I Dare You Pt. 03

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York and Mads both don't want to regret each other.
2.6k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/19/2018
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Heather called York on skype as he was getting dressed for his daily workout. When the video opened, she looked at his face and it took her several seconds to realize it was York because he had shaved.

"Holy shit you're white," Heather said after a long silence. "What prompted that?"

"Just kind of felt like it," York said, talking about his face making him take his hand and run his thumb and fingers down his cheeks until they met at the point of his chin.

"Weird, that'll take some getting used to," Heather said, but smiled regardless. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just school and work."

"You and Mads boning yet?" Heather asked, obviously as a joke.

"What if we were?"

"Film it, I need evidence she was faking it this whole time." Heather said, making them both laugh. "If you need to get your rocks off and you're half as charming as you think you are, knock yourself out. I sure as fuck do."

"Really?" York asked, genuinely surprised.

"We've all been fucking each other for two years now, I think me drawing a line between you two is weird. Have the same fun with her that I do. If you can," Heather said and adjusted on her bed.

"How's the build?"

"Exciting, and it's mine. That's the crazy part," Heather said, unable to hide her massive grin. "I have to get going. Love you, call me tonight."

"Love you too, bye," York said and ended the call.


York and Mads seemed to avoid each other the entire day, but it wasn't planned. Twice, one of them exited as the other entered the apartment. First York coming back from his morning workout, bumping into her at the stairs leading to their door. They talked awkwardly for a moment, exchanging cliché salutations before walking away from each other faster than they had walked toward each other.

They ran into each other again when York was leaving for his physical training sessions and she was arriving to grab something she forgot, but forgot what that item was when he asked.

When York arrived home to stay home for the night, Mads was already gone again. He made himself a meal and went to his room, and didn't leave it even when he heard Mads entering the apartment and going to her room.

While he was reading a book, Mads leaned into his room and smiled at him, before exhaling deeply and entering the room.

"I thought about it," Mads said, sitting at the edge of the bed cross legged. "Thank you for not giving into temptation. I would have this morning. I probably would have regretted it. And I don't want you to be someone I regret."

"Okay," York said, kind of glad he didn't, kind of pissed he didn't.

"Not to say I didn't enjoy some of it. It's kind of cool I can make you squirm with one lick. That's actually fun," Mads said with a laugh.

"How fun?"

"I might be up for doing it a few more times," Mads said.

"I talked to Heather too. Pretty much gave us a green light," York said, Mads making a face that expressed intrigue and curiosity.

"At least she's consistent. I find it curious, she's not gone a day when we start this, and you say you want to marry her. Doesn't compute," Mads said.

"That's fair. Chalk it down to weakness, but I think my curiosity is satiated," York said, Mads smiling and looking down.

"Mine too," Mads said and left his room, saying good night as she did.


Mads worked at the lab for most of the day, looking over samples they received from the ongoing study with mice and the affects of toxins. This was looking like a failure, as most of the mice were dying from asphyxiation. They're hearts all stopped.

Mads ate her lunch at the tadpole pond, where the students maintained a controlled ecosystem. The pond was part of it, and she noticed her tadpoles were beginning to grow legs. They were maturing rapidly, and soon enough they'd have a new batch of fresh frogs for either dissection tables or a real pond.

Mads then looked at the butterfly tanks, and examined the development from larva, to cocoon, and then lastly to butterfly. There was an even spread of all three, but she liked the cocoons the most. It was like a present still wrapped, teasing you under the Christmas tree for weeks.

A new student was wandering the labs that day, a young female undergraduate. Mads had been eying her since she arrived at the beginning of the semester. The undergraduates were encouraged to learn from the graduate students, and Mads had been waiting for any of them to ask her questions. She also basically ran the ecosystem and was an assistant researcher.

"Are you Madison Somerton?" the girl asked, Mads who saw her through the reflection of the tank.

"Mads," she replied, the girl reaching out to shake her hand, which Mads accepted and shook back.

"Nice to finally meet you. Can I ask you a few questions?" the girl asked.

"Not even going to give me your name first? Rude," Mads said with a humorous tone. The girl giggled and apologized.

"I'm Regina Peck, I started at the beginning of the semester. I heard you were dual hatting and taking the butterflies and the terrarium. I've been asked to take over the butterflies and moths, because my focus of study is lepidopterology."

"Gesundheit," Mads said, making her laugh. "Herpetologist, I'm one to talk."

"I read your undergraduate paper on organic toxicology. Fascinating, and it's influenced my own thesis in progress. I looked to see if there were any toxic moths or butterflies."

"There are plenty. Tiger Moth, Swallowtails," Mads said.

"What's most interesting about them, is that they're dietary choices at the larval stage is what causes their toxicity. Butterflies are highly prone to mimicry, so my thesis will be to see if I can grow a few generations of butterflies or moths fed with plants with medicinal characteristics instead of toxic ones. Granted medicinal and toxic are fairly inclusive, but you know what I mean."

Mads was impressed, and because of this she decided she wasn't going to try and seduce her. If the candidate was good, she didn't ruin the laboratory with a fling. She was however, disappointed that she needed to let this one go.

When Mads looked a girl up and down, she started down and went up. Closed shoes were better odds, open toe shoes typically indicated a girl after men. Flip flops were generally a coin toss. Tight, faded, light blue jeans with tears on the inner thigh. Her red band shirt was a size too big, and her black unzipped hoody was even more baggy. Long chestnut hair over her shoulders and in the hood of her sweater. She was white with tanned skin, making her eyes more sparkly and blue.

Mads could get her in a bed pretty easily. It was looking like she needed to find a liberal arts major again. The pillow talk always disappointed her, but not like she was sleeping with them for their winning personalities.

Mads did just that. Before leaving she found a girl at the library, talked her up and took her home. By the time the girl was sliding Mads panties down her legs and had begun to lick her pussy, she had already forgotten her name. Maybe it was Chelsea.

Mads could hear York getting home and dropping his keys in the bowl, and turned to realized she left her door open. Whatever her name was, popped her head up for a moment, looking up at Mads.

"Just my roommate," Mads said and pushed her head back down and covered her with a blanket.

York walked by for a brief moment and went into his room, and came out a few minutes later in nothing but a towel, hovering within sight as he checked his phone. He might have been looking for a song to play while he took a shower.

Just looking at him made her feel confused. His sculpted back made her think about sucking him off, and the feeling of his tongue. It made the tongue there now feel small and insufficient. When he turned and she could see the rest of his body, it made her flustered and she looked away.

"Hey," she heard York say from her door, startling her.


"Sorry, I'm making chicken salads, want a bowl?" York asked, then noticed her sheets seemed weirdly placed and were moving. "Might want to close the door."

York shut the door and Mads looked down, to see her looking up.

"Didn't say he was a guy."

"Don't worry, he's hideous," Mads said, giving her a toy to use on her. The vibrator made her orgasm by the time York was finishing his shower. Mad gave her an orgasm, after which what ever her name was asked if she had anything to drink.

"I got water," Mads said, putting on a baggy shirt and a pair of shorts as a bare minimum and exited her room to see York eating a chicken salad with a light dressing. She filled two glasses in the sink, and stopped at the table where York was reading a text book while eating.

"What's her name?" York asked, knowing she likely already forgot.

"I was hoping you could tell me," Mads said with a laugh, then saw her peeking out of the room in nothing but an oversized shirt. It didn't appear she heard her. She walked to the table and took the water, eying York the entire time.

"I don't know if you do anything with guys, but you want to have some real fun?" She asked to entice York into bed with them.

"Flattered, but I have a girlfriend," York said, the girl looking disappointed and grabbed Mads to follow her back.

"Let's have more fun," she said, Mads looking at York as she was dragged back to her room.

In the middle of the night, Mads looked at the girl next to her, then at her door, thinking about York. It felt weird, but she wanted to suck his dick. She wanted him to help her cum if possible. Sneaking out of her bed she tip toed to York's room where he was asleep on his back.

Feeling under the sheet, she felt his boxers so pulled them down a little, and crawled underneath the blanket and began to suck his cock. York woke up, but wasn't coherent to what was happening for another minute. Turning on his light he pulled the blankets up and saw Mads sucking hard until her mouth came off with a suction cup pop.

"Just enjoy it," Mads said, and went back to work.

York turned the light off and put his hand on her head, pushing it down onto him. He let out a single sigh of pleasure as she licked up his shaft and reinserted.

"Girl wasn't enough for you?" York asked mid groan.

"Not tonight," Mads admitted.

Mads wanted to finish him without any interruptions, so continued until he said he was close. Now the question of the night; where did he come? She thought about the places he came on Heather. He'd fuck her and jerk off on her back, belly, tits , or creampie her pussy. Back or belly felt weird considering she wasn't in a position to do so.

"Come on my tits," Mads said, York adjusting to his knees and Mads took her shirt off. Mads rested on her back sideways across the bed as York jerk himself until he spilled out on her breasts.

"That was fun," Mads said with a giggle, grabbing his cock and giving it a few strokes.

"You need a release?"

"I had that tonight, I'm good," Mads said, standing up off the bed. She grabbed his towel and wiped herself off. When she walked toward the door York grabbed her arm and yanked her back toward him.

Mads was pulled on the bed and on her back, York beginning to feel on the outside of her shorts, giving her a chance to say no. Mads took his hand and slid it into her shorts. York slid a finger in, making her coo next to him. In retaliation she grabbed his dick again and stroked, making him squirm a little because of how sensitive it still was.

Mads pushed down on his head, signaling what she really wanted from him. He obliged, crawling down and beginning to lick her pussy. She gasped her orgasm out, gripping his hair, and was nearly out of breath when he continued undeterred. Suddenly her saying she didn't want to regret him earlier washed away. Thankfully he made no offer.


The sink began spraying water from below the moment Mads turned the handle when she was filling the pot to brew coffee. Rolling up her sleeves she ducked under the sink, laying on her back to look up at the damage. A joint had become loose, and this wasn't the first time. Opening the tool box she kept under the sink, she disconnected the joint and sealed it with epoxy before reconnecting them.

"Little help," Mads said to York as he walked through the kitchen to leave for his workout. York extended a hand to her, Mads taking it and using it to pull herself to her feet then drying her hands off on her shirt where her nipples were visible. York squatted down to look under the sink.

"You fix it?"

"Put some epoxy on it, should hold for a while," Mads said, York making a face to express how impressed he was.

"You know more than me. Who taught you that?" York asked.

"My dad," Mads said, starting the water and seeing it was no longer spraying.

"Don't girls become lesbians because they have bad dads?" York joked.

"Eighty percent," Mads said with a grin, "I have a great dad. He trained me so well, men are useless to me."

"One way to keep you from getting pregnant," York said, Mads punching him in the chest. They both laughed. "What about your mom?"

"I don't talk about my mom," Mads said sternly, indicating immediately she wasn't joking. York didn't press the question.

They both realized how little they actually knew about each other, even after living together for two years. Mads had been little miss fix it the entire time now that he thought about it. She actually taught him how to change a tire and his own oil. He taught her how to cook, but she was admittedly still not very good at it. They liked the same movies and shows, usually leaving Heather out. No shortage of times he thought 'if only she wasn't a lesbian'.

"Your mother taught you how to cook right?" Mads asked.

"I asked so I could plan my own meals when I started to take my fitness as a serious profession in high school. I learned basics from her," York said, then looked at her chest then away. Mads finally realized and continued to not care.

"You have a really weird sense of when to feel awkward with me," Mads said, pulling her shirt down to press it against her breasts more firmly.

"Stop," York said, looking away.

"Why? Does it tempt you?" Mads asked.

"Yes," York said bluntly.

Mads slid the tool box away with her foot and pulled her wet shirt up and off of her body. She pushed her pajama pants to the ground, and in two simple motions was now naked in front of him. York looked away from her, then peaked back slowly.

"I dare you," Mads said.

"Why are you doing this?" York asked.

"Maybe I'd like to know for sure..."

"No, because I might regret it," York said and took a piece of fruit for the drive. "I don't want to regret you." He said nothing more and left the apartment.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The word is "peeked",as in took a quick glance, whereas "peaked" means to reach the highest level. Mr Pedantic, here!...lol

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 5 years ago
Unusual, and quite good

Excellent job building tension, without complete abstinence. Meanwhile, these two are definitely bonding, building the relationship they each ignored for two years. I’m wondering whether Heather remains faithful, and what bombshells drop if/when she returns. Let’s face it, you can’t build a 5-story building in one month. Her choice of how long to remain onsite seems arbitrary. It also seems as though Heather is less enthusiastic about York, than he is about her.

nestorb30nestorb30over 5 years ago

Looking forward to the next installment!!!

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