I am Timothy: your... Ch. 06


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When I got back with the bags mom was waiting. She pointed to the floor in front of her for me to kneel. Once kneeling she took a ball gag from behind her back and showed in to me.

"You didn't want to speak to me, so now you won't be able to. The punishment you ran away from still needs to be decided, although nothing will ever get you to swear in front of me. This means we still have the issue of your manipulating me to beat my mom up to sort out and then not speaking to me; we agreed you would right when we started. This is going to be two punishment sessions then. Starting now until Saturday, Sunday you will rest. Understood?"

"Yes mom, what about my safe word?"

"No safe word. I am in charge, and I know your panic signals now. Do you accept?"

I was a little worried. But I also knew that this was closer to what I wanted at home, so I nodded and opened my mouth for mom to fit the gag. Next she put blinkers on my eyes. It was like the blinkers you can put on horses but the flaps at the sides of my head could be pulled over to make it a blindfold if mom liked. Then she let me stand up and go into my room with her following.

In the middle of the floor was something new. I could not see what else was new with my restricted vision and her barked order was to look at the thing in the middle of the room. It was a molded chair, mostly. I recognized that design as one very similar to a molded design used on ships sometimes, as deck chairs that reclined. There were some major differences though. The deck chairs had long, narrow protrusions at the bottom to act as foot rests, not two leg rests with restraints that could be set for height, separation, and angle they would restrain legs in. Then the armrests were different too. On the deck chairs they were nicely at the sides of the chair and had cup holders so that your drink did not go flying if the ship hit a rogue wave or changed attitude suddenly. These armrests had no cup holders, they had clips to hook my cuffs to. These armrests could also adjust, probably for maximum discomfort or be removed. The backrest was narrower, nobody was going to recline in this chair to suntan and get pissed.

"Just put the bags down on the floor. I don't like whipping all the time. There are other methods that are a lot less effort for me and can be sustained as being painful for a lot longer." Mom said.

She closed my blinkers to be a blindfold and guided me to the chair. Once I was in it she restrained my wrists then strapped my head to the headrest. Then she tilted the chair back so that I was nearly lying down, it was going to be a struggle getting out if I tried, even with free arms. Then she restrained my ankles. I was left seated half reclined, my arms over my shoulders and head. My legs were spread and up like a woman on an obstetrics bed.

"You won't be needing this." Mom said fiddling with my chastity cage.

She unlocked it and removed it then I heard her busy with the bags. I heard steel falling on steel and I heard a few other noises of things being unpacked. Then I heard a trolley with a squeaky wheel come closer. I was frightened, half the fear was from not seeing anything and having to guess. Then I felt the chair turn and mom opened the blinkers, I could feel spittle dribbling out of my mouth. It was actually embarrassing, mostly because there was nothing I could do about it; mom dabbed it away without comment.

Then she left my field of view and I realized that I was facing the door through which we had come. I was looking into her bedroom and at the bathroom across from me. I realized that mom did not want me seeing in the mirror, obviously to not know was part of the punishment. Then she was back in my field of view.

"I am going to use these to punish you." Mom said holding a surgical needle up for me to see.

It took me a moment to work out how this could work. Mom did not let me stay puzzled for long.

"I am not going to bleed you, or inject you with drugs, the most radical I will use will be saline solution, and rubbing alcohol, maybe a gelling agent. It's going to hurt... scream if you like."

Mom said no more for a while as she pulled the trolley to where I could see it and took disinfecting spray and swabs to disinfect my chest and nipples. Then she took the cover off the first needle and pushed it into me just outside my right nipple. Mom had been right it did hurt. I felt it going in and felt every millimeter past my skin until the plastic collar was resting against my skin. Mom had done this before, it was clear in how confident and quick she was. She tapped the needle and I felt it jiggle inside the tissue.

"I prefer to do this, it's actually safer than whipping you to unconsciousness, I like the way this looks more than bruises, and a lot less effort for me." she said conversationally as she got the next needle.

She put this needle into the same area again and carried on making small talk as I gripped the armrests and bit down on the gag. That was a surprise to me too, the gag was not hard. It was more like a stress ball in that it compressed under my bite. I bit twelve times before mom was finished on my right breast. I had to admit that although it had hurt I was not sweating or trembling at the pain like I had with whipping.

"That was very good Timothy. Not a peep. When they scream at the slightest prick it can be distracting. We'll quickly do the next one and then let you see. Then we will be ready to start the parts that really hurt." Mom said as she moved to my left side.

I bit down twelve more times. Mom had a look after she was done and nodded. I considered, it still didn't hurt that much, my muscles were stiff but that was it really. It did look pretty when mom fetched a mirror from her bedroom and showed me two circles of alternating yellow and red ends to the hypodermic needles around each nipple.

"Now a little therapeutic torture and we can carry on." Mom said putting the mirror down.

She started a magic wand up and started vibrating around and on my nipples. I suppose that I need to explain about mom. She was, and still is a fantastic woman. She is loving, caring, supportive. She can be incredibly gentle too. However, when she needs to discipline she is hard as nails and utterly ruthless. She watches incredibly well and knows exactly when to stop so that she does not go too far. The night when I ran to the storm cellar was the last time I needed to use my safe word. I might spend too much time on her disciplining me, but this was the start, there was less need as we got to understand each other better. Mom also loves making her discipline useful for something else. She might seem cruel, but she has never dragged pain and inflicting pain out beyond what was needed.

The magic wand was utter hell as it vibrated the needles. I didn't have the breath to scream as the vibrations disrupted my breathing. It did help though, my pectoral muscles were not stiff when she finished. I was recovering my breath when mom wheeled an old sonar machine closer. She squirted some of the lubricant onto my chest and had a look at where the needles ran under my skin.

"Wow that does look good! All into muscle, no trace of tearing..." mom said when she was busy looking at the second one.

She thought a bit and came to a decision as she put the sonar back. She reached across me and retrieved a type of plier from the trolley. She pinched a few places around my nipple and nodded to herself as she found the places she was looking for.

"I want you to be Tina for the weekend. I intended doing this tomorrow but you've been so good, we'll do it now. Tomorrow we can carry on with something else that will teach you about being my husband."

Mom pinched some skin and put a bigger needle in. I was surprised because I felt nothing after the prick. She repeated it twice more and then did the same on my other breast. She spoke while she was busy about there being an area between skin and muscle where you could do things like this.

"I must say thank you Timothy. Your pointer to that surgeon was very useful. While you were at work and the contractor was busy at the marina I spent quite a few very interesting hours speaking to him. By the time I let you go to bed you will have pretty breasts. They should last about three days, maybe five, you'll just have to make a plan for work in that case."

Mom showed me what she had, two bags of saline solution and two small brown bottles with syringe suitable tops.

"This is what he uses for temporary breasts. The bag is saline solution, the bottle is another liquid that turns the saline into gel. Don't worry, the gel breaks down and you pee it out over the next few days. Patients need a few treatments over three weeks or so to stretch skin to be able to safely hold silicone implants. He prescribes two months for the woman to grow accustomed to the added weight, different balance, and... Sticking out further than she did. Once off will not have a massive effect."

Mom set the drips up and carried on speaking as she checked the flow rates. I could feel the cool liquid coming through the needles at each breast. I realized that this was going to hurt later, but the idea of having breasts that could feel was incredibly enticing.

"We won't be very ambitious. Not bigger than a B cup... That does give us a couple of hours." Mom said in thought.

She picked up my chastity cage and looked at it with distaste. She turned it over a few times and dropped it on the trolley again.

"I don't really like chastity cages. I think they are unneeded if a domina treats her submissive well. Especially for you, I do not consider a chastity cage to be any solution, it works for now as a training aid. You are remarkable about this thing! You don't nag me to get it off, you don't try to avoid it, I know you don't get out of it because I see the effects, luckily you won't need it much. Specifically for this weekend a chastity cage will be an issue and a gaff is just as bad. At the school we often have another solution to punish males who try to escape their chastity cages and cheat."

I was wondering what such a solution could be as mom set about milking me. I had not realized that my rectum was available until mom put the butt plug in. She was not finished as I got an erection from the ball putting pressure on my prostate. She used a hollow sound, I hated the sound, mostly from my first experience of one. This time was not as bad though and way better than the second experience, because I didn't see it. Between the sound, the plug, and the magic wand I was cumming in three minutes, maybe a little more. Mom cleaned up as my semen spilled out without me having any control of it. Then she felt my testicles and made satisfied noises as she disinfected my genitals.

Trying to scream came next. Mom started by pushing a needle through my foreskin. I was not circumcised so that was not difficult, the next part had me crying out as she pushed my penis between my legs and stitched it there to the skin going to my anus. She strengthened that with a few more.

"There. Almost finished Timothy. We can actually start calling you Tina. Just a few more stiches to give you a nice profile and really hurt if you even think of getting an erection."

My testicles were either side of my penis and mom stitched my scrotum around my penis. She didn't put a stitch through a testicle; a huge relief but getting a stitch through a scrotum and penis is not much better. This time I was sweating and nauseous when mom finished. She disinfected again and patted where she had just been busy.

"Normally we do that with anesthetic, but this is my punishment decision. You did very well! Supper time. Don't go away!" Mom said then closed my blinkers.

With nothing new happening to me I was intensely aware of my body. The stitches hurt but that was in fact quite mild now. More insistent was what was happening at my breasts. I could feel the skin stretching, the weight growing. It hurt a little, but it was mostly just swelling without the bruising. I was noticing how sensitive I was in that region as I felt air currents blowing across them and the temperature differences seemed bigger.

I suddenly realized that mom was back when she fondled them. I groaned at the sensation involuntarily. It was fantastic, to be so sensitive, so aware of her fingers, her pinch on my nipple nearly blew my mind at how good it felt.

"Did you like that?" Mom asked.

I could barely move my head, but managed to nod a little.

"Too bad then, this is not supposed to be fun." She said stopping immediately.

Suddenly she slapped each with a riding crop. The transition from sheer pleasure to agony was immediate. I cried out into my gag at the stings. I paid attention as mom checked my pulse rate and pinched skin on the back of my hand to see my level of hydration. She was happy and tilted the chair to be more upright then took my gag off. When she opened the blind again she had had a tray with supper for me and something to drink. Pointedly she put the bucket beneath me to catch any mess if I needed to pee. Clearly I was going to be here for some time.

"I don't want you in a chastity cage permanently because I want more children in our family. At least four more and the lady who I'm considering as our housekeeper will need your services too. She was at the school and left her mistress. I don't blame her, the mistress was a piece of shit. She is very interested in you, she has seen you around; you've seen her too. She wants to be a housewife. With both of us working it's a good idea to have one." Mom said as she gave me food.

She kept my mouth full. One other lesson mom had taught me at four had been to not speak with my mouth full. She knew that and was using it.

"Do you know that I'm impressed Timothy? No panic from you. Even screaming at the stiches you kept your legs still. Thank you for that. Drink up. There we go."

She looked at the drips and poked at my breasts a little making me gasp before carrying on.

"You're upsetting Elsa, do you realize that? She was at the school, got abandoned there by her dominant when he realized a D/s relationship has no real timeout. She wants to have you as her master. This weekend is partly to leave her in no doubt about who the dominant is here. That way she will understand why you have made no move despite obviously liking her and being very generous."

This was alarming news. It implied that Elsa was going to see me like this. I did not want that at. Mom saw I didn't and laughed a little.

"I am not going to shove your submissive desires down the world's throat, but I will not have it a world ending secret either. Elsa will understand that if I bark you are going to obey, any domination you have with her will be with my blessing."

Mom had finished feeding me and put the ball gag back before I could speak. She pulled the circle of needles out after putting the tray in her room, she explained that my breasts were going to push them out and it was safer if they were out of the picture before that happened. She checked her work on my genitals and then pierced my ears again. We had let the first holes close through not using earrings enough and with a weekend as Tina on the cards earrings were going to be needed.

"I don't much like the BDSM scene here right now. A few years ago it was a lot of fun and dominants didn't have a stick up their asses. These days there is always some dominant telling you how you should treat your own submissive in accordance to some set of rules an arbitrary dominant on the internet set up. Dusty and I go back eight years. It's why I let her near you, why I liked your idea of getting her into the company." Mom said while she checked on my growing breasts again.

She went to her room and came back with a bra I would wear as Tina. She put it on me, making sure to not disturb the needles feeding the gel in. Then she gave me a manicure. She liked my longer nails and merely gave them polish and a less square profile. After that it was toe nails. She checked on my breasts again and plucked my eyebrows. Both of us preferred me with plucked eyebrows because I tended to have a mono brow and would look aggressive easily.

"There, your temporary breasts are done. Now we just need you to sit still for an hour so that the gel can set." She said as she stopped the drips.

I was very aware of the weight on my chest now. The smooth fabric of the bra actually felt a little scratchy to my incredibly sensitive skin. I watched her expression, she was fascinated by what had happened. I thought we would probably do this again, she was aching to fondle them again but apparently this was a crucial stage because the gel was curing. I could feel a very mild heat in my breasts as the process was ongoing. Mom did feel for heat and put a thermometer in my bra to monitor that.

She spent that hour waxing my legs, armpits, and beard. I idly thought about this and her statement that whipping as more effort. I agreed that it was probably safer, but she had spent an enormous amount of effort in this. My attention was drawn to my crotch again as a pee started building. Mom noticed my discomfort and told me to use the bucket. She watched me pee and was satisfied that I could without more pain. This meant there was no obstruction.

She felt my breasts and took my bra off again then she let my off the chair. The last item that came off was the set of blinkers. Mom turned me around to see the results in the mirror when she was sure I could stand and walk. The change was enormous it was an emotional shock that hit harder than any physical blow could have. I was instantly and intensely aware of a massive conflict between my eyes and what I knew I was. Standing like I would normally have stood was out of the question and I was standing more like a girl. I looked like a girl! I did not recognize myself entirely, it was a girl, who moved when I did but everything was different to the picture I was used to seeing in the mirror.

I had to admit that I looked like a pretty hot girl too. My side profile was feminine with my breasts making beautiful curves. The penis profile was gone too. I looked at my front view equally astonished. My nipples had stretched along with the skin although a little less than the skin. My testicles and penis looked like a large pair of vaginal lips. I watched mom lift my breasts and squeeze them lightly, the corresponding sensations making my knees weak.

"They feel almost real too!" mom said.

I turned to her and went to my knees. Emotions were racing through me as I stared up at her. I search in my incredibly emotional mind for the words. i had immense conflicts about who I was at that moment.

"I am Timothy, your... Tina."

"Yes you are."

Mom hugged me to her belly and let me get a grip on my feeling while she caressed my hair. After a few minutes she stepped back from me.

"Now you have been punished for trying to manipulate me. you are now ready to be punished for not speaking to me. Tomorrow you disciplined and trained for two days to settle the pain you caused and to show you a better way in future. Right now though; clean up here and wash the dishes, then come to bed Tina."

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pamelacdnzpamelacdnz12 months ago

This story is in severe need of a good editor, Gramatical errors, incoherant words and missing words. I suspect perhaps a spell checker has been used and that is always a disaster as it ahs no idea what the fuck you are writing about.

OverconfidentSarcasmOverconfidentSarcasmabout 1 year ago

Yeah, sorry, that's all bullshit and I'm out.

You adding all those lines about how the woman knows exactly when to stop, how caring she is, and how much compassion she shows towards her son, are clearly a reaction to people pointing out your screw-ups in the last chapter. There is still nothing supporting those claims in ANY way.

I mean, seriously... in the last chapter, she screwed up so badly by not recognizing his signals and then straight up ignoring his safe word, he had a panic attack and ran. So, now she straight up tells him that there will no longer BE a safe word when she places a vibrator to needles she stuck into his chest?

1/5. No idea how this got through the approval process.

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