I Have a 50-50 Chance Ch. 02

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I cheated on my husband, and I got caught, now what?
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/09/2023
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I cheated on my husband, and I got caught, now what?

I would like to thank everyone for their comments, both positive and negative. I would also like to thank those of you that reached out to me and encouraged me to write Chapter 2 and especially those of you that offered to edit my stories. That was a surprise.

Unfortunately, the few that I chose didn't respond or were busy and didn't have the time to edit my story. So please overlook spelling or grammatical errors.

Before you read Chapter 2, I would encourage you to read I have a 50 50 chance https://www.literotica.com/s/i-have-a-50-50-chance I don't want anyone to be lost or confused.

Chapter 2

Saturday was a beautiful sunny spring day; we had just finished celebrating Sara and Becky's 1st birthday. My family and friends say that Sara and Becky look just like me, blond hair, and green eyes. My mom and dad flew up for the girls' birthday and they will be spending the next two weeks with us. It was nice to see them again. The last time they were here was during the trial.

My mom and dad brought pictures of me at one year old and had to show everyone to prove that the girls looked just like me. I thought my mom understood the issue was not whether I was the girl's true mother it was if Tommy or Larry was the true father. Either way I love my mom. My mom also had to tell stories. "Lisa was a perfect daughter and would go right to sleep while Karen was always so fussy. She would cry so much that Ronald had to wear earplugs so that he could sleep at night." Ronald, that's my dad, mom calls him Ronald, everyone else calls him Ron or Ronnie.

It had been a long day for the girls, so me and mom put Sara and Becky down for the night. Mom and I sat up and talked for a while and had some coffee and cake while dad was helping to put together the girl's dollhouse. Mom wants to make sure I was doing ok taking care of two girls on my own. When mom when off to bed it was around 10:00. I went in to take another look at the girls. They were so peaceful and had no idea what my life had been like over the past two years. But looking at my girls, I'm happy and no long wish that things would have turned out differently.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Is you husband on his way?" I didn't want to be here all alone. I just wanted someone to sit with me. My husband, who may or may not be the father of my babies does not want to have anything to do with me until he finds out if he is their father. And since I was not supposed to have my babies for another two weeks, my sister and her husband didn't reschedule their vacation to Jamaica and my parents who live in Florida were not flying in until next week. My sister-in-law, who I called and tried to talk to, is 24. I couldn't understand a word she was saying. I assume she was out at a bar, and she sounded like she was already half in the bag.

I had to call an ambulance to take me to the hospital. So, here I'm all alone.

Nurse Dotti, who is now a close friend, stayed right by my side holding my hand and encouraging me to stick with it, "give it all you got honey, it'll be worth it in the end and then you can sleep", The end of the 12 hours of labor that couldn't come soon enough.

Once the babies were born, I was so exhausted, I just wanted to sleep. Dotti took my cell phone and asked me who I wanted to tell that the babies were born. I thought about it and decided to tell my mom and dad, my sister Lisa and her husband, and my sister-in-law Tina. They were the ones that have been there for me the past nine months. So that's what Dotti did.

"This is Nurse Dottie, and I am proud to tell you that Karen is doing fine and so are her two beautiful daughters Sara and Becky. She's very tired and you would be too if you were in labor for 12 hours; so please hold your calls until tomorrow."

She attached a picture of me lying in bed holding the girls. And then I fell into a deep sleep.

I stayed in the hospital for 3 days before I was released to take care of the girls all on my own. My sister Lisa and her husband Jerry weren't do back from vacation in Jamaica for another week. Lisa wanted to come back early but I told her to enjoy her vacation with Jerry. Their children were with Jerry's parents while they were away. Those two kids are a handful, so Lisa and Jerry needed some alone time. My mom and dad changed their flight, but they couldn't get here until next weekend.

So, my new friend Dotti insisted that she would help me until my mom and dad arrived. I was a little skeptical, but Dotti insisted, and I really needed someone to help me. Tommy would have nothing to do with me until he saw the results of the DNA test. So, I accepted Dotti's offer.

That's how Dotti, her husband Robby and their daughter Tonya, Mandie and Sheri and I became such close friends. Tonya was a God sent. She is a sophomore and goes to the local college and lives at home. Tonya stayed with me at my sister's house until my mom and dad arrived. Once I moved into my own apartment, Tonya was always there for me whenever I needed help or if I just needed a night out. She loved to watch the girls.

Dotti's two older daughters Mandie and Sheri are both married and live locally. And then there's Roger, Dotti's younger brother. He's a physical therapist. Tonya is in school to be a Physician's Assistant and works part time for Roger. That is when she's not in school or helping me. They have all become a second family to me and they were all here today to celebrate Sara and Becky's first birthday.

Until you have kids of your own kids, you don't realize how difficult it is, especially when you have twins. I'm not complaining, I wouldn't change it for the world.

I still wasn't back with Tommy "yet." At least he was talking to me. Well, he only came to see the girls. He was still pushing for the DNA test. But to be honest, I didn't care who the father was any longer, it wasn't going to change the outcome. Larry made it perfectly clear that he did not want anything to do with Sara or Becky even if they were his children.

Since the girls looked like me and no one would ever know who the girls' father was, I was hoping that Tommy would just take me back and accept the girls. But he wouldn't without the DNA test. So, I bought a three-bedroom Town House with a small backyard. It had and it had enough room to have people over.

Tommy would come to visit occasionally, but he didn't want to get too attached to the girls. It felt more like a friend stopping by to say high. I still didn't know if he would even take me back even if the girls were his. Right now, the girls last name is Downey, that's my maiden name.

Since I still had plenty of money from my WDB Severance Agreement or rather my hush money, I didn't need to worry about a job for a while. Technically, I still had mine and Tommy's savings, which half of was mine, if I needed it. But I didn't want to touch it. If I moved the money into a separate checking account, I would feel like I was giving up. I still missed Tommy and I knew I wanted us to try and move on.

To Johnathan's word, the FBI left me along for three months while they gathered their information to indicted Larry Wilson, Brian Donnelly, and Keith Brown of WDB and Associates, my former employer. I, thank God, was not indited. I did receive a subpoenaed however, as a witness for the US Government. I never talked to the Prosecutor, since Johnathan told them I wouldn't speak to them unless they arrested me. So, I just had to appear and testify. What a fiasco that turned into.


"I want Order in my court. One more outburst and I will hold you in contempt, Mr. Campbell."

Johnathan was relentless and objected to everything the Prosecutor, US Attorney Williams had to say. Also, somehow Johnathan convinced Larry Wilson, Brian Donnelly, and Keith to let him represent them as their attorney.

"Your honor, please don't belittle me. I have a law degree from Harvard, and I have proven myself in a court of law many times. I have also stood before you many times and argued cases against the District Attorney. So please show me the respect that I deserve."

"Ok Mr. Campbell, what are you objecting to know."

"Mr. Williams is leading his client. Mrs. Campbell already said that the severance pay was for her years of service, it was not a bribe as the prosecutor is leading Mrs. Campbell to admit too."

"Mr. Williams, can you rephase your question?"

"Thank you, your honor. Mrs. Campbell, will you please tell the court why WDB allowed you to receive your remaining salary for the year plus bonus and two more years salary plus bonus. Also, WDB and Associates provided your health insurance coverage until I found a new job."

"I object."

"To what know Mr. Campbell?"

"Now the prosecutor thinks Mrs. Campbell is a mind reader."

"Mr. Williams please rephase the question."

"Mrs. Campbell, will you please tell the court why "you think" WDB allowed you to receive your remaining salary for the year plus bonus and two more years salary plus bonus. Also, WDB and Associates provided your health insurance coverage until I find a new job."

I looked at the judge for directions. I didn't know what to say; I didn't want to lie. I promised Larry I would not discuss our having sex and further I wouldn't tell his wife. Larry's wife was sitting right behind him. I had signed an agreement. So, I looked at the judge and said it was "Severance Pay," which was not exactly true, but the document Larry had me sign did say Severance Agreement at the top of it. So, I guess I wasn't lying.

Mr. Williams started to take a nasty tone with me and now I started to cry.

Mr. Williams said, "we would like to treat this Mrs. Campbell as a hostile witness."

"Mr. Williams" the judge said, "she is your witness. How can she be a hostile witness? Didn't you talk to her and prepare her testimony?"

"Your honor, Johnathan Campbell is Mrs. Campbell's brother-in-law. We tried to talk to Mrs. Campbell, but she would not answer our questions. She would not say a word until she saw her attorney. Mr. Campbell appeared on behalf of Mrs. Campbell."

Therefore, since she would not speak to us when we gave her the opportunity, SHE WILL SPEAK TO US NOW. I would also like to add that Mr. Campbell tried to make a deal with the US Attorney to keep Mrs. Campbell out of prison in return for her testimony. We denied his request.

If we find evidence of Mrs. Campbell's involvement, she will be indicted along with Larry Wilson, Brian Donnelly, and Keith Brown - WDB and Associates."

I was so nervous; I was crying, and I told the judge that I was pregnant and was do very soon at the time. Johnathan asked them to wait until after the babies before they questioned me. I never heard from them again until I received a subpoena. I asked the judge if I could have a glass of water and if it would be ok if I took my medication, Fluoxetine, for my depression and "ANXIETY" which I needed badly at this point. The judge said I couldn't take any medication without the court hearing from my doctor that it was a necessity, and my health would be at risk if not taken. All I got was a glass of water.

The judge then asked Mrs. Williams to continue. Now that I was a hostile witness, guess now it was ok for him to yell at me and scare me.

"Thank you, your honor. Mrs. Campbell, you "claim" that the money you received was severance pay. However, according to WDB and Associates Company Policy, a terminated employee only receives six months' severance pay and Cobra for healthcare. Also, a former employe's retirement must be rolled over into another qualified plan within three months of termination or the funds are considered a wage and taxed accordingly. Your honor we have looked through WDB and Associates records and there has never been any former employee given a severance package outside of the company normal policy. So, Mrs. Campbell, I ask again was this a payment for your agreeing to sit here and blatantly lie to the court, and remember you are under oath?"

"I object."

"I knew you would Mr. Campbell, proceed. "

"Mrs. Campbell has already answered Mr. Williams' question. She said it was her severance package; how many more times is Mr. Williams going to be permitted to ask the witness the same question? Does the prosecutor want us to call it a, I don't know, dismissal pay, farewell package or maybe a bye bye gift?"

"Mr. Campbell, I think that's enough. Mr. Williams, do you have any further questions for Mrs. Campbell or are we still going to discuss the severance package all afternoon."

"Your honor we believe that Mrs. Campbell was given this money as a bribe to cover for WDB and Associates' illegal actions, drugs, prostitution, and extortion. We believe Mrs. Campbell may be involved as well. Mrs. Campbell's involvement is still left to be seen as the trial proceeds.

At this point I told the judge that I have no idea what Mr. Williams is talking about. And I told him I was asked to be a witness and I felt like I was on trial.

Your honor, Mrs. Campbell is clearly in contempt and the court should take action."

I did not like Mr. Williams at all.

"I object."

Johnathan was like my knight in shining armor. But I knew he had an alternative motive.

"Yes Mr. Campbell."

"Mr. Williams is badgering the witness and forcing her to change her testimony with his scary tactics. She has answered the question and we should just move on.

"Mr. Campbell, I'm inclined to agree with Mr. Williams. He does have merit to his argument; the payment that Mrs. Campbell received is not consistent with the company policy. I would like to dive into this further before I make my decision. But I will say that right now I am leaning toward allowing the case to go to trial. Mrs. Campbell, you do understand that if you are lying, you may end up go to jail until you decide to answer the question."

"But your honor," I whispered, "I can't discuss this Severance Agreement in public."

"What are you talking about?"

I need to talk to my lawyer before I answer any more questions.

"Who is your lawyer?"

"Johnathan Campbell."

"This is the most confusing hearing I have ever held. Mr. Campbell cannot be your attorney. It is a conflict of interest since you are a witness for the Prosecutor."

"Your honor, Mr. Campbell is my attorney. He is also representing me as we are suing the FBI."

"What, Mr. Campbell you cannot sue the Federal Bureau of Investigation for bringing someone in for questioning."

Then Johnathan stepped in "well, it's a little more complicated than that your honor: incarceration, forced dehydration and disallowment of urination. But that has no bearing on today's hearing."

"You're right it doesn't Mr. Campbell. And is disallowment even a word?"

"Mr. Campbell, can you enlighten us on the Agreement that Mrs. Campbell is referring to and why she can't discuss it?"

I'm sorry your honor, but the "Agreement" was signed before Mrs. Campbell retained me as her attorney. Therefore, I suggest we take a break so I can confer with my client.

Then Mr. William's jumped in incredibly angry "YOUR HONOR THIS IS REDICULAS. They are toying with us instead of answering our questions."

"Mrs. Campbell"

"Yes, your honor."

"Can you tell us anything about this contract? Because I understand that you are not a lawyer, but I can assure you that there is no contract that will prohibit you from providing testimony in a federal court hearing."

"I understand your honor, but I would feel much more comfortable if I could speak to Johnathan."

"Mr. Campbell, do you have any further questions for Mrs. Campbell besides the Severance payment."

"Yes, we would like to question her regarding her involvement with the "so called" golf outings that she organized through TeeTime."

I turned to the judge and said "your honor I'm very confused. I call TeeTime with the name of attendees, date, and time they will arrive and depart. TeeTime made all the arrangements. The hotel accommodation, dinners, they contact the local golf courses and set the tee times. Oh, and I authorized payment based on the invoice issued."

"Mr. Williams, what more questions do you have for Mrs. Campbell?"

"Yes, I do your honor. Mrs. Campbell, there is no business called TeeTime. There has never been a tax return filed under the name TeeTime. Can you explain this to me?"

"I abject"

"Ah Mr. Campbell. If you hadn't objected, I would have had the bailiff, check on you to see if you were ok. Tell us your objection, please."

"Your honor, I don't know where to start with this one. How does Mr. Williams think Mrs. Campbell would know why TeeTime has not filed a tax return, is Mrs. Campbell their bookkeeper, accountant, or lawyer? Or your honor, how would Mrs. Campbell know if TeeTime forgot to answer that question "are you ready to file your Federal Tax Return" button when TurboTax Online asked the question."

"Mr. Campbell, enough. I am not going to tolerate either of you any longer. If this continues, you will be sharing a cell together for a few nights."

"Your honor"

"Yes Mrs. Campbell"

"I will give Mr. Williams Chloe Lin's number if he doesn't already have it."

"Mr. Williams, I'm almost afraid to ask this question, but have you spoken with Mrs. Lin?"

"No, your honor we have not."

"Why not?"

"Your honor we don't think TeeTime is a legitimate company. We believe it is an escort service. The only documents that CDW has from TeeTime are invoices going back as far as 8 years. The invoice has a PO Box as an address and wire transfer details."

"Mr. Williams, did you ask Mrs. Campbell if she had the number for TeeTime since she seems to be the only one with any involvement with TeeTime?"

"No, your honor, Mrs. Campbell would not answer our questions."

"Your honor"

"Yes Mr. Campbell."

"I informed the FBI agents that if they had any questions for Mrs. Campbell, they should ask them through me. I was never contacted by the FBI agents or the US Attorney's office again."

"Thank you for that clarification, Mr. Williams."

"Mr. Williams, do you have another witness besides Mrs. Campbell?"

"Yes, your honor, we have Mr. Ryan, who is the CFO of Ryan and Brown Publishing. Mr. Ryan has attended the WDB and Associates golf outings for the past 8 years. He will testify to the activities that took place at these events."

"Your honor if I may."

"Go ahead Mr. Campbell."

"Your honor it is our understanding, and Mrs. Campbell can attest to this as well, that there are 11 other clients that attend the gold outing along with the owners of WDB and Associates. All the attendees are respected businessmen and well respected in their communities. Each one of them has equivocally denied all of Mr. Ryan's claims."

"Mr. Williams is this correct."

"Yes, your honor, but why would they admit to anything? They would lose their position at their companies they work for, potentially face divorce, and humiliation in their communities."

After a while I started to find this trial interesting. I didn't know if WDB was guilty of anything or not. But as much as I don't like Mr. Williams, he did bring up some good points. Except for him thinking I was involved and knew more than I was telling the judge.

"Mr. Williams, now that Mrs. Campbell is offering to give you the number for Mrs. Lin, do you think you can have someone track her down and see if the business is a legitimate business? I understand that this could lead to additional information, but we must continue this hearing and you can present your findings later this week."