Hutch's Property Ch. 01


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"Hey classy lady, how ya doin'?"

"Rotten hang over and my husband ran off last night. Now, he conveniently has a very important trip to Dallas, Texas. He won't be back until tomorrow or Monday. I need somebody to talk too. Has the news media been there yet?"

"No, why?"

"They're here and it's in the morning newspaper..."

"They can't find me. My condo is in the name of one of my family's corporations and I gave the district an address of a friend."

"Oh, well...ah... Can I come over there and talk?" Lorna asked hesitantly.

"Sure. I guess it would be alright. I'll meet you at the entrance to the parking garage. That way it is unlikely that anybody will notice you coming in." he said, thinking, "Yeah, lovely lady. Come on over to my web. But, we won't just talk. I'm gonna get into that pussy of yours and you'll be sucking my cock, too. Maybe I'll get into that tight virgin ass of yours while I'm at it."

After her call to Ken, Lorna sat for a few minutes thinking about it all. Then the thought hit her, "You shouldn't go to his condo alone." But, she dismissed the thought with "I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

Kathy returned to the kitchen and asked, "How ya feeling mom?"

Much worse than last night. But, I still feel like the dumb ass that usually has one or two drinks through out the evening. Last night I had five and came home early and am I suffering for it now! Worst hangover I've ever had. Listen, Kathy? I'm going over to visit a friend. I should be back by dinner, can you take care of yourself until then?"

"Sure mom. Who are you visiting? That Ken guy that got you in this mess?"

"Kathy? Right now it is best that you don't know where I am..." There was a knock at the front door and a ringing of the door chimes. "That's most likely those news people. Tell them, no comment. I'm going up and take a shower and then get out of here."

"OK mom. At least you and dad agree on one thing, no comment to the media."

Hutch sat down in his flight's boarding area and considered opening his lap top computer. His special cell phone rang. It was Roz, "Hey boss, where are you?"

"I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to Dallas. One of our clients has a big problem and they want me down there today and tomorrow to get a look at it. I'll be back tomorrow evening or Monday morning to start forming the initial team to go in there. So, what's up?"

"All hell has broke loose, boss. The media is all over that scene last night. Ah, we got the whole thing from two angles. Your wife left about nine and we stayed until about ten thirty, talkin' to people. We merge both camcorders into one file and I have emailed it to you. The second item is this. We picked up a conversation between your wife and that guy Ken. She is on her way over to his condo right now. He conveniently gave her everything we need to know to get to his location. Freddie is on his motorcycle to intercept and follow her to his place. He has a G.P.S. on his bike, so we can meet him there."

"Fantastic Roz. You and Freddie are doing great. Now listen, I want you to get as much audio and visual equipment as you can into that condo, as soon as you can."

"Aye aye, sir. Also, I'm sending you what I have after spending a couple of two hour lunches in your wife's lunch room. You'll find that their meetings are very interesting. Ah, something else I noticed and I'm sure you will too. Ah, you know we have audio and visual in your living room and bedroom. Ah, so we have been privy to your recent discussions with your wife..."

"Yeah, I know, so..."

"Well boss, the first thing she does when she sits down with this guy is shut off her cell phone. I picked up that distinctive swishing sound of her phone provider when she turns it on or off."

That tended to piss off Hutch. He asked himself, "Who is this woman and what has she done with my wife."

"Ah Boss? Are you still there?"

"Yeah Roz, I'm still here. That just pisses me off and you know why."

"Yes boss. There's one more thing..."

"Talk fast Roz. They're calling for first class passengers to board." Hutch said, as he picked up his laptop and carry-on.

"OK, Freddie is really getting into this... Yesterday he stubbled on something at the school board's computer that got him going. It would appear that your wife's package that she submitted for the position she has now was embellished a bit after it arrived at the district headquarters. He's checking on the other candidates packages. It seems that what came into the district headquarters is not what was sent to the School Board."

Hutch approached the flight attendant and said, "Hold on for a minute, Roz." He handed his boarding pass and I.D. to the attendant. Then once on the ramp to the plane he returned to his conversation. "Roz, OK listen. Tell Freddie to carry his investigation as far as he can. Then, put it on a disk and delete everything off the computers. He knows how to really delete it all. Annd, Roz? Lorna is to never know anything about Freddie's findings. I'm positive that she had nothing to do with it, so we keep her out of it." As he found his seat on the plane, he said, "Now Roz, get with Freddie and a couple of our best covert installers over at Ken's condo complex. We know what both of them drive. I want audio and visual equipment in his condo and tracking on their cars. Double check your security on the website. We don't know what this guy or his friends are capable of doing. Oh, and Roz? Pass this on to Freddie... You guys are doing a top notch job. The CIA or FBI would be proud."

"Thank you, sir."

"I'll call you tomorrow morning... Oh, Roz? Pass this on to Freddie, like any special project take all the overtime you guys need and keep your receipts from out of pocket expenses.. Also, any special authorizations, you know the text codes."

"Thank you, sir. We'll talk to you tomorrow."

Back in her car after Lorna had to ask the media people to move three vehicles off her driveway, she tried Hutch's cell phone, again. It went directly to voice mail, because it was off. She called her daughter, "Kathy? If you hear from your father, ask him to please do something about the media around our house. They were blocking the driveway and they are messing up the front yard. Crap, we must be the hottest story in town, right now."

Pumping her ego on the way to Ken's, Lorna thought, "Damn you, Norm. Answer your damn cell phone, or call me back. I'm somebody now in my own right. Not just your wife any more. Yeah, hot shot Hutch Hutchinson, I can get along with out you."

As he promised, Ken met Lorna at the entrance to the complex's parking garage and directed her to the space next to his car. Making it easy for her husband's team to install tracking devices on both vehicles.

Although Lorna came naively to "only talk", within a half hour of arriving in Ken's condo, he had her nude, on his bed, legs spread. He drove his thirty two year old cock deep into her forty three year old pussy. However, the married Lorna laid there expecting more, much more. For one thing, Ken was not as long or wide as her husband. So, he was not going to go anywhere that her husband had not been in the last twenty five years. Secondly, she missed the broad shoulders of Hutch. Thirdly, she missed Hutch's touch, his kisses and his tongue on her clit before he penetrated her vagina. At the time she could not put her finger on the above three items, so she just laid there and let Ken finish. No orgasm for her and a minimum of pleasure. Pushing aside the guilt of it all, she rolled him over and sucked him up thinking, "Maybe this time it will be better."

After going at it a couple of times, Lorna not getting off once, they decided to go out and get some lunch. He knew of a diner out on a back-road where they would not be recognized. As they walked to their cars she said, "Let's take your car. I think I lost the news people that were following me, but I can't be for sure." She did lose the media, alright. But, not Freddie on his motorcycle equipped with a G.P.S. unit that would be read by Roz and two installers in her mini-van.

During the time that Ken was fucking Lorna, the team had gone over the plans for the entire complex, including the layout of Ken's condo. Freddie had hacked into the complex's security system and ascertained Ken's code to open the main entrance doors. They gave Lorna and Ken ten minutes, then entered the complex as if they belonged there. One of the installers used a tool that opened Ken's front door as if they had a key. The other installer moved quickly to deactivate the alarm system, but found that Ken had forgotten to activate it before they left for lunch. Roz chuckled to herself, "You dumb ass. You are making this just too easy. But, that's about all big egos will get you. Our boss is gonna have your balls in a jar of formaldehyde, if he wants.."

-Monday morning - First week of Hutchinson vs Hutchinson

When the pilot announced that they were preparing to land, Hutch was gazing out of the window, thinking about Lorna. He loved her more than life itself and was not about to let her go. Yes, she had hurt him deeply. However, he hoped that they could get passed this and over time his hurt would heal. The breach of trust bothered him. He had read the email four times, listen to the recordings and watched the videos. The question remained in his mind. What has he said or done that would cause her to act this way? He had listened to the phone conversation between Ken and Elizabeth Meyers, attorney at law. How she wanted as part of her fee to get one more socialite down between her legs, licking her pussy. She also wanted the pleasure of ramming her large strap-on into Lorna's pussy and ass. "Over my dead body," thought Hutch, "Over my dead body and there will be no divorce. Once I have dealt with that little creep, Ken, disbarment is the minimum for you Beth Meyers. Running you out of this town will definitely improve the legal community and do wonders for the social climate."

Once he was off the plane, Hutch stopped to dig out his cell phone before he headed toward the baggage claim. The first person he intended to call was the only man he called "friend," Jeremy Baker. He thought back to when he first met his old friend. Accepted into the University of Southern California, School of Law. Hutch had checked into the dorms. Upon entering his assigned room, he found his new roommate already there. A young man of his same age with a big smile, booming voice and a right hand thrust out to meet Hutch, "Jeremy Baker." As he brought up Jeremy's phone number on his speed dial, he thought about when the two men firmly grasp each others right hand that it would start a close friendship that had lasted for more than thirty years and would most likely continue until they died. As he pressed the call button, he reminisced about their times out on the college football field. Himself as the linebacker that would bust the hole wide open for Jeremy the running back. Making that first down, or busting into the end zone. As it rang he reflected on their four years together in the Army's Staff Judge Advocate's Office in Washington, D.C. and meeting the young ladies that would become their wives. Calling on a very private line, the assistant that answered knew exactly who was calling, "Good afternoon Mister Hutchinson. Mister Baker has just completed another call. He will be with you in a few moments."

"Hutch, ol' buddy! How ya doin'?"

Just what Hutch needed right at that time was to hear his always up, win at all costs, old friend Jeremy, "I could be a lot better, buddy.. A whole hell of a lot better. Did she file?"

"Oh yeah, we have a copy here in the office. You'll be served tomorrow."

"Shit, listen Jeremy. Number one in our strategy is that there will be no divorce. Two, I'll deal with that little shit, Ken Burns. Three, I need you to starting think about how we can run Beth Meyers out of town, facing disbarment. I want to totally destroy both of them."

"OK, I'm up for that. Ah Hutch? We've had Roz and Freddie over here this morning. They gave us everything they have so-far. What I've done is bring in Isaac Zilinsky, head of my divorce team and Doctor Ruth Watkins, our resident psychologist."

"Great Jeremy. I really appreciate you getting right on it. I'm not surprised. But, it is good to know that you are here with me on this mess. I would like to have you and your team over to my office tomorrow at eight am. I'll have Janet bring in some donut and make some coffee."

"Yeah, we can do that."

"OK, good. And, that was a good move to bring in a psychologist. It would appear that he has really pumped up Lorna's ego. Jeremy? I cannot believe the arrogant, condescending bitch that she has been over the last six months or so."

"Yeah Hutch, the last three months Jenny has noticed it and she pointed it out to me a couple of months ago. Don't we just love it when adversaries and witnesses pull that crap on us?"

"Yeah we do. But Jeremy, I don't even want to get to know that bitch. What I want to know is what she has done with my wife. Annd, most importantly, how do we get the real Lorna back? I don't want this to drag on for months or years. I want this over in a couple of weeks. Then we can take all the time we need to fix it and heal the wounds."

"Yeah ol' buddy, I agree, fully agree. You and I, Jenny and Lorna have too much of a solid history to let some little jerk like this guy and some carpetbagger to mess it up. I'll see you tomorrow at your office, eight am."

Hutch hung up the phone think about how much Jeremy was beginning to sound like his southern belle of a wife. Or, that he was born in the south east, not to a wine family in Napa, California.

That evening, Lorna called her husband. Now, totally full of guilt, but to proud and puffed ego to do anything else but cover her guilt by taking the offensive. Hutch answered this call from his wife, remaining calm and as he had in winning so many legal arguments and using as few words as possible. However, they were as effective as rocks thrown against a glass house. That only added anger to Lorna's responses. She ended the conversation by snapping her phone shut and shouting to herself, "Damn you Norman. There you go again, gettin' me ta say things I shouldn't have said. Annd, damn it, you heard every word that came out of my month. Mostly likely recorded it. Well Norman Hutchinson, attorney at law, I have my own attorney now. For now on, we'll talk through her." But, somewhere in the back of her mind, Lorna realized that Beth Meyers was not at all in the same league as her husband, or his best friend, Jeremy Baker.

Eight am Tuesday morning - Hutch's office.

As the group assembled, Roz scurried in, "Ya gotta hear this. I picked it up this morning. It actually happened last night.. It's a conversation between Ken and that person we have now identified as James Worthington. A principal at one of the junior high schools. Forty years old, married, three kids. Anyway, you guys gotta hear this conversation. That low life, Ken elaborates on his plans for Lorna and Kathy." She then placed a disk into the machine and turned up the volume so everybody in the room could hear.

Ken had initiated the call with, "Hey, Ken here. How ya doin'?"

"Good Ken. How are you doing?"

"Ah Jimmy, couldn't be much better." responded an excited Ken, "I fucked Lorna about four times over the weekend. I got her to come over here because the media was all over her place. Half hour after she got over here, I had her in the sack., my cock buried deep in the snug pussy. Damn, I just love well preserved, early forties. Didn't get her virgin ass yet, but that's just a matter of time. When I get it, I'll have you over here and we'll double dip her a few times. We'll get it all on a camcorder and make her watch it. That gets'em on the slut road real quick. It doesn't matter how high in society they are and she's right up there in the highest level. One of those high society do-gooder that everybody thinks that their shit doesn't stink. I grew up around them, crap my mother was one. I just love fucking them and then bring them down to wallow in the mud with the rest of the sluts and whores and other pigs.."

James responded with, "Damn Ken, I don't know if I should call you sick or not. But, there's no doubt in my mind that I'd sure like to get my cock into that . Then get her on her knees sucking it back up so I could fuck her pussy again and her ass. Some double dip? Oh yeah Ken, I'd like some of that, too. I'll bet she'll squeal like a little piggy with our cocks in her pussy and ass."

Ken laughed, "Yeah, that's for sure. But, squealing like a little piggy when she gets a cock in her ass, that's Beth Meyers. After she and I talked Lorna into filing for divorce, Lorna went home. When she had gone, I wasted no time in getting that pump little Beth in all holes. When I got into her ass, yeah, she squeals just like a fat little pig. She's comfortable, though."

"I've always wondered why you got into her pants. But, I guess having a divorce lawyer riding your cock came in handy with Lorna, didn't it." injected James.

"Oh yeah. Beth is not at all my type, but a good fuck. I'll get her with you one of these days. Take her some place for the weekend and fuck her 'til she can't see straight. She likes it like that." They both laughed, then Ken continued. "Anyway, that up tight twit, Lorna's daughter Kathy will be eighteen real soon and no longer jail bait. I'll pop that cherry and we'll slut her, too. Mother and daughter team of wealthy, high class sluts."

A laughing James said, "Just like that Boston teacher and her daughter. The one you and I and two other guys took up into the Catskills for her fiftieth birthday and fucked her fifty times."

A laughing Ken added, "Yeah, then we took her for a weekend in Atlantic City. She brought her daughter. We made married sluts outta both of them. These two will be just a younger version and Lorna will be one wealthy slut when this is over. My slut. I can't wait to set up their first gangbang."

Hutch paced uncharacteristically behind his desk. When the conversation ended, he said emphatically, "Over my dead body, you little prick."

Jeremy stepped up next to Hutch, "I'm right there with ya buddy..."

"Yeah Jeremy, we've always been there for each other, haven't we? I really appreciate you and your team joining us on this one." Hutch said giving his old friend a pat on the shoulder. Then turning toward Doctor Watkins, "Ruth? Can you get Ken's medical records? Quickly and without much fanfare? Beth Meyers, too."

"Oh yes, later this morning, or right after lunch."

Good Ruth thank you. If that little creep has given my wife anything permanent like herpes or HIV, he's dead meat and not very quickly, either. Okeh now, Freddie? Remember a malpractice case you were involved in about two years ago. We were defending a radiologist. Seems like one of his tech's had made a mistake and rendered some guy impotent."

"Yeah boss, I remember that. Lotta news coverage, ah can't remember the doctor's name right off. But, I know how to find it."

"Good, get me his file as soon as you can. If I remember right, he was very satisfied with the verdict."

Jeremy smiled, "Yeah Hutch, I remember that case." Then with a chuckle, "Hey ah, you aren't thinking about getting the good doctor to make the same mistake with Ken, are you now?"

Hutch cracked a quick, little smile, "First we must get Lorna back and protect Kathy. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like my wife back with me by the end of next week, or the week after, at the latest. Jeremy? Let's get that fat ass Beth an answer by tomorrow. And ah, Isaac? I know you are very good at this divorce thing. So, make it very clear to her that there will be no divorce. That if she does manage to get this into court, we will ripped her a new ass hole. Roz? Thanks for catching that last night. He's mentioned some of it before, but now he's getting really bold about it. Typical narcissist..."