I Became a Slut

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I fully embraced my husband's wishes and became a slut.
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For almost as long as I'd known him, my husband, Jeff, would share his fantasies of sharing me. At times the way he found to work our conversations over to that subject became tedious. I mean it was relentless. He wrote me stories where I starred in threesomes, orgies, and even gangbangs. It's not that I wasn't turned on by the idea; I was. After all, I had been one of the easiest ultra sluts in high school. So lots of sex with lots of guys wasn't a problem. But to some extent I had left that life behind. I had matured and decided that I'd been there, done that; and now it was time for a real, monogamous relationship.

But there were two things that worried me. First, did Jeff bring this up because he really just wanted an excuse to have other women? That would be very hard for me to take. Despite my own loose ways, and the fact that I would sometimes see more than one boyfriend on the same day, I was hyper-jealous. It would kill me for Jeff to be with another woman; even if he was letting me be with another man. I know, hypocritical. Secondly, was this one of those things he fantasized about, but couldn't really handle when it truly happened? I mean, I was his second wife. He had lived a swinger's lifestyle with his first wife where they messed around with a few other couples. And in the end, that relationship obviously didn't last. I certainly didn't want anything to come between us.

For years he brought it up, asked if I wanted to try it, and always I said "No". As I stated above, it wasn't that I wasn't intrigued; I just worried what the "real" reason behind his fantasies was. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that some man would get some sort of vicarious pleasure out of me being with another man while not having that lead to some benefit for himself. He would tell me that he wanted me to garner all the physical pleasure I desired; that he wanted to see me in the throes of passion. But still I felt there was a secret motive.

One night he gave me two things he wrote. One was "Ten Reasons I Want a Hotwife", and the other was "Ten Missions for a Hotwife". In the first he started with a paragraph stating that while he wanted me to have the freedom to play around, he did not desire that for himself. His being allowed to have girlfriends was not part of the bargain. He pointed out that while the history for him and Susan was that they both played, and participated as swingers, the thing he liked best was when Susan and he either had a threesome with another man, or when Susan just played around on her own and told him about it. In the second document he outlined a series of escalating "missions". It started simply like "flirting with some man", and ended with "overnight date with boyfriend". I must admit that reading these two documents did make my pussy moist. I told him that I was getting turned on, and that was like giving a juicy bone to a dog. He really turned up the heat on this subject. But still, I held out.

Six weeks later we were on a Caribbean cruise. Jeff doesn't smoke, but I do. I was on the smoking deck sitting next to a nice gentleman when Jeff approached. The gentleman had been flirting a little bit, and I had been letting him. But when Jeff came up to us, the man freaked out a little. He awkwardly shook Jeff's hand, and became very ebullient over anything Jeff had to say. It was funny to watch. After a few moments when my flirtatious gentleman finished his cigarette, he quickly made his escape. As he was leaving Jeff said, "He seemed interested in you. Sorry I made him so nervous with my arrival."

"Yes," I replied, "he did seem interested. He was very flirtatious before you arrived. He had me considering him a 'prospect'". That was the term Jeff had used in his two documents. 'Prospects' were the guys I might be interested in.

"He had you considering him a prospect? I didn't think you ever thought about that."

"Of course I do. I told you I was turned on that night with your documents you gave me. I think about the 'prospects' all the time."

I had a few more conversations with that prospect over the course of our short cruise, but nothing ever came of it. I could have tried harder, but I wasn't really ready to let that happen.

A few months after the cruise Jeff and I were in bed and starting to play around. I decided to explore his subject with me bringing it up first. I'm sure it shocked him when I asked, "So if I was with another guy, would you watch?"

"Yes," he answered. "If that was okay with you and wouldn't make you too nervous to enjoy it."

"And what would you do? Play with yourself? Or would you join in?"

"Both perhaps," he answered.

After I teased him like that with his own fantasy, he practically attacked me. He was so turned on. He almost completely bypassed foreplay. He played with my nipples and bit them a few times. But he was on top of me quick, and he didn't last too long. Normally he has decent stamina, but that night I got him going by asking those simple questions. I started to think that maybe he really did get something out of the idea of sharing me. Could it be that was really all he wanted? It was one of those things that sounded too good to be true; me with my cake, and eating it too.

A few weeks later, I tested Jeff again. He was going through the mail I had just brought in when I said, "I think I want to go out on Friday."

He looked at me and asked, "With me?"

"No," I answered. I then paused a moment and asked, "Does that turn you on?"

"Yes," he admitted. He grabbed at me but I kept him at bay. My daughter was going to be following me in at any moment. I told him to calm down and be good. He chased me around the table some more, but then he relented when we heard the door open.

I really had no plans for going out Friday. It had been a spur of the moment little tease when I said that to him. However I was starting to actually toy with the idea now as I thought about it that evening and taking into account Jeff's reaction. My pussy was getting a little creamy thinking about it. And it didn't help that Jeff challenged me as we were getting into bed. He reached over and found my nipple. Even in the dark my man seems to never miss that sensitive nub. He asked, "You were teasing me earlier, you have no intention of going out on Friday, do you?"

My brain formed the words to tell him he was right, and that I didn't plan to go out, I was just teasing. But, my mouth said, "No, I'm going to go out if you are sure you really are okay with it."

"Sounds good to me," he said as he pushed my pajama shirt up and latched his lips to my nipple. He's very good at that and it always gets me going. He added, "I suppose you will have no trouble finding a man who wants to get his hands on these huge tits."

He was right. Ever since my teenage years when my boobs sprouted uncontrollably I had the boys chasing me. It occurred to me that maybe it was my stories of my slutty high school days which had so attracted Jeff to me. I mean, if he really was looking for a slut wife, then obviously you would need to find a girl who was a slut. When I had told him of those days I always promised those times were long ago and that I was now a one man woman. Heck, I thought that's what he wanted to hear.

As Jeff continued to suck on my nipple, his hand found its way down my pajama pants. I was really wet and he slid a finger into me. He said, "I guess the thought of your Friday night outing is really getting you going. You are super wet already."

"Maybe," I whispered, half moaning. "It is turning me on thinking about it."

"Just think, another man might be pulling down your pants that night," as he said that he was doing exactly as he described. "Of course, you are wearing no panties tonight. Will you go commando, or wear something sexy?"

"Ah... Maybe the red lingerie," I told him.

"Good choice. You do look great in that."

His mouth was on my pussy and his tongue pushed its way in. I was already close to cumming I was so turned on. I pulled at his shoulders to bring him up to me. "Already? Wow, you are turned on tonight."

"Yes, just fuck me!"

Jeff has a nice cock, which was sinking into me. But my thoughts turned to the idea of some strange cock penetrating me. My girls and I had enough experience to know that skinny guys, on average, had bigger dicks. I wondered if I might be able to find some large cock on Friday night. As I say, nothing wrong with Jeff's, but it's nice to have that "full" feeling. And with those thoughts came my orgasm.

"I'm cumming," I announced to Jeff. And he wasn't far behind me as he was also, no doubt, turned on by the idea that his fantasy might just become reality.

Thursday went by without either of us saying anything about the previous night. I caught Jeff looking at me every once in awhile as though he wanted to say something. Either that or he was waiting for me to say something.

On Friday as I got ready for work, he just watched me. He didn't say a word, but he was smirking. His eyes followed me as I put on my panties and bra. He didn't say anything but I knew he was thinking that I was not wearing the red lingerie. I decided that even if I was going to go out, I would come home and change first. But I was so nervous about the idea that I was definitely having second thoughts.

When I arrived home Friday, I was ready to call it off. I was just too nervous and that was overwhelming any excitement I had. I didn't see Jeff on the main floor. I went upstairs to change into my jammies. But there lying on the bed was my red lingerie set. Next to it was my black blouse which was very complimentary to my cleavage. My black slacks were next to that. I looked at the prepared outfit, and my pussy started tingling. "What the heck," I thought to myself. I figured I could go have a drink, and see if anything came of it.

I took a shower, shaved my legs, applied perfume and makeup, and put on my 'please fuck me clothes'. I double checked myself in the mirror. I had to admit I was looking very fuckable. The red bra was popping my boobs right up out of my blouse. I was going to get attention. I still hadn't seen Jeff. I decided he was probably in the basement in his office. I headed down there to find him. He was in his easy chair, with our bulldog sprawled across his lap, watching a hockey game.

He whistled when he saw me. "So, you found the courage to go? I was certain you would back out."

"I almost did," I admitted. "I would have too, if you hadn't put the clothes out."

"I played that right, then," he offered.

"You played it right if you really want your wife to go get fucked tonight."

"Just save a little in the tank for when you get home. I plan on fucking you tonight, too."

"You and your nonsense about sloppy seconds. I have news for you, if anything happens I will make him wear a condom and you will have no chance at those sloppy seconds."

"Of course," he agreed. "That makes sense. So you have some condoms on you?"

Well, he had me there. "No," I admitted. "So nothing can happen unless they bring some."

"We must have a few up in the room somewhere," he commented.

"No, that's ok. This way I can have a built in defense should I decide I don't want to do anything."

"And what if you decide you do want to do something but you aren't prepared?"

"Obviously nothing will happen unless I find a 'boy scout' who knows to come prepared."

"Okay," he said doubtfully. "I want you to have fun tonight and feel totally free to let whatever you want happen. But at the same time, don't do anything just because you think you are fulfilling my fantasy. Just let go and have a good time."

With those words we kissed and exchanged 'I love yous' and I departed. As I sat in my car, I didn't even know where to go. I decided I would head over to Lodo's. Of course, I had trolled for guys before. But that had always been in packs with my girlfriends. Somehow this seemed very lonely; arriving at a bar to attempt being picked up. I left my ring on. So maybe nobody would try.

When I got to the bar it seemed to have a decent amount of business. It was Friday night, after all. I nervously took a seat at the end of the bar. It had been so long since I had participated in the 'singles' scene. And I wasn't single now. I still had my ring on. 'Well, have a drink and see what comes of it,' I thought to myself.

It wasn't too long before a man did approach. Long enough, however, that I started to wonder about my estimation of being able to attract a guy. You know us girls, always insecure...

"Trolling tonight for something other than what's available at home?" he asked, nodding towards the ring on my finger.

"My husband knows I'm here, if that is what you are asking," I replied slightly cool.

"Really?" he asked. "And what does that mean? That your husband knows you are here. Are you looking for fun, and he approves? Or are you playing some game and he is keeping watch from the corner. Some sort of excitement for the two of you? He watches guys hit on you, then you go home and fuck each other's brains out?" He looked around the bar to see if he could spot anyone taking keen interest in this exchange.

My suitor seemed nothing if not direct. "Something like that, I suppose. He seems to get turned on by the idea of another man having me. For years he has talked to me about his fantasies. Finally, tonight, I came out with the idea of indulging him. However, before you get your hopes up; chances are, in the end, I will not go through with it."

"Fair enough," he said as he gestured towards the stool next to me, asking if he may sit. I nodded to the stool and he took it.

As he sat down he said, "If I may say so, you are a beautiful woman with voluptuous cleavage that is just begging attention."

"Thank you," I said, blushing. "My breasts have made me popular with the boys since my early teens."

"I see. So you have lots of experience being chased; seduced?"

"Yes. I suppose I did have the reputation of being 'easy' in school. So not just chased, but caught too often, I guess."

"So it's good your husband is open-minded about you with other men. Did he know you in school? Is he aware of that reputation?"

"He is aware of that reputation. He didn't know me in school. And he doesn't really need to be open minded about me with other men because I left my slutty ways behind me long ago."

"And yet here you are, in a bar alone with a man, wearing a red lacy bra that is pushing your magnificent breasts up out of your sexy blouse."

I didn't respond. I looked down at my drink which was almost gone. "Another?" he offered.

"Yes, thank you," I answered as I gulped the last of the first one.

After being so direct initially, we drifted to small talk, and exchanged names. His was Richard. He bought me a few more drinks and I was getting a little tipsy. I told him I needed to switch to water.

"Take out your phone and open a text message to your husband."

I was a little caught off guard, but I did as he asked. I looked up at him with a question in my eyes. I handed the phone to him when he reached out with open palm indicating he wanted it. I have no idea why I did that. How I had become so pliable. That isn't my typical way. He typed into my phone for a moment and when he handed it back I saw that he wrote, "Hello Jeff. My name is Richard. I am going to bring your wife home and fuck her in the master bedroom. You will wait for her in the guest bedroom."

Reaching for my hand I took his and he pulled me along with him. Not forcefully, I just found myself bending to his will. Going along with his plan, whatever that may be.

"We'll take my car. I don't think you should drive," he told me.

We pulled out of the parking lot at Lodo's, and I told him how to get to my house. When we arrived I did not have a garage door opener since we didn't have my car, and so we had to go through the front door. Jeff was surprised by the front door opening and came to see what was happening. I introduced Richard to Jeff, and they shook hands.

Richard looked around the front area of the house. We had a stairway going up to the rooms, and a vaulted ceiling in the living room that was two stories high. "The rooms are up here?" he asked as he started towards the stairs.

"Yes," I told him.

"Take your husband up to the guest bedroom. Talk over anything that needs talking over. Then undress him and tie him to the bed. After that suck his cock for a minute or two, but not to completion; keep him wanting more. When you come to me in the master bedroom, you have that moment to tell me that it's a done deal; and that in your talk, you decided not to go through with the rest of the night. If we continue, I will spend the next hour or two fucking you silly. After that, you will return to Jeff with a surprise, and take care of him to his satisfaction. After that, you will untie him, and then return to me in the master bedroom where I may, or may not have you again depending on my wishes. Either way, I will sleep with you tonight in the master bedroom, and in the morning, since I can't go without morning sex, I will fuck you again before I leave."

He delivered these instructions so mater-of-fact. He was in complete control because we proceeded to do just as he said. We all walked upstairs and I pointed Richard into the room at the end of the hallway and took Jeff to the spare room. "Are you sure you want him to fuck me?" I asked Jeff.

"It's exciting to me," he answered. "Do you want him to fuck you?"

"Yes. My pussy has been gushing ever since he demanded my phone and texted you. That was just so bold. And downstairs as he delivered his instructions I was really boiling over. It's very alluring."

"Ok, well, tie me up and go get him," Jeff said with a big smile on his face.

I undressed him, and tied him to the bed using some of his neckties that were stored in this closet. And just for good measure I did as fully instructed and bent over to suck his cock for a moment or two. It was already raging hard, proving that he was excited by tonight. I was massively excited too. I hoped that Richard would have a nice cock, and be good in bed. It would be such a disappointment if he was all show, and no follow through. Something told me a man doesn't get that confident though without being able to back it up.

I opened the door to the master bedroom and stepped inside. Richard lay on the bed propped up on one arm. He was naked. I had hit the jackpot, he had a gorgeous body. He was tight, and cut, with washboard abs, and a big cock. Jeff has a nice sized dick, but Richard had him trounced. I was very much looking forward to him sinking that monster to the hilt inside me.

He got off the bed and came to me as I walked into the room. He kissed me, probing my mouth with his tongue as he unbuttoned my blouse. He pulled back, "I don't taste pre-cum. Did you do as I ask and suck Jeff for a minute or two?"

"Yuck!" I said. "Don't be gross."

"Me kissing you with Jeff's pre-cum in your mouth would be gross? You better get over that. You will be taking a creampie back to Jeff in an hour or two."

"I can't do that. For a couple reasons; first, it's gross. And second, you will be wearing a condom. If you didn't bring one, I have some around here somewhere."

"I will be fucking you bareback. I like skin on skin. I like to feel a wet pussy around my cock. You will prefer that too. I'm disease free. You can inspect me, as I will you before we begin. Secondly, condoms, even Magnums, are somewhat uncomfortable on a dick my size."

I stood there looking at him, not saying anything. I wasn't even sure what to say. I wanted to tell him the whole thing was off given his ridiculous rules. The slut in me kept my mouth from opening to utter those words because he did have this monster and my inner slut wanted it buried deep.