I Had to Pay for The Hotel Pt. 04

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I let my girlfriend cuckold me and then regretted it.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 12/25/2023
Created 12/22/2023
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And that was the routine for several weeks. I would get sex once or twice a week, always cumming on her and having to lick it off. Then getting her a hotel room and delivering both her and her child to where they needed to go. Then reversing that routine the next day.

I was over the humiliation at this point. It was just routine. The encouraging hugs from her mom. The snide remarks from the hotel staff and Ben's remarks when I saw him.

Rebecca's attention was mainly on her phone texting or talking to Ben.

My girlfriend Rebecca, Bec for short, had lived a tame life. She got pregnant as a senior in highschool and married him. He was only out for his pleasure so before we met the extent of her sex life was three minutes in missionary or a quick blowjob to get him off. When we met and started dating, I introduced her to lots of things like porn, toys, positions, oral sex that gave her amazing orgasms and she couldn't get enough.

That's when things started to change. She got stopped for speeding and the cop, Ben asked her out. She came home and we had amazing sex talking about the possibilities. Once thing led to another and I actually was talked into getting a hotel room for the two of them. I even dropped her son off at her mom's house who knew exactly what was going on and then picking her up the next morning. This started a routine of him fucking her every Wednesday at a hotel I paid for.

So after a month and a half of having another man fuck my girlfriend each week, with me delivering her and even paying for the room he was fucking her in. I thought my humiliation was complete, I then realized my life was just starting down this road.

My final humiliation was just starting.

One afternoon I was heading back to work from lunch and wasn't paying attention to my speed. That's when cop pulled me over. He came to the window, took my license and went back to his car.

But looking in the mirror I noticed that he was talking on his cell phone and laughing.

He came back and handed me my license.

"No ticket today sir. Ben said he would take of it since you let your girlfriend take care of him."

I was shocked and didn't know what to say. That's when he leaned in and said. "I've seen her photos, if she ever needs a different date, just let me know and I'll be glad to help."

With that he laughed and walked off. I just sat there stunned. Does everyone know what's going on? How many people know? What pictures was he talking about?

I ended up stumbling through the rest of work and then headed home. I told her what happened and she just brushed it off.

"That's just boys being boys. I'm sure he was just bragging. But isn't that sexy that he thought I was sexy enough for him. Do you know what his name is?"

"What? that's your take away. Boys will be boys and what photos was he talking about?" I was beyond torn up inside.

"Nothing major. I just send Ben some photos of me in lingerie to show him what he will be getting that week. It's flattering to know he thinks I'm hot enough to brag."

"Well this has to stop. I can't afford to pay for these hotels and I'm ready to move past this." This was it, I was taking a stand.

"Oh so you get to say when I stop? Is that it? You are the man now? Where was this man the last few weeks when I was getting fucked over and over in a room you paid for? Where was this man when Ben and the lady at the counter made remarks to you?

I was stunned. Was she really putting this on me? Was she really making me at fault for this?

"Well, Ben and I talked and we actually didn't like having to go to a hotel each week so I was planning to tell you we would be saving you money this week. He is coming here after our date. He's even saving you gas money and picking me up for the date." So the only thing you'll be out for this week is sleeping on the couch and taking my son to my mom's house."

"What? Not in our apartment. I won't allow it!"

"Allow it? You don't allow anything. I pay for this apartment and over the last year you have stayed over so now you think it is your house? If you don't like it, you can go somewhere else."

"What? I thought we were getting closer. I thought you wanted me here. I thought you loved me?"

She closed the space between us and took my head in her hands. "Honey I do love you. And yes we are getting closer and I want you here. This is just sex. It isn't love. What we have is real. Besides, you are the one that encouraged this. I thought you enjoyed it to. Please understand. This doesn't change anything between us. If anything I want you closer while I do this. It turns me on knowing you are right outside the door listening."

The more she talked, the more my heart melted. I did love her and it did turn me on. We have been doing it for a month and a half so one more time won't hurt will it?

After a few hours I finally caved and agreed.

So that Wednesday I took a half a day off at work. I ended up taking Bec's son to her mom's house while she got ready. Her mom asked me in and sat me down.

"Steve, I know this is hard, but this is something Rebecca needs." She held my hands in her hands. "Rebecca has become very sexual and needs this release. But she still needs and loves you." She used her hand to move my face to meet eye to eye with her. "Why don't you give her this one thing. Then it will be over and you two can start your life together. She will have a history and memories like you do from your past and then it will be over."

It started to make sense to me, as strange as it sounds. But I went ahead and did it, even though I had my reservations.

I got home and Bec was just finished getting ready. The green dress was new and a little smaller than I'd ever seen. Lots of cleavage was on display and a split in the side came almost up to her hip. The back dropped down to show no bra and her cute little dimples. However, when she turned there was a small heart peaking out of her dress, almost on her ass.

She caught me looking and stopped. "Do you like it? Ben loves tattoos so I got it this past weekend for a surprise." She pulled her dress a little to show it. It was a small heart with a B in it.

" I don't understand. Why did you get that and why haven't I seen it?" It was then I realized that all week she had closed the door to take a shower or change. Now it made sense, she was denying me a look at her body and saving it for him.

"It's just a little tattoo. I thought it was cute."

"But why did you get a B in it?"

"That's for Bec, what you call me." She started to tear up. "I thought you would appreciate it because it is your pet name for me."

I was hit with both horror and and stupidity. Had she really gotten it just for me because of my pet name? Was it just a coincidence that it was also his name? So many emotions but also I was ashamed I had accused her.

"I'm so sorry. I was stupid, please forgive me." Now I was the one begging her. My standing in jeans and a t-shirt while she was dressed amazingly and getting ready to go on a date that would end up back here with them fucking. How did this turn?

"It's okay, I'm sorry I got upset. It's all right." She took my face in her hands again. "Are we good? I love you and couldn't imagine myself without you."

I put my hands over hers. "We are good. You go enjoy yourself and I'll be here when you get back. I love you"

She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you honey. I'll text you when we are on the way back. I'm gonna fix my makeup. Could you get the door when Ben arrives?"

I just nodded yes.

While I waited for Ben I just sat on the couch with a flurry of emotions. Then I heard Bec call me into the bedroom.

I slowly got up and walked in. She was standing there with a box in her hand.

"I know that you jerk off while I'm gone, but I really want you to wait. I think it would be hotter, so would you wear this for me?"

She handed me the box and I slowly took it and opened it. It was a cock cage. A Plastic pink cock cage. I didn't understand and just looked between it and her.

"Come on, it will be hot. This way you can't jerk off and will be hot and excited for me when we get back."

My brain was going nuts while she took control. She just slowly unbuckled my jeans and slid them down with my boxers. Then she quickly slid the cage on before my brain told my dick to get hard. I just stood there numb until I heard the click of the lock.

When I looked down she was putting the key on a chain and slowly slid it over her head. It sat snuggly in her cleavage for everyone to see. I was hurt but my cock was pushing against it's cage trying to get out but to no avail.

Just then I heard the door bell.

"Steve can you please pull your pants up and get the door to let Ben in? I don't want him to have to wait in the cold."

I just nodded and pulled my pants up. I was on autopilot as I went to the door.

When I opened it, Ben just walked right by me patting me on the shoulder. "What's up Stevie boy? How are you doing? I heard you were a bad boy and was speeding."

He grinned as he sat on the couch with a smirk. "But don't worry, I took care of it. What are friends for?"

I just stood there by the door and whispered "Thank you."

Just then the bedroom door opened and Bec walked out, my Bec. Ben wasted no time getting up and strolling to her and kissed her. She returned his kiss and their hands were all over each other. I felt my cock pressing against it's cage and felt lust like never before.

"Is he wearing it?" Ben said the Bec as if I wasn't in the room.

"Yes, he has it on now." She was still rubbing his back and pressing into his side with her breast while she looked my way.

"Let me see." Is all he said.

I don't know what came over me but I just complied. I unbuckled my pants and pulled them and my boxers down enough to show my shiny pink cock cage. Ben just smiled and nodded.

"Let's go" he said with authority and with a hand on the small of her back guided her to the door. As he passed me he tapped on my shoulder. "Good boy, see you soon."

As they passed me at the door Bec stopped. "I'll text when we are on the way back. While we are gone can you clean up the house and change the sheets on the bed? Oh, and go to the store and grab some Coronas. That's the beer Ben likes. Ben just smiled as I nodded.

As she got into his car while he held the door open I looked pass her to the neighbor across the parking lot. The lady took a double take knowing Rebecca was my girlfriend. Why was another man putting her in a car while I watched. As they backed out and drove away she just frowned at me and shook her head while she went back inside. It's like I had a neon sign saying CUCK on my forehead.

The whole time they were gone was a blur. I vacuumed the apartment, did the dishes, dusted and changed the sheets. I even put out a new candle in the bedroom.

I busied myself going to the store to get his beer. While I was there I saw a dozen roses and picked them up for Bec. I got home and put the beer in the fridge, and the flowers in a vase. Satisfied that everything was perfect I sat down. Then my phone blinged. It was a text from Bec.






I just sat looking at that text. I was crushed and humiliated. This was our bar that we played trivia night at. Where we celebrated milestones and birthdays. How could she be so cruel. But the funny thing is that the whole time I was questioning it, my cock pressed against it's plastic cage.

30 minutes passed and then another text.


My hands were shaking. Now that Phil and Pete saw them I knew everyone would know. All my friends would know that another man was fucking my Bec.

Then another text came.


I couldn't believe it she wanted me to park in visiting? Our apartment complex had two spots in front of each apartment for that apartment residences. there was another lot at the bottom of the hill for visitors. First he took my spot in our bed and now he is taking my parking spot. I was upset but found myself moving my car as fast as I could.

I made it back to the apartment when they pulled in. The door burst open to laughter and them holding each other. I had to shut the front door because they were too busy kissing and making out walking toward the bedroom. And just like that, the bedroom door slammed and there was silence. Until there wasn't.

It started as giggling and a whispered voice and then went to moans and finally to the unmistakable sound of our headboard hitting the wall. It was a rapid pace but went on forever. The BAM BAM BAM was broken occassionally by a wail of an orgasm from Bec. Then her narration started.

"Oh fuck Ben! Yes!"

"Fuck me harder! Yes Ben!"

This went on for about 15 minutes until there was a knock at the door. I went to the bedroom and tried to say "Keep it down" but I don't think they heard me. Then the knock on the door again.

I opened it to our neighbor next door. He is a single guy who moved in a few months ago and is really nice.

"Hey man, can you keep it down please." He said trying to be polite.

Just then Bec went to screaming again. "OH FUCK ME BEN! OH YES I'M CUMMING!"

His eyes got huge as he realized I was not the one making her scream. He tried to apologize and started to walk off. When he heard her scream again, he turned back and said "Tell Rebecca I said Hi." and then started laughing as he went back inside.

I was totally humiliated but my cock kept pressing against my cage.

After about 45 minutes I heard Ben grunt and they stopped. I guess it was over. At least I hoped.

About 15 minutes of silence and then I heard Bec call for me.

"Hey Steve, can you bring us some beers?"

I didnt' know what to do, but part of me really wanted to see what was going on behind that door. As I pushed the door open, the room smelled of sex. The covers were mostly on the floor and they were laying naked intertwined. I walked to her side trying to not be a total perv but I couldn't help but see his massive cock laying on his thigh. It was bigger around and longer than mine is hard but was flacid. I handed her the beers and she handed one to Ben who hardly acknowledged me.

"Thanks Babe. He Ben made a little mess. Mind cleaning it up?" and with that she opened her legs to show the creampie leaking out.

I didn't know what came over me, I just slowly started to go down towards her pussy when she brought her leg up to stop me. "Strip first, it's awkward with you fully dressed."

I just sighed and took off my t-shirt and jeans. When I pulled my boxers down I was totally naked except for my pink cock cage.

"That's better, okay, you're up" she said as she spread her legs wide.

I don't know why I did it. I was running on lust or maybe I wanted to show Ben I could make her orgasm to. In the end I licked her for probably 20 minutes and cleaned her completely out. At the end I focused on her clit and was award with her having a loud orgasm. I was proud of myself and looked up to see Ben playing with her tits and kissing her neck.

"Hey Steve, could you do me another favor? I really want to fuck Steve again. Could you like my juices off his cock and get him ready for me?"

Before I could even give a response he had gotten on his knees and presented me with his flacid cock. I didn't even fight it. I was too far defeated. I just slowly took it in my mouth and started licking the head. Then as it stirred I started licking the slides to get all of their juices off.

"You missed some on my balls" he said looking down at me. I just resigned myself and licked his balls clean.

"Good boy" he said and Bec............ my Bec laughed. I took his cock in my mouth as it was coming to life and he started gently thrusting in and out of my mouth. He growned a little and I heard a gasp from Bec.

I glanced over to see her drinking her beer but she had sat up and was watching as Ben slowly face fucked me.

"I can't believe he did that." She said with a laugh. then she sat her beer down on the night stand and gently pushed me away with her foot.

"I got it from here but I'll let you know when we need you again." She giggled as Ben took a position between her legs and as I was collecting my clothes and walking to the door I saw him pistoning away inside her as she moaned.

"Close the door on your way out" is all Ben said to me. So I did.

That's how the night and next morning went. They would have wild sex fucking in all kinds of positions, have me clean her pussy and they would sleep together while I stayed on the couch. Then I would be called to get his cock ready for his next assault on my girlfriend's pussy.

In the morning they took a shower together but not before I was told to get on my knees and suck him hard so they could fuck one last time in the shower.

After he left, Bec called me in and had me stand beside the bed. Because I was a good boy she unlocked me and sucked my cock hard and spit on it enough to give me lubrication so I could jack off on her tits. Once I exploded on her and recovered, she had me lick it off. She then locked me back up and asked me to go get her son while she took a nap.

I would love to tell you things got better but they didn't. I lost respect of most everyone in the apartment complex as word got around.

Ben ended up coming over and staying at least a couple of nights a week with my duties being taking her son to her mom's house and being their oral slave. My only pleasure was a self jack off onto her after their nightly trists. I generally always parked in the visitor parking to make sure that Ben had total access to my parking spot and my girlfriend's pussy whenever he wanted.

After about a month of this I really had gotten into a funk. That was when one day I got home from work to find my things boxed up. Ben and Rebecca stood next took each other holding hands as she told me he was moving in and I was moving out. She left him long enough to hand me the key to my cock cage but went back to his side immediately. Almost not wanting to be around me.

I had nowhere to go on short notice so ended up at my parents house. That was a hard explanation when Ben helped put my boxes in my parent's garage.

I went to our bar occasionally. My friends still said hi over the next few weeks but it was weird and there was always snickering and laughing from both the guys and girls when I turned my back.

A few months after I moved out I stopped by the bar after work on my birthday to have a drink. As I entered there was all of my friends with Rebecca and Ben. She looked so happy and was attached to him by the hip. I froze by the door.

She noticed me, our eyes locked and she winked at me. Then reached up and gave Ben a long lustful kiss. a few others saw me and started to turn away embarrassed.

I felt nothing, just numb. I turned around, walked to my car and went to my parent's house.

After all there was no one to blame but me............I paid for the hotel room.

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gatsby07gatsby0721 days ago

Nobody, nobody, is that fucking stupid

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

GREAT story!

HusbandXHusbandX4 months ago

First, let me say that I enjoyed the story. Like a campy horror flick where the viewer keeps yelling "don't go in the basement," we know what's coming but we cant' look away, and the awkwardness and discomfort makes for technicolor characters that are are true to their trope. I enjoyed the read, except that the grammar, punctuation, and other technicalities took me out of the story with nearly every sentence, and broke the rhythm. Frequent jumping from past tense to present and back, sometimes in the same sentence or paragraph, is disjointed. Perhaps a thousand commas are missing, and not infrequent spelling errors make it hard to suspend disbelief, as one must to when reading fiction. It would be far stronger if those were fixed. The story is an arc, which a story should be, with flawed characters, changes and development in the characters, and increasing jeopardy to the protagonist. It's what keeps someone reading, and I liked that. I won't comment on whether this character should have done something, or that character should have said something. In real life, we don't get to choose what the players say or do; neither can we do that in fiction. We're observers, and the story is there to evoke thought, emotion, or provoke. The story does that. I copied it to word and edited it as I read, just to go back and make it an easier read, which vastly improved the experience, and I enjoyed it. Keep it coming.

toshiro75toshiro754 months ago

Really good ending. I guess it is your only true stories here.

domehard19domehard194 months ago

Loved this series. I for one would do anything for my wife just to see her happy including dropping to my knees and sucking some guy off so he could fuck her and if she decides to leave me down the road then so be it, like I said I just want her to be happy.

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