I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 07


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Thoughts of the pool reminded me of Bobby and Billy. I'd pretty much abandoned them this past weekend. I needed to make sure they weren't upset that I'd basically run them off.

When I got back to the rear porch, Sis was waiting in a recliner with two iced teas. "Whew, thanks Sis. I'm sweating like a pig!" I stretched out on the one beside her.

"What does that mean anyway?"

"I don't know. Dad always says it. I guess pigs sweat a lot."

"Glad you remembered to do the yard."

"You said we needed it to look completely normal when they got back. They said they'd be back this weekend. I wasn't sure whether they meant tomorrow or Sunday."

"You seem almost responsible. Seriously, I'm glad you remembered and by the way, thanks for letting me sleep. I haven't slept well all week. Well, I have always gone to sleep well, but it doesn't last."

"What's wrong with your sleep?"

"Nothing to worry about. I'm sure it'll be back to normal next week. Hey, change of subject. Have you thought about Carol and Bonnie? What do you think they want?"

"I'm not sure. Since its two of them, I guess it's not sex."

Sis continued analyzing my situation out loud, "You're probably right. Seems like Carol is ok. Not what I expected either, and I don't know anything about Bonnie. Do you know her?"

"Not really. I know she's a cheerleader and has been as long as Carol. They seem to be friends," and I couldn't help throwing in something irrelevant, "and she looks pretty good in her cheerleader outfit. Not as good as Carol, but ok." I was trying to get a rise out of Sis.

Sis gave me a disgusted head shake, "I'm sure that will help us figure things out. Did Carol sound like she might be scheming?"

"Not really. Besides, after spending time with her, she doesn't seem like the type."

This brought a flash of anger from Sis that surprised me, "Jesus Tyler. She just fucked you. That's all. Anyone can do that and it doesn't mean a thing. You are too trusting. They'll take advantage of you!"

Sis was so heated, I didn't want to disagree, but my instincts were to trust Carol. Instead of putting this on the table for debate, "She seems ok, but maybe you're right. I'll be careful. Ok?"

"Good. I worry about you. Some girls will fuck you just to fuck WITH you, like it's a game. Guys can do that too." The unspoken implication was that she knew this from experience.

The misgivings this conversation raised must have shown on my face, "Hey. Are you ok. I wasn't trying to upset you. I just want to make sure you don't go there tonight like a naive little boy. You've caught up a lot in the past few days, but you don't have any real experience. It would be easy for the wrong person to take advantage of you."

Sis might be right. There were a lot of people who could probably take advantage of me. The difference was I didn't think they could hurt me like before. In this regard, I felt secure. "I'll be ok Sis. But that wasn't exactly what I was thinking about."

"Oh, so what put that cloud on your face?"

I didn't think she would like my answer. "Well... I... uh... well."

"Come on. You can tell me anything. Spill it."

"Well, I don't think Carol could hurt me that much. Not now, but I was thinking how it would feel if you were fucking with me."

A pained look flitted across Sis's face and was quickly replaced with one of concern, "You have to know I'd never fuck with you," and a little of the tease in Sis asserted itself, "at least not in any serious way, unless of course I had to."

"I know. It was just a crazy thought that crossed my mind."

"That's another lesson for you. The more you care about someone the more they can hurt you. I hope you never have to experience that. Just think what it would have been like if you thought you were in love with Carol and you thought she felt the same way when she did it to you."

I nodded agreement. As it was, it had been devastating. I didn't want to think about how it would have been if I'd been betrayed by someone I cared about.

It dawned on me this was what had happened to Sis. She had been betrayed by someone she cared for. Misty eyed, I looked over at Sis, "Do you think one of these recliners will hold both of us?"

"We'll find out," as she sat up and crawled onto my recliner.

We clung together for a long time. I told Sis how much I hated what had happened to her. She told me it was ok. She was over it. I knew it was a lie, but at the moment she seemed to need me to believe it. So, outwardly I did and squeezed her tightly.

We spent half hour in the recliner before Sis made a move. When she did, she kissed my chest, made an icky face followed by her tongue snaking up over my chest, "We need to shower. You're all sweaty and taste like a block of salt. Besides, I'm getting hungry and you're going to take me out before you got to Carol's. You owe me!"

We headed into the house teasing with Sis bumping her butt against my thigh. It was as high as she could reach without a stool. I bumped back nearly knocking her over.

"I owe you? After what you made me do this morning and yesterday, I think you owe me."

"Don't try pull that. You liked my ass. Remember, thanks to that position you saw on the porn sites, I saw your face too! It didn't look like you were suffering too much." As we walked into the kitchen, she played dirty, "And you shoved that massive pole up my tender little butt. I'm probably going to get hemorrhoids."

I wasn't sure about the hemorrhoids thing but she had said it was tight and I am a lot bigger than Sis. In the end, I decided she must be bluffing, "That's not true. You don't get them that way. It's from not getting enough fiber or something."

As we went up the stairs, Sis laughed, "Don't worry. You didn't hurt me at all," and she paused to make eye contact, "I love you. Whenever I need a good laugh, I can count on my baby brother. I told you. You're way too easy. You need me to look out for you."

I gave her a look intended to wither, but she grinned and accepted it as a feeble gesture from the loser of this round. She did offer an olive branch, "Oh, don't take it so hard. You know I like to tease. Just can't help myself. I'll make it up to you in the shower."

After we had washed each other, Sis apologized. I would have been satisfied with the shower. It took five minutes, five heavenly minutes. When she finished with the apology, she got off her knees, "Are we good?"

In answer, I hugged her and started to kiss her.

She pulled away from my mouth, "You sure. I could at least rinse my mouth out."

"Not necessary. If it was ok for you, I'll get by." As we kissed, it struck me that Sis might be the only girl I'd ever feel free enough with to do this with.

As we kissed, Sis pulled away frequently to speak.

"You know we only have a couple days at most before Mom and Dad are back." Another open mouthed kiss.

"You'll have to be careful when they get back. Can't make any mistakes." Another kiss.

"It'll be HARD on you when they get back," and she looked down at my member which was swollen again.

"Maybe you should plan on spending time with Bobby and Billy for a few days until you settle down."

As I'd done all along, I just nodded and kept my eyes on Sis's face.

Finally, I had something to say, "Could we do a quickie in the shower?" Sis's face lit up with a smile and I bent down until I could get my hands under her butt to lift her where she needed to be.

My erection lay somewhere against her crotch, "Sis, help me find you."

Sis wiggled her hips, and I could feel her bare pussy rake the short stiff bristles over my shaft and against the tender flesh of the glans. Then she had me where she wanted me and gave a small push. Almost but not quite right. She made a course correction and pushed forward again. She took most of my manhood on that push. To take my full measure, we both needed to work. As she rocked her hips, I thrust to meet her.

With Sis completely impaled, I held her against me with a hand on each of her cheeks. Neither of us had taken our eyes off the other. I leaned back in for another open mouthed kiss. Sis grunted and accepted my tongue as we slowly worked through our progression. Sis is small and I could have held her for hours, but five minutes was enough for simmering sex to come to full boil. I didn't have as much mess for her as I would have before the shower, but it still felt great with each of the contractions of my shaft inside Sis.

Staring into her eyes, "I'm all done. You've taken all I have to give," and surrendered to Sis's critical gaze.

"If that's all there is, I guess it'll just have to do." If I hadn't seen her face, I might have been hurt. Her face told a different story.

Sis handed me one of our washcloths, "Here, I need you to clean up your mess." She stood with her feet wider than her shoulders and bounced up and down a couple of times as if to shake whatever was hanging on lose. "There. Now do it. When you're done, we'll go get something to eat before you go to Carol's."

I ran the soapy cloth over Sis's pussy. It'd probably be creating some fresh mess, but the bad mess would be washed away. Sis purred as I washed. After a thorough wash, I used my bare hand to help rinse lingering suds from between her legs.

"Umm, you're going to need another shave. My pecker probably got a rash from those little bristles."

"Sorry, but it's got me itching too! I'll let you take care of that tomorrow. Will you survive until then? Gonna be a busy day tomorrow. We'll need to buy a few groceries so Mom won't have to shop first thing, do some laundry, and see if there's time for some last minute fun." Sis was right. Things were coming to an end soon, too soon for me.

Wanting privacy on our next to last night, we went to Trophy's Steakhouse. Dad had taken the family there before and they had good burgers. It was also far enough away that we didn't expect to see anyone we knew.

Sis was worried about us maybe making a mistake when Mom and Dad got back. She said it might be a careless touch, or kiss, or holding hands. Any number of small things that we did naturally and easily could trip us up.

She suggested that I get in touch with Bobby and Billy. Maybe have them over or better still, get out of the house. If we weren't in the same house, it should be pretty safe.

At Trophy's, we sat close in the booth, tête-à-tête as Sis had called it. To make her last point, Sis slid her hand up the inside of my thigh giving me squeeze as she stopped just short of my junk. She glanced at me and gave me an alluring smile. Sis could practically ooze sex with just a look. I didn't know whether it was just her or all girls. At the moment, there was only one girl, and she was sitting right beside me.

Things tightened in my shorts as space was filled. I inhaled a deep breath as she stared at me. She knew exactly what she was doing to me.

She gave me sympathetic smile, "I don't think we want Mom or Dad to see this," and her hand finished a short path to my erection which she squeezed tenderly and looked at me knowingly. "Are you going to get one of those every time you brush against me, or I touch you at the breakfast table?"

I started to answer. What I wanted to say was, 'No. I'll be fine', but I knew it was worse than the cases Sis had thrown out. I knew I was pathetic. I could get a hard on just watching Sis smile. What would it be like when I was in full withdrawal? After pondering these thoughts, "I may have to stay at Bobby or Billy's until you go back to UA."

Sis leaned to me and pulled me down and we touched heads. She had a smile that said she felt sorry for me, "You'll be ok. It'll probably be rough for you for a few days until you get used to doing without. Worst case, with the guilt trip you laid on Carol, she probably couldn't refuse. The oral you gave her won't hurt either. I have a feeling you'll be fine. Now if I just knew what I was going to do."

"You'll have a problem too?" I had an idea how I would do. I pictured a drug addict trying to go cold turkey. It had never occurred to me that Sis might have an issue. She had said girls and boys were a lot alike.

"You're brothers an idiot. He never even thought about you." It felt better saying he rather than I. A little less guilt accrued.

'Don't worry about your sister. She's had dry spells before. If I really get desperate, I'll make you buy me toy."

"Come again?" I wasn't sure how a doll or something was going to help.

As I lifted my coke to my lips for a sip, Sis got up on her knees in the booth which placed her lips next to my ear and whispered, "A vibrator dummy. You know, or a dildo." Coke spewed everywhere.

Witnessing the mishap from a distance, our waitress magically appeared, "Are you ok? Here, let me wipe things up." A fresh napkin dabbed coke from my chin. She was thorough. She started to wipe the coke from my pants and thighs.

Sis glowered at her and caught her hand immediately, "I got it!"

"I was just trying to help."

Sis shot back, "Then help us with our ticket."

In what appeared to be a show, Sis dabbed at the crotch of my pants.

The erection that jumped up in my pants where Sis was poking around just emphasized how ill prepared I was to deal with females, Sis in particular. Was I really ready to go meet Carol and a friend?

"That's going to stain. We need to get you home and out of those." This brought back a memory of something Carol had said about Sis marking me. She did seem possessive. The question was why?

On the way home, "What was that all about Sis?"

"What? You mean that thing with our waitress? She was coming on to you. Which would be ok, except that you're out with me. It's territorial. You don't mess with a girl's boy, particularly not right in front of them."

"I'm not sure why you're getting so worked up. She wasn't going to get anywhere. Like you said. I'm with you."

By the time we got home, I just had time to change pants, say goodbye to Sis and make it to Carol's on time.

Sis's hugged me, "Be careful. I don't want you hurt again and both of these girls could be trouble."

"I'll be fine Sis," but I gave her a hug and spoke into ear, "It's nice to have someone who cares."

"I'm your older sister. It's my job." Sis waved from the door as I backed out of the drive.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
The bad thing about this story

- is that its category and not so relevant title may put off lots of men from reading this well written story that would otherwise have taught them much about love, women, respect and sex - things that they should need to know to create a happier life for themselves and and for their spouce/GF.

Compared to all the wham bam stories and bad porn in general that regrettably convey a fairly distorted impression of what sex and relationships are - this

series has been a real treat to read ( - looking away from, then, that for the great many people the incestious relation between brother and sister should probably be the most distorted aspect ...).

I wish that you could be able to also have this story spread around in a version that would not at the outset be so offensive to most readers, e.g. "How my step sister made me a good lover", "When Katie [my boyish whole life neighbour girl ] revealed the mystery of woman to me".

You are writing well, depicting real people with emotions and creating lots of erotic excitement. Write more, please!

dbrainsdbrainsalmost 9 years agoAuthor
hey, this needs an ending

i'm choosing to interpret your comment as i need to have a good ending as opposed to how long can you drag this out. if its the latter, ok. i do have what will probably be two, maybe three chapters, to finish where i had originally planned.

i have seen a few comments to the effect that i can get a bit wordy. actually it was blah blah blah blah and i can't refute the guys comments. i've tried to say the same with less, but it's going to take some practice. my shortened versions seem to end up at about the same word count. if you (or any other readers) want something less blah blah, i have seen a few authors that seem to be able to wrap it up in many fewer words. you can see how my word count might creep up.

hope you enjoy. i may try a story or two purposefully written to be shorter. if so, i will let you know in the opening.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
THIS NEEDS AN ENDING! Or a well drawn out story...

This has been a great story to read! I want to keep reading like any other novel or book, but I know it takes time to write everything...

Anyways, I hope this all ends well with some memories!

Keep up the good work!

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 9 years ago
One of the BEST!

The playfulness, the passion, the sensuality between these two is well written. One of my all time favorites!!! Looking forward to more of this series!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I think Katy has fallen in love with her brother Tyler. Hopefully he realizes that fact and leaves the other 2 girls and runs home to Katy forever

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