Hypnotising Justin


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The next morning, Justin stood in the shower, trying to let the water cleanse his mind as it cleansed his body. Guilt racked him as he thought about his feelings. It wasn’t right for him to think of Tess like this.

Logic was doing nothing to curb his overactive imagination though. He could almost see Tess standing in the bathroom wearing only a white t-shirt, which darkened and clung to her body as she stepped into the shower with him…

Justin flicked off the shower, disgusted with his lack of self-control, and wrapped a towel around his midriff, trying inexpertly to conceal his erection. He flung open the bathroom door to be confronted by Tess. She was dressed in one of his old shirts, an oversized white T-shirt promoting Pepsi or something, that she’d adopted as a nightie. The frayed hem just reached down to the top of her thighs and Justin had to put a lot of effort into not staring as it rose and fell with her movements.

“Hey bro.” Tess ran her hands through her hair, suddenly self-conscious of how dishevelled she must look. Justin boggled as the movement lifted the shirt higher and he tried to force himself not to look as it rode up over her thighs, exposing more and more. His hard-on pressed against the towel and he was painfully aware of the tent it was making.

“Hey sis. I’ve…I’ve gotta go and…do something.” Justin swerved around her, trying desperately to conceal his arousal from her as he practically sprinted to the privacy of his room.

Tess stood in the hallway for a second, then walked into the bathroom, a huge grin spreading across her face.


“What’s this?”

Tess took her attention away from the television to find out what had attracted Amanda’s curiosity. “What’s what?”

“This.” Amanda was standing over by the bedside table, holding the metronome.

Tess shot off the bed to snatch it away from her friend. “Something private.” She regretted the words as soon as they’d left her mouth. They suggested that she had something to hide and secrets were Amanda’s favourite thing in the world. After sex that is.

“Oh my god,” Amanda exclaimed. “That’s one of those hypnotism clock thingies, isn’t it?”

Tess threw it in a drawer and tried to redeem the situation. “What? No it isn’t.”

“It is. You actually hypnotised someone?”

“No! Of course I didn’t.”

“Cool. Who’d you do it to? Was it Gary? I bet it was Gary.”

“Amanda! I didn’t hypnotise anyone.”

“Ah, so it was Gary then.”

Tess was about to protest her innocence further when a knock on the door interrupted her. “Come in.”

Justin opened the door and poked his head round it. “Hey sis. Wondering whether you wanted anything for lunch. I’m gonna make a pizza or something and wondered whether you wanted to share.” His eyes unconsciously roved Tess’s body, drinking in every detail with a rapacious hunger.

“Yeah, sounds good.” Tess tried to sound normal as her mind raced over her last few sentences. Had Justin heard their conversation? She glanced over at Amanda and was disturbed to notice her staring at Justin. “Amanda?”

“Yeah, me too.”

Justin stole one last lingering look at Tess, gazing longingly at her body before reluctantly leaving. Amanda waited until the door had shut before turning to Tess. “You did it to Justin?” she hissed.


“You did. I saw the way he was looking at you. Jesus Tess, he’s your brother. How could you hypnotise your brother to sleep with you?”

“He’s only my step-brother. We’re not even related. Anyway, I didn’t hypnotise him to sleep with me.”

“Come on. Your brother’s suddenly started staring at you like a starving man would at a packet of roasted peanuts and you expect me to believe that you’ve done nothing to him?”

“Amanda…” Tess sighed. Her friend wasn’t going to be satisfied with anything less than the whole truth and her imagination would make up far more sordid details than the reality. “If I tell you about this, you have to swear not to tell anyone.”


“This isn’t the kind of thing where if you tell someone I’ll get over it. A word of this passes your lips and I’ll be forced to hurt you.”

“Fair enough. Now come on, tell me.” Amanda leant forward. “Have you fucked him yet?”

“No! I didn’t hypnotise him just to get sex.”

Amanda stared at her, disbelievingly. “What did you hypnotise him for then?”

“Okay, so maybe I did hypnotise him for sex,” Tess admitted. “But I only made it so that he’d see me as an ordinary girl, rather than his little sister. I didn’t change his feelings at all.”

“So are you gonna…?”

“Well if he wants me, then probably.”

“If he wants you? Jesus Tess, that stare got me wet and I wasn’t the one it was directed at.”

Both girls jumped and whirled guiltily as there was another knock on the door and Justin poked his head into the room. “Errm, we don’t have any pizzas. You want me to phone out for one?”

Tess watched him, worried what he might have heard. She didn’t know what his reaction would be to being hypnotised, but it probably wouldn’t be positive. For a second, she considered the morality of her actions. Was it right to mess with Justin this way? “You know you don’t have to stand behind the door, don’t you? You can come in.”

“Yeah, I know.” Justin was grateful for the shielding that the door provided though, especially due to the trouser tent that seemed to set up camp every time he looked at Tess. He kept thinking of how good it would feel to kiss Tess, one hand encircling her hip as the other ripped at the frail red top that she was wearing, exposing more smooth white skin to his hands and his fingers deftly moved to rub at her…

Justin dragged himself back to reality and was aware that everyone was staring at him. Amanda appeared to be having silent hysterics in the corner and Tess was giving him a really odd look. “Sorry, I was miles away there. What did you say?”

“Just that takeaway’s good. You all right?”

“Yeah, course. Why wouldn’t I be all right?” Justin turned to leave, his dignified exit slightly spoiled by the noise of strangled sniggers from Amanda.


Tess sat in front of the mirror, cross legged. This seemed like the place for some introspection. Amanda had driven home for some supplies and wouldn’t be back for another hour. This was a perfect time to make a move on Justin.

She didn’t really want to make the first move though. To be honest, she wasn’t sure whether she had the courage to make the first move. She definitely wanted Justin, but what if he turned her down? What if she changed her mind?

Tess crinkled her brow in consternation. She didn’t want to be in control. She wanted to be swept off her feet in a wave of emotion. She wanted to lose control of herself. Ironic considering the fact that she was controlling him.

A slow smirk spread across Tess’s face like cream across a saucer. A little less control was exactly what was called for. She unfolded her legs and went to look for a tape-player.

Ten minutes later, Tess was sitting in front of the mirror again, her eyes closed. The dictaphone whirred and clunked beside her and her voice came out of the speaker. “You are sinking into a deeper trance, sliding deeper until all you can hear is my voice. When you wake up, you will not remember doing this. Okay, so…right, every time Justin touches you, you’re going to get horny. You’re not going to try and hide what you’re feeling at all. Whenever his hands touch you, you’re going to feel really good and…ummm yeah, you’re going to cum every time you have sex with him. Now you’re going to come out of your trance, gradually moving towards consciousness as I count down from ten to one. Okay, 10, 9, 8…”


Justin was in the living room, flipping through the phone book and trying to find a pizza firm that delivered on a Sunday. His mind wasn’t really on the pizzas though; his thoughts were on Tess, as had become the norm.

He wondered why he couldn’t stop obsessing about her. Every time he thought of her, his cock suddenly sprung to attention and then he simply couldn’t take his mind off her. It was getting weird; he couldn’t even fantasise about other girls anymore. He’d tried jacking off last night, forcing his mind to think of Carmen Electra, Samantha Mumba, Loren from work, Anne Widdecombe, anybody but Tess. It didn’t work; everything he imagined slid back to the same fantasy – Tess, naked, stepping towards him and taking off his clothes, her hands…

Justin whipped his head round as the floorboards creaked and footfalls echoed down the hallway. Amanda had gone home fifteen minutes ago and Tess had said she was going to nap for a while. Intrigued, Justin went to investigate.

Tess was leaning against the kitchen table, intently reading something and had apparently not noticed Justin’s entrance. He stood in the doorway, taken aback by how beautiful she was. She was wearing a tight crimson top that displayed her curves perfectly and her hair draped down her back like molten ebony. Justin had to forcibly restrain himself from going over to hold her, to kiss the nape of her neck, to run his hand over her hip and up to her breasts…

Ah, fuck it. He’d never know if he didn’t try. Justin felt as though he was watching from outside of his body as he closed the door and moved towards her, a powerless observer in his own head.

Tess stood by the table, pretending to read. She’d heard Justin come in and was wondering whether he’d finally have the courage to make a move on her. It was getting frustrating; he just wasn’t forward enough.

Suddenly, a hand caressed her hip and Tess could feel Justin behind her. She shuddered as the hand moved down, tracing across the outside of her thigh, before sliding back up underneath her top. His touch was electric and Tess closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the rush of sensation. She hadn’t expected it to be anything like this.

She moved back, pressing against him, enjoying the feeling of his chest pressing against her back. His other hand ran down her arm, smoothing over the goosebumps that had appeared. Tess moaned, grinding herself against him.

Justin was taken aback by Tess’s response. He’d hoped, certainly, but never expected anything like this. He moved his palm across her stomach and she moaned again, her arse pressing against his groin. Emboldened, he leant forward, kissing the side of her neck, licking and sucking at her skin, his hands exploring more and more of the body he’d fantasised about.

Tess could feel herself losing control. Her body didn’t seem to be reacting to her commands anymore. A shiver travelled over her skin as Justin’s hand reached around her to massage the inside of her thigh and she could feel her nipples harden, her aureolae crinkling and pressing against her bra. Her hands found Justin’s hair and she pulled his head onto her neck, desperate to get more of his touch. His hand slid up her thigh and pressed against the crotch of her jeans. She jumped, feeling her arousal jump another notch. A long, drawn out groan escaped her lips as Justin’s fingers fumbled to unfasten her jeans.

Justin’s lips were at her ear, muttering to her in between licks. “Oh God Tess, I want you. You’re so hot; I couldn’t stand it. I need you.” His hand moved up and started caressing her breast through her bra. Tess whimpered, her entire body concentrating on the feel of his hands as he kept speaking to her. “Oh Tess, you’re so sexy. Is that good? Do you like me doing this?”

His hand slipped inside the cup of her bra and the feeling of his bare hand against her skin made Tess even hornier. Justin’s whispers were becoming ever more throaty as he murmured to her. “Do you like this? Do you like me playing with your hot, sexy tits?” He punctuated every word with movement, his palm brushing against her erect nipple. “Do you?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Justin, I love this. Ohhh God, Justin.” Another moan escaped her lips and she could feel herself getting hotter. “Ohh, ohh, ohhh God Justin, You’re making me so fucking horny.”

Tess felt him slide her jeans down and she kicked them off her legs, glad to be rid of them. His fingers slid under the waistband of her panties, tugging on them, sliding them languorously down her legs, leaving her naked from the waist down.

One hand slithered back under her top, deftly undoing her bra with a flick of his fingers. The other slide across the inside of her thigh, grazing over the skin in little circles, sliding closer and closer to her pussy each time. Tess ground herself back into Justin, feeling his erect cock pressing through his jeans. A cool draft played across her loins and Tess whimpered.

“Justin, please, I need you to touch me,” she whispered. He did nothing, just kept drawing little circles on her thigh with his fingertips so she tried again. “Please Justin. I’m so horny. I need you. Please.”

Slowly, Justin slipped a finger inside her. Tess moaned loudly, her voice echoing around the room. Justin could feel himself get more and more aroused with every word she uttered. He moved another finger into her, dragging his thumb across her engorged clit as he slid them in and out.

Tess began moving her hips against his hand, her entire body needing him to make her come. Every motion brought her closer to the edge as his fingers played over her breasts, teasing her nipples, making them even harder than normal. Tess couldn’t take this; her body had gone crazy with desire and she wasn’t in control. Her eyes closed as the first waves of orgasm crashed over her, growing in intensity until it burst from her, radiating out in rushes of ecstasy.

Justin caught her with one hand as her limbs went weak. He could feel his cock throbbing inside his jeans, pulsing with his heartbeat. He was on the verge of cumming himself just from Tess’s reactions. His hand slid over her skin, relishing the feel of something he’d lusted after so much.

Tess rested her weight on him for a minute, wallowing in the cool, calm orgasm afterglow. Every sensation seemed very clear: the sound of her slowing breathing, the silkiness of her top against her nipples and the coarse grain of Justin’s jeans on her arse. The touch of his hands on her felt so good. She needed more. Her arms moved languidly, stretching over her head, pulling at Justin’s t-shirt and tugging it over his head.

She turned to face him and tossed the t-shirt away, before wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing him. Their bodies pressed together, both of them trying desperately to meld into one. Her hands moved, working at the button of his jeans, fumbling with his fly. She practically tore them open, dragging them off as well as his boxers, desperate to get him naked.

They pressed together again and Tess felt Justin’s hands move under her thighs, lifting her up onto the table. She sat and wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him closer to her. His cock pressed against her pussy as they kissed and Tess shuddered, overwhelmed with desire. Her hand sneaked down to curl around it, her fingers coiling around the shaft, playing up and down briefly and exploring it. Words spilled from her mouth. “Oh God, Justin, I want you so much. I need to feel you inside me. I have to have you.”

Justin grabbed at her top, his fingers working frantically trying to undo it. He needed to see her naked. Suddenly his lust overcame him and he ripped it, tearing it away from her. Tess’s surprised gasp turned into a moan as his hands found her breasts and began squeezing them. She whimpered as her body melted at the touch of his hands.

Her hips pressed against him, grinding herself against his crotch, willing him to penetrate her. “Justin, please. I need you. Please, I want you to fuck me. I need you inside me.”

Suddenly, their hips shifted and he was inside her, thrusting in and out. His lips were fixed on hers, his tongue sliding in and out of her mouth as she massaged it with her own. Her legs locked around his arse, pulling him further into her, needing him to go deeper.

Justin pushed farther into her, his mind exploding with sensations. Tess’s tits pressed against his chest and he could feel his arousal grow as he thought about them. She was so sexy, so hot, so gorgeous and she was fucking his brains out. He could feel his control start to slip as his excitement overwhelmed him. Heat built up inside him, radiating out from his groin as Tess pulled him closer, her legs wrapping tighter as they approached the edge.

Tess’s moans got louder, swelling into a cry, all of her passion escaping her in one wordless scream of ecstasy. Her pussy began to throb, clenching around Justin and she felt him stiffen as he thrust deeper inside her. Then the dam broke and a tsunami of ecstasy engulfed them both, wave after wave of pleasure washing over them, eroding their sensations as they collapsed into each other’s arms.

They stayed there for ages, too overwhelmed to move or even to speak, the only noise the sound of their slowing breathing. Tess stroked Justin’s hair as she thought about all the things she’d done. Had it been wrong to hypnotise him? She was glad now that she’d decided against just turning him into a sex toy and had given a chance for his feelings to shine through on their own. This way, it was more real. She kissed the top of his head and was rewarded by his hand groping her breast. She laughed and started thinking about what they’d do next. After they’d fucked again of course.

Amanda moved away from the kitchen door, trying to slip silently away to hide that she’d been eavesdropping. It had been easy to use hypnosis to ‘suggest’ to Tess that she wanted to hypnotise someone for sex. Tess’s choice of Justin was surprising, but Amanda was just pleased at the end result. Hopefully Tess would feel happier about herself now.

She smirked, her imagination trying to picture what had occurred behind the closed door, and walked out, silently shutting the front door behind her.

Want more? Of course you do. Ideas, suggestions, sexual favours and plain brazen flattery all gratefully accepted, so remember to send feedback. I reply to everything I can.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

A 'pulling" thing?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Brilliant job mate. I'd live to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Keep em coming !

You should write mOre material with this topic In mind, one of your best pieces I do believe.

SinfulAngel123SinfulAngel123almost 14 years ago
Awe worthy

I really liked the fact that it was a girl who did the hypnotisng instead of the usual ld stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Wish I could do that to my step broo... =[

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