I Fell In Love With a 19 yo Stripper!


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I strode into the Watering Hole arm-in-arm with Amanda.

There were countless topless women parading about, but the majority of the patrons stopped and gaped at my wife when we entered. Amanda was wearing a short, silvery dress that was strapless and sleeveless, exposing her sleek neck, and fabulously toned arms and legs. It had a strategic cutout around the midsection that screamed attention to her rippling 6-pack and smooth lower back. In fact, the metallic-looking material was so snug--- I humorously referred to it as “another layer of skin”--- that it flatteringly accentuated Amanda’s perfect breasts and incredible ass, and rode precariously high up her thighs whenever she moved.

It was obvious that my wife wasn’t wearing any underwear.

We quickly found a table, and sat down. There was a wondrous expression on Amanda’s face as she observed the denizens of the Watering Hole, since her inquisitive mind was so interested in their interactions. I suddenly recalled how awkward I felt when I came here with Pat and Calvin. That night seemed like a lifetime ago, but now, sitting here with my wife, I was totally at ease.

No, I was thoroughly excited.

I had never bothered to truly observe the nuances and intricacies of human behavior here. Some men didn’t bother to hide their wedding rings as they flashed money and ogled the girls; some men were boisterous and downright rude, and I could only hope that they wouldn’t be too forceful with the girls once they were alone; others felt clearly out of place, similar to how I felt when I had come here with my friends. As usual, there were a large number of female customers, too.

But the girls who worked at the Watering Hole were another matter.

None whom we observed appeared coerced, bored, or unhappy. In fact, every single one of the girls exuded a sexy confidence tonight as they used their bodies for financial gain, a powerful tool to be used on their enamored customers.

More power to them, I thought. And judging by the positive way Amanda was regarding the girls, she supported them wholeheartedly.

We looked over to the main stage as music began to blare from the surrounding speakers. A new dancer, a raven-haired beauty with long legs, suddenly burst onto the stage, much to the delight of the crowd. Her hair was tied in pigtails, and she wore a cheerleader outfit and carried pom-poms.

She tossed the pom-poms aside, and the cheerleader outfit came off not long afterwards.

Amanda giggled and clapped appreciatively. “I want one,” she muttered, her eyes never leaving the dancer.

I smiled as her words made me tingle all over.

A man who was visibly inebriated and wearing one of those aforementioned wedding rings suddenly appeared out of nowhere. “You’re fucking hot as hell,” he drawled at my wife without preamble.

“Ummm... thank you...?” She didn’t know how else to respond.

“What will you do for 50 bucks?”

I instantly balled my first at the perceived insult. Amanda, however, had a much better take on the situation than I did, and placed a restraining hand on my leg. “I’m sorry,” she told the man mildly, “but I don’t work here. I’m actually here with my husband.”

The man began to laugh, but when Amanda’s expression didn’t change, he looked at her, then at me, and, finally, back at my wife. “Oh. Damn,” he commented regretfully. “You have the body of a stripper, I would’ve loved to have seen you out of that dress.” He glanced at me and muttered, “Lucky bastard,” before stumbling off, presumably to find an available girl.

“I suppose that was a compliment,” Amanda said self-deprecatingly.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing.


It was almost an hour later when we finally saw Lexi. She was clad in pink panties and heels, and wore her hair in a ponytail. Her appearance was much less exotic than that of the other Watering Hole girls, but she was more stunning than any of them. It took some time to navigate her way over as the topless pretty girl kept getting propositioned.

“Lexi!” I greeted her brightly.

“Sy.” I stood up and gave her a hug, but Lexi’s demeanor was unusually guarded.

The moment of truth, I thought to myself as I made introductions. “Amanda, this is Lexi, the girl I’ve been telling you about. Lexi, this is my wife Amanda.”

Two worlds collided as Amanda, my loving wife, came face to face with Lexi, the younger woman with whom I was having an affair.

They measured each other for a moment like two prizefighters, but, unsurprisingly, it was Amanda who broke the ice. Standing up, she, too, hugged, the young girl. “Lexi, it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you. Omigod, my husband has been gushing about you nonstop!”

Lexi’s wary expression softened, and she reached out to delicately touch my wife’s face. “You’re even more beautiful than I thought, Amanda.” Then her eyes widened as she caught herself. “I’m happy to meet you, too. Sy has told me so much about you that I feel like I already know you. You’re lucky to be married to a man absolutely who adores you.”

Amanda and I squeezed each other’s hand. “I know. And I want to thank you for making him happy.”

The young girl suddenly turned pale. “You know? I mean, about me and your husband?” She looked at us with fear and uncertainty. “He said you knew... that you were ok with it... but when it comes to men, I can never be sure if they’re telling the truth.”

My wife laughed. “Oh, trust me, I know. But don’t worry, girl. I didn’t come here to pick a fight with you. I’ve known about you, and Sy has told me everything.” She became serious. “He told you about us, right? About the other people we’ve dated [refers to the “Sharing My Wife Amanda” series]?”

Lexi nodded.

“Sy and I trust each other. More importantly, we love each other. And as long as we keep each other informed and ask for permission first, we’re allowed to see other people on the side.”

I felt an overwhelming love for my wife as she spoke. “See, Lexi?” I chimed in glibly. “I was telling you the truth!”

Lexi shook her head incredulously, but smiled. Any lingering doubt that she harbored faded away, and we all suddenly felt better. “We definitely need to continue this conversation.” Her dark, sultry eyes fell on my wife. “Maybe you can join me in the VIP Room later?”

Amanda blushed profusely, but her hungry look matched the girl’s. “I would love to.”

I was stunned... and very jealous. “Hey, what about me?”

Both girls laughed. Amanda threw her arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my cheek, while Lexi grinned. “I’m performing on the main stage in 15 minutes,” she informed us, which sent a jolt of excitement through me, “and I would love to see you both in the front row.” Addressing my wife again, she added, “I’ll come and find you afterwards.”

“Get up there and work it, girl. You’re beautiful and sexy, and your body is a powerful weapon. Use it and own it!” Amanda encouraged her fervently.

Lexi was openly touched by my wife’s ardent support, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. Then the young girl smiled and nodded at me. She appeared as if she was about to say more, but abruptly turned and hurried off.


My wife and I were fortunate to find seats at the foot of the main stage since they were snapped up instantly once the emcee announced that “Sexy Lexi” would be performing in 5 minutes. Amanda appeared embarrassed, but notably excited.

“Do you have your dollar bills ready?” I teased her.

“Omigod, I can’t believe I’m actually sitting here.”

Whatever else my wife was about to say was drowned out as the lights dimmed and heavy bass began to reverberate through the club.

Then, as smoothly as a hot knife through butter, Lexi appeared.

There was a collective intake of air from the audience as the beautiful girl strutted forward. She had changed into a sexy bridal outfit: lacy white panties that showed off her mouth-watering ass, a matching garter belt, and thigh-high stockings that made her obscenely long legs appear even longer. A veil sat atop Lexi’s head, but was thrown back to expose her pretty face; she even carried a colorful bouquet to complete the theme.

Lexi was, of course, still topless.

The girl paced the stage like a caged animal, working the crowd into a frenzy like a seasoned veteran despite her youth. Then she made eye contact with us, and Amanda and I both smiled at her, waving and offering raucous encouragement. Lexi suddenly flung the bouquet, and my wife caught it with an astonished look on her face.

The crowd roared, and Amanda hooted uproariously.

Lexi was moving in full force to the music now, her slim, athletic body like a magnet to all the eyes in the Watering Hole. She swirled effortlessly around the stripper pole. With equal parts strength and gracefulness, she smoothly climbed to the top... no small feat since the pole was almost 10ft high. Then, with one leg curled around it like a snake, she bend her body backwards until she was upside down and facing the crowd, hanging in midair.

Lexi slowly slid down the pole, gently rolling to her feet and smoothly transitioning back into her dance routine.

By now, everyone around the stage was cheering Lexi on rowdily. She crawled on her hands and knees, stopping to collect her pay from anyone who waved money. Despite my frequent visits to the Watering Hole, I was still amazed at how easily the girls here could hold sway over everyone, and how eager the audience was to be relieved of their money.

Lexi was still on all 4’s, flirting with a group of guys at the other end of the stage as they gladly tossed countless bills at her. As if she could feel our eyes on her, the girl suddenly whipped her head around to stare at me and my wife with a smoldering gaze. She began to slither towards us, her body undulating hypnotically, and I wondered if Amanda’s heart was beating as hard as mine. The girl stopped close to us, and rose to full height from her knees. And in the most seductive way possible, she crooked her finger. But Lexi’s attention wasn’t directed me.

She gesturing at my wife!

The crowd roared again as Amanda stood up, smiling and blushing with her silvery dress sparkling, as everyone’s attention shifted between her and Lexi.

Lexi reached out and caressed Amanda’s head, gently drawing it in and burying my wife’s face in her chest. Amanda had to slightly bend over the stage, so her fantastic ass was on display for everyone, much to crowd’s delight.

No one in the audience was more enthralled than me as Lexi began to rotate her trunk from side to side, sensually rubbing her firm breasts on Amanda.

Lexi quickly spoke in my wife’s ear. Amanda blushed even darker, but laughed and nodded excitedly. She turned and sat facing the audience, tilting her head to rest it on the edge of the stage. Then Lexi calmly came forward on her knees and straddled Amanda’s head, writhing and rubbing her hands all over herself as she gazed over the packed house.

Spurred on by the noisy crowd, the young girl suddenly spun so that she was on all 4’s again, still straddling Amanda as her ankles dangled off the stage. But now the audience was treated to a full view of Lexi’s panties and cute ass; somehow, the crowd became even louder!

Then Amanda lifted one hand and slapped Lexi on the butt.

The move caught Lexi by surprise, but the girl yelped and continued to gyrate over my wife’s face. Amanda spanked her three more times, and my tongue dangled from my mouth while my erection threatened to explode from my pants.

But Amanda wasn’t finished.

Playing to the crowd now, my wife put both hands on the girl’s asscheeks. I never discovered whether Lexi froze in surprise or to let their captive audience soak in the sexy scene; regardless, the girl shook her ass playfully at everyone. As all this was transpiring, Amanda managed to reach into her purse for some bills, and began coolly inserting them into the waistband of her new friend’s panties.

Yelling with the crowd and pumping my fist, I grabbed a thick wad of money from my pocket and tossed it in the air, making it rain over my loves.

To the dismay of everyone in the Watering Hole, the emcee abruptly announced that Lexi’s performance was about to end. The crowded booed, and chanted for more. However, in an unusual move, the topless girl stepped down from the stage and, to everyone’s surprise--- especially mine and Amanda’s--- led my wife away by the hand. They made a sexy, beautiful couple: Lexi, clad in her wedding outfit, and Amanda, who still clutched the colorful bouquet.

My wife was clearly enjoying the attention as Lexi paraded her through the crowded club before disappearing into the private VIP Room together.



Amanda and I didn’t leave the Watering Hole until closing time.

My wife had spent almost 2 hours alone with Lexi. When she finally exited the VIP Room, she was blushing, and looking very guilty but thrilled. I spent all night trying to pry what happened between them, but Amanda remained surprisingly tight-lipped.

Even Lexi wouldn’t divulge any information when it was finally my turn with her. But I noticed that she possessed a new, happier spunk in her body language.

I knew the girls were teasing me with her silence; that was part of the game.

It was almost 4am by the time Amanda and I arrived home. We were still wide awake and energized by our ridiculously fun night at the strip club.

“Just remember,” I told my wife haughtily as we got ready for bed, “I saw Lexi first!”

“Yea, but did that little amateur satisfy you like I do?” Amanda’s tone was rightfully bold because we both knew the answer.

“Maybe.” I tried to muster challenge in my voice there was no contest.

“Did sweet Lexi fuck you as hard as I can? Can she get on her knees and suck your cock until you cum three times in her mouth? And will she swallow it all, smile, then beg for more?”

Amanda had a wilder night than I did, but she was clearly hungry for more. Foul words continued to spew from her mouth. Talking dirty was a huge part of our marriage, and it enhanced our sex life in ways that I could’ve never imagined.

“Fuck, Mandy,” I murmured. I was already hard, but then my eyes bulged as Amanda removed her shirt and tossed it aside. Her glorious breasts popped into view, and she cupped them and pressed them together.

“Does Lexi have these?” she demanded.

“No... no she does not.”

Then before my wide eyes and burgeoning erection, my wife began a sexy striptease!

Amanda hips swayed as her arms weaved in the air, her naked form moving in serpentine fashion, and she danced like no woman had ever danced for me before. It was like a work of art being painted right before my eyes. However, as if gyrating alluringly to a mental rhythm wasn’t erotic enough, Amanda began touching herself in her most intimate areas.

Soft moans escaped her lips; she wasn’t faking it.

As my wife continued to sway to the music playing in her head, I reached out to touch her, but Amanda slapped my hand away. In a very businesslike manner, she informed me: “$20 for a private lap dance, $30 to touch.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”

“You heard me. Pay up.”

God, how my wife could tease me!

I recalled what the drunk man had said to her: “What will you do for 50 bucks?”

Amanda unleashed a devastating smile, and sweetly gave me her answer...

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LacastrianLacastrian8 months ago

Wrong category.

jasonred79jasonred7911 months ago

I can see the development of budding romance here, but it cuts off at the point where it is nothing but a physical relationship.

I wouldnt call it love or romance unless there was a part 2 where they start forming an actual bond.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Unfortunately, I did not like this one. The title says fell in love. I did not see anything more than sexual lust on a transactional basis. In terms of Johns, maybe you were a step up. Round of applause for you. Real love cares about and considers the person. If you really loved her, than you would not leave her in a situation where she felt she needed to give access to her body to men she considers scum for money. If she loved you, she would at least consider or want to stop her sexual work for money activity. Sorry, not getting a romantic feel here, but feeling discouraged and sad, that this is considered love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice story.

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