Hybrid Theory Ch. 02


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'What?! This handsome, model looking motherfucker is the biggest DORK I've ever come across! What, 'bitches'? 'Dog'? Good Lord!'

Marty looked back at Gabe, and noticed that while still doing the hand signs and stuff, his eyes started bulging again, and he was about to start fawning over every little thing again, and moved quickly.

"S-so Gabe, what are you? You a vamp, a were, a human or anything else?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, I'm a vamp; well at least part vamp; how about you Marty?"

"I'm a vamp myself, although I'm a vamp of the weaker variety."

This intrigued Gabe slightly, as he remembered Paul telling him that weaker vampires are more needy than the strong, but wasn't paying attention properly because he was getting kicked in the stomach. "What exactly do you mean by that Mart?"

"Hmph, I guess you must be one of the stronger vamps then." Marty smiled into the mirror, a smile which was reciprocated by Gabe. "Well, it's pretty obvious that as vampires, we need blood to survive right? Well, those of you who are stronger than us need to feed a lot less than us bottom feeders. You stronger types can also go into the sun without having to take that SunBlock medication as much as we do."

Gabe looked at Marty using the mirror, and saw that there was a terrible sadness in them. He didn't know how he could see it, but he saw it nonetheless.

"Hey Mart, are uh, are you okay? I don't mean to pry or anything, but there's something in your eyes that's just awfully painful. I mean, I know I don't know you, and you don't actually have to tell me what the issue is, but if you want to talk, I'm willing to listen."

Marty just carried on driving without answering Gabe at first and Gabe just took it as a sign that he didn't want to talk about it. After about 15 minutes, he spoke.

"Well, as I mentioned, I'm a weak vampire, as is my wife and my children. Well, that's what I thought until my youngest son became dreadfully ill, and I can't afford to buy the high quality blood his body needs for his immune system to begin to heal his body."

"Whoa, what are you talking about Mart? Buying blood?"

"You don't know about that either?! What the fuck, how ignorant are you Gabe?"

"Woefully ignorant, trust me!" Gabe said with a massive smile on his face.

They both laughed at that for a bit before Marty carried on with his tale.

"Well, there are things called Blood Banks, which are specially run for vampires. There, we can purchase blood, of any quality, for certain prices. Low level vamps such as me can get by on the bare minimum, in terms of the level and grade of the blood. The best quality blood for us is that which comes from other, stronger vampires or weres, etc. The lowest comes from humans, and other low level vamps and creatures, although no matter how weak, any vamp will produce better blood than a human."

"I see. So have you consulted a Doctor as to how much high quality blood your son will need?"

"Yeah, I have. He'll need at least three half litre Grade A BloodBags to get him started, and that is way more than I can afford at the moment. That's why I've taken this job as a cab driver, to make some extra money to put towards at least paying for one, you know? My wife has also started working, and oldest son has also offered to contribute by putting forth all the money he's saved from working."

Gabe just listened to this story, and was brought to the verge of tears, but held it in. He then looked around and saw a few clean and empty BloodBags in the back.

"Hey Marty, these things back here wouldn't happen to be BloodBags would they? If they are, then why are they here?"

"Oh, if you just have them refilled instead of buying them new, they are actually much cheaper, so I often look for and clean discarded bags which are still reusable. You can also sell them back to the Bank you purchased them from for a little money. The bags are so expensive; you've got to save where you can." Marty then produced a hollow, bitter sounding laugh.

Gabe looked into Marty's eyes, having seen through the laugh, but noticed that when he spoke of his family, his eyes sparkled a bit, so he decide to roll with it.

"So Marty, tell me about your family. How many kids do you have? How long have you been married?"

"Oh, I've only been married for a short time, according to vamp standards..."

As Marty rambled on about his wife, Gabe stopped paying attention as he seemed to be preoccupied describing his family. Gabe then picked up a bag, making a small incision in the neck of the bag and concentrated. After a few seconds, a small stream of deep red, almost maroon blood squirted out from a pore on his wrist, and started flowing directly into the bag. He kept giving Marty standard, not-paying-any-attention replies like 'Oh really?' and 'Mhmmm' and 'Uh-huh' and the like. When the bag was full, he carefully folded it, before placing it back on the floor. He repeated this two more times before leaving three full BloodBags under the seat. Doing this had drained him of a litre and a half of blood, and left him pretty sleepy. He found that he had dozed off quite quickly, and next thing he knew, someone was talking to him.

"Hey Gabe, wake up! We're at the college!"

Gabe started squirming, and snuggling up to the seat.

"Gabe! Gabe! Gabe!!"

Gabe started screwing up his face. This voice that was screaming at him was starting to get fucking annoying.

"Gabe! Wake up you stupid fuck!"

Gabe felt a punch on his shoulder. This seemed to do the job of waking him up, as his eyes shot open, and he replied with a short half inch punch straight in the direction in which the fist had originated from, and it came into contact with a face. As his eyes adjusted, they saw a head getting knocked the fuck back, and an entire body following it, becoming airborne and crashing into the ground, all in spectacular slow-mo, and the grunt that came from the airborne body seemed to echo. After it crashed into the ground, Gabe looked at it and it seemed to be dressed like Marty.

"Oh shit, Marty?! Is that you?"

Marty was just clutching his nose, as blood was freely flowing from it. He was grunting and groaning in pain, while rolling around on the ground.

"Shit Marty, I'm sorry! When you punched me, I thought you were that Spartan instructor from hell. You okay?"

Marty didn't respond, so Gabe looked around, and noticed nobody was around, so he gripped Marty's collar and hoisted him up, before pushing him against the side of the cab. He then removed Marty's hands from his face, to reveal his broken and bleeding nose. Marty was grimacing in pain, and his hands were also covered in blood.

"Look Marty, I need you to calm down and just breathe out your mouth okay? Also, if you could keep your hands away from your nose, that'd be great."

Gabe then brought his right hand up to Marty's nose bridge, and felt all up and down it with his index and fore fingers. After locating where the break occurred, he rested his fingers there and closed his eyes. His fingers started glowing with a sort of gold colour, and the bridge started to correctly align itself before the break started mending itself. After a minute or so, the break was completely healed, and his nose was no longer bleeding. Marty's breathing then started to calm down and was far less ragged. Eventually, it went back to normal, and looked at Gabe with one hell of a look.

"Damn Gabe, what the fuck did you just do?! One second, my nose feels fucked, and the next, there's a warm, tingly sensation and all of a sudden my nose is 100 %, and no longer blocked, as it was before it broke— WAIT A MINUTE!! YOU BROKE MY NOSE!!"

Gabe just looked at Marty as his was a delayed reaction of note. He almost laughed, but then remembered that Marty punched him first.

"Well sorry for that Mart, but YOU'RE the one who punched me first!"

"That's because you were fast asleep, and weren't waking up!"

"Well what were you doing waking me up in the first place?!"

"We're at the fucking college man! Whoa, wait a minute; how the fuck did you heal me?! I've never come across a vamp able to do that!"

"Yeah, well remember I told that I'm only part vampire. Anyway THIS is the college? This is just some parking lot."

Marty just looked at Gabe, wondering what exactly his other part was. Eventually, he spoke.

"Wait, you being serious? This is the visitors parking. I wanted to go straight to the drop off zone, but you wouldn't wake up when I fucking called out to you, so I drove around here."

"Oh..." Gabe just looked around guiltily, while scratching his head. He then gave Marty a cheesy grin, and started laughing.

Marty wanted to stay mad at the kid, but his laugh was so infectious that his anger subsided and he joined in the laughter. He then took and hankie out of his pocket, and wiped his hands and face, and got rid of almost all of the blood. Afterwards, he opened the boot of the car and pulled Gabe's bag out, and put down next to Gabe.

"Anyway Gabe, it was nice meeting you, and thanks for—"

"Uhm Mart, before you say goodbye, would you mind leading me to some place where I can easily navigate my way over to the office?"

Marty just looked at him, and shook his head in disbelief.

"Well fine; but only because you're a nice kid."

"Thanks Mart!' Gabe flashed a genuine smile at Marty and picked up his bag, before following him.

Marty started walking, and Gabe followed him. They made their way out the parking lot, and after a little while longer, they reached the drop off zone, where there were plenty of cars, parents and students, all talking, and buzzing, some sad and crying, and others happy and laughing.

"Well Gabe, this is as far as I go. Your grandfather already paid me, so I guess this is goodbye. It's been a pleasure, and I hope really have a good time here." Marty then extended his hand, which Gabe took into his own and shook.

"Yeah thanks Marty. By the way, I left you a little tip in the back of the cab. I hope that it's enough, and that your son gets better soon." Gabe then smiled.

"Thanks a lot Gabe. Bye."

With that Marty turned around and started walking back to where they came from. Gabe then took a few steps forward and walked past the parents and kids that were all communicating amongst each other.

'Boy am I glad I got that over with back at home. Luckily, Gramps and Grandma are old, so they didn't want to drop me off.'

The further Gabe walked in, the more he surveyed his surroundings. As he looked around, all he could see were bitches. Goth bitches, Emo bitches, fake titted, gorgeous, Jock dick sucking bitches, cute, nerdy bitches with glasses, geeky and dorky anime loving bitches wearing Pokemon t shirts, skinny bitches, chubby itches, fat bitches, beautiful bitches, average bitches, ugly bitches, bitches every where, and bitches galore! Gabe just stood in one spot, and spun around, getting dizzy, but just looking around at all his potential fucks. He started virtually constructing his never ending train in his mind, just randomly picking a random woman and adding her to it. Eventually, when he realized that no matter how many he added, there would still be extra, he stopped spinning. Unbeknownst to Gabe, he was doing all this while surrounded by a lot of people. Everyone had gone quiet, waiting for this ridiculously handsome weirdo to do something, while some had already whipped out their smart phones, and started taking videos. Gabe then dropped his bag, and everyone (including Gabe) heard something shatter in there, but Gabe just chose to ignore it. Next thing, Gabe pumped both arms straight above his head, also revealing a massive smile, with his eyes closed.


Everyone in the group surrounding Gabe all flinched, slightly scared, but still not leaving. He then brought his arms down, before thrusting them back above his head, and doing this repeatedly.


Gabe then started dancing on the spot, doing one of the worst renditions of The Running Man ever to be caught on video. Just as people were still adjusting to it, he then leapt up into the air, bent his knees, and started turning his body until he was upside down. He then landed on the ground, almost on his neck, with a loud 'THUD', and when he remained motionless, many people thought he had broken something. However, he then crossed his arms around his chest, spread his legs apart while keeping them straight, and then started spinning, performing a break dancing move called The Windmill. For some reason, Gabe was doing this move brilliantly, and people were wondering why on earth his Running Man was so bad. People were watching Gabe go crazy, and were sort of getting into his performance. He then somehow pushed shoulders into the ground, popping himself up and landing on his head. He then started generating his own spin, without using his hands. He then straightened his arms out, including his hands, and they were open with his fingers pointed. He then bent his knees at right angles, and started speeding up. Soon, he was just a blur of black, and the two tails of his coat like thing were jutting out and spinning like crazy as well. Gabe eventually straightened his legs and then popped up and landed on his feet, with his legs bent, and his fingers touching the ground. His audience then broke out into a round of applause which Gabe didn't hear for some reason. After a few seconds, he shot straight up to a vertical base and pumped his arms above his head again, which scared the crowd into silence, as they waited for his next move.

Gabe then broke out into a fit of laughter, which was loud and infectious, causing a few people to laugh with him. As a few people were approaching to say hello to him, they suddenly stopped, as Gabe's laughter came to a slow and awkward halt. The grin on his face disappeared, and his arms dropped down to sides. The people who were approaching him then stopped, and looked at each other. His right hand then came up, and went across his eyes. His shoulders kept shrugging up and down, and as everyone quieted down, they heard what sounded like sobs. They became louder and louder, until the sobs were loud enough that everyone could hear them. All the people present then looked at each other with looks that just screamed;

'Whaaaaaat?! He's crying now?!! First he was yelling, and then dancing, and then laughing and now he's crying?! WTF!!!'

Gabe was just sobbing and sniffing, while rubbing his forearm across his eyes to wipe the tears away. Between sobs, he spoke.

"God, *sniffle* God really does exist, I mean he has to. Not only am I in heaven, *sob* b-but, I'm also surrounded by all these *sniffle* angels..." He then looked upwards towards the heavens in admiration.

After a moment of silence in which you could hear a pin drop, the ENTIRE audience burst out into a massive chorus of laughter, which caused Gabe to notice them all for the first time.

"What the fuck?!"

"'I'm also surrounded by all these *sniffle* angels...' AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"What a Dork!"

"This dude HAS to be from the country! What a lame bumpkin!"

"His looks don't match his character!"

"He looks so fucking cool, but ended being the complete opposite of cool!!"

Gabe's head just darted around, as he blushed furiously; his cheeks reddening further as each rebuke was voiced.

'How could I have not noticed all these people?! Holy shit, how embarrassing! Never mind, calm down Gabriel Xavier! You can still salvage this situation!'

Gabe then bent down and picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. Just as he was about to Pimp Lean like a boss, Wynne's words started playing over and over again in his mind.

'Shit! If what Grandma said is true, then there's no way in HELL I can pimp lean outta here! I'll never be able to recover from it if I do! What should I do?! Think brain, think!' Gabe's eyebrows suddenly perked up as he got an idea, and moved immediately to execute it.

Gabe then suddenly turned his torso around and pointed at something.

"AH!!" He exclaimed with a massive look of surprise on his face.

The entire audience then snapped around to look at what he pointed at, and when they noticed that there was nothing there, they all looked towards the spot where Gabe was standing before, which was now completely empty; with both Gabe and his bag missing.

"W-what the fuck? Where did he go?"

'Ha! Don't underestimate me you bastards! My speed is my best asset.' Gabe thought to himself as he ran off.

Gabe was running at quite a brisk pace; and wasn't actually paying to attention to where he was going, or how long he was running for. He looked around and realized that he was lost. He came to a slow stop, and looked around; all he saw were buildings, buildings and more buildings. He noticed that he was next to what appeared to be a street, so he just followed it until he reached an intersection. He saw sign posts with street names.

"Aha! A street pole! Now I can at least tell where I am, and then navigate from....h-here..."

As Gabe read the sign post, he realized that he had no idea where this street actually was. The college's website had an online map, as well as a physical copy of the map, and the recommended that the map be on your person at all times, so as not to get lost. When Paul told him to memorize it, Gabe just agreed to, and stopped paying attention because he was thinking about all the bitches he was going to get. Each time Paul asked if he was making progress on memorizing it, he just kept saying yes and putting it off. It also didn't help that this particular area of the campus seemed to be completely deserted; there was absolutely no activity happening there at the moment. Sure, it was the middle of the day on a Sunday, but for there to be no activity. If there were at least people around, Gabe could've asked them for directions, or better yet; to have them lead him over to the office. If Gabe had just stayed calm instead of running away from his embarrassing situation, he wouldn't be in this mess. In fact, he had actually done one worse than just running away; in his excited state, he completely forgot about Paul's number one rule; 'When in new surroundings, always survey and familiarize yourself with the area before making any moves.' Gabe shuddered at the thought of the kind of terrible Spartan-like punishment that would be inflicted on him if Paul found out the he forgot the rule the first time he was actually supposed to use it.

"Shit! I really couldn't have chosen a worse time to forget Gramps' rule."

Gabe then looked around, looking for some slightly higher ground. He started moving at a brisk pace again, running quickly and looking around. He found a high fence, which surrounded what appeared to be a park; or at least Gabe thought it was a park because it looked like the one's he had seen on TV, in series, movies and the internet.

"Hmmm; this fence looks high enough.'

Gabe put his bag on his back and then jumped, and was rather elevated. He unclenched his fists, and his open palms faced the ground. He then closed his eyes and all of a sudden, a sort of red mist started shooting out of them, and this slowed his descent down towards the fence until his feet gently touched down on it. The rest mist then bunched together and formed into two balls of what appeared to be blood, and started flowing back into his wrists. This blood also seemed to be a much lighter shade to the blood he deposited into the BloodBags for Marty's son. He then slowed his breathing, almost entering a state of total concentration, before slowly looking around, taking in each and every detail of the area; the colour of the buildings, the number of buildings, how many trees were in the park, how many flies were flying around, how many ants were in a line of them which led to a dead centipede; no detail was too small or irrelevant. After what seemed like a good few minutes, Gabe was satisfied with the level of detail he had just memorized, he let out a big breath, and then his breathing went back to normal.
