I Dare You


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Me: If you say so. Btw, thanks for remembering and asking :)

NI: I remember a lot of things about you...

Me: Like?

NI: Like the feel of your nipple between my fingers yesterday.

Me: :o

NI: You liked it?

Me: I plead the fifth.

NI: Isn't that what people say to avoid incriminating themselves?

Me: It is.

NI: Interesting. What if I told you that I can't take the image of your tits off my mind, ever since that braless gym session? I've thought about grabbing those poking nipples for weeks now, and yesterday, one of them was just there, next to my hand. I couldn't not pinch it.

I felt my insides tighten. This conversation was quickly veering into another direction, and I both apprehended and ached for that to happen. My fingers typed the words before I could even think them through.

Me: Did you want to do more?

NI: Are you kidding me? Of course I did!

Me: Too bad.

NI: I'm not going to ask you if that means you're interested in more, nope, not falling for that trap and getting a "plead the fifth" answer back.

Me: Dammit, my plan was too obvious.

NI: I'm onto you.

Me: Whoa, whoa, I did not consent to such positions.

NI: Wha... Oh, "onto." Smart ass.

Me: My favorite nickname.

NI: I'm offended. You don't like my "cutie?"

Me: It has its merits.

NI: What a diplomatic way of saying "yes."

Me: Try me again and I'll find seventy other ways of admitting something without admitting it. It's kind of what I do for a living ;)

NI: Oooooh, I like it. I'm up against a worthy opponent. But I'll find a way to break your barriers... Oh wait, I already did!

Me: I don't recall such a thing.

NI: Planking, vibrating, shuddering?

Me: Nope, doesn't ring a bell.

NI: Does this?

The vibrator buzzed out of the blue, but only from the tip that touched my clit. The part that wrapped inside and settled against my G-spot remained still. It lasted a few seconds of pure joy, then stopped. I tried to think of an answer but failed.

NI: You already have it in, don't you?

Me: Wasn't that the idea?

NI: Yes, but I was hoping to woo you or dare you to use it or something. Change of plans.

Me: I can still take it out and pretend I'm completely appalled by your proposition. British accent: "Oh no, a remote vibrator, I shan't ever!"

NI: First, you have to do that accent in front of me one day. Second, please keep it where it is. I'm very flattered you trusted me enough to break another barrier for me... Ba Dum Tsssssssss!

Me: Oh man, you'd make a great lawyer. Straight back to where you wanted me.

NI: Jess, where I want you is sitting on me, your pussy in my face, and my tongue inside you, but for now, I'll take the small wordplay win.

Fuck, fuck, fuck... I hadn't expected her to be that forward that quickly. She was right; I had let her go inside me and break another barrier, at least virtually. And just to accentuate her point, she buzzed the interior part of the vibrator. I felt myself get past wet and into soaking territory.

NI: Why the sudden silence, cutie?

Me: You know, if anyone else called me "cutie" this condescendingly, they might not live to see the next day.

NI: Hahahaha, good thing you don't know who I am.

Me: Yeah sure, that's what's stopping me.

NI: Wait... Does that mean you know who I am or that you like the word because I'm saying it?

Me: No to the first one.

NI: (We'll get back to that later) What about the second? And don't you dare plead the fifth or sixth or whatever!

Me: That's not fair. You have your secrets, I should be allowed mine.

NI: Touché. Too bad this isn't a democracy. Do you like the nickname only because I'm the one using it?

Me: It does have a special ring, coming from you.

NI: Wait until you hear me whisper it in your ear when I'm on top of you.

Me: Will you keep daring me by then?

NI: Yes, to hold your orgasm... if you could.

Both ends of the vibrator came to life with a stronger vibration than earlier. Five, ten, fifteen seconds. I was staring at my screen and trying to will my body not to betray me. She couldn't know if I let it overtake me, but I was sure she would know. Twenty seconds in, she stopped it.

NI: How's that working for you?

Me: Perfect.

NI: Think you can resist it longer?

Me: Uh-hum.

NI: Are you sure?

Me: Why don't you try?

NI: My pleasure... and yours ;)

The vibrator turned back on at the same intensity. I was flirting with the edge of my control, getting closer and closer to the point of no return. But my desire to impress her momentarily won over my carnal desire and I held on. The buzz lasted a lot longer this time. I held my breath and couldn't let it go until it stopped.

NI: Impressive.

Me: I told you.

NI: Are you wet already?

Me: The question you wanna ask is how wet am I. And the answer is drenched.

NI: Yummy. But why so suspiciously chatty now? Are you trying to take a break between my ministrations?

I started typing an answer but was instantly taken aback by the vibrator coming back on at a higher intensity than before. How fast could this thing go? Ugh, I didn't want to know. It only lasted about ten seconds, but I was barely hanging by a thread.

NI: How are we doing?

Me: All cool.

NI: Sure, like the cold sweat on your face now.

Me: Hahaha. I already admitted to the presence of one bodily fluid, I shan't reveal more.

NI: It's OK, there's enough fun to be had with your drenched pussy.

Once more, the buzz came back at the same high intensity, and I knew I couldn't fight it much longer. She kept it running, then raised the vibrations one more level, my eyes glazed over the screen and I saw she sent me a winking face. For more than twenty or thirty seconds, she kept the vibrator on and I was nearly done. My strength and defenses collapsed around me, and I felt the beginning of a shudder. That's when it suddenly stopped and left me standing alone on that peak, unable to crash through the waves and unable to go back.

NI: How about now?

Me: Fuck you.

NI: No cutie, fuck you. I'm simply rubbing my clit here.

The mental image of her, pleasuring herself while she was talking to me, burned the insides of my retinas.

Me: Shit. Please?

NI: I recall you saying, on the record, that I could take my time. No take-backsies.

Me: Ok you win this dare. Please...

NI: I'm glad you said this, because I have another one of you. I dare you to cum...

Me: Easy.

NI: ...while talking to a stranger, a woman no less, whom you've let control you... and who's now in charge of a vibrator inserted in your pussy that she used on her own several times... including a couple of weeks ago while holding your wet panties against her face. I dare you to cum thinking of that, cum picturing me, cum for me.

My brain slowly read and, in its foggy state, tried to understand that long sentence. She had mixed in a reminder of the naughtiness of the situation with the revelation that she'd used that same vibrator on herself, and in herself. The thought alone was nearly enough to send me over the edge, then the vibrator came to life again, and I thought of it inside her, pictured her body jerking to it, her nipples bouncing, her face contracting, and I shuddered and screamed. I don't know how long my orgasm lasted, as the vibrator kept buzzing since she didn't know that I'd already reached my ecstasy. Wave after wave crashed into me and I let the phone fall from my hand while I clenched the sheets beneath me for dear life. It was a while more until the intensity began dying down.

A minute or so later, completely spent and barely able to move a muscle, I flipped the phone around on the mattress and rolled on my side to see if there was any message.

NI: Wow.

I didn't need to ask, I knew she had her share of fun on the other side. I summoned all my strength to type a reply.

Me: WOW.

NI: That was glorious.

Me: Ya.

NI: Lol. Can you type anything more than one word?

Me: Yessss ssss sss.

NI: Hahaha. Perfect. Need a minute to gain back your composure?

Me: Yup.

NI: Alright. I'll be here, fantasizing about you.

I flipped on my back and took a deep breath. This thing, whatever it was, had really just happened. No one had ever or could ever get me this wired up. I loved it, I wanted more of it, I ached for her real body next to mine, teasing me, pleasing me. Whoever was behind that phone, whoever could rib with me that well, that smartly, whoever could challenge my sexual ideas and limits, deserved that I consider a real relationship with them.

I closed my eyes for a second, imagining what dating a woman would be like, introducing her to my parents, friends, and colleagues, going out with her, lying in bed next to her, waking up with her soft arms wrapped around me, cuddling with her while watching TV or a movie... I really wanted that.

I jerked awake and looked at the time. More than half an hour had elapsed since I closed my eyes. Shit. I picked up the phone and saw she hadn't sent any messages and was showing as away.

Me: Hey, sorry, passed out a bit. You still here?

I waited with bated breath. Please let her answer. A few minutes elapsed before there was a sign of her, then the online indicator came back.

NI: Didn't know you could be worn down this easily.

Me: Ha-ha.

NI: No, I'm dead serious, maybe we need to get you checked out, see if you can handle all these long matches and extensive training sessions.

Me: Depends on the opponent. If it's a relentless battery-powered monster with no sense of a safe word, maybe not.

NI: Ouch. Pinky is offended. But what if the opponent is a (normally) nice, sweet, loving, smart, hard-working woman who just wants to be a bit more than friends with you?

I chuckled at her use of "normally." The version of her I knew from the team would possibly fit that description. But the version I was talking to now? It had naughty and cheeky written all over it.

Me: Are you asking me out?

NI: I feel like I should buy you dinner before I continue taking advantage of you like this.

Me: When?

Her next reply didn't come right out. She showed as typing, then nothing, then typing again.

NI: Saturday?

I sent the answer before my brain could have a chance to chicken out.

Me: Deal.

NI: Whoa...

Me: Yeah...

NI: So you really have no idea who I am?

Me: None.

NI: Yet you just agreed to meet me in three days?

Me: I gave you full control over my orgasm today and you came (hah!) through. Many people agree to blind dates with much less to go on.

NI: Right. So... not a single suspicion into my identity?

Me: Nope.

NI: Have you eliminated anyone?

Me: Well, realistically, all the players who didn't come to the bar, plus Oksana and Kiara.

NI: That leaves ten, right?

Me: Eleven.

NI: Oh hah, forgot to count myself. Do you have any preference?

Me: I don't think so.

NI: Oh.

Me: What?

NI: Well, that's flattering to me as your secret admirer, proves that you'd like me no matter who I am... but not so much to me as the person behind that, because I didn't make you fall for the real me. Yet.

Me: I'm sorry :( It's not that your identity doesn't matter, it's just that this whole situation is a little absurd and... I don't know. I was trying to give you a face at first, then I realized it was futile and I didn't want to get caught in a specific fantasy only to be more confused later.

I couldn't stop myself from over-sharing those personal thoughts with her.

NI: Makes sense. So you think of me as someone faceless now?

Me: I think of you as you.

NI: Aha! You just admitted to thinking about me, and a few seconds ago to fantasizing about me.

Me: It's not like you're making it easy not to.

NI: Jess, it's faster to type "yes" ;)

Me: Yes, I think about you.

NI: Mmmhmmm. I think about you too.

Me: Yeah, with your head buried in my panties.

NI: I knew this would come back to bite me.

Me: Don't try to distract me with mental images of biting you. We were talking about you abusing my panties.

NI: Yes. Your panties, which seem to always be soaked these days, for some reason.

Me: You.

NI: Oh, stop it!

Me: No, seriously, I'm not this "adventurous" usually, or this, erm, easy. But there's something about this, about you. You know what I call you?

NI: What?

Me: My naughty instigator.

NI: Hahahahahahahhahahaha, that is very lawyer-y and very perfect.

I didn't know what was getting into me and why I was opening up to her like that. I was starting to get sleepy again, and in my hazy state, I wanted to spill out all my secrets, my hopes and dreams, and virtually cuddle up to her and doze off. But I had to rein myself in.

Me: I'm starting to fall asleep. Don't freak out and call the cops if I stop answering.

NI: Noted. No 911 calls. Tomorrow, same time?

I didn't want to wait until evening time to talk to her, I would've preferred to chat with her all day, share my little victories, my annoyances, my every thought and feeling. But it was too early to want that, let alone tell her.

Me: Yes.

NI: I'm starting to get sleepy too. But I'll be here until you're out.

Me: Mmmmm, but I want you here-here, not there-here.

NI: Soon?

Me: Yeah. Promise?

NI: You have my word, Jess.

Seeing her use my name like that was equally heart-warming and tingling. I couldn't wait until I could hear her say it out loud. Come to think of, I thought while smiling internally, I've probably already heard her say it, several times maybe, but I just didn't know it was her.

Me: OK.

NI: I'd do anything to cuddle you right now.

I read the words and a huge sense of peace filled me. Yup, I'd do anything to have her with me too.

Me: Nighty :)

NI: Nighty, cutie.


Me: It's 6:50pm and I can't wait ten more minutes.

I shook my head and tapped send. I had been fidgeting for the past hour, waiting for 7pm. Fifteen minutes earlier, I picked up the phone and stared at it, willing the clock to move faster. It didn't. I waited and waited and waited, paced around my apartment, waited some more, but my impatience got the better of me.

Naughty Instigator: Missing me already?

Oh yes! She was there. I sighed and plumped down on my couch.

Me: As you said, I'm a stickler for time and since I'm here, and you're here, why waste ten productive minutes waiting for 7 o'clock?

NI: I see. So it's a matter of productivity, nothing to do with you wanting me to get you off as soon as possible?

Me: Nope. And for your info, Pinky is in the bedroom and I'm not.

NI: Interesting. So just you want to talk to me? No extracurriculars?

Me: I'm not saying none at all, just none for now.

NI: You continue to surprise me, cutie. I'll have to readjust my expectations then.

Me: Were you already...?

NI: The mere mention of your name gets me wet, so yes, Jess, I was already half-naked and getting ready to pleasure myself.

Me: Half-naked, uhm, thanks for making this easy for me.

NI: Pinky is just a few feet away, calling your name. "Jess, Jess, put me in. I can make you vibrate ;)"

Me: No.

NI: Party-pooper.

Me: I'd rather talk to you a bit, first.

NI: Are you trying to get some info and reveal my identity? You lawyer-types have your own ways.

Me: Nooooooooo ;)

NI: Sure. Alright, what do you want to talk about?

Me: Yesterday, when I asked you when, about our date, you took your time to answer.

NI: I was checking my busy schedule.

Me: Convincing, but no. You were hesitating.

NI: Maybe.

Me: Why?

NI: So you're the one asking the questions today?

Me: Yes. You can answer or not, but I'd really like it if you do.

NI: OK, we'll play your game, young one. I hesitated because I apprehend meeting you.

Me: Really?

NI: Definitely. I knew from the start that if something was to come out of this, I'd have to tell you who I am, eventually, but it's just easier being anonymous.

Me: You think I wouldn't like you?

NI: It's partly that fear, but also much more. I'm comfortable being naughty and unpredictable hiding behind a red letter and a phone screen, but in real life? I don't know if I can be as intriguing or appealing. I guess we all have our insecurities, right? Plus, the past few weeks have felt like nothing but magic, and I'm afraid it'd break the spell if we met. I'm terrified you'd lose interest, or I'd lose interest, or what if we don't click at all.

Me: I'm scared too. I had to shut my brain when I agreed to the date, because it was screaming at me all those same things. But we have to do it, right?

NI: Yes.

Me: You know what though, this makes it easier for me.

NI: Why?

Me: Knowing we're both equally terrified means we're both invested and we both care. That's got to be a good sign.

NI: Hmmm... that's quite wise. But there's something else too. Not sure if I'm right.

Me: What?

NI: Sorry to say this, but I keep having doubts, thinking it's impossible for you to like me based on a few letters and some indecent dares. I mean, you're a weirdo for even doing them.

Me: You asked so nicely, I couldn't say no ;)

NI: No, seriously, why did you even go with the game?

Me: I could ask you the same thing, why did you start the game?

NI: Because I liked you.

Me: We all know that ;) But why the naughty dares? You could've asked me out or something.

NI: Alright, I'll answer this, but you'll have to answer my question after. Deal?

Me: Deal.

NI: After your first tryout for the team, everyone was talking about you in the locker room. Straight girls were wowed, and every bi and gay one wanted to get in your pants.

Me: Really?!

NI: As if you didn't know!

Me: No, I didn't. I really, really didn't.

NI: Come on, your first couple of weeks, you had like seven or eight fawning over you, wanting to help you during training, giving you tips, spotting you in the gym, touching every inch of you they could touch without being awkward about it. Even coach and Alex were a little gaga.

Me: I had no idea. I thought everyone was so helpful and welcoming.

NI: Yeah, well-cumming ;) You're like lesbian crack and candy, mixed into one fucking sexy body.

Me: Huh?

NI: Oh God, you're so terrible at this, aren't you? You're not too feminine, not too masculine, sweet and nice and funny, but also strong and decisive and reliable. Gorgeous, with a killer body and a straight head. Plus, you're not a player... well, not outside of soccer. In the lesbian world, you're the universally perfect combo.

So all my life, I'd been wondering why I couldn't easily attract men and turns out I was selling to the wrong market. There was a clientele right next door who would've lapped up my offer, literally and figuratively, but I'd been ignoring it. I started wondering if I had missed any signs of girls and women coming on to me during high-school, college, or at work. Perhaps... yeah... now that I thought about it, there were a few that had been more than just friendly. Wow, revelations!

Me: So what changed after the first weeks? I don't think anyone behaves that way anymore.

NI: With time, they started realizing you weren't interested. Either you were straight or you were brushing them off.

Me: And you, in all of this?

NI: Me, well, I liked you from the first day too, but I didn't think I'd stand a chance against the hordes. Again, insecurities. Then I saw them fall by the wayside, one by one, and I thought that maybe wooing you required a different approach. Something to grab your interest, keep you hooked, and get you out of your shell a little.

Me: Hence the secret letters.

NI: Yup. I'm a terrible flirt, and I'd never come on to a girl on my team before, let alone someone I barely knew and who was as gorgeous and as smart as you are. So I chose anonymity. And the only way my letter would have had an impact at all was if it was crazy and preposterous.