I Just Didn't Want To Hear It


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"That's probably why you got rid of your old bike that had the big passenger seat and got this new one with only one seat. That way you can pick up other women bikers."

"Sandy, I got rid of the other bike because you never wanted to go with me. I asked you a hundred times and you turned me down flat, with the exception of two times."

"Steve, it's not fun, I don't enjoy it. So, now because I won't go you're trying to replace me with some biker slut?"

"Cindy is not a slut."

"How do you know? What kind of woman would kiss another woman's husband? She's a slut in my book." It was only getting worse every time I opened my mouth.

"Look, come with me this Saturday. If you don't want to sit on the small seat I have, I'll find another guy who has a vacant back seat you can ride with. Come, we'll have a good time and then I'll take you out for breakfast."

"So in other words, you want me to come, but you're going to pawn me off on one of your buddies so you and Cindy can ride off on your own bikes? But as a favor, you'll take me out to breakfast afterwards. I think not. If I'm not on the back of your bike you're not going."

"Suit yourself, but you're not going to be happy," and she wasn't.

Even with a monoshock, it was a rough ride at best. Sandy complained the entire time and said I hit every bump I could find. At breakfast she announced to everyone that today was the last time she'd ever be on the back of someone's motorcycle again. Let's just say, Sandy wasn't a big hit. I did introduce her to Cindy so she could see that I wasn't hiding anyone behind her back. She was pleasant but did give her more than a once over. They were basically the same height, Cindy was more endowed if you know what I mean, and no one could miss Sandy's red flowing hair while Cindy had shorter blonde hair. In a fair fight I'm not sure who would win, but at least it didn't look like it was going to come to that.

We did a slow ride back to our house after breakfast. I made sure it was on the smoothest roads and gave her my jacket to sit on to take up some of the road bumps.

"Well, that was an experience I won't soon forget," she said getting off the back of the bike. "I'll probably need a chiropractor to get my spine back in place."

"Babes, remember this was your idea. You could have been a lot more comfortable on the back of a dozen or so bikes but you were too stubborn to listen." Why I hadn't learned to keep my big mouth shut I'll never know. She wasn't in the greatest of moods and I was adding to it.

"Well at least that's the last ride we'll have to deal with for a while."

"Sandy, I've got that fundraiser in two weeks. It's a hundred mile run over to the coast and I plan on going."

"Steve, read my lips, you're not going without me and I'm not getting on the back of your bike, so deal with it."

This became a real tension with us after that Saturday ride. Neither one of us were giving an inch and things were getting kind of ugly as Saturday approached.

"You figure it out?" she asked in a snotty tone.


"Well, I'm waiting."

"You're driving your car and meeting us over there," I told her.

"Why don't we both go in my car, that way we'll be together?"

"Sandy you still don't get it yet do you? I love to ride my damn bike. It makes me feel fantastic, free and like a bit of a rebel. I've tried to get you interested enough to join me for years with out any luck. So, if you don't want to join me that's your loss, but I'm going with or without you Saturday." I was going to count down to the explosion but I didn't have a chance to even get to one.

"We'll see about that," was all she said before turning her back on me and leaving the room.

There was a nip in the air in our bedroom that night. There was no goodnight kiss and if she'd moved over any further she'd been lying on the floor. This was something I wasn't going to give in on.

Friday night I noticed the difference as soon as I walked through the door. Dinner was almost done and she'd all ready opened a Corona for me. Dinner will be ready shortly she said giving me a kiss walking back to the stove.

"This is more like it," I thought to myself as I took my first sip looking at today's mail sitting on the counter.

Dinner was great and Sandy was more lovey dovie than she'd been in weeks. "Looks like I'm getting lucky tonight."

I took a quick shower and was waiting in bed for her. She came out in something real sexy and slid in next to me kissing me soft at first before driving her tongue half way down my throat. I was already getting hard feeling her breasts through the almost transparent silk nightgown. I was breathing hard as I kissed and then licked her neck.

"I could use that tongue action somewhere else," she whispered in my ear running her own tongue across my ear before kissing me again.

I pushed her back on the bed and slipped the satin pink thong off her as I positioned myself between her legs.

"Relax hon, we've got all night and all day tomorrow to make love."

My tongue got soft, among other things, and I got mad because I hated to be played.

"You got it babes," I said working on her clit as she moved under me. "Let me get you off good right now and tomorrow night, when I get back, we can start this all over again." I said slipping a finger in her pussy.

It didn't take more than a few seconds to figure out she'd been found out.

"Honey I don't want you to go tomorrow," she said reaching up to pull me to her. "Wouldn't you rather be doing this than riding that stupid motorcycle?"

"I want to do both." That when the mood changed.

"Steve, you either stay her with me and get my warmth or you can get all the warmth you want off your damn bike engine, it's your choice."

"I think I'll take my bike in that case. It at least doesn't play games with me or try to trick me into doing something out of spite," I said sitting up and climbing out of bed.

"Steven Moore, you go tomorrow and it'll be a cold day in hell before see or touch this body again." I didn't respond to her. I just put on my shorts, tee shirt and started to walk out of our bedroom.

"Steve, do you hear me? I'm not kidding?" were the last words I heard.

Saturday morning was beautiful. The dealership had coffee and donuts waiting for us and we all mounted up and were off by eight o'clock. I'd slept on the living room couch and hadn't gotten a lot of sleep. The ride gave time to figure out my next move when it came to Sandy.

"Where's the wife this morning?" Cindy asked.

"Sulking at home. She told me not to go today and if I did there would be consequences."

"That doesn't sound good. Maybe she'll have a change of heart, this is really something stupid to argue about." And she was right. "She doesn't still think we're fooling around does she?"

"Cindy, I don't know what she's thinking. This is something I love to do and I won't give it up just because she doesn't like to do it. There are a lot of things she does with her friends without me. If I told her to give up her dance classes, there'd be hell to pay; what's the difference?"

"Steve, sometimes when it comes to women it doesn't have to make sense; it is what it is. I can't say who's right in this case because I'm with you when it comes to riding. After an hour all the stress of the week is gone and I'm feeling relaxed and exhilarated both at the same time; I love it. Don't worry, she'll be there to welcome you home with open arms among other things unless she's a total idiot." I hoped she was right.

I got home just before one o'clock in the afternoon to an empty house. There was no note and her cell went directly to voicemail. By four o'clock I was getting concerned and by six I was starting to get a little pissed as I left her another voice message.

I had dinner alone and it was after ten o'clock before she finally got home.

"Where in the hell have you been? Didn't you get my messages?"

"Yeah, so?" was her flip reply.

I guess it was her way of getting some measure of payback for my ride today, but I wasn't going to play her game.

"Well, I'm going to bed; I'll see you in the morning," I said climbing the stairs not even looking back at her.

Sandy came in just after eleven o'clock. She did her thing in the bathroom as I lay there pretending to be asleep. I'd hoped she'd come over and cuddle but I guess that wasn't going to happen as she clung to her side of the bed. So our tit for tat started.

Instead of staying home and not talking to one another I went on a ride every Saturday. Most of the times Sandy was still gone when I got home and two nights a week she was going somewhere after work and wasn't coming home until after eight. I didn't have a clue what she was doing and figured she was still playing her stupid games.

"Sandy, don't you think this has gone on long enough?"

"Steve, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play cute with me. I want this crap to end between us."

"Oh, you mean where you picked that damn hunk of metal over me? Is that what you're talking about?"

"You know I didn't do that. Ok, if you want to play games, I'll stop going on my weekend rides if you stop going to dance anymore. I think that's an equal trade don't you?"

"It's not the same thing."

"The hell it isn't. You love to dance and I love to ride; you tell me what the difference is?"

We didn't talk the rest of the night, but I think I made my point; well I hope I had because this was getting old.

Saturday I sat drinking a cup of coffee at the breakfast bar. I watched her walk into the kitchen and look up at the clock.

"Well?" I asked.

"Go on your damn ride," she said turning around and walking back upstairs.

"Getting any better at home?" Cindy asked.

"Not much but at least I think she finally saw my point."

"So you're back together?"

"I didn't say that, I just said I think she saw my point." We both laughed.

"Not home again, where the hell was she," I said to myself for the umpteenth time as I came home to a dark empty house. There still was no love making but at least she was talking to me, not at me now a days.

Sandy rushed in at 6:30 and apologized for being late. "We lost track of time," was all she said.

"Where are you going all the time and with who?"

"Shopping if your interested and with someone from work. You're not home anyway so why do you care?"

"Sandy, I'm always home before one o'clock but you're staying out all day; what gives?"

"Wouldn't you love to know?" she said taunting me.

After one more week of this shit I'd had enough. I was trying to be nice but Sandy wasn't telling me jack shit and don't get me started on our love life.

"Steve, you going on the ride Saturday?" Cindy called to ask Thursday.

"Not this week. Some thing is going on with my wife and I'm going to find out what it is."

"You don't think she's cheating on you do you?"

"At this point I don't know what to think, but I'm going to find out."

I faked leaving and switching vehicles with a buddy of mine I waited down the block for her to leave. About ten o'clock she came out dressed in jeans, boots and a jean jacket. I followed her about fifteen miles until she pulled into a driveway. I stopped and watched her get out and go up to the door. A big burly guy answered the door, smiled and she walked in.

"Who in the fuck is that?" I waited an hour before leaving, but not before writing down the address. It didn't look good. I went home and went through our computer, looking for who knows what, and finally went through all her drawers. Like I said, I didn't have a clue what I was looking for, but didn't all husbands who thought their wives were cheating on them do it?

Sandy came home about five and gave me the look like she didn't expect that I'd be home.

"Where were you?"

"I went out shopping with a friend of mine from work." A lie and I knew it.

"You want to talk about anything?" I asked.

"Not really, unless you have something to get off your chest," she said in a cocky tone of voice.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," was my flip reply waiting for some reaction, there was none.

"Nope, I've got nothing to say."

"Cindy, she's fucking cheating on me and even taunting me about it now," I said pissed as hell.

"Steve, you don't know that for sure."

"Hell I don't. I've followed her twice times to that asshole's house. But this Saturday I'm going to confront the two of them. Then I'm going to go home and toss all her clothes on the front lawn and start the sprinklers. If the asshole wasn't so damn big I'd kick his ass too."

"Steve, don't go off half cocked, talk to her for Christ's sakes. Tell her you're concerned about your marriage and the way she's been acting. Maybe you're wrong and it'll jolt her back into reality."

"I'll try, but you didn't see how happy she looked when that asshole answered the door."

I did what Cindy suggested Friday night. Over dinner she asked if I was going on that run Saturday morning. When I told her I'd planned on it she smiled. The bitch smiled. I was so fucking angry I wanted to strangle her.

"Sandy, we need to get closer again. There's still a lot friction between us and I need it gone. After dinner, why don't we have a little alone time like we use to?" And much to my surprise that's exactly what we did and she took the lead for the first time in years.

She led me up to our bed and within minutes we were both naked exploring each other on the bed. If this was going to be our last time together I was going to make sure she fully understood what she'd lost.

Sandy put more into it then I'd seen in months. She teased me with her tongue, bit my nipples and slapped my ass. When she flipped over and rested her pussy on my chin and said that she was going to ride my tongue, I wondered who the hell this was. After I'd gotten her off, she did a one eighty and started riding reverse cowgirl.

"The bitch is showing me some new tricks she probably learned from her new lover," I thought as I decided to take charge.

I pounded her every way but loose. I fucked her so hard I was hurting. This wasn't love making more so two people trying to fuck each other to death. I didn't give an inch and neither did she. We kept it up most of the night until I gave out. We fell asleep lying in a pool of sweat and other bodily fluids and would have stayed there for a couple more hours if it weren't for that damn alarm.

"You better get going, you're going to be late for your ride," she said with a smile on her face. That brought me back to reality. How can a bitch do what she did last night and go off and fuck someone else behind my back, but it all ends today.

I didn't say much to her as I got up, showered and got dressed.

"Have fun," she said coming up to me and kissing me.

"Bitch," is all I could think about.

I gave her an hour to leave and go over to her lover's house. I didn't have to follow her because I knew where she was going. I stopped off had breakfast because I figured I wouldn't be hungry later. A final cup of coffee and I was out of there.

I pulled into the driveway and her car wasn't there. I figured she was running late so I just sat there on my bike almost taunting the guy to come out.

"Fuck this shit." I went up to his door and banged on it hard three or four times, nothing. Four more times I slammed my fist against that door; nothing. "Oh shit," I thought. Maybe they're doing it in our house." I jumped back on my bike and set a new record getting home. The driveway was empty.

The house was quiet and I was pissed.

"Were in the fuck are they?" Looking at my watch it was going on ten.

"Where the hell were you?" Sandy came barging through the front door. "You weren't at the run this morning Steve and you'd better have a good explanation why not."

"Where the hell have you been Sandy? Did you check into a fucking motel this time? Or is he sharing you with his fucking buddies?"

"Steve, what the hell are you talking about?" I was just about to get into it with her when asshole peaked his head in the door.

"Sandy, I'm heading out. I left you the manual and paperwork you need to file. Have a nice weekend."

"Thanks for all your help Kenny, I owe you big time," she said running over to him and giving him a big kiss on the cheek. Shutting the door she started in on me. "Steve, I'm waiting, where the hell were you?"

"Sandy, who the hell was that, and where the hell have you been?" I shouted at her.

"I was at the run and when you and Cindy didn't show up, I figured you'd be here or at her place," she spit back at me.

"Sandy, what are you talking about? And why were you at the run? And who is Kenny?" I said peppering her with questions.

"If you'd shown up you'd know."

"Sandy, can you give me at least one straight answer?"

"Come with me," she said walking out the front door. "That's why I was at the run."

"Holly shit," was all I could get out of my mouth as my lower jaw hit the pavement.

"Kenny built it for me. It's still a little tall, but he promises to lower it another couple inches before the next run. What do you think?"

There on the driveway was a modified red Harley Soft Tail.

"It's six years old but he went through and updated everything so it runs perfect. It's a little loud but with my helmet on and on the road I don't notice it. You can't believe how many times I dropped his training bike. I was afraid you'd see all the bruises and scratches I had on my body so I wore big tee shirts to bed. After the first week my muscles hurt so badly at night I just wanted to take a hot shower and climb into bed. But I passed the road test on my first try."

"Sandy, I don't understand? How long has this been going on?"

"About two months. I got tired of arguing with you so I decided to see what it was like. After I got the hang of it, I found it was a hell of a lot more fun riding than being on that damn fender pad of yours. I was going to ask Cindy, but I figured she'd say something to you. Kenny is a mechanic at the dealer and he picked out the bike for me. I thought about a Sportster but he said after I got into it, this would be a lot better bike for me."

I was still in awe. "I thought you were having an affair with Kenny. I followed you and was at his house today to confront the both of you."

"After last night you thought I was having an affair? Are you totally brain dead?"

"Maybe I should ask you the same question; you thought I was cheating on you with Cindy."

"All right we're both a little nuts, but you can't imagine how hard it was for me to keep this secret. I wanted to tell you a million times," she said now smiling ear to ear. "Well, you want to go for a ride or not? That is, if you think you can keep up with me."

That was the best ride of my life as we road for the better part of two hours. We stopped off for an early dinner and talked bikes for the first time ever.

"I think I'm going to need a better seat. I sweat like hell on this one and I heard a gel seat forms to your ass."

"And you do have a nice ass," I said smiling holding her hand across the table. "I suppose now you're going to want a full set of new leathers, better shades and all the bells and whistles."

"Nope, I'm satisfied with what I've got and my bike isn't bad either. Why don't we go home and go back to bed; I think I'm starting to get a little tired."

I loved her idea of being tired as we road back to the house, parked the bikes and ran upstairs. Yes tired we were, but not until sometime after midnight and we'd test ridden each other at least twice.

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BSreaderBSreaderabout 2 months ago

Husband on earth

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Steve came back from the morning ride and found the house empty.

Something was missing but he couldn't see what.

It took him a bit to realise that some items were missing and that the family pictures with Sandy were gone.

He rushed to the bedroom, opened the closet and noticed Sandy's clothes were gone.

The door bell rang. He rushed to the door, opened it and an officer was the door with a man in a suit. He was asked for id and after providing it, the officer took an envelope from the man in the suit and gave it to Steve saying "You are served."

Steve was in shock. He went to the kitchen, sat at the table, opened the envelope and inside he found divorce papers citing mental cruelty, abandonment a adultery. He also found pictures of him and Cindy from their date, affidavits from Cindy's coworkers and boss saying that she presented him as his boyfriend, while he talked about her being his girlfriend.

The papers talked about how he took family money against her wishes, him abandoning her and choosing to keep riding instead of staying with her.

That day the shock of it all was astounding. It didn't get any better. He tried to fight the divorce but found no support from Sandy or his kids.

It took time but his relationship with his kids became somewhat better but never the same. Sandy got the divorce and 60% of the assets due to the proven infidelity and his actions.

Initially he enjoyed his freedom but he soon got tired of coming home to an empty house. He tried things with Cindy and other women as well but nothing really came of it.

20 years had passed and Steve is home alone. He couldn't ride his bike any more due to an accident that nearly tore off his right leg. He needed a cane to move around.

Sandy met and married someone her age that was a lot more respectful than Steve. They bought an RV and they spent their retirement travelling the states.

When at home they each had their hobbies as well as some they shared. But at the end of the day, they chose each other's company.

They meet sometimes but they share only a polite greeting.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Yeah, she should of dumped his stupid ass. She actually went out of the way for him, he used the family money no matter the consequences.

If she had done the same things he did, everything. He would of called her a faithless, selfish, cheating slut.

Double standards story.

Not a feminist but a stickler for equality. He's the cunt here.

Had the tables been reversed she would of been the cunt.

1 star.

Also fuck riders in general, i have yet to hear a bike that isn't loud as fuck, waking people up, scaring those caught unaware if they're passing by fast enough and yelling (through their bikes) at the world that they are some of the biggest assholes on earth.

Riders that choose rides that are not loud enough to ruin everybody elses day are cool, everyone else may they meet their end in a fiery accident underneath their bike and those that choose bikes because they are loud may they live long enough to see their loved ones die gruesome deaths.

Only good biker is a dead biker.

Or at the very least have someone hold their ears near a bikes exhaust and rev it up loud enough for them to become AT LEAST partially deaf and ideally with PTSD.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I went through a similar journey….started with a Honda 305 Super Hawk, a few Kawasakis up to the Suzi GS 1100 - the fastest land vehicle sold from a dealer’s showroom…until two years later when Honda came out with the V4. I gave up the speed game and ended up with a Norton 850 Commando - rubber mounted twin 30 years before Harley copied their innovation. Oh - and I picked up a used Porsche 911 turbo so I could afford both. I don’t ride/drive either in the winter but summers are a blast!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I didn’t like the old husband thinking he was a young man again and going for the motor instead of his wife. You pulled it off with the wife joining in the “hobby”. Yeah, and I have known a couple of friends killed riding their bikes by cars hitting them.

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