I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 10


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At 830PM I received a text from Carol: 'bring $40'

My reply: 'why? where are we going?'

Carol: 'can't tell you. just bring it. cu at 930'

Sis had been watching as I texted with Carol, "Something wrong?" She didn't seem concerned if something was wrong. Maybe she was even hopeful.

"Carol! She's almost as big a pain in the ass as you."

"Hmmph. Good for her!" and she gave me a grin that said I deserved it. She didn't like being kept in the dark. I couldn't say I blamed her, but I couldn't take a chance on her bailing out.

I checked my wallet for $40. It was there and all I needed to do was wait for 930 to come. I spent then next hour remoting in to a few of my customers' systems to see if anything needed attention. There were a few routine things that would need some work, but could wait a day or two. That was good since all I could really think about was Sis and whether or not it would go as hoped.

At 930 I was looking through the slats of the blind waiting for Carol's small car to appear on the driveway. The car that arrived was irritating; the Anderson's large black Mercedes. So who was in it? Surely not just Carol. It left me debating what to do. Go? Don't go? I really didn't have a choice.

From downstairs I heard Mom, "Tyler. Carol and her father are here."

Sis joined me. As we came down steps, "Now can you tell me what's going on?" She didn't plan on being held off any longer.

"Probably," as we stepped out the door to find Carol and another girl getting out of the car.

"Tyler, this is my big sister. Becky," Carol proudly announced. I'd never met her, but I saw the recognition and hesitation on Sis's face.

Becky stepped to Sis and wrapped her up in a hug, "It's really good to see you Kathy. I've missed you." After a few seconds of Becky's embrace, Sis returned it. At least that was positive.

"Carol, what's going on? This isn't what we agreed on?" as I tried to figure out whether she'd been lying to me and just wanted to set this up, or how her father fit in.

Carol launched into an explanation before I had a chance to speculate any further, "You know I'm grounded. I thought I could sneak out, but he caught me using my cell phone and the only way I could do this was to get him to agree. He's a lawyer so I told him you needed legal counsel. Give him the $40. That's 10 for each of us."

Her father objected, "I'm not sure I want to take his money. Lawyer client relationships are for real legal issues. Not for you and your friends to play with. I think you better explain yourself young lady, unless you want to be grounded until graduation."

"Oh, don't be a legal prick Daddy. Besides, Tyler really may need a lawyer... and a parent tonight. So just trust me and take his money. That will make all four of us your clients. We need to be at Fashion Center by 955, so take his money and let's all get in the car. Tyler will explain once we're underway."

She herded the four of us into the car placing Sis and I in the back seat along side Becky. "I'll ride shotgun!"

Mr. Anderson glanced at his daughter as the car backed out of our driveway, "You know a contract or agreement is unenforceable it if was made under false pretenses or duress. Don't you? And don't try pull that Daddy crap on me. I know your games."

Carol shifted in her seat until she could see all the occupants in the back seat, "Tyler. Tell him why we're doing this."

I glanced at Sis who was as in the dark as Becky and her father, "I... I can't. I promised."

Carol gave me a glare that said she didn't want to be refused, "Look, he took your money. That means he's bound by lawyer client privileges. He can be disbarred if he reveals what you say, and I'll disown him! Do you want to help Katherine or not?"

I was in a corner with only one way forward. I looked at Sis who was just beginning to suspect a small part of what was happening. She was sitting in a car with three people who weren't much more than strangers and realizing that I was getting ready to reveal a secret she had guarded and suffered with for six years. She was shaking her head mouthing the word 'no,' with a look of terror on her face.

I made up my mind, "Please don't hate me Sis," and I began at the beginning, "When Sis was a freshman in high school, she dated a college freshman, and he raped her."

Sis looked at me, her betrayer, "You promised." With tears flowing she was hauled in by Becky, as I sketched out what I had planned for tonight. It didn't take long as it wasn't much of a plan, more of a hope.

Understanding came to Mr. Anderson. Now he understood why she wanted him to be a lawyer and why she hadn't wanted Tyler to do this alone. He glanced at me in his rearview mirror, "Tyler. You... aren't armed are you?"

Carol was shocked, "Daddy," but she did raise up in her seat and looked at me as if I might have a gun concealed on me.

"No sir. I'm hoping he will want to help. If not, I don't know what I'll do."

Mr. Anderson looked at his daughter Carol, "I can see now why you wanted me along," and he switched his gaze to Sis, "Katherine, I'll need more information if we're going to bring this guy to justice. We can discuss that later and fortunately there is not statute of limitations on statutory rape. We'll go after him, but I have to warn you, it's been a long time and may turn out to be your word against his, so the courts may not be able to help. Still, he'll be very uncomfortable with the legal heat we can bring."

I could hear Becky speaking softly to Sis, "I'm so sorry. I should have been there for you, but I never knew what happened. I am so, so sorry," as she stroked Sis's hair and clutched her to her chest. All three girls were crying.

I was dying to know where we were going, "Carol, so where is he?"

"His name is Robert Stafford and he manages the Gap at Fashion Center. I just told him I was looking for a job. He tried to get me to do an online app, so I told him Katherine Perry sent me. He sounded like he wet himself when he heard her name." She looked smug.

Then we were at the mall and Carol guided her Dad to a parking spot near the best entrance, "I'm never going to shop at the Gap again," Carol said to no one in particular.

We arrived at the Gap about 10 minutes early and found benches for the girls while Mr. Anderson and I paced. It must have been time for the legal counsel I'd paid for, "Look. I know how I'd feel if it was Carol we were talking about. This may not go well so I'm going to be nearby to make sure you don't... loose it. I'd rather that he be the only person here who needs legal counsel tomorrow."

It was then that I noticed a young woman holding the hand of a small girl standing near the entrance of a shop across from the Gap staring at us. When I noticed her, she started walking our way.

When she reached us, "I'm Teri Stafford. I guess you're Katherine's family?" as she looked at Sis still being consoled by Becky and Carol. "How's she doing?" She looked depressed.

"I'm her brother and this is our lawyer," which I emphasized, "And the other two girls are his daughters."

From down closer to the floor, "Why's she crying Mommy?" And she tugged away from her mom's grip and raced to Sis, "It'll be ok. Really."

Sis smiled weakly, "Who are you?"

"That's my Mommy and we're waiting on Daddy. He owns that store," while pointing at the Gap.

Looking at the little girl, Sis shuddered, "I... I can't do this."

We followed Teri as she retrieved her little girl, "Roberta! Don't bother the lady."

Teri addressed Sis, "He's needed this for a long time. We almost didn't get married when he told me about you."

I think we were all surprised that he had told her years ago and not after Carol's phone call.

Mr. Anderson leaned close and whispered, "That's a plus."

Teri continued, "I know you probably want to hurt him," and she looked down at her daughter, "but she needs him and so do I. He's... he's got an ulcer over this. Can't we work something out? I don't want her father to go to jail."

Mr. Anderson leaned in, "You need to keep your sister strong. I can see how she's looking at that little girl. This case could evaporate before it ever gets started."

I could see the truth in what he was saying. Even Carol and Becky seemed to be softening but I wasn't, "He should have thought of that before he did... what he did. He needs to make things right with my sister."

As this was happening the security gate to the Gap was being lowered. The man who lowered it was taller than me, but looked out of shape and unhappy. He walked over to Teri and picked up his daughter who happily wrapped her arms around his neck. "Teri, can you take Robbi down to the food court? I'll meet you as soon as I can."

Teri refused to go and Sis suggested that the three of us walk a few yards down the mall out of earshot. Mr. Anderson protested, but Sis insisted.

"Katherine, is this your husband?" and he stuck his hand out as if to shake and saw that I wasn't in the mood, and half suppressed a nervous laugh, "I've dreaded this for the past 5 years."

Sis responded, "No. He's my brother and for your information, it's been six years. Not five. Six years I've been dealing with this. I can't even date!"

I put an arm around Sis, "Are you ok Sis?"

"You fought me off. Made me stop. I thought, hoped that you were ok. I don't know how I'm going to tell my daughter. I promised Teri I would. I don't want to go to jail. Can we work something out?"

His suggestion made me angry. He wanted to work something out, "How? Do you plan on buying forgiveness?"

"No. I know that won't help, but maybe if you," and he looked at me, "You probably want to hurt me. I don't know. I could come back tomorrow without Robbi and Teri... and you could... get even. I know I deserve it."

His hand had dropped revealing a necklace and between thumb and forefinger he was rubbing a cross. Sis was fixated on his hand, "That's a crucifix isn't it? You're Catholic?" He nodded. "Have you confessed?"

"No. I was too ashamed."

Sis stared into his eyes, "Then I want two things. One, confess your mortal sin, and two, keep your promise to your daughter," and she looked at him with disdain, "The world is full of assholes and she needs protection."

He looked beaten, "Thank you. I'll do both. She means everything to me."

Anticlimactic, but soon it was all over. It didn't seem like enough, but I couldn't help grabbing his arm and making one last comment, "I'm not as forgiving as she is. I'm still for filing charges. Maybe putting a few more assholes like you in jail would make it safer for girls like Sis... or your daughter," and I looked at the little girl who had watched everything.

Sis pulled my hand from his arm, "Tyler, its ok. Take me home. Please?"

We stood outside the mall and discussed what had been said.

Mr. Anderson noted, "Katherine, it doesn't look like you want him in jail. He deserves it. Are you sure? I'd be happy to go after him... Pro Bono."

Carol looked at her father, "Daddy doesn't do much Pro Bono. He must like your case."

"I'm a Corporate Lawyer. It's mostly contract stuff. Nothing as important as this." Carol hugged her father proudly. Becky nodded approvingly.

On the way to the car I had to satisfy my curiosity, "We don't even get to church but two or three times a year except weddings and funerals. How did you know he was Catholic?"

"Cami, one of my roommates is Catholic. She wears a crucifix too and she explained it to me. If it was just jewelry, he wouldn't have been rubbing it. If you think he got off too easy, didn't you see him? That confession is going to be painful. And his little girl. I couldn't take her father away. I'll introduce you to Cami sometime. You'll like her."

Impressed, Mr. Anderson commented, "That was very observant of you. Not many people would have noticed that."

On the drive home, Mr. Anderson said, "One last thing to do. I need to tell your parents."

Carol cut him off, "Daddy! You can't. You're their lawyer."

Mr. Anderson gave his daughter a sharp look, "You played me! This was your game plan all along!"

"Doesn't matter. You're still their lawyer. You can't tell Mom either. Not a word."

Unhappy but trapped, "Ok. But they still need to know," and he looked at Sis who was resting her head against my chest.

Sis raised her head, "We can't tell Mom or Dad," and she deadpanned, "Dad would kill him." Mr. Anderson stared at her a few seconds. Maybe he was thinking of his daughter but it was clear he understood why not telling Mom and Dad made sense.

I looked at Mr. Anderson, "He might. I thought about it," which brought concerned stares from Carol and her family. "Well, I did."

Sis looked up at me, "I'm glad you didn't," and she paused to take in my face and I took in hers, "but thank you."

Sis laid her head back down against my chest with my arm holding her, "I'll tell them... someday."

Thirty minutes later we were talking to Mom and Dad. Both were reading in bed waiting for us and Dad asked, "So what did you guys do? Everything ok?"

I jumped in ahead of Sis. Normally she was the one with the quick answers or lies if you like, "Mr. Anderson brought Carol's older sister Becky to see Sis. They used to be good friends. We had cokes and talked. She seems nice."

Mom looked as if she were sifting through memories, "Becky. I remember her."

Sis looked at me with a half-smile, "She's nice. I'd lost touch with her. I'll give her a call later."

On the way upstairs to our rooms, "That was good thinking with Mom and Dad," and she slid up against me and I automatically wrapped my arms around her. "Thank you. You're the best brother... or husband ever."

An hour later, I woke in the dark to find Sis standing by my bedside in her sleep t-shirt and panties. She leaned down and kissed me, "Mom and Dad are asleep. You are the best. You don't know how important tonight was to me. I have only felt in control once," and she gave me a lopsided smile, "actually twice, in the past six year," and her hands made their way up under the t-shirt and slid the panties down to the floor, "No noise."

There was something different about Sis tonight. I wasn't sure what it was, but she seemed, for lack of better words, peaceful or content. It was still her, but she was different. Maybe it was just what she said. She seemed better. I liked it. I was stiff instantly. I wouldn't need to jerk off tonight.

I started to rise to get into a missionary position, but Sis placed a hand on my chest and pulled the sheet back and set about freeing me. She sat beside me admiring me in the pale moon light that was filtering in to my room. She stroked me several times and then leaned over me and took me into her mouth. I didn't think I would ever feel this again. It was heavenly. She bobbed up and down on me slowly several times before I stopped her, "I need something else."

Silently Sis raised a leg up and over me and then mounted me. Her hand reached down between us and she moved me to her opening which was wet and ready and gave way to the tip as she slid it back and forth over and between her lips. She lowered her body and slid down on me just past the head, smiling all the while, then raised up and repeated. It was the sweetest smile I'd ever seen. A low grunt of satisfaction escaped from both of us as she then dropped until her butt was resting on my crotch, and she had taken in all of me. She then began a slow raising and lower of her body. Our breathing became erratic as the excitement overtook us and we tried to silence our breathing as if it would be heard downstairs in the opposite corner of the house. We both wanted this but had not lost our senses, at least not completely. My hands were caressing her thighs and I could feel the fine toned muscles of her legs tense each time she lifted herself.

Sis's chest heaved and her breathing came in small gasps as she reached her peak. I knew she would climax any time now. I struggled to delay the inevitable hoping to go with her. It was too much for me and suddenly I had an uncontrollable urge to thrust as the first stream of semen shot forward. I saw Sis's mouth open in an audible 'oooohhhh.' I needed one more thing for this to be perfect and I pulled Sis down to my chest and held her to me as I rolled over and she was underneath me. Then I pumped her for all I was worth until the last tiny contraction of my cock had ebbed away and then I thrust as tight against her as I could and held it. I could feel the muscles inside Sis's hot wet little pussy attempting to milk a few more drops from me.

Sis lay still under me with her eyes closed as we waited for our hearts to settle back down. I could feel Sis's heartne beating against my rib cage. I exhaled and inhaled deeply and deliberately for a couple of minutes to settle myself.

Sis pulled me down to her for one last kiss, "Ok, I need to get some sleep," and then was back to a familiar Sis, "Now, do you suppose you could not wake me jerking off. I haven't been able to sleep since Mom and Dad came home listening to you over hear." I assumed she was joking, not angry that is, but I guess she had heard me. If there'd been a light on she would have seen me blushing. I'm sure she was satisfied that she had 'gotten' me.

She pushed me off, placed her panties over her crotch, and kneeled down positioning her mouth near my ear, "I love you Baby Brother," and walked out of my room. I watched her pretty little ass in the dim moon light as she exited the room. I was so excited that it was two hours before I calmed enough to even think about sleep.

Late the next morning I woke hungry, stiff, and happy, looking forward to seeing Sis and the new day. She was waiting on me outside my door.

"About last night, it was a mistake. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you. It won't happen again." The happy satisfied girl I'd seen last night was gone. Apparently replaced by one regretting what we'd done last night.

"It didn't feel like a mistake to me," and recalling the excitement I'd felt last night, my voice raised from the almost whisper Sis had started with. I wanted her to know I was not unhappy about anything that happened, "It was wonderful."

A jolt of panic crossed both our faces as Mom's voice came up the stairs to interrupt us, "What was wonderful dear?" A couple of seconds later she was standing beside us, laundry basket in hand full of the items Sis had washed before Mom and Dad returned and not gotten back to.

Sis recovered first, "Oh, Baby Brother was just telling me about sex with Carol," shrugging as she looked over at me, "It's TMI."

"Listen to your Sister dear. It really is TMI. I guess I'm glad you enjoyed it, but none of us need to hear about it, at least not in the hallway where anyone could overhear you."

"Ok Mom," and I gave her a hug, "Can I still get breakfast?"

"Anything you want fix dear. Eggs and bacon are in the fridge. Our cook (that was Mom) went off the clock at 8."

A few minutes later I was fumbling around in the kitchen opening a 3rd door looking for a skillet when Sis spoke up, "Let me do it. You're so helpless." A bit of an insult, but if she was going to cook, I wasn't going to argue. It was easy to let Sis take care of me.

I settled in behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. It wasn't entirely innocent of me, but it was casual enough that Mom or Dad would not attach any significance to it. Touching had become something I looked forward to. I'm not a mind reader, but the little tremble that I felt from Sis told me she liked it too. Maybe so, but she wasn't having any of it as her shoulder shrank away from my hand as she whispered a plea, "Please. Don't... do that. I can't."

I know when she's serious and removed my hand as she turned to face me. I could see her nipples, which had been nothing more than the tiniest of dimples in her t-shirt, now stood up noticeably.