I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 04


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After a couple of failed attempts to get herself under control, Sis calmed down, and finished off the last of my fries.

"Ready to go, Tyler?" This reminded me of our date Friday and using our actual names.

"Yes, Katie. I'm ready."

"We're going to have to spend more time out of the house in public if you're going to learn how to handle a hottie like me."

"Today? Couldn't we just go home?... Katie." I really didn't look forward to parading around with a hard-on at the mall or where ever she might have in mind. Besides, there was the issue of the hard-on. I was in pain again.

With a devilish grin, "Yes, Tyler. We can go home. You must be ready to explode," and removed her leg from its position on top of mine.

When we got to the register to pay, I discovered that I had forgotten something during our race to get dressed and out the door; my wallet.

"Uh... Katie, I... uh... forgot my wallet." Sis wasn't carrying anything and it wasn't like the yoga pants had pockets.

Sis shook her head, "Oh, Tyler. Why do I keep you around?" But she stuck a couple of fingers inside the yoga pants and retrieved a small very thin 'wallet' which had been resting between the waist band and her crotch. Anything larger would have bulged.

She held it up between thumb and forefinger, "For emergencies. Next time, you pay." From it, she retrieved two folded twenties.

It was hard not to admire Sis. I was surprised that she had not only managed to get dressed ahead of me and still had the foresight to stash that wallet. She was 'prepared'. She would have made a great Boy Scout, if you could ignore some obvious qualification issues.

I didn't feel as bad as you might think. When we got back in the truck, I tapped the overhead sunglass holder which popped down revealing a couple of twenties which I waved under Sis's nose. This was a habit I had picked up from Dad. He was looking smarter all the time.

"Oh. Well, why didn't you say something instead of letting me poke fun at you?"

"I confess. I forgot about it for just a second, and I was impressed that you were so prepared. I figured I'd let you have your moment. It's the least I could do for you after this morning."

Sis lifted the center console and slid over against me for the ride home. Just feeling Sis against me insured that I wouldn't get any relief from the throbbing member in my pants.

"Do you really think I'll get used this and not have to worry about making a tent every time I get close to a girl? Besides, won't there be times when I want a hard-on?"

"Don't worry about getting completely de-sensitized. We'll try get you to the point that you can grocery shop without having a problem too much of a problem, and you're going to find that most girls can 'help you find it' if they want it." She took this moment to cop a feel. "Of course, right now, we have a lot of work to do!"

Once we were back in the house, "I made you a promise this morning... about not holding back and I know lunch was hard on you," and she snickered. "How about we go back up stairs and you undress me again?"

Undressing her was a piece of cake this time. No nerves and now I had experienced the prize. Before taking the t-shirt top off, I couldn't help but do what I had wanted to do from the first second I'd seen her in it; slid my hand up under and feel her breasts. A few seconds of this and I slid the top up her uplifted arms baring her from the waist up.

Next, I focused on her lower body, which turned out to be less work than I had expected; no panties! In a few seconds, Sis stood naked once more while I pulled my clothes off as well.

I knew this but wasn't expecting it. Sis is really a big tease!

She had backed away from me, "If you want me, you're going to have to catch me." She turned and raced for the stairs.

In pursuit, I gained on her approaching the steps. We both slowed for the steps. When she got to the bottom, she headed for the living room, which wasn't a bad choice. The dining room might have been better, but she might not have gotten that far.

In the living room she placed the sofa between the two of us and proceeded to slide around it keeping me on opposite sides.

She started teasing looking at pecker, "If that is the best you can do, you're never going to get to use that thing, baby brother."

"Oh, I'm going to use it on you," as I faked a move to the left and then right. Each of which she countered keeping the sofa squarely between us. I maneuvered around the sofa until I was standing behind it. I shrugged as if I were getting frustrated.

Sis fell for it and relaxed her guard, "Giving up so easy?"

In one quick jump, I cleared the sofa and hit the floor right next to her, "Got you now!"

"Ok, you got me, but you haven't taken me," as she crossed her legs. She was not ready to give up.

I pushed her onto the couch where she lay grinning up at me defiantly. Her problem wasn't her determination, but the size difference was just too great. I grabbed each ankle as she bucked and struggled trying to pry my hands from her ankles. In a few seconds, I was slowly pulling her ankles apart. She was bucking her hips and twisting her body, but soon her legs were so far apart that she couldn't avoid me sliding my hips between them.

Before I got positioned to finish 'taking' her, she placed both hands over her pussy. She had a look of fury on her face. I didn't think she was really angry, but Sis did not like losing either. It didn't matter if it was Monopoly or fantasy football.

I began pulling at her two wrists. There was really only one way this could go. Sis didn't see it that way. I kept pulling and Sis's hands began to lift them away from her sweet fuzzy little patch. I would have her soon.

"Ow, you big bully. You're hurting me!" There was a look of pain on her face.

I was pretty sure it was all a put on, but I was much bigger than her and I had been applying a lot of pressure. I hesitated. In that instant, she bucked hard and I rolled off the couch face first onto the floor. In truth, I did feel a little pain, but I was also pissed at being suckered.

"Shit, Sis. I think you split my lip," which I sold by rolling over with a hand over my mouth. In a panic, Sis was instantly off the couch and beginning to straddle me to see the damage.

I pulled her chest down until her breasts rested against my chest, which left her arms no leverage and exposed her pussy to my dick which had remained rock hard during the excitement of the chase and her struggles.

"Got you! Two can play that game." With her breasts pressed against my chest and her knees on the floor, I was positioned perfectly. I reached around her ass and guided my erection to her pussy. I wasn't surprised to find it sopping wet.

Sis moaned, "No fair. You tricked me," but this was said as she struggled to slide her hips further down and fully impale herself on me.

At this point, Sis became a willing participant, "Well, that was fun."

She left her chest plastered against mine as the two of us got into a rhythm. Soon, Sis became frantic and loud which was good, since I was ready to squirt whether or not she was ready.

When I finished, "Darn, I don't have anything to catch with. Would you be a gentleman, and go get me a wet wash cloth?"

A minute later I was back with a wet wash cloth which I placed against Sis's pussy.

Sis gasped as the cold wash cloth came in contact with her pussy, "Fuck! What are you trying to do? Kill me? That thing is as cold as ice."

"Sis, you never use the F word. You should have seen your face."

"Well, go warm this. I'm sensitive down there. And make it really warm."

It took a couple of minutes, but I was back soon with a warm cloth that was almost too hot to hold. "This is really hot so I'm going to go easy," as I slowly placed the hot cloth between Sis's legs.

Appreciatively, "Mmmm, that feels good. Thank you."


The rest of the afternoon was spent mostly in bed; no more games. Just sex as often as I needed which was pretty often. This being my first sex, I couldn't get enough. I felt guilty about how much I was demanding of Sis, but she had meant what she said about not holding back.

By the time we were ready for bed, we had had sex 16 times. My dick was feeling a bit overworked and Sis confessed that she might be getting raw. Common sense said it was time to stop.

"You ready for bed, baby brother?"

"Yeah, it's been a long day and I need to get some rest for tomorrow's practice," as I rose and walked toward my room prepared to sleep.

Sis followed me to my room, just a step behind, "do you need something, Sis?"

"We're going to sleep together. You've been on a date. You've learned about sex. Now, you need to learn how to really relate to a woman; not just kiss her, feel her up, and fuck her. Mom and Dad will be back on Friday and we've got to take advantage of all our time."

This caught me unprepared, "Well... uh... we're sleeping together? Ok, I guess." We'd had sex all day, lots of it. I'd touched pretty much every part of Sis's body and done things, like fingering her that I'd never thought of doing to any girl, let alone Sis. It never occurred to me that 'sleeping together' would be part of her plan. I know it's crazy that anything as simple as sleeping in the same bed with Sis might strike me as taboo after all that we'd already done, but it did.

Sis climbed in bed naked and beautiful as always, and crawled under the sheet. "Tonight, you're going to teach ME something. Mom always said one of the best parts of being married was one of the simplest; just lying in bed with your husband's arms around you and spooning. You're going to help me find out why that's so. Come on."

I'd never thought about spooning, but I had seen it in a few movies. Usually, it was in some ridiculous comedy situation, but I figured it couldn't be complicated.

When I lifted the sheets, there was Sis with her knees pulled up showing that nice little ass of hers. I crawled in behind her.

She purred, "You're so toasty," as she raised her head off the pillow, "give me your arm."

Soon, Sis was nestled with her butt against my crotch with my dick up between us, and both of my arms wrapped around her. One hand rested on her tummy while the other cupped a breast.

Almost immediately, I was rock hard again and Sis was complaining about it poking her in the back.

"Just put it between my legs and lay still." She sounded annoyed which usually occurred when Sis was sleepy or tired. Now she was both.

I tried to ignore the fact that I was in bed with my dick as hard as a rock, laying against Sis's pussy. This lasted for 10 minutes. I was doing my best to let Sis sleep. I felt like she had earned it, but I wasn't sure I'd get any sleep tonight with Sis's body nestled in front of me.

I was getting desperate. I'm not sure why they call it sleeping with someone when sleep was the last thing on my mind.

I whispered to myself, "Fuck. I don't see how Dad gets any sleep."

"I heard that. Quiet!"

I tried counting sheep, but counting sheep is a load of crap. I tried thinking about football practice and drills. What I was doing wrong. What I could improve. No luck.

Actually, I did have some luck. I thought I felt Sis's hips move. It was so slight that I wasn't sure. But there is was again. It started with tiny motions. These soon became larger and there was no doubt. Sis was moving. She was wet like she had been the first time and I could feel my head glide between her lips. The movements of her hips got longer and it felt like I was being stroked without Sis even laying a hand on me. After a while, she moved her hips a little farther forward and I could feel myself right at the entrance. Then she slowly pushed and worked her hips to align me with her small opening, and I was in again.

"I'm sorry. I was doing my best to let you go to sleep. Honest."

"That's ok. Did you hear me complain? I knew what was going to happen as soon as I felt it between my legs. Just make it quick and when you're done, leave it in me. Don't worry about the mess. I really need to sleep."

We were done in 5 minutes, and as instructed, I left it in. My arms were still around Sis and soon I felt myself shrink and begin to slip out.

Sis mumbled, "That is so nice." The next thing I heard was Sis's breathing get heavy and I knew she had nodded off to sleep. I listened to her breath and enjoyed the pleasure of holding her in my arms.

Mom knew what she was talking about. The last thing I remember was thinking that Mom and Dad had this all the time.


It was morning before I woke to find Sis gone. I was surprised that she had been able to get out of bed without disturbing me.

My stomach growled as I caught the smell bacon. I pulled on a pair of underwear and went downstairs, wondering how I would find Sis. Several pleasant ideas crossed my mind.

When I got to the kitchen, Sis was standing in the crop top t-shirt she had worn yesterday and a pair of panties; not naked but very nice.

She had her back to me with ear buds in tethered to her IPod Nano, which was tucked under the elastic of her panties, as she danced casually in front of the stove watching bacon and eggs in a skillet.

With the ear buds in, she hadn't heard me approach and was unaware that I was standing behind her in the doorway watching. In a few seconds, the microwave went off and she glanced up at it. That was when she saw my reflection in its door. Not recognizing my reflection, she turned around wielding the spatula like a weapon.

"Oh, it's you. You scared me half to death. Don't sneak up on me that way! I could hurt you."

"With a spatula?" I suppressed a laugh but couldn't hide a grin.

"You've got 45 minutes to shower, eat, and get to practice. So, upstairs quick. I'll have a plate waiting on you." Sis was usually happy, but this morning she seemed doubly so. She was all smiles, humming and dancing to her music. I have to admit it. It was arousing to see her in such a good mood.

"One egg! I don't want too much on my stomach."

Seven minutes later, I was back down stairs wrapped in a towel with a wet head, ready to eat.

With a serious tone, "Do you think they'll give you hard time this morning?"

"Probably, but I don't think it can be as bad as yesterday. At least I won't be in your panties. And besides, it was worth all of it and more."

"You don't think they'll believe your story?"

Between bites, "I'm not sure they were even listening after they saw the panties. By the way, thanks for fixing me breakfast."

I wolfed down the last of my egg and drank the last of a cup of milk, "Gotta go," and headed upstairs to get dressed and pick up my gym bag.

Sis followed along behind. She had an impish grin which looked sexy. I couldn't help but respond. As I took off the towel, Sis could see my condition.

"You know. I feel really bad about what happened yesterday. I can't fix it, but maybe I can make it worth your while," as she grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the bed.

I was out of time, and horny as hell, "That's ok Sis. You don't have to," then eagerly, "but I'll take it. It'll have to be quick."

Sis wasted no time pulling off her panties, getting in bed, and spreading herself out for me, "Ok, this is what's called a quickie."

Sis had taught me a lot yesterday and I knew exactly where to go and what to do. I thought she might have needed a little 'preparation' since this seemed to be a charity job, but she was already wet and ready to go. "Nice, Sis."

It had become a routine of mine to watch Sis's face as we made love. She called it fucking, but I didn't like that term for what Sis and I did. Her face told me she was enjoying, but there was something else going on as well.

When she pulled me down against her, I knew this was going to be different. Her arms were wrapped around me and she started using her fingers on the skin of my back. I grunted at the pain indicating that her fingers were getting rough.

"Sis, what are you doing? Easy with those fingernails."

The look on her face was almost a mean one, "Oh, man up, baby brother. Or can't you handle me?"

The challenge had been made. I manned up. But Jesus, those fingers were rough and she worked them all over my back and even down my ass.

Sis's face lit up in a way that I had not seen yesterday. I could tell from the way she was responding to the pumping I was giving her that she was enjoying herself, which made it good for me as well. With the way her fingers were digging into my back, she seemed to want it rough, so I pumped her as hard as I could. Soon, her hands stopped scratching, and she just clung to me as her body went stiff and she clung to me for a few seconds.

Then, as if our business was done, "Ok, you gotta go," as she jumped up and produced a moist wash cloth from the bedside and began wiping me off.

I gasped. It felt like ice water. "Shit Sis. That's cold. What did you do?" If I still had a hard-on, it would have gone down.

"Mmmm, I might have put it in the freezer before breakfast. That's payback for yesterday," and she laughed. In spite of the shock, it was nice to hear her laugh.

I'd been ready to pee since before Sis made a move on me. After the pounding I'd given Sis, my bladder needed relief. For some reason, Sis seemed to be hustling me out of the house.

"But I've got to pee."

"Hurry up. Get dressed. You can do that in the locker room. You don't want to be late," and rushed me through dressing and to the door.

Before opening the door, Sis pulled my head down to her level, and whispered in my ear, "Today's lesson is for me. I hope you enjoy it, but I know I will."

She pecked me on the lips, "Now go have a good practice."

I was the last to arrive at practice. Everyone looked as I entered the locker room. 'Here we go.' I thought to myself.


To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hey, loving the story so far but I have a little constructive feedback, which I hope will help with your future works.

First of all, a very minor - but still important - point: the sister's name is spelled as "Katie" in this chapter and "Katy" in previous episodes. Try to maintain consistency throughout the story.

Also, you use the word "forced" or "forcing" quite a lot in this story (and this chapter in particular). If you're trying to give an impression of a loving brother and sister exploring and enjoying each other's bodies, this word should have no place in the story whatsoever. Try to use terms that convey the feeling you're going for - have her "gently guide" his hand, or "press" his finger into her, for example. Tyler specifically describes their sex as making love, as opposed to fucking, so try to use terms that are consistent with that.

Hope this helps, I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of the story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
turn off

The weird wiping after sex was a major turn off. Seriously, she manipulates her brother into sex but the natural result is gross...?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Love is sneaky, sooner or later he will understand.

Great, beautiful, wonderful build-up to a true story of love between two people. I eagerly look forward to the "rest of their story."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
More Please

This was a fun ride. I liked it better as Katy became nicer to Tyler. I was so hoping for the anal scene. Maybe you find the rest of this story. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
awsome series

Please write more its got really good potential 👍

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