you like younger men." Ray said triumphantly.

"I can't go through with it having my sons do the testing. Ray it is humiliating to be with complete strangers, but to have my own sons examine me this is mortifying." Said Caroline.

"Sorry my dear, but you will go through with it and anything else they tell you to do. Do you understand?" Said Ray sternly.

Defeated, "Yes," Was all she could say as she slammed the cell in her husbands ear.

"Can we get started now Mom." Her older son Clarke asked.

"Do you really want to do this to your mother?" She asked.

Collin answered for both of them. "Yes, mom it is our job to do the assessment of the study subjects."

Caroline was stunned, her own sons will be doing the testing today. Well if Ray wants his sons to see their mother nude, then she had no choice but to be nude. She dropped her arms to her sides. Collin told her to arch her back and he took measurements of her breasts. The sag of her breasts, and then he asked her how old she was. It was making Caroline angry as the boys know how old she is.

"I am 46 years old as you already know." Caroline said pulling her shoulders back to accent her breasts. Her son marked her chart noting what she just did.

"I will help you put your feet in the stirrups now, Mom?" said Clarke as she slid down.

Both young men are looking at their mother completely naked and spread she was very embarrassed and wet. The young men proceeded to take measurements of her vaginal area the length of her vaginal lips. Clarke pulled on one of her lips as Collin measured it. Collin pulled on her mother's other vaginal lip as Clarke measured. The depth to her to her cervix was measured with an instrument that looked like a dildo to their mother, and the diameter of her pussy was measured. The young men take turns measuring, checking and rechecking their journal entries. Her breasts were measured in the reclining position.

By the time Caroline's sons completed her assessment she was in the exam position for an hour with many different young men coming in to talk with Collin and Clarke. They introduced their Mother to all who came in the room.

When they finished with her assessment, Colin helped his mother off the exam table. She was relieved this awful experience was over starting to go to the locker and her clothes to dress. Clarke stopped her telling her, she had to remain nude while her sons show her around the facility. Caroline resigned to the fact she will have to do what she is told to maintain her life style, followed her sons through the testing facility, she was shown the rooms where different testing will be done.

When she asked, "What is this room used for?"

Clarke said, "We will tell you if you are chosen for the testing."

Clarke and Collin proudly introduced their nude mother to the Head of IHR a Doctor Lombard, who thanked Caroline for agreeing to be a study subject.

"My pleasure," she stated while thinking she had no choice.

Caroline was accompanied to the locker room to dress. Her sons stayed with her as she dressed. They thanked her; she stayed to be evaluated for the program, as it would have been detrimental to their employment if she refused. She was amazed she has become comfortable dressing in front of her sons. Her boys walked her to the car saying we will see you tonight.

Driving home Caroline does not know if she can continue if they call her back. Upset she enjoyed her exposure. Mad at her husband he set her up to be nude in front of her sons. She arrived home and went to the pool to relax. The servants are preparing dinner for her family tonight.

Ray came home early finding his wife by the pool, "How was your day today dear?" he asked with a knowing smile.

"You know very well how my day went, you bastard knowing our sons would see me nude." She said angry with him.

Ray snapped, "You whore around, I still take you back and I am the bastard. Get out of here I will call a taxi for you."

Ray was scaring her she started to cry, "I am sorry Ray, please, let me stay. I will do anything you ask."

Looking at his wife he has a soft spot for her and really does not want her to leave debating what he wanted. Ray smiled and Caroline felt better.

I will be back and he went to the pool house where they have a dressing room, he put on his suit. He ran to the pool and jumped in. He swan around for a few minutes and then came to the side of the pool looking at his wife with a smile on his face.

She returned the smile saying, "I am very sorry for being angry you're right I would not be in this situation if I didn't cheat on you."

"I am glad you realize your mistake, but for calling me names I want you to remove your suit and stay nude for the night, as punishment." Said Ray not smiling anymore.

"Please, Ray can't I do something else, it will be humiliating you forcing me to be nude in front of the servants and our sons." Said Caroline starting to cry again.

Remembering the humiliation and embarrassment he felt when his colleagues came to him saying they saw his wife with a younger man. Having to lie to them until he found out his wife was actually cheating on him. Ray said. "I could get you a taxi and you will have the divorce papers in the morning. I don't want to force you to do anything."

Having no choice Caroline reluctantly removed her swim suit. The couple's sons came out to the pool seeing their mother nude.

Clarke said, "Mom I see you're comfortable being nude that is great."

Collin could see his mother was embarrassed but excited as her nipples are hard as erasures.

The butler announced dinner is ready surprised to see the woman of the house nude.

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