I can't Stop the Rain

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Politics makes strange bedfellows.
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I met Sammy in college. We were both freshmen attending Northwestern, where I was a Journalism major and she was Political Science. Our families both had some old wealth and we both had lower aspirations than our family's respective businesses.

Our families were both Conservative and we each felt idealistic and were going to rebel from that. You could say that we were Progressive, bleeding heart liberal, or just hippie millennials, but we were young and thought we knew it all so we were okay with others thinking we were crazy. We were normal and average looking, and weren't dating anyone when we met.

We met at a party, which was funny because neither of us ever went to parties. We both had been invited to this one by our respective roommates and caved to the pushing and pressure to get out and actually try to enjoy college.

I was a bookworm that read more than I watched TV and Sammy was an athlete. We had better things to do than go to parties, but as fate would dictate, there we were.

I was pretty buzzed when someone grabbed me and said, "it's game time let's go." I complied and went to the big room with about 10 guys and girls around a pool table. Bottles were passed around as were joints and men were being moved to one side and ladies on the other.

I was given a slip of paper to put my name on and it was then put into a hat. Once everyone had done it, some more people came into the room. These guys and girls were obviously the beautiful people. You know the ones: tall, good looking, confident, dressed perfectly, basically the Alphas.

They started chanting "Dykes versus Dorks, Dykes versus Dorks," and on and on. The apparent leader spoke up and told us the rules of the 'game'. I had a bad feeling already being called out as one of the dorks, but it was to get worse.

"Listen up folks! This game is simple. You pick a name and spend 5 minutes alone in this closet (he pointed towards a door) with the person whose name is on the slip," the Alpha leader said.

"Oh great," I thought and looked at the group of ladies. None were ugly, so that was a plus, and some were actually cute in a sort of non-classical way, but I was worried though, as I didn't have much experience with girls and only kissed a couple.

The first couple were picked and they put lipstick on the girl. I guess they really wanted to make sure that the couple in the closet was kissing, (Couldn't have the game spoiled now could they?) and in they went.

I was handed a bottle of whiskey and took a drink. I was really feeling buzzed and tried to back out of the game from nervousness, but I was grabbed and the guy said "We have a runner."

"Boo," cried out the Alphas and I was led up to the door to go next. The sorority princess with the ladies hat said, "Pick, runner."

"Okay," I shrugged and pulled a name. "Sammy," I read out loud and watched the girls with trepidation. Just then one of the cuter ones walked up with a bottle of schnapps in her hand.

She took a big drink, put on the lipstick and said, "Let's get it over with," and we were pushed into the closet. It was a large walk in closet that smelled like cedar and had plenty of room for us and a light.

She grabbed me before I could say anything and started to kiss me. I could taste the schnapps on her tongue as she shoved it into my mouth. I kissed back and we made out. I suddenly got into it and could feel that she was too as her hands lowered from my neck and embraced me. I pulled her into me and really started to enjoy it.

Just then the door opened and I heard cat calls and cheers. I tried to pull away but she resisted for a moment and finally relented. She looked into my eyes and smiled for a brief second, then took off into the party.

I followed her into that room but she was gone. I was disappointed at that and went out the front door. She was nowhere in sight outside either, so dejectedly, I walked up the street on the way back to the dorms.

Back in my room, I thought about her. She was cute, I would have guessed 5'7" with an athletic build featuring a slim torso with smallish breasts and thicker thighs and ass. She had short blond hair that wasn't exactly a buzz cut on the sides and back but it was much longer on top, which laid to the side. She also had sparkling blue eyes and I was attracted to her. She kissed better than the previous girls I kissed and I wished I had more time with her. I didn't even know if Sammy was her real name, let alone what her last name was, but I thought about her kiss as I masturbated my self to sleep.

Two weeks later, I was sitting in a common area reading a Doctor Who novelization when someone walked up to where I was sitting. "Hey there," said the voice. I looked up and there she stood. Sammy looked at me smiling and sat down.

"You're a hard man to find, Bill."

"I'm not hiding or anything, Sammy."

"Oh, you remembered."

"Of course. I tried to follow into the party but lost you. How did you find out my name? They never said it and you never asked me."

"Well, that wasn't hard. No one knew who you were but I was able to find the hat later. There was only one slip left, so I assumed it was you."

"I guess I should have stayed there then if you wanted to find me. Sorry about that."

"Yeah, I struggled with it at first. I don't have a lot of experience with guys and wasn't sure about you. But man, our kisses made me tingle to my toes and I decided that I should look for you."

"I'm glad you did."

"Can we go get some coffee, Bill?"


As we were walking to Starbucks, we got the small talk out of the way. Majors, hometowns, etc... and found that we grew up two towns over from each other.

She told me that she was active in political groups that included various protests for women's right to choose, universal health care and gun control.

I told her, "My parents will flip when I bring you home?"

"Really? Planning on bringing me home to Mom already," she said with a chuckle.

I stumbled trying to respond to her teasing me about my gaffe and was able to finally get out, "My parents are full blown gun-nut Conservatives."

"Ah," She said, "And you're not?"

"No, I voted Obama."

"Good, I'd hate for you to be a Republican, my folks are too by the way. I'm the family embarrassment,"

I laughed and we talked for the next couple of hours about the finer points of college life and got to know each other. I walked her back to her room, exchanged numbers and got a nice kiss goodnight.

I called her the next day and set up a date for the upcoming Friday. We went to see one of the Marvel movies. I don't remember which because we spent more of the movie making out than paying attention to it.

My roommate was at his girlfriends so we went back to my place. That's when she surprised me.

"Bill, do you remember what they called that party game where we met?"

"Yes, Dykes versus Dorks. It was ridiculous."

"I didn't get pulled in there because I was a dork."

"So you're a lesbian?"

"No, I don't think so."

"You've lost me. By the way we've been making out, you seem pretty straight to me," I said, unsure where she was going with the discussion.

"I've never dated a guy, Bill. I've only had two relationships and both were with women."

"Okay, can I at least assume you're Bi? Otherwise, I don't understand what you're doing with me."

"That's just it. I don't know. I've never been attracted to a guy before. Until that party I would've said I was lesbian, and now I'm not sure. Kissing you in that closet was amazing. It never felt that way with the girls I dated. I thought maybe I was just drunk, but at the movie I felt the same and I'm scared. That's why I had to find you. I had to know if it was real. Can we take it slow? I'm obviously a virgin, but I'm so tempted to jump you right now that I almost can't hold back."

I reassured her, "We can take it as slow as you like. Since you were not the dork in the game, I'm obviously it. My experience with girls is lacking and I can tell you that I'm a virgin too. I'm in no hurry, I really like you and want to see more of you. The thing is though, I need for you to be sure about yourself. The last thing I need is for you to use me to prove you still prefer women."

"I could never hurt you like that, Bill. That's why I want to go slow."

"Okay, I'm good with slow, but will you be dating others? I really would prefer us to date only each other."

"I'm a one person girl, Bill. I'm not gonna be looking for anyone else while we are dating, I promise."

"Okay, good. Can we go back to kissing now?" I said with a Cheshire smile.

"Mmm, yes baby."

After that night I was always on guard.

The first few weeks we dated were great. We spent a lot of time kissing and petting and getting to know each other. We didn't have any of the same classes and she played some intramural sports so our time was limited to weekends mostly but we made do.

I struggled with a lack of confidence though, and still felt in the back of my mind that I was a test boyfriend. She did nothing to show that I was and didn't deserve that assessment, so I was careful to hide that feeling away.

The first fly in the ointment came when we attended a protest together. A right wing TV personality, Miles Hagen, was touring the lecture circuit touting his new book, and came to our campus. We met up with her friends and they were pretty militant in their actions. I had done a few protests before, but I was never so passionate that I was in danger of arrest. Her friends were.

They threw rocks, blocked traffic, screamed in police and security guard's faces and got into a fight with some supporters of the speaker. Hagen was completely opposite of my beliefs, but I wasn't about to get arrested over it. They did.

When Sammy's friends ran into the crowd of Hagen's supporters, I held Sammy back. She screamed at me to let her go, that her friends needed her, but in reality they didn't. Her friends kicked the snot out of the guys they attacked and the cops separated and arrested them. Sammy was furious with me for not letting her get in the fracas.

I calmed her down when I said, "Sammy, please calm down. We need to go see if we can bail them out." She relaxed and agreed.

We got to the police station and found out that they wouldn't be held if we posted $500 bond for each of the three girls arrested. I had a checking account set up by my parents and was able to post the bail with no problem.

Sheila, the most obnoxious of the three was the first to come out. She started yelling at me immediately. "You fucking pussy, what kind of man leaves three women to fight on their own. Sammy, I can't believe you switched for a piece of shit like this." She turned back and yelled at me, "You're a fucking disgrace, poser."

Sammy said nothing to disagree and ushered her away to wait for the other two down the hall, away from me. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Sammy was getting an earful. She looked over at me once, but the look on her face told me she wasn't happy with me, so I got up and walked out of the station. Sammy drove so I Uber'd back to my room. I wasn't going to take any more shit from her ungrateful friends.

I told my roommate Jim what happened and he laughed. He said, "Man, that girl is trouble and her friends are never gonna be on your side after this. You should cut bait and run before her friends poison her on you."

"I'm seriously thinking about it, Jim. I can't believe she was gonna jump into that fight. Her damn friends started it for no reason and I can't risk getting arrested or kicked out of school over a stupid protest. Shit, I'm not a fighter."

"You're no lover either."

"Shut up, Dick."

I didn't make any attempt to contact Sammy after that. I figured she would come to me when she and her friends cooled off. It was two weeks later when I bumped into her.

Jim and I went out for pizza and Sammy and her friends were there at a table. Sammy was sitting next to Sheila who saw me and put her hand into Sammy's. I saw Sammy smile and squeeze her hand as I walked by.

Sammy saw me and let go of Sheila's hand. I didn't say anything and kept walking by. I told Jim I was taking off and to bring me home a pie; he saw why and nodded. I walked out of the restaurant and felt really sad. I knew that I didn't make any attempt to reach out to her, but she was the one who was pissed at me. I went from sadness to relief that at least I knew her experiment with me was over.

Jim texted me and said Sammy chased after me, but came back in. He said she dumped a Coke on her friend's head after arguing with her about something and left them there.

As if on cue, There was a knock on my door. I ignored it. Then I got a text from her. "Can we talk please?"

I ignored it and turned my ringer off.

My phone rang and I ignored it. The voicemail notification came on and it was a long one. I deleted it.

Then that bastard Jim came home and let her in. "Hey Bill, Sammy's here," he yelled.

She walked back into my bedroom and said, "Can we please talk?"

"Why now?"

"Because I miss you."

"Won't Sheila miss you?"

"Doubt it. After her stunt at the pizza place, I threw my drink on her and came here."

"Why did you do that?"

"We were talking about coming to see you tomorrow and making things right. They have the money to pay you back now too. Look, I know I haven't called, but I wanted to give you some time. I knew you were pissed when Sheila went off on you at the station, so I understand why you haven't called me. You bailed them out and got shit on for it. When she grabbed my hand she had just said that she thought you were a good guy for posting their bond. I even squeezed her back and was so happy that we were going to make everything right."

She saw the annoyed look on my face at that point.

"I swear it. I realized when you walked by, that she only did that to goad you into thinking I was with her. I was pissed. I saw you leave and was getting up when she pulled me down to give a bullshit apology. I got up and went outside but didn't see you. I went back in and told her to stay out of my life. She balked at that. She said that I deserved better than a pussy like you. That's when I got pissed and threw my drink on her. I walked out and came straight here, hoping you went home."

"Great story, Sammy, but it's not the hand holding, it's just her and the rest of them hating me. They started a fight for no reason. You were pissed at me for not letting you jump in with them. Then I get screamed at after I posted their bond. There was no thank you, no I'm sorry, no you were right. There was nothing. I got radio silence from you for two weeks and just like that you and the gang were gonna pop in tomorrow and make it all right? I'm not buying it."

"Bill, really we were."

"So? What were you going to do? Apologize? Were they? They aren't the type. They don't think they did anything wrong. What were they going to apologize for?"

She started crying. "Bill, please. Please can we start again. I miss you so much."

I was a sucker and took her back. I really did like her. Maybe this was the wake up call she needed to avoid toxic friendships? Time would tell.

We dated for a few months when out of the blue she took our relationship up a notch.

"Bill, I love you," she said during commercials while watching a Doctor Who marathon.

I smiled and said, "I love you too. I was afraid to say it first."

She laughed and said, "Me too, but I couldn't do what I'm gonna do now without saying it and hearing it back."

She took the remote and paused the TV, grabbed my hand and stood up. "Let's go to your room, baby."

We walked into my room and she closed and locked the door. "What time will Jim be home?"

"A couple hours."

"Perfect. Bill, I want to remain a virgin, maybe not til I'm married, but I'm not ready for that yet. I am ready to escalate things though."

She took off her shirt and bra, and pulled me in for a kiss. I broke it and took of my shirt. This was the first time we were naked together as we took the rest of our clothes off.

"You're beautiful," I said as we laid on my bed and kissed hungrily. She took my hard shaft in her hand and pulled back saying, "You're bigger than my vibrator, I'm gonna have fun with my new toy," and she started stroking me.

"I've never touched one before, tell me if I'm doing something wrong."

"So far so good, love."

We continued to kiss and she continued to stroke me. I said, "Slow down or I'm gonna come."

She pulled away and started stroking faster. She watched my throbbing shaft, as she stroked it, with a look of wonder. After a few more seconds I shot spurt after spurt into the air, making a mess on my stomach and chest and her hand.

She giggled and said, "It always shoot that much?"

"Usually no, but you had me so turned on, it was amazing."

She looked at her messy hand and smiled at me. She winked and then licked a bit off of her finger. "That's not so bad," she said. "A little slimy but not nasty." She licked some more, but grabbed my shirt to wipe up my chest and stomach.

"Billy, I know I didn't suck you, and I promise I will some time, but would you please eat my kitty?"

I laughed and said, "I can't wait to try it, but you've had it done before right? By your girlfriends."

"Yes. Are you worried you won't be as good?" I nodded. "Don't worry about that baby, if you aren't doing something to my liking, I'll tell you what to do. I guarantee you'll get my rocks off."

So down I went, and if I do say so myself I took to it like Forrest to Jenny. She tasted amazing. Slightly salty, with no noticeable aroma until she came and man she came buckets. My face was drenched with her nectar. She pulled me up to kiss me and said, "Baby, you're a natural." My ego loved the compliment.

We played for a bit longer until I was hard again, then she started to give me a blow job. She licked and sucked my hard pole and spent a lot of attention on my balls, which felt amazing. I told her I was close and she sucked hard and pulled off with a pop. "Go ahead and cum baby. I want to taste it all." After a minute of her stroking and sucking, I shot my load into her mouth. She didn't stop sucking until I got too sensitive and then the licked up the few drops that escaped her lips.

"Sammy, that felt fantastic. For our first attempts at oral sex I think we nailed it."

"Absolutely right. I know you were nervous about competing with my past lovers, but you were right up there. With some practice, you will be amazing."

"Oh, I want to practice a lot. That was really great. You taste good and it made me feel good when you came so hard. Let's try again." And we did.

Life went on for the rest of school. We had no more issues with her friends or with me worrying about being a test boyfriend. She wouldn't go all the way, but we had a lot of oral sex and her blow jobs felt amazing. She always swallowed, and seemed to get off on it when we were doing 69.

She quit playing sports because her grades were getting impacted with dating me and other activities taking too much time, and eventually came to join my circle of friends. She grew her hair out and that made her even more pretty. She still had a rebel streak though and always had a spot colored. She varied it between many colors, and I loved it.

She never came home to meet my parents though. I had been to her family occasions many times and they liked me well enough, but Sammy was always worried that my parents wouldn't like her.

I finally forced her hand senior year when I proposed to her. She accepted and agreed to come home with me for Thanksgiving. I let my parents know and they were thrilled for us. My dad made a crack about whether she was a lefty nut-job too, but I heard mom's punch on his arm through the phone.