Hypno-Submission Pt. 01


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Katie let out a breath to calm herself. "Sorry, mom. But I am fine. Just .. Um .. Just died on a crucial level in my video game."

"You kids take those things way too seriously."

"Really, mom?" she replied. "I've heard all sorts of obscenities come out of your mouth when the your basketball team loses."

"Touché," her mom said. "Dinner is ready though."

"How can dinner be ready?" asked Katie. "You just walked in the door."

"Pizza," her mom replied. "Come on."

"Give me a minute," I'll be right down."

Katie looked at her phone. "What am I going to do about you, Mr. Master Boratus? Part of me feels like I'm already in too deep, but then again, if I'm wondering if I'm in too deep then I must not be in too deep. That's right, isn't it?" She growled. "I wish I could talk to someone about this. Maybe Brenda. Would she understand, or would she make fun of me?"

Katie freshened up and then joined her mom for pizza. Her thoughts stayed on Master Boratus as they ate. She wondered what he looked like. There was a picture of him on his Youtube channel but it was small and dark. She could tell he was black, but nothing else.

"Boyfriend?" her mom asked.

Katie choked on her slice. "Gah. What?"

Her mom smiled. Hazel eyes that matched her own sparkled at her. "You have boyfriend face."

"Um... new guy. I'm not sure what to make of him," Katie said. "He's really, well.."

"Sexy?" asked her mom.

"Mysterious," Katie corrected. "But he could be, and then again may not be, well, dangerous."

Her mom laughed. "Yes, I remember those boys. The rebels. The bad boys. We all thought they were hot."

Katie forgot that her mom was her age once. Even though the woman looked like her older sister, -same curvy body type, same dark brown curly hair- to Katie, her mom was always an adult, born in her late thirties and matured to mid-forties now, aging seven or eight years in the time it took Katie to become twenty-two. Parents were never your age, right?

"Did you date the bad boys, mom?"

"Oh yeah. I loved it and hated it."

"What do you mean?" Katie was genuinely intrigued.

"What they don't teach you," her mom explained, "and I probably should have taught you sooner, is that what you're attracted to isn't the bad, it's the confidence. Confidence is sexy, and bad boys tend to have a lot of it. At your age, the good ones are generally shy. They don't stand out as much. A few do, but most think being good means being polite and quiet. They haven't learned yet that standing out, confidently, is sexy. Is this guy confident?"

"Oh, hell yeah," Katie said. "You basically want to do anything he tells you, and that excites the hell outta me, but it's also scary."

He mom nodded. "I know the feeling. Want my advice?"

"I can already guess," Katie replied. "Find a good one."

"Oh, hell no," her mom said, surprising Katie. "Go for it."

"Who are you, and what have you done with my mother?" Katie asked with a smile.

"It's college," her mom said. "You're curious. I mean be safe, but do a bad boy just for the fun of it. Don't try to have a relationship with him. At they age, they won't stay faithful. But being with a confident man, mmmm, the sex -"

"Aaaaaand we're done," said Katie. "I know you had sex. I'm mean I exist, and all, but I don't want to hear about it."

"Okay, okay," her mom said. "I won't talk about it." Her eyes drifted into memory.

"Oh god," said Katie. "You're thinking about the sex, aren't you?"

"Well, I said I wouldn't talk about it!" Her mom stuck out her tongue.

"Can we change the subject, please?" asked Katie.

Her mom laughed. "Fine. Fine."

After dinner, Katie returned to her room to do her homework and play some actual video games. Again, Master Boratus was on her mind. She wanted to text him and play some more, but worried about looking needy. Her rational mind told her it was a bad idea because her mom was home and could walk in or hear her like before. But through the walls she could hear the muffled sounds of a movie playing. Whenever her mom got absorbed in her romance movies, she didn't hear anything in the outer world.

Katie glanced at her phone again.

Don't do it, Katie. Resist.


She began filling out an online form for one of her projects. When she finished, she stared at the buttons at the bottom of the screen. Cancel. Submit.

She clicked the right button. Something felt so satisfying in it.

She decided to distract herself for a little while with some YouTube videos. It helped to kill some time.

Twenty-three minutes.

And made her feel much more relaxed.

Finally, she got the nerve to call Brenda.

"Hey Katie K," Brenda answered. "What's up?"

"Hey Brenda," Katie began, a little nervous. "Um ... I want to ask you something, but it has to stay just between us, okay?"

"Now I'm curious," Brenda said, perking up.

"This is serious, Brenda," Katie said firmly. "Not to Cynthia. Not to Kyle. No one."

"Okay, okay, I promise."

Katie took a breath, held it, and exhaled. "I watched the Master Boratus video again."

"Tonight?" asked Brenda.


Why did that feel not quite true?

"The night we watched it."

Brenda giggled. "And are you a good girl now?"

The words went through her, more powerfully than she expected. Much stronger than when Brenda had said them that first night.

"I ... uh ... what?"

"One of the phrases in the video," Brenda said. "Good girl. Are you a good girl now?"

Each time Brenda said the words Katie got wetter. When her friend asked the question Katie wanted to answer, "Yes!" She resisted though.


She shook her head to clear it. "No, I mean, I was just wondering if you watched it again."

"Are you okay?" Brenda asked. "You sound a bit weird."

"I'm fine," Katie replied. "I just ..."

"Wait," said Brenda. "Does that phrase really affect you?"

"What? No."

"Good girl," Brenda said, playfully.

"Brenda no." She bit her lower lip to distract from the effect.

Brenda giggled. "Good girl. Good girl. Good girl."

Katie's arousal flared. She hung up. Breathing heavily, she resisted touching herself. "So not helpful, Brenda!"

Her phone beeped. Picking it up, she saw an incoming text from Brenda.



Even the text affected her. And the All-caps intensified it somehow.



"There's our good girl," Brenda said when they met at school the next day.

Katie almost tripped up her last few steps as her clit tremored.

Cynthia sent Brenda a curious look, her dark brown eyes intense. "What?"

"Private joke from last night," Brenda covered.

Cynthia didn't look impressed. Katie couldn't tell if it was because they weren't explaining the joke, but she wasn't going to talk about it.

Katie had texted Master Boratus in the morning, but hadn't gotten a reply. Turmoil continued to fill her mind. She loved this new level of sexuality. She loved how Master Boratus made her body feel. She loved his control. But years of being taught to be wary of strangers, being warned to not trust people on the internet, hearing stories of girls that were lured in my unscrupulous men, she felt she had stepped into dangerous territory here.

After a moment of silence, Cynthia sucked her teeth and said, "Whatever. Are we meeting for lunch? I have a one o'clock break."

"I'm free," said Katie.

"Works for me," said Brenda. "Katie, you coming by tonight?"

Katie wanted to go home and chat with Master Boratus, but they needed to work on that assignment. "Yeah," she replied. "If you're not fucking Kyle," she added playfully.

Brenda shook her head happily. "Nope. Broke up."

"Come again?" said Cynthia.

"That's part of the reason," Brenda replied. "He couldn't make me." She laughed.

"Ouch," Katie said.

"I mean, he's a great guy," Brenda said. "But a girl has needs."

"And this is college," Cynthia added. "Needs can be easily met here."

"True dat," Brenda said, bumping fists with Cynthia.

Katie rolled her eyes.

Those two have never appreciated the value of a solid, loving relationship.

Says the slut who wants to be owned and used.

Shut up!


MB: Yes?

Katie's heart sped up when she received the text in class.

KK: im in class now can't really chat

MB: Fair enough. Tomorrow then.

Wait. What?

KK: tomorrow?

MB: I have a busy day. I'll be available tomorrow.

KK: what about later tonight?

MB: No. I have a half hour now.

MB: We can chat after school tomorrow.

That was too much time. She needed to feel like she did yesterday.

KK: give me a minute to go someplace private

MB: Good girl

I'm a good girl!

KK: thank you Sir

She gathered her things and quietly left the lecture, rushing quickly to one of the study halls. The college provided several sound proof rooms in each hall for students that didn't want distractions. They still had windows so people couldn't have sex in them but the cubicle inside blocked all of the occupant's body below the chest.

She grabbed her phone and saw the last line she typed.

I called him "Sir" again.

Master Boratus is my Master.

It nagged at her but the need to chat with him made the concern drift away.

KK: ready

Almost immediately she felt that wonderful feeling as she dropped into trance. A part of her realized she was becoming addicted to it, but the rest of her didn't care. It felt too good.

When she emerged, her panties were soaked.

MB: Did you play with yourself after we chatted yesterday?

KK: maybe..

MB: Good girls answer directly when asked a question.

KK: sorry Sir yes i did play

MB: Good girl.

I'm a good girl!

MB: Did you cum?

KK: no my mom interrupted

MB: A shame.

KK: yeah i could tell it was going to be a good one.

MB: Would you like to finish now?

KK: cant im in a study hall

KK: semi private but people will see me through the window

MB: Truth pet, how do you feel about people seeing you being controlled and used like a slut

KK: i love it but not here

KK: i could get expelled

KK: i think it's hot and want to try it some day

What the fuck did I just type? Do I really feel that way? Oh god, just the thought of it is making me wet.

MB: Truth pet, how would you feel if I made you do things or feel things without your knowing? Nothing overt. Subtle control that only you'd know about.

KK: oh god...

KK: that would be hot too! i want to rub myself just thinking about it

KK: may i?

MB: I thought people could see you.

KK: top half not my pussy

MB: Are you wearing pants or a skirt?

KK: pants

MB: Open them and rub your clit.

KK: Mmmmm yes Sir

This is so naughty, playing in the study hall. Heh. I just caught that guy's gaze. He has no idea what I'm doing. It's just making me wetter.

"I am obedient. I am owned."

MB: How's that feel?

KK: amazing! its not going to take me long to cum at this rate

MB: What do you do before you cum?

KK: ask permission Sir

"I am obedient. I am owned."

MB: Good girl

I'm a good girl!

MB: Will you be able to hide your expression when you cum?

KK: ill just duck down for a moment behind the cubicle

She felt similar to last night. That if she came, something would change. She'd give in.

MB: Stay visible as long as you can without getting in trouble.

The thought of following that order nearly pushed her over the edge. No one was looking at her at the moment. She wished someone would. She wanted to show someone what she was going through.

"I am obedient. I am owned!"

Her eyes went wide as Cynthia walked by the window, only to turn and recognize her. The black girl turned and stepped toward the door. As she left the view from the window, Katie hastily did up her pants.

The door opened. "Shouldn't you be in class this period?"

"I... uh... had an assignment to catch up on. Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"Feeling a bit drained. Didn't sleep much last night. I may skip lunch and take a nap."

Katie's phone beeped. She covered the screen so Cynthia couldn't see who was texting her.

"I'll tell Brenda."

"You don't mind?" Cynthia asked.

"Of course not. Take care of yourself. It's all good, girl."

Cynthia gave her a weird look.

"What?" Katie asked.

"Why did you say that?"

"Say what?"

"Good girl."

Katie's pussy vibrated. She was calming down from the near orgasm but the words pushed her arousal up again.

"I said, 'It's all good... girl.'"

"Brenda called you a good girl today too," Cynthia said, a look of concern on her face.

Katie held in a moan.

"Yeah, she's being a bitch."

"By calling you good girl?"

Damn, we need to get off this subject.

"Um we got into a chat last night about how I'm so much more goody goody than you two. Always trying to do the right thing, be morally superior, you know, be a good girl. I argued against her but didn't really have facts to back it up. So she began teasing me. 'Good girl. Good girl.' But that's not what I meant just now with you. Go lie down. Go home if you need to."

Cynthia bit her lower lip before replying. "Yeah, I should."

Hmmm. It doesn't affect me when I say it. Only when someone else does.

The phone beeped again.

"Call me tonight," Katie said. "Let me know if you're feeling better."

"Okay," Cynthia replied. She turned to leave.

"Good girl," Katie said.

Cynthia stopped and twisted her head back. Her face held shock and something else. Something familiar.

"Kidding!" Katie replied. "I can play too, right? I don't always have to be a good girl."

Cynthia's face softened and she left.

Katie quickly picked up her phone.

MB: How close are you?

MB: Still there?

MB: I'm guessing you either got interrupted or passed out.

MB: I'm getting back to work. Chat tomorrow.

She typed urgently.

KK: no wait! got interrupted im back

She stared at the screen for several minutes before accepting he'd left.


She thought about playing again.

I can't cum without permission.

Then felt the moment was lost.

She returned to what remained of her last period before lunch then met with Brenda.

"Cynthia's not feeling well. She's gone home I think."

Brenda nodded. "Yeah, she didn't get much sleep last night."

Katie raised her eyebrows. "She told you?"

"Right before you arrived this morning. I was surprised she suggested lunch."


"You got enough sleep though, didn't you, you good girl?"

I'm a good girl.

Wait. Fuck. No.

"You start that shit again and I'm leaving," Katie said angrily.

"Okay, okay," Brenda said with a giggle. She pushed a blonde lock behind her ear. "Man, that trigger really gets you, doesn't it?"

"Trigger?" said Katie. "You said the video didn't have any triggers."

"I didn't remember it having any triggers," Brenda corrected. "But I was dipping in and out of trance, so I was missing things. 'Good girl' is obviously a trigger."

I'm a good girl.

Katie shuddered. "Yeah, that explains a lot. Does it affect you too? Good girl. Good girl."

"Mmmmm, yes. Fuck that makes me feel good."

"You just go with it?"

"Sure why not? It's pleasure."

"Brenda?" Katie said, worry setting in. "How many times have you watched that video?"

"A few times," Brenda replied smugly.

"Did you contact Master Boratus?"

"Was I supposed to?" Brenda asked.

"I think so," Katie said realizing what had happened for the first time. "I felt compelled to. It must be in the video."

"Only parts of the video stuck with me, remember? Wait. You contacted him?"

Katie turned red. "Uh... yeah."

"You chatted with him?"


"Did he make you do anything?"

"He... uh... he made me feel things."

Brenda leaned forward. "Feel things?"

"Erotic sensations. All over my body. Until I came."

"Oh wow."

"But I'm not sure it's a good thing. I mean I love what he makes me feel, but I'm worried he's taking too much control too fast."

"Are you his hypno-slave now?"

"No... I... Well... I don't think so."

"Do you want to be?"

Fuck yes!

"No... I don't know." She needed to get the attention off her. "Do you remember any more of the video now?" Katie asked.

"Less actually."

"The less you remember the deeper you went," Master Boratus had said.

"I think you should stop watching it," Katie warned. "The deeper you go, the less you remember."

"How many times have you watched it?" Brenda asked.

Five times.

"Just twice."

"And you don't remember anything?"

"Just feeling amazing while I was under."

"Yeah. It feels so fucking good. I wake up wet every time."

"Wait. What if we watch it together tonight?" Katie asked.

"Didn't you just tell me not to watch it?" Asked Brenda.

"I mean, not together," Katie explained. "You put the headphones on and watch the screen while I watch you. Then we swap. That way we can each see what the other does in trance. We may both be doing things we're not aware of. This'll help us see more of what's happening."

"I like it." Brenda said. "After we work on the project tonight?"

"That's what I was thinking."


Katie arrived home after school to find her mom in a form-fitting little red dress, choosing the right shoes.

"Woah," Katie said. "What's the occasion?"

"First date in six months," her mom said. "Wish me luck."

"Looking like that, you won't need luck, mom."

"Aw. Thanks sweetie. I didn't make dinner."

"That's okay. I'm going to Brenda's. I'll raid her fridge."


Katie and Brenda managed to get a good chunk of their assignment done before they decided to watch each other watch the video.

Brenda volunteered to watch first. Katie sat next to the laptop so she couldn't see the screen and watched her friend closely. Brenda's eyes moved left and right as she followed the ball on the screen. Katie knew how it felt to watch that ball, how quickly it put her under. Curiously, watching Brenda's eyes start to get that blank expression brought a calming feeling to Katie. Her friend's eyes moving slightly left and right felt just as powerful as the ball on the screen Brenda was watching. Katie felt as though she was being pulled down into trance along with Brenda.

A moment later, or what seemed a moment later, Brenda was shaking her awake.

"Girl, you were supposed to watch me, not zone out," Brenda admonished.

"Wha?" asked Katie. "I was... Wait. How long was I out?"

"The video just ended, sleepy head."

"Are you serious?" Katie asked. "You mean I've just been sitting here, zoned out for twenty-three minutes?"

"Looks that way," Brenda replied. "How did you even mange to trance with no sound or video?"

"Your eyes," Katie said. "When I saw them glaze over, it was like you pulled me into the trance with you."

Brenda sighed. "Well, I guess we won't be trying that again."

"So how do we find out what's on the video?"

"We need to get someone who's never seen it to watch it bit by bit, I think. But better than how we did it."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Who would volunteer for that?"

"Maybe my sis," Brenda suggested. "She'll be in town for summer break in a few weeks."