I Believe in Miracles


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Thomas read the note, cleared his throat and said, "Mr. President may we take a short recess. My daughter needs me", showing the President the note.

"Of course. I have two daughters myself and sometimes they need their daddy. Why don't we break for two hours and return after lunch?" With that he stood and left the room.

Thomas O'Hara quickly called his daughter and listened as she told him what had just happened. "I'll see what I can do, sweetheart. Just hang in there I'll get back to you," he said ending the call.

Just then the President entered the hallway, saw the look on Thomas's face and asked him if he could help. When he heard Thomas's explanation he turned to one of his aides and instructed him to place a call immediately.

"Call Ralph Simpson over at Veteran Affairs. Tell him I want this made right and to do it NOW! Also tell him to get in touch with the CEO at John Hopkins and ask Doctor Susan Lee to make herself available, as favor to me. Thomas O'Hara will be calling him within the hour with detailed instructions regarding transportation."

As Thomas stammered his thanks. The President replied, "No problem. We daddies have to make things right for our daughters when we can. After all what else is more important. Remind me to make some changes to policy those jerks at VA have implemented. They are going to do everything that needs to be done for these men and women who have made so many sacrifices for this country. Or else heads will roll," with that being said he disappeared again.

Turning to Andrea, Thomas said. "Please, get a hold of George at the airport. Have him get the Gulfstream prepped and ready to fly no later than four this afternoon. He'll know who I want to fly it."

Forty minutes later Thomas was on the phone with Ralph Simpson at the VA. After being assured that Doctor Lee was more than ready and willing to fulfill the President's request he explained that a car and driver would pick her up and take her to Dulles where he kept his plane. He told him to tell her anything she needed or didn't have he would supply.

Katelin was back in Scott's room when her cell phone vibrated, looking at the caller ID she stepped outside the room and answered. Her father quickly brought her up to speed on what was happening. After she managed to stop crying she whispered into the phone. "Thank you daddy. I love you."

"I know," he replied. "See you in a few hours."

As she re-entered the room she saw Doctor Fletcher and the head of the hospital administration walking down the hallway toward her.

Doctor Fletcher walked over to Scott's bed and announced with a big grin on his face, "there has been a change of plans."

"The hospital administration has been instructed to change it's decision and to make available any, and all, resources necessary to insure proper treatment for Lieutenant Anderson." The Head Administrator told me. "Someone has considerable influence far up the ladder of command. I can only say that I am extremely pleased that our decision was overturned."

After he left Doctor Fletcher continued, "I've scheduled the surgery for tomorrow afternoon at one-thirty. You may have a light breakfast no later than six, go to physical therapy and then we'll start prepping you around noon. I spoke with Doctor Lee just as she was leaving to board a private jet for the trip down. She'll arrive a little after five and we plan to go over the MRI results and develop a surgical plan of attack as soon as she arrives. Boy is this happening fast. Someone really pulled some strings. Got to go. I'll stop by later this evening and give you further details."

Scott was stunned. "Would you call my mom and dad for me and give them the news. I'm too overwhelmed to talk with them. Everything is happening so fast. I can't understand it."

Katelin made the call and spoke with Scott's dad telling him what had just transpired. Even Scott could hear the screams of joy over the phone from his mother and sister as his father relayed the news.

After Katelin ended the call she said to Scott. "they will be here as fast as they can. They want to share this moment with you."

"You know I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. I think I just got my appetite back. Any chance you could take me down to the cafeteria for a bite to eat?" he asked.

"Right. Let me help you dress and we'll head on down there before your family shows up. I'll tell them at the nursing station where we are in case we're not back when they get here," she replied.

Wednesday - November 16th

That morning after breakfast Scott was taken to the Gait and Balance Clinic and was, again, subjected to an exhausting workout. As he was waiting for Katelin to retrieve him Todd sat down next to him and started talking.

"Lieutenant I understand you're scheduled for more surgery this afternoon. Just want you to know that as soon as we get the go ahead from the docs we are going to double up on your PT workouts. Remember, I told you that you'd be walking by Christmas and I don't want to be called a liar. Good luck this afternoon. God bless you."

At one-thirty Scott was rolled into the operating room, sedated and the complicated operation began. Five hours later the last incision was closed and Doctors Lee and Fletcher watched as Scott was taken to the recovery room.

"That was a tough one Doctor Lee. I have to say you are one hell of a surgeon," Fletcher commented.

"You're not so bad yourself and please after what we just went through, call me Susan," she replied.

"Ok, Susan. I'm Eric. We have at least a couple of hours before he wakes up in Recovery what do you say we go out for dinner?" he asked.

She responded by saying, "I can't think of anything I'd like better. I'll shower and change in the women's locker room. I'll meet you in the lobby in twenty minutes."

On the way to his office to shower and change he stopped in the surgery waiting room to to meet with the family.

"Whew! That was a rough one. But he's going to be all right. Doctor Lee is better than advertised. Scott is in Recovery right now and will be there for quite some time before he is taken back to his room. So go have some dinner and come back after nine tonight and I'll give you all the gory details," he said smiling.

As he turned to leave Katelin stopped him saying, "Doctor Fletcher I want to introduce you to my father, Thomas O'Hara."

Quickly putting two-and-two together Fletcher realized that this was the man that was responsible for everything that happen yesterday. Susan had filled him in on everything, including the request from the President to perform the surgery the evening before while they planned the procedure.

"Would you and your daughter care to join Doctor Lee and I for dinner this evening?" he asked.

"I am sorry, but I'd like a raincheck on that invitation. The Andersons have asked us to dine with them. We have a lot to talk about. I'm sure you understand," he said with a wink and a smile.

Later that evening Susan Lee and Eric Fletcher came by Scott's room to see how he was doing. Since it was so late they arranged to meet the following morning to discuss the operation and what to expect in the following weeks.

Thursday morning at ten o'clock the two doctors met with the Anderson family as well as Thomas and Katelin O'Hara. They explained the nature of the surgery, what was accomplished and what would happen over the next few weeks. Scott would resume his PT next week, the day after the Thanksgiving Holiday. His eyes would continue to be bandaged until late December. Doctor Lee assured them that given this ample recovery time Scott's vision should be restored.

Patricia Anderson, while looking directly at Katelin and her father, spoke. "We certainly have a lot to be thankful for this year. Our family cannot begin to find a way to express our gratitude. Each of you doctors and Mr. O'Hara have a special place in our hearts for what you have done for our son. And to you Katelin words can never express our love and the feelings we have for you in your devotion to Scott," and in saying that she hugged Katelin as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Robin watched as Katelin returned the embrace with tears in her eyes as well. It was at this moment that Robin vowed to make sure that Katelin would become a part of their lives forever.

Wednesday - December 21st

While visiting with Scott after he returned from his PT workout Robin was amazed with the progress her brother had made over the last several weeks. True to his word Todd had Scott standing and walking. He was still using a cane but was relying less and less upon it.

"Scotty. Can I ask you a question? Do you have any feelings for Katelin? You know she is deeply in love with you. You'd be a fool to let her get away."

"You know sis, up until now I've been afraid to think too much about my future, especially with her. I . . I don't know what to say or do. We have had some long talks about what life holds for us. She shares so many of my hopes and dreams. I have known her for how many months now? I still don't know what she looks like and I don't really care.

"Remember what grandma always said. 'What makes a person beautiful is not what you see but what you don't see. It's what is inside you.' I think Katelin is the most beautiful woman in the world."

He continued on, "Robin, I would really like to propose to her, but I don't even have a ring. Got any ideas?"

"Let me talk with mom. I know she has been thinking about something. I'll get back to you. Meanwhile, don't say a word about this to Katelin. Trust me. What mom has in mind will thrill her. See you later," and with a kiss on the cheek she was gone.

Thursday - December 22nd

As Katelin was walking Scott back from his morning PT workout her cell phone rang. Answering it she said. "Yes, he is right here with me. He just finished PT and I thought I'd treat him to lunch. Care to join us?" Passing the phone to Scott she whispered in his ear, "Your mother."

"Hi mom, what's up? Ok, I'll have her drop me at your house after lunch. Right. I'll tell her." Handing the cell phone back to Katelin he said, "Mom wants to see me about a family matter. If you would please drop me at her house, she will take be back in time for my afternoon PT session."

"Not a problem. I have some Christmas shopping to do at the mall. I know how uncomfortable you are in crowds and the place will be packed with us last-minute shoppers," she replied.

Sitting in mom's car as she and Robin drove him back for his evening PT workout he couldn't believe what his mother had just told him.

"Scott, one day just before your grandmother died she gave me the ring your grandfather gave her when they became engaged sixty-five years ago. She told me to keep it until the day you were thinking of getting married and if I thought you had made a good choice, I was to give it to you. You could not have picked a better girl than Katelin. Robin, your dad and I absolutely adore her. We all are so happy for both of you."

The ring was a one-carat diamond in white gold setting with smaller diamonds on either side of the main stone. His mother had told him the setting was a little old-fashioned, but could be changed to suit Katelin's taste if need be.

"When are you gonna pop the question, Scotty?" Robin asked.

"I thought I'd wait until Friday after the bandages come off," he replied.

"Wow! How romantic, Christmas Eve," both Robin and his mother shouted.

Saturday - December 24th

At two o'clock Thursday afternoon Scott was escorted into Doctor Fletcher's office. Katelin on one arm and Patricia Anderson on the other. Robin and his dad followed behind. Waiting for them were Doctor Fletcher, Doctor Lee and Katelin's father.

"Daddy! What are you doing here?" Katelin exclaimed. "What a surprise."

"Wouldn't miss this for the world. After all I did play some minor part in getting Scott here today. I also brought Andrea, her husband and both of their children. You remember them don't you? They are waiting just down the hall. I flew all of us down this morning," Thomas O'Hara answered.

"All right, let's get this show on the road. Doctor Lee wanted to come and see the fruits of her labor, so to speak. Mr. O'Hara thank you for including her as your guest on the flight today.

"We are going to dim the light so the shock of their brightness doesn't hurt your eyes. After all you haven't had the use of them for almost three months and they will need some time to adjust to the light," he said.

Scott was seated in a chair with Katelin kneeling in front of him holding both his hands. Doctor Fletcher began to slowly remove the bandages.

As he finished Scott exclaimed. "I still can't see anything!"

"Scott. You have to open your eyes first," Katlin gently told him.

As he slowly opened his eyes a huge grin appeared on his face.

"What do you see?" Doctor Fletcher asked.

"The most beautiful woman in the world," he answered, looking directly into Katelin's face.

"Ok. We have a few simple tests to do. So if you all will excuse us, I need to take him into the examination room for a few minutes. Please make yourselves comfortable. We'll be right back," with that Doctors Fletcher and Lee left with Scott into an adjoining room.

In less than five minutes they returned with Scott leading the way. The two doctors both had smiles on their faces that threatened to knock their ears off.

"Perfect, just perfect. He has 20/20 vision and completely no sign of any damage to his eyes," Doctor Fletcher announced. "Please follow me down to the reception room on the next floor. There are a lot of staff and others waiting to see him, and more importantly for him to see."

Katelin again grabbed one arm and Robin the other and for the first time in months Scott was able to escort them to a crowd of family, staff and well-wishers.

Later that evening Scott said, "I'd like to go to a Christmas Eve candle light service. I have a lot to thank God for. Katelin, will you please come with me."

Scott led the way as they returned to the Anderson's home, and a house full of guests that included Katelin's father, Andrea and her family as well as aunts and uncles, for a Christmas Eve celebration. As they walked into the room where everyone was assembled, Scott said. "I have an something that I need to say."

Holding both of Katelin's hands he knelt on one knee and looking up at her he said. "Katelin O'Hara. I love you with all my heart. I want to live the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

"Scott Anderson. I fell in love with you from the first day we met. I can think of nothing better than spending the rest of my life loving you. Yes! I'll marry you."

With that Scott produced his grandmother's ring and slipped it on her finger.

"Oh! It's beautiful." Katelin exclaimed.

After the congratulations, kissing and hugging had subsided Patricia Anderson asked. "Have you thought about a date for the wedding? Do you want it in the Spring?"

"No." Katelin replied.

"Do you want to be a June bride?" She asked.

"No, I don't want to be a June bride. I have always wanted to be married on New Year's Eve. You know, start a new life in a new year," Katelin replied.

"Wonderful. That will give us an entire year to plan for a grand wedding," Patricia and Robin both said in unison.

"I don't want to wait for a year. I was thinking of next week. I don't need an expensive dress or an fancy reception. All I want is to be married to your son." Looking at her father she said, "Daddy, can you fix this . . can you make this happen for me?"

Thomas O'Hara hugged his daughter and kissing her on her forehead replied, "A very wise man told me once that fathers only existed to make their daughter's dreams come true."

New Year's Eve - December 31st

Katelin's dream did come true. Her father, with some help from Andrea, Patricia and Robin arranged a wedding suitable for a princess. Katelin found a beautiful wedding dress and looked absolutely stunning in it. The wedding ceremony was held in the Catholic Church and Father Patrick O'Hara, Thomas's older brother, conducted the service. The reception was in an upscale restaurant which was closed to the public for the evening and a thirty-two piece band provided music. Those friends and family who lived out of state were flown in on Thomas O'Hara's private jet.

The band leader invited Scott and Katelin to the dance floor for the traditional first dance as the band began playing 'I Believe'. After they had been dancing for a few minutes the rest of the guests joined them on the floor and Todd, dancing with his wife, moved close enough for Scott to hear him say.

"Told you I'd have you dancing by New Year's Eve."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Great story- one of the best I’ve read on Literotica. Great author - GatorRick

oldgraycatoldgraycatabout 1 year ago

What a wonderful story.

DOC226DOC226over 1 year ago

The Last Line of the story said it all. LOL Great Story.

bleeepbleeepalmost 2 years ago

This story, hell, all your stories are wonderful. I especially enjoy one of your more prominent plot points, the green eyed redhead. Got one of those myself, wouldn't trade her for anything. Glad you're on the mend, please keep up the good work. Surviving bilateral PE's is no mean feat. You, Sir, are blessed by a higher power. Looking forward to more.

PS: Overcritical in an ass.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Although I enjoyed the spirit of the story, there were a number of disappointing aspects. To start with its missing payback on Kyle and regrets by Stephanie. A number of other details were off, but the most important issue I had was that the only reason he got the treatment he deserved was due to a connection to the President. How many servicemen/women in similar situations are denied this support?

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