I Dare You Pt. 02

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York and Mad's tit for tat battle escalates.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/19/2018
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York finished his workout and ate some yogurt and a piece of fruit the moment he stepped through the door. Tossing the banana peel into the trash with the yogurt cup, he stepped straight into the bathroom and started the shower. He closed the door to the room and undressed, then extended his hand around the curtain to test the water.

When it was hot York stepped in and lowered the temperature so it didn't burn his skin. York rinsed himself off, taking an extra moment to enjoy the water going down his head and hair.

From outside the door he could hear Mads' door open and her moving around the apartment. He thought about last night.

Was that cheating? Technically no, but was this really a semantical argument? The fact he couldn't touch Mads, was Mads rule when they all first started this unusual arrangement. That was two years ago, and now they were incredibly comfortable around each other. Did anything resembling normal rules apply?

The door opened as York began to lather his hair and beard with shampoo.

"Occupied what do you need?" York asked, unable to open his eyes until he rinsed. All he could hear was rustling from outside. "Mads, what do you need?" With her hair it certainly wasn't a brush. Lotion or something?

He heard the metal of the shower curtain rings pull open and someone step into the shower as well.

"What the fuck?" York asked as the curtain was pulled back. He rinsed his face and opened his eyes, Mads was naked in the shower with him. "What are you doing?"

Mads took the bottle of his body wash and poured and exaggerated blob onto her hand and rubbed it until it lathered. Without a word she grabbed his dick and began to jerk him off. York leaned back against the cold wall, but Mads moved forward and kept her free hand on his chest, and her face next to his. Water was streaming off her head and down her face, slithering down her shoulders and over her breasts.

It wasn't long before York was fully erect, forcing Mads to have curved arch on her elbow when she went up his long shaft. Because she was standing, she was jerking palm down, and it was tensing her arm more than she expected. How difficult could a hand job be she figured. Harder than she thought.

York wanted to test this scenario, and when he reached to put his hand on her head to push her head down, she grabbed his wrist and pinned it above him.

"Don't even think about it," Mads said.

"I'm going to think about it," York said back, taking his opposite not pinned hand and rubbing it on the outside of her pussy. Mads held onto his wrist and grabbed that hand too and pinned them both. She knew he was letting her do this. If he was so inclined, he could have taken her and there was nothing she could have done about it.

When the water began to run lukewarm, York finally came, spilling himself onto the shower floor and a little on her legs. She cleaned her hand and legs with soap and turned off the water. She grabbed her towel, wrapping it around herself and exited the bathroom while York was left with a cock that was losing mass in real time.

"I did say I dare you," York said and dried off as well.


Heather made a facetime call with York during the day, walking him around the site and how the project was moving along. Breaking ground was exciting for her and she was absolutely giddy on the phone. They said their goodbyes, York not wanting to ruin her day by saying what had happened with Mads. Technically it wasn't cheating, but women were not famous for their consistency.

After spending most of his day completing his hours for personal training and physical therapy, York entered the apartment to see Mads wasn't home yet. She did this often, and possibly wouldn't come home at all. Mads often slept in the lab at the college and would forget to eat, then would stress eat later.

Starting the fire on the stove he lubricated the pan with extra virgin olive oil and heated up a vegetable noodle pasta with diced chicken and a cream sauce. Putting the warm food in containers, he loaded it up in his thermal carry bag and left the apartment for the science department of the college.

It was after nine when he arrived, the lab was empty and the only thing he could hear was his footsteps. Through the glass at the end of the hall, saw Mads in a lab coat leaned over a microscope with her right hand taking notes, making sure to look away every now and then to ensure she was staying in the lines of her page.

Mads didn't even hear the door open, or pay any head to it she did, when York walked in and placed the food on a table.

"You forget to eat when you work like this," York said, Mads stopping to turn over her shoulder. She saw the bag and knew it was food, and smiled, realizing she was hungry when she stopped working.

"Some girls would complain, but I never pass up free food," Mads said, spinning her chair around, and leaving the chair to hang her coat on the hanger.

"Who would complain?" York asked.

"Like 'you're not my boyfriend, I don't need you to take care of me'," Mads said in an exaggerated annoying girl voice. "I'm just like, fuck ya."

"Veggie noodle with..."

"Don't care, takes you longer to explain it, than for me to eat it," Mads interrupted and opened the containers and was greeted with the smell. "I just came a little bit, feel free to take credit for that."

"Two for two," York said and grabbed his container as well. Both ate quietly as York looked around the lab. He knew she was a biological science major, but not much more than that.

"What do you work on in here?"

"I'm a biology major."

"I know that. That's a wide net though."

"Technically I'm a Herpetologist."

"Herpa derpa whata?" York asked, and Mads playfully threatened him with a fork.

"Herpetologist. I study amphibians, and toxicology."

"Big words."

"Amphibians are ecology's canaries in the coal mine. They are so sensitive to their ecosystem, they're the first to respond to changes in it most times. There are also so many naturally produced toxins that have medical applications. What do you think Botox is?" Mads asked, York continued to eat, but listening intently.

She had never talked about her school with him, and he could easily see the passion in which she talked about it.

"Epibatidine is an alkaloid naturally produced by tree frogs in Ecuador. It's two hundred times more powerful than morphine as a pain killer. But, it's therapeutic dose is also very close to a lethal one. I'm looking at blood work from a trial where mice were given this with the dose countered by a slow drip of Mecamylamine."

"Big words."

"Mecamylamine is a non-selective, non-competative antagonist...and you don't care."

"I care, I just don't understand a word you're saying," York said honestly, making Mads laugh.

"Say some nutritionist shit, make me look stupid next," Mads said, looking at her food.

"Vegetable noodles only have about three percent of their total weight actually being vegetables. This one is a rice flour based pasta, keep the carb count a little bit lower."

"Should I eat vegetables raw or cooked?"

"Depends on the vegetable. Cooking it will make cell walls thinner and make them easier to absorb but can also literally cook out the nutrients as well. Spinach and tomatoes should be cooked, peppers, broccoli and watercress should be eaten raw."

"I can listen to you talk all day. Smaller words, and you have a body that makes me take it seriously. Wouldn't buy a diet book written by a fat person after all," Mads said, York shrugging with a grin.

"You can't out cardio a bad diet," York said, taking a bite and chewing.

"Thank you for the food, I have some more work to do," Mads said, putting the lid back on the contains and placing the fork on top of it.

"Take a night, you look raggedly tired," York said, cleaning up his mess as well and stacking the containers in his bag.

"I have an hour at most," Mads said, turning around and picking up her coat.

"I dare you," York said, Mads pausing with the coat above the hook. "Take the night."

"I dare you to get some ice cream," Mads said, tilting her head to him.


"Ice cream," Mads repeated, dropping the coat and walking back. "You enjoy a dessert for once. I'll take a night, for once. Deal?"



Only a few stores were open this late, but the ice cream parlor was open until midnight. Mads ordered a cake batter flavored scoop mixed with cookie dough, while York ordered only a vanilla scoop plain. He paid and talked to her, and when the card was handed back she grabbed it for him, and read his name printed on the card.

"Kourtney with a K? How have we been friends for two years and I only now know your name is Kourtney?" Mads asked with a giggle, and he snatched his card back.

"That's why I go by York," he said and put the card back in his wallet.

"Holy shit. KY Jolley?" She asked, as their ice cream was placed on the counter. York grabbed his and walked away. Almost thirty and this mockery was still following him. Mads grabbed her ice cream as well and sat on the stools looking out the glass of the building.

"I'd go by York too," She said, holding back her snickering.

"Madison is a fitting name. Very lesbian," York said, her response being a smile.

"Rather be named after a lesbian than after fuck lube," Mads said, York huffing and taking a spoonful of ice cream.

"Heather called today. She's busy and happy about it," York said, to change the subject.

"She'll kill it out there. You tell her what we're up to?" Mads asked.

"Didn't want her to get pissed and shit on her moment," York said, and Mads kicked sideways to hit him.

"If she gets mad about that, she's a little bitch. She could do the exact same thing with the exact same person, and it isn't an issue."

"I am trying to marry her," York said.

"If she's mad about that, maybe it's a good litmus of what marriage with her would be like. Double standards will drive you batshit," Mads said. "I can tell her, dress it up a little."

"No it should be me," York said, and Mads said she'd leave him to it. "It wasn't cheating right?"

"That was my rule, not hers. Maybe she picked me because I'd never want to touch you. That was cute this morning you trying to push my head down."

"Not even if I dared you?" York asked with a grin.

"You could double dog dare me and that's still a no," Mads said then pointed at his beard. "Don't even think about going down again with that beard."

"I went down, you didn't, technically you didn't match me," York said.

"I made you cum, all I needed to do," Mads said and finished her ice cream before he was halfway through his. "You eat slow."

"I like tasting food," York said then took a slow approach with the spoon to his mouth. "Yum"

"Eat and walk, let's go," Mads said, having to drop off the seat and throw her cup in the trash. York stepped down his and followed her out while slowly eating his treat. She ate the rest of it a minute later.


Mads again found herself in a mood. She closed her book and looked over at her door to see if it was closed. Once she saw it was, she pulled her shorts and panties down to her knees and dug her vibrator out of her drawer.

Turning it on she placed it on her clit and played with her breasts. Focusing on her orgasm, her breathing became strained as she squeezed her breasts tighter. When the buildup started, she gritted in anticipation. When it was about to maximize, it died and went away, and she couldn't acquire it again.

"Come on," Mads complained and tried to start it again. Then again. Then again. She groaned and looked at her alarm clock, seeing it was a little after one in the morning now.

Yesterday before York's interruption, that was one of the first times in a few years she had tried to do that alone. Masturbation had never been an issue to her, but living with Heather had certainly made her rusty.

It was late and she was horny for an orgasm, so she pulled her shorts and panties all the way off and poked her head out of her room and looked at York's closed door. She tried to talk herself out of it for a minute, walking back to her bed and trying again. After that final frustration she left her room and creaked his door open.

York was dead asleep on his back and shirtless. Probably naked but the sheet covered him below the abdomen. This wasn't about him being a man or a woman. This was about needing another person. The touch of someone else. Mads closed his door, tip toeing to the other side of his bed. She reached under the sheet and found his hand, and then pulled it to her pelvis.

York stirred in his sleep, and his instinct took over. He began to feel around what was touching his hand. It appeared like he figured it out because he slid his finger in. Mads placed the vibrator on her clit and started to play with her breasts again. It didn't take long for her to orgasm on his hand, and when she look at him again, he was looking up at her.

York grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bed and to her back, sliding his fingers back into her pussy. Mad's looked up at York, who lowered down to her, kissing her neck and shoulders then pulling her shirt up to reveal her nipples so he could caress them with his tongue. Mads came again, and said nothing when he kissed her lips.

Mads reached to his waist and found his boxers still on. She dug under the waistband and grabbed his firm dick. York felt her struggle with the waist band, so pulled them off, positioning his body fully over hers as he did. She felt his weight shift down and put both hands over her slit and looked at him directly in the eyes.

"No," Mads said, York stopping, having already grabbed the base to aim his penis inside of her. "Not that."

"You wake me up at one in the morning fingering yourself with me..."

"I know, that's a hell of cock tease," she said, sliding herself up to a sitting position. "That answer will always be no."

York was visibly frustrated but nodded and fell to the side so he was no longer over her. Mads started jerking him off because he got her off, and this was kind of the rule they had created, tit for tat. He escalated that too far to a boundary she would never cross.

"Sorry," Mads said, knowing that right now a hand job probably wouldn't cut it. Could she swallow her pride and blow him. Probably not. She did think about it though. "I'll see you in the morning."

Mads threw her feet out of his bed and left the room quickly, closing both doors behind her before landing onto her bed. The orgasms were satisfying, but the thing that stung the most was the kiss.


Mads woke up the next morning to the sound of buzzers in the bathroom. It was Saturday, so her day was late wake up and work in the lab all afternoon. York also trimmed his beard on Saturday, so the sound of the buzzer wasn't strange to her. She heard the bathroom open and his door shut, so quickly ran to the bathroom to avoid him. Even she thought his expectation last night was warranted. Any other woman was asking for it.

Half way through her shower the door opened, and she figured he was just grabbing his buzzers or some other hair trimming tool. She grabbed her conditioner and rubbed it through her hair and was greeted with the sound of the curtain being pulled back.

"This payback from yesterday morning?" Mads asked, blinded by soap that she tried to rinse off before she felt a face and tongue at her pussy. "Holy shit."

York worked his tongue into her pussy, picking up her leg and propping it on the side of the tub. Mads pulled his hair with one hand, and moved the soap and water from her eyes with the others, and watched him devour her. It felt different than last time. Smoother.

"Did you shave?" Mads asked, York looking up, and she could see his face for the first time. He had trimmed and fully shaved his beard. His skin was pale, but his face was still rugged and squared.

"You said don't think about it unless I shave," he said with a grin then went back to work. Mads turned off the water and watch him go to work. His tongue his bigger than Heathers, or any other woman for that matter. His fingers were stronger.

York slid the curtain open and then the door, then returned for Mads and reached between her legs and lifted up. The crease of her knees were on his elbows, and she could feel his dick bouncing up and hitting her ass. She instinctually put her arms around his neck, but he easily carried her at her shoulders and walked her into her room and placed her on her bed.

York opened her legs and began to lick her pussy again. He peeled open her lips and played her clit with his thumb and circled his tongue around the slit. He drove his tongue in, and wiggled it left and right before licking up and pressing it against her button.

Mads gripped her sheets that she was soaking as she orgasmed, screaming it out, this one being more intense than the others. What was happening? York was a man. She was a lesbian. Her heart leapt when he carried her like she weighed ten pounds. His power was incredible. He was dominating and accommodating. If she said stop he would.

Mads didn't want him to stop. Man or not, that didn't matter right now. All she did was squirm, mumble curses to herself, and cum again loudly, and sustained it. The orgasm stayed like a glorious pain of a knife being twisted.

This favor could not be returned with a handjob. But he couldn't be allowed to stop. This could go on forever.

Mads pulled his ear to get his attention, and he looked up at her.

"Double dog dare me," Mads said, out of breath with a drunken smile.

"I dare you to suck my dick," York said.

"Lay down," Mads said, York complying and laying on his back. Mads straddled him backwards into sixty nine and paused with his dick in her hand. After a moment's hesitation, she slid it into her mouth. How it tasted didn't matter a moment later when he began to finger her again.

This was more awkward because she didn't know how to suck a dick. This was her first one. She placed her hands on his thighs and just lowered her mouth and rose it off of him. A few times she extended to far up and had to aim and reinsert. Him eating her out was distracting too. A few times she just wanted to enjoy that from a different angle, but knew she needed to get to work.

After she came again, she knew she had to get off of him if she wanted to finish this. She spun off of his and laying down between his legs with her feet off the bed.

"Am I doing this right?" Mads asked, stopping to look up at him.

"Jerk the shaft and while working your and tongue around the head," York explained and Mads dropped her mouth on top and worked the shaft with her right hand. She rotated her tongue around his tip with her lips locked on top and heard him moan. Him moaning was a good indicator. Her pussy felt lonely so she started to finger herself as she sucked him.

"Come here," York said, leaning over scooping up her thigh and swinging her legs onto the bed. Her lifting her leg up and fingered her, her body now curved.

"It's really distracting me," Mads said, then started to suck again. "But I don't want you to stop."

"I'll warn you," York said, Mads licking up his shaft and jerking him off a little.

"I've never seen Heather swallow or facial. Does she ever do that?" Mads asked.

"Never has. You don't have to, just jerk me off when I'm close," York said and Mads started sucking again.

Heather had never done that for him? They'd been together for years. He's putting up with the idea this might be cheating even though she was doing the same? That hardly seemed fair. When York clenched and said he was close, Mads kept her mouth on his dick and took it.

"I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum," York mumbled out fast to warn her when he noticed she didn't stop, thinking she didn't hear him.