I Can't Stop Teasing Guys Ch. 11


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A four man cluster three houses down and across the street seemed to call my name. That and the fact they were actually calling my name. LOL! VIOLET OVER HERE. I didn't know any of them really but come on they knew my name. SMELL THE FLOWER BABIES. I grew careless in my bubbly state and darted right into the middle of the street. A car horn tooting once made me freeze and turn to face the car slowing up to await my exit. In the car was a younger woman who shook her head at my behavior. Through the windshield in her backseat I saw a young child in a car seat, luckily he was asleep. Still, Mom was pointing at him then wagging her finger at my perversions, still even she winked at me. I felt really bad suddenly and clasped my palms together as if apologizing. If the child had witnessed my stupidity that would have been awful. That by itself made me want to go home and cry. Before I could even move out of her way a massive set of arms snatched me up and threw me over his shoulders. MY HERO. Suddenly, my shame just faded away and the woman drove off.

GOTTA BE MORE CAREFUL WE NEED THIS CUTE ASS ALIVE. He palmed my ass cheek as my tits crushed against his shoulder blades. He was in pretty good shape if I say so myself. Carrying me over to his three buddies he stood me up and they surrounded me for safety reasons. I was really nervous, still at tad upset over the child thing. It took the men to calm me with compliments and telling me not to let that incident get to me. How could I not? A sturdy hug made my emotions relax. That and a really hard erection pressing into my lower abdomen. OH MY GOD! I'M BACK. LOL!

THANKS FOR RESCUING ME. I told my muscular man in a tank top. He replied back with ANYTIME. YOU PUT ON ONE HELL OF A SHOW VIOLET. I smiled and blushed a bit, peering around at the other three to see them looking at my ass. Who needs a pretty face when they never look at it? STARE AWAY BOYS. STARE HARDER. I grew shy for some reason and thought about what to say. I went with, YOU KNOW MY NAME? Muscle boy confirmed how, I KNOW YOUR MOM'S BOYFRIEND'S SON BRAD. SAME GYM. HE'S SHOWED ME PICS OF YOU. GOTTA SAY YOUR BODY IS SEXIER IN PERSON.

BRAD IS SHOWING ME OFF? He nodded YEP! Wow! Thanks Brad. LOL! I need the exposure. The gym? Why did I not think of that? Perfect place to tease guys. I reached out and touched his bicep with an astonished expression, telling him I MIGHT NEED A PERSONAL TRAINER. Smirking he nodded with DROP BY GOLD'S AND I'LL LET YOU PUMP IRON WITH ME. I lowered my gaze to his magnificent tent and gravitated my hand toward it I LIKE PUMPING IRON. His friends laughed at my mischievous tone. CAN I LIFT HIM? My voice went babylike for some odd reason but it even made me wet.

SURE YOU CAN. He unzipped his cargo pants and let out POPEYE. That sailors wink was too cute. He must live on spinach. LOL! OH MY GOD! Even his veins looked like an anchor tattoo. LOL! I was trickling olive oil down my inner thighs. LOL! Yeah, I know my funnies weren't that funny. I grabbed that sailor and used both hands to charm him. Sheepishly I looked around at his friends and saw them no surprise...still eying my sweet lil ass. It made me use one hand to reach behind me and slap a cheek to break their trance. That did it, now hands were rubbing my back and my butt. FINALLY!!

YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT VIOLET, Muscleman told me. I shivered and said I WANT IT ALL. As I said that I used my hand to cup his balls adding...ALL. He puckered up and said BEND OVER. I obeyed instantly turning to face his friends, fluttering my fingers toward them as I bent forward. Feeling Popeye stick his eight incher up to roll amid my labia made me tremble hard. I was finally going to get fucked again. YAY! He entered me slow but once inside hit me hard. His friend sturdies my stance by holding my tits. Go figure. LOL!

As Popeye's fingers encircled my throat it reminded me of the sunbathing in the park. I love being choked. His strength made me want to be abused. FUUUUCCCCKKKK YEAH. I let him know his efforts were welcomed. His friends merely watched and fondled me. Nobody volunteered more, not even a dick out for me to suck. POO! LOL! In my thrilling torment I saw more cars going by. We were right next to the curb and it was incredible knowing I could be seen being fucked hard. I just hope no more kids were looking. There actually wasn't many kids on this block. I never see them at least. Fluke earlier maybe? I'm over it.

Turning me to face traffic, cars driving by slowed up to watch his aggression being taken out on my pussy. I know my facial expressions were pure awe and ecstasy. The drivers waved. I waved back. SO AWESOME. Two cars bumper to bumper pulled over to the curb and watched more closely. My lover took things and me closer. I was a ragdoll in his clutches, beet red at his strangulation as he lifted me by my throat and carried me the ten feet until I was face to face with one driver. SAY HI. Loverboy told me. I couldn't form words so I just puckered my lips and blew kisses without the use of my hands. They were holding on to the drivers window sill. GIVE THIS BITCH A KISS he directed the driver. Sure enough he did. Mmmm! Nice lips.

I was moaning hard even as I shared the drivers kiss. I could tell he loved this. My pussy was screaming to cum hard. Girth Brooks was telling me TWO PENIS COLADAS. LOL! Awww maaan! Now i want DP. LOL!

Moving me to the car behind this one I didn't give it a second thought. I was ready for anything...EXCEPT THAT...OH MY FUCKING GOD! My eyes bulged bigger than I've ever had them and I immediately struggled against my lover. He wasn't having it. Neither was I...I handled it the only way it could go down as he planted my upper body over the car hood forcing me to look at the two in the car. Ready for this? I'm not.

DADDY! In the black Camaro sat my real Father and my brother Chad. The look of disappointment in me was obvious. My lover was so into fucking me it took a louder DAAAADDDDY to get through to him. Of course, he was pretty dense. THAT'S RIGHT CALL ME DADDY. He pounded my cunt so hard I couldn't resist cumming all over his dick, while terrified all the same. My Father had never seen me even in a bathing suit let alone naked in a sexual position, out in the open like this. Panic mode led to my clawing at my lover to draw blood. As he gripped my hair kinda pissed off I gushed a second wave due to adrenalin. Maybe I peed. LOL! Yeah, I definitely peed on him.

It took my Dad to get out of his car and offer a deadly glare at my lover to make him release my hair and finish up. It was a testosterone showdown that I didn't need to see. YOU DONE WITH MY DAUGHTER? Dad growled rolling his sleeves up threateningly. My lover actually grew arrogant and hit my pussy harder, I bawled my eyes out totally humiliated by this turn of events. My Father is a pretty big guy but not big enough to challenge Popeye. Worse yet, even as Popeye held me firmly I couldn't help but moan at how much it felt good. Sorry Daddy. Please forgive me.

Even my brother watching me hit home. He's three years older than me and lives with Dad. Watching this must be horrible for him. Hearing the car behind us screech off in a panic, and muscle boy's friends scatter at hearing DADDY and MY DAUGHTER in the same breath brought a fearful realization that this was not going to go well. All I could think of was how Mom and Dad were going to fight over how I was raised to be some slut. Okay, that wasn't the only thing I was thinking. HARDER! HARDER! FUCK I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN.

My brother looked really uncomfortable sitting in the front seat. Worried I was being hurt. More worried that Dad was gonna get beat up if he pushed this guy. Me enjoying this monster cock draining me dry. LOL! Sorry nervous laugh. Dad had his cell out and putting up a good argument 911 IT IS. That made my guy friend loosen up on me. NOOOOOOOOO! CUM IN ME! I accidently yelled just that. My Dad shook his head and paused to explore my situation. Why was my brother trying not to laugh? Don't do that Chad or I'll start laughing too. FUCK!

Snarls behind me I knew Popeye was ready to punch out Brutus. LOL! HIT ME HARDER! OH SHIT! Put your cell down Chad. Stop recording me. Not cool. Baby sister getting tagged was gonna go viral to all his friends. Hash tagged even. Oooo! Do that Chad. LOL! I'm hopeless. Even in front of Daddy and my brother I couldn't stop being a whore. Dad gave up throwing his hands in the air disgusted by my actions leading toward pleasure over respecting him. I'm such a dumb bitch. Yeah, you readers can agree with me. Go on call me one.

Popeye came really hard inside me. I know Chad recorded my climax as my body leaped directly into convulsion territory, my facial expression like some Pornstar faking her emotions. I wasn't faking though. My yelps faded into lost voice territory. Even as I quaked Popeye wasn't done. Turning me to face him he lifted me up and sat me on Daddy's car hood defiantly. Grabbing my ankles Popeye forced me on to my back with my legs wide. He buried his face into my cum soaked pussy and literally sucked his own cum out of me. OH MY GOD! This was a first. Once his mouth was full he leaned over me and spat his jizz on my face. Was I stupid for opening my mouth wide as if catching it? LOL! No doubt.

Grossed out Dad had seen enough. Aggression finally took over and Dad advanced grabbing Popeye and pushing him away from me. While they pushed each other Popeye nearly tripped over his lowered cargo pants. Too funny. Me? I rolled over facing Chad and let him record me wiping cum from my face and licking it from my fingers. His reaction was better than expected. I even heard him say FUCK YEAH! Acknowledging his verbal response I rolled my eyes and razzed him with my tongue.

The fight over behind me I felt Daddy's anger first hand. He yanked me from the car hood and bent me over, blistering my ass right there in the street. I let on I was sorry but he knew better. Even his spanking my ass red only fueled my desires. CAREFUL DADDY. I don't want...do I? NO I DON'T WANT TO FUCK MY DAD. EWWWW!

DON'T EVER LET ME CATCH YOU DOING STUPID SHIT LIKE THIS AGAIN. I cried for effect...no I really cried. My ass was on fire. Daddy literally grabbed me by the cuff of my neck and forced me into a long walk down the street to Mom's house. At the front door he let me grab my bag and unlock the front door. Entering, he followed, leaving Chad outside. Slamming the door behind us he grilled me on why I felt the need to be this stupid. I clammed up pouting as he grabbed a blanket from the sofa to cover me up and sat me down on the couch. I tried not to laugh knowing that just a few days ago I sat naked under the same blanket with Mom and David. All three of us nude. Ironic, huh?


I stood up crying and rushed into his arms and said I love you too right back, with my arms outstretched that blanket hit the floor. I was hugging Daddy naked. Ohhhh boy! Apologizing again while still embracing him he did the fatherly thing and rubbed my back. Ummm! Little low there Daddy. My eyes bulged out feeling his hand lowering until it patted my bare bottom. I'M SORRY I WHIPPED YOU. I wasn't. LOL! I held him awhile longer just to sense his reaction. Finally, he kissed me on the forehead then expressed a gross look. Oh yeah. Popeye just spit cum all over my face. Poor Daddy.

LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN NEXT WEEKEND. Daddy released me and bent over in front of me to pick my blanket up. Whoa! Did he just look over his brow at my pussy? NO WAY! He swiftly stood back up and covered me again. DINNER ON SATURDAY? I nodded yes and shuffled to walk Daddy out. I waved at Chad who sat laughing because as soon as Dad's back was turned I dropped my blanket and danced in the doorway.

Closing the door I looked through the peep hole until they drove off. Sighing with relief I heard my cell ping in my bag on the floor. Rushing to look at the text it was my brother Chad. He wrote SLUT!! with a hugging emoji. I giggled and typed back SHOW YOUR FRIENDS. He immediately answered back with ALREADY DID. YAY! I ended my text with WIPE YOUR CHIN. LOL! He ended his with WIPE YOUR ENTIRE FACE. Too funny.

That actually went better than expected. Daddy might keep this to himself instead of bickering with Mom over it. I stood there nude looking over other texts when the doorbell rang. Jumping at it I crept over to see who it was. Whoa! The three guys that was with Popeye. Opening the door I smiled. YESSSSSS? I presumed they were here to apologize for Popeye's arrogance. NOPE!

CAN VIOLET COME OUT AND PLAY? The chosen leader winked. Blanket snatched up I took it to the front lawn and rolled it out as I had at the park. Laying down I spread my legs and said WHERE WERE WE? Yeah, the guys took numbers and fucked me on the lawn. All three led to a fourth showing up late. My screams were probably getting too loud. LOL! Thanks to Lyle's hose I took the hint. LOL!


"It was the neighborly thing to do."

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor

LOL! Thanks Jacki it's nice to know I have you on my side. It's not often I get people being that crude so I just shrug it off. Violet's around for awhile longer. I'm predicting her series to end around chapter 20 unless I get a brainstorm for further ideas. Of course by then she'll have fucked 90 % of Indy. LOL! Hope you stick around and please keep in touch.


jokerspussyjokerspussyover 4 years ago

This story was not crap. I found it very entertaining and erotic so do not listen to the troll Szensei. Keep this series going for me if no one else. I adore Violet's adventures immensely. I for one would love to be in her shoes. Jacki says booooo go away to Anonymous.

SZENSEISZENSEIover 4 years agoAuthor

Make sure you wipe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


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