Hypnosis Device

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Man invents mind-control device. 1'st test has mixed results.
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This one is a little different from my others. It started off in my Hypnotizing Kim series but the writing went somewhere else... I debated where to place it, non-consent/reluctance or mind control. It is here because, in the end, it is about controlling the mind. Before writing these stories, it never occurred to me how close those two topics are... Let me know if you like it.



I grew up around computers. I can't remember not having one. Programming was fascinating and second nature to me. Growing up, when other kids played outside, I programmed. I made code. I sold my first bit of code when I was 13. My natural ability got me a full scholarship to Stanford.

It was there that my app was conceived.

I had mostly been interested in gaming and that is where I'd focused my energy. However, the university required a social studies course so I ending up having to take a Psychology class. It ended up changing my life.

Although most of the course was worthless jiberjabber taught be hippy wanabe wishy-washy young professor, there was a bit that got into the "coding of the human brain."

'Coding of the brain'? Now we were talking. To me, this was interesting. I listened in class and I read the text but this was an intro course - it wasn't enough. I asked the professor and he had no desire or ability to answer my queries. He suggested talking to the department head, Dr. Steingraff.

Since I was in the building, I went immediately to meet with him. However, the stuffy department secretary stopped me and told me I had to set an appointment. I guess he was just soooo busy - these liberal arts professors were so full of themselves. I rolled my eyes and set up an appointment for the following week.

In the meantime, I did some research on my own. There was quite a bit of information available on campus and even more on the Internet. As always, the problem was to sift through the data to find the relevant information - relevant, quality information. Armed with the information I found and filtered, I was convinced that there was a correlation between software coding and the natural coding of the human brain. Enough of a similarity, at least, to merit more study. So I and came up with a very specific plan for independent study. I knew I could get the approval of Dr. Patel, the Computer Science head. I just needed the approval and support of Dr. Steingraff too, since the degree plan crossed strongly into the Psychology field.

The morning of my appointment, I went to the Social sciences building and told the woman at the desk that I had an appointment with Dr. Steingraff. She told me that Dr. Steingraff had just stepped out and would be back in a moment. She told me to wait in the office. She asked me if I wanted a tea. I declined and had a seat in the office.

After a few moments, another middle-aged woman came into the office with a cup of tea in her hands. She placed some papers on a table by the door. She was hotter than the other. Bitchy expression though. How many clerks worked for this guy anyway?

This woman was tall with short graying hair. She wore a low-cut blouse showing too much cleavage and a tight skirt that was very snug around her hips and ass. She was probably in her mid-forties. She was in pretty good shape for her age and couldn't help notice that her large erect nipples pushed through the light material of her blouse. Gotta love central air conditioning, I guess. After giving her a full once over, I thought, 'I'd giv'er one'.

Regardless, I had an appointment and had no time for this large-breasted office worker. I wanted to get started, damn it. I wished her away, 'Instead of bringing me tea I didn't want, move your ass out there to get Dr. Steingraff.'

"No thank you, I already told the other lady I didn't want tea. What's taking so long anyway? I have an appointment. Can you do something useful and go get him?" I said impatiently.

The woman stopped briefly and stared at me for a second. The stare turned into a scowl and she walked passed me, sat behind the desk, and set the mug down in front of her.

"What took me so long is none of your business, young man." She said icily.

'Wha...Oh shit. SHE was Dr. Steingraff? 'This woman was the department head?'

Dr. Steingraff was female?' As if looking for proof to confirm this, my eyes drifted the nipples poking out of her blouse.

"Ummm... Well you're a woman..." I said quietly, stating the obvious.

"And you what? You thought I'd be a man? Is that it? A woman couldn't possibly be a department head? Right?" She prodded.

I stared blankly not knowing what to say.

"Well...Welcome to the 21st century. We can vote now and everything." She smiled and flashed her eyelids.

"I uh...What I mean to say is that...uh"

"Did you have a proposal or did you want to just stare at my breasts?" I realized I was still staring. I looked up.

"Or, did you come here to discuss your obvious issues with women in general?" She asked.

"What? No...I was...um..." I was flustered. I now noticed the little sign on the desk. DR. JILLIAN STEINGRAFF. Shit. Why didn't I see that before? Why didn't I notice it during my online research?

"I understood that you wanted my approval for some special course of study."



She snapped her fingers angrily in front of me. I was going through my recent research in my mind and it must've looked like I was staring at her tits again. Shit.

"They're just breasts, young man. You're in college now. Grow up a bit. Jesus."

She reached over, snatched my proposal from my hands, and shook her head muttering under her breath. "Computer science majors. Never seen a woman before..."

She flipped the pages of my proposal quickly, not even taking the time to read it. She glanced back up at me. "Mr. Lipshitz, is it? Mr. Lipshitz, Psychology 101 is required. You cannot escape it with this pathetic excuse to create some kind of video game...about the human brain."

""No no, no. IT'S NOT A GAME - " Shocked and still flustered, I spoke too loud. "It's a study to prove how the human brain - "

"Don't you raise your voice at me!" She scolded angrily puffing out her chest. Her swelling breasts confounding me again. I stared unintentionally. "And have the courtesy, my young computer geek, to look me in the eyes - not at my breasts!"

Dr. Steingraff tossed my proposal back to me. "Finish PS101. Take your silly plans back to Dr. Patel. Leave the study of the brain to other students who are...more mature, perhaps. Better prepared to take this field seriously, hmmm?"

I stood, dumbfounded. This was not at all how I planned for this meeting to go...

"I suggest you find professional help to deal with your obvious problems with members of the opposite sex. And, perhaps a girlfriend. Find a nice girl...or boy. Whatever." She advised me without looking away from her screen.

What had just happened? This bitch just refused my course of study without reading it. Seriously? I was furious.

I spat out the words I would later regret.

"Listen Mrs. Steingraff, - "

"It's DOCTOR Steingraff...and I do not need to listen to anything. I understand what you need and I cannot help you. Therapy might." She said smugly.

I stared aghast.

"You conceited bitch. You...you didn't even read it. You didn't read it. You're blocking the most important proposal that will ever cross your pathetic desk without even reading it!"

She squinted her eyes and tilted her head slightly. She paused and spoke slowly.

"Bitch? How typical. You pathetic, sexist, little computer geek. You come into my office, treat me like I'm your servant? You stare at my body like it's your object? Then you whine about how I'm a bitch. Really? Well, Mr. Lipshitz. You'll just have to conduct your video game studies without the assistance of my department."

"Now. Run along. Go get some therapy. Go play a video game or two." She made a shooing gesture with a hand.

I stood and stared angrily. "You're not stopping me. I'll do this without you. And...and you'll see! It's brilliant and you - you..."

She stood and put up a hand, interrupting me. "Mr Lipshitz? You should deal with your little erection there, too. I mean physically - "

I looked down and discovered to my horror that I did have a boner. I had an obvious erection.

"Then, perhaps you can deal with it mentally, eh? Small penis syndrome is real, unfortunately and nothing to be ashamed of. Your contempt and anxiety over your penis size may be exacerbating your issues with woman. Get some help. Good luck." She smiled tritely.

Embarrassed and angry, I stormed from her office.

She would see! I'd show her I was right. She'd come to see my genius, that bitch! I marched back to my dorm. Upon arriving, I found that my five-inch cock was strangely still hard. I had to jack off. While doing so, pictures of Dr. Steingraff's tits refused to leave my mind. When I pictured cuming on her face, I ejaculated. This calmed me for a while.

But I fumed and used this humiliation as a motivator. As department head of a prestigious university, she was convinced that she was an elite thinker while others where beneath her. I came to her with my proposal, ready to make a presentation. I was prepared to explain my hypothesis clearly and could back it up with pages and links. Dr. Steingraf literally laughed at me. That big-boobed, social studies teacher laughed at me when I made my proposal for independent study? That Birkenstock-wearing, tree-hugging, under-qualified bitch thinks that the human brain was not comparable to a computer? Stick with making video games or "whatever it is you boys do in that department."? Fuck her. I would succeed. I would show her!

So, over the next years, I researched. I studied. I took classes to learn more about our brain. I took chemistry classes . I took anatomy classes. When they were too general - not specific enough, I spoke to the professors who actually seemed to know and understand their own material. I attended seminars. I read book after book. I became an expert in how our human brains work; much more of an expert than those limited, condescending idiots in the Psych department. Much more than Dr. Steingraff.

I occasionally saw Dr. Steingraff. I saw her jogging through campus, her tits bouncing with each step. I saw her at a seminar or two over the years, but she either didn't see me or pretended not to. Or maybe she didn't even remember me. She always wore her tight skirts accenting her ass and legs. She always had some blouse showing off her cleavage. Whatever. I had moved past her. Mostly.

Then, finally, I made a breakthrough. I found a correlation with the way brainwaves are coded and how computers are coded. Brainwaves are like musical notes. High note, low notes, overlapping notes making chords. Multiple sequences of chords making symphonies. Change the notes, you have a different chord. Change the chord, you have a different symphony. These waves affect how we feel and how we behave. They are measured in Hertz just like the electricity in your computer - in anything actually.

I, Charley Lipshitz, was able to decipher the code of the brainwaves! And not only that!

I was sure I'd be able to create a program that would manipulate the frequencies and alter and create new ones. The breakthrough was with the infra-low waves. From there, using a Uhlman's cross maxtrix (which only took me three months to perfect, by the way, which has to be a record in itself), I quickly did the same to delta waves, theta waves, and more. After that, it was only a matter of devising the right code to tie it all together. In short, I would create a program that would translate and modify brainwaves. Modifying brainwaves, as a minimum, can modify mood. Done thoroughly, it modifies thought.

After five years, I knew I had completed it. I had taken my brainwave coding and tied it to a program. This program would show up on a computer screen. It could be interspersed with other code, or a document, or even an image. With the use of a small biomedical input receiver (also of my design), I could read a subject's brainwaves and, through the subject's concentration on the screen, I could modify them; make them more pliable. I could make the subject more open to my commands. Much more open.

My program and the accompanying device would allow me, as a minimum, to influence people's minds. How much mind control? I was unsure. I had no real testing data.

I needed a way to test it. Who would volunteer for such an experiment? I had no budget to pay students. Plus, I didn't want to publicize my findings yet.

Not a volunteer, then. I needed to find someone I could draft to act as a guinea pig

The idea came to me quickly. Dr. Steingraff. Yep. No question. I would show her some of my research and she would unknowingly test it. She would have to be the one.

I came up with a simple plan to get her to test it. I redesigned my biomedical device to fit inside a mouse - an actual computer mouse. It was brilliant, actually. Then, I'd get her to read my code off her screen.

I set an appointment with Dr. Steingraff late Friday evening.

The Friday came. I walked through the empty halls to her office. She was seated behind her desk. Her cleavage, as always, caught my attention, as did the nipples. Were they always hard? You'd have thought she would've had the damn temperature adjusted in here.

She stood and offered her hand. "Mr. Lipshitz? Nice to meet you. Have a seat"

I did.

Obviously, she did not recognize me or remember me from our first meeting.

"Thank you for seeing me so late on a Friday. I understand you normally don't meet students so late." I said politely.

"Not a problem. You explained you had a need for your thesis? Some input, perhaps?"

"Yes. I emailed you the pages in question about ten minutes ago. Did you get it?"

She looked at her screen and typed a bit.

"Ummmm...Yes. There it is." She clicked her mouse a few times.

I had sent her my program embedded in what appeared to be a PDF document.

"Hmmmm" She frowned and looked at me. "It doesn't seem to want to open..." My eyes resisted the hypnotic draw of her cleavage.

"Really?" I got up and walked over to her side of the desk and reached for her mouse. "I'm a Computer Sci grad. D'ya mind?"

Slightly uncomfortable by my intrusion, she removed her hand from her mouse and rolled her chair over slightly to give me space.

"Crap!" I yelled as I "accidentally" knocked her mouse to the ground. I bounced and batteries and several small bits came away. "I'm so sorry..."

I reached down and picked up the parts, pushing hard on the sensor to ensure it wouldn't work.

"Geez, I'm really sorry." I put the mouse together but it was obviously broken.

"Well...that's okay. That's okay." She said, politely covering her annoyance. "I'll have them get me another on Monday. She smiled politely.

"Geez. I'm sorry." I repeated. "Here..." I crossed back to my side of the desk and pulled a slightly larger mouse from my bag. It was my biomedical device. "Use mine."

I handed her the small USB plug and slid the mouse over to her. She took the USB key and reached over to plug it into a port in front of her computer.

She grabbed the "mouse" and wiggled it. The cursor on her screen moved.

"Oh...I guess that worked." She said and clicked on my fake PDF.

"Yeah, sorry about that again".

She stared at the screen as my 'document' opened. I had designed it to force her through a series of useless clicks and screens so that she'd keep her hand on the mouse.

She clicked for a while and then stared at the screen. I counted to ten silently. The process should be complete. She should be susceptible to my requests and commands.

"Dr Steingraff?" I asked.

She stared at the screen. "Yes."

"Aren't you hot? I think you're getting warm."

She stared at the screen and agreed. "I am getting warm."

"You are comfortable with me. It is getting warm in your office. You are relaxed with me though."

She stared at her screen.

"Dr. Steingraff, I should call you Jill."

Dr. Steingraff slowly looked at me. "Everyone calls me Dr. Steingraff here, or Jillian. You should call me Jill though." She smiled.

"It is hot is here. Why don't you take off your clothes?" I suggested and held my breath.

"Take off my clothes? Here in my office?" She frowned.

I noticed that even though she voiced uncertainty, her hand reached to her blouse as if considering my suggestion. She wasn't shocked though.

It was working. But maybe not as well as I'd hoped. I had to test further.

"Yes. You are comfortable with me. Your office is getting uncomfortably warm. If you take off your clothes, you will be more comfortable." I pushed the idea of comfortable - she needed to be relaxed and at ease. "I'll lock your door in case someone you are not comfortable with comes."

She frowned as if confused. I got up and locked her door. This building was pretty much empty at this hour on a Friday, but better to not take chances.

I sat. "Jill, take off your clothes. In fact, Jill, strip for me."

"Strip for you." She repeated. She nodded her head as she stared at me. She frowned. "Ummm...It is hot. I'm going to take my clothes off."

Hmmm. Damn! Even though I knew it would work, I was still surprised. I wasn't sure if I had modified the waves enough. I had doubts whether I'd break though her own ingrained behaviors. If the request goes against ingrained normal behavior, it would be difficult to overcome the natural resistance.

Jill stood and walked to my side of her desk. She pulled her blouse out of her skirt and started unbuttoning it. She was swaying as she did this, shaking her hips and shoulders.

She pulled it open and showed me her lacy white bra, her large hard nipples clearly visible. She tossed the blouse. She reached behind her and unzipped the skirt. She shimmied her hips and it fell to the floor. There was Dr. Steingraff. That bitch. In her bra and panties in front of me.

She should've read my proposal.

I stared at her. She was really quite sexy. She was probably a 36DD. Maybe bigger. Through the lace of her bra I could see that her nipples were thick. Her areolas were half dollar sized.

She stopped swaying suddenly. She blinked her eyes quickly.

"Are you staring at my body?" Her face darkened and she looked around.

"I usually stay dressed in here. Why...am I taking off my clothes?" She shook her head as if to clear it. She reached for her skirt.

Hmmm... She was resisting. Interesting.

"Jill. Drop the skirt and take off your clothes. You want to be nude in your office...even though normally you do not. You are comfortable with me. You are comfortable with me looking at your nudity." I told her.

Jill blinked and stared at me. She shook her head. She dropped the skirt and peeled her panties down. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra releasing her wonderful tits.

I smiled at her. She was truly quite sexy. Not thin, but she wasn't fat either. Her hips were round and framed a nicely trimmed pussy. In all, she had a nice hourglass figure. I started rubbing my crotch.

"So Jill... What do you think of my thesis? I told you It was possible"

"Thesis? What? I don't understand." She answered.

Then she noticed my stroking and she scowled. "Why are you touching yourself? What is wrong with you?"

I stood and pulled my pants down. I looked her in the eyes. "Jill. You are comfortable with me. I am touching myself because you are fascinated by my cock. You want to see it. You are anxious to see my cock. When you see it, you will be amazed. It is perfect. My cock is beautiful. You will want to suck it. You will want to swallow my cum."

Her face lightened. She looked at my crotch. She licked her upper lip.